Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 18

by Marissa Dobson

  “I don’t know what rumors you’ve heard, sir. But I’m sure not all of them are true.” Reserved, Shadow spoke in a low tone. At least she spoke. When she first arrived, she never said a word.

  “I’ve heard you can tell everything about a person from looking into their soul—everything from their past, future, and even their destined mate. True?”

  “To a degree. I know their conscious and unconscious minds. If I have met both of them, then yes, I know who their mate is even before the mating ritual takes place. I cannot say I know everything about a person. People are surprising creatures.” She stepped into the room, nearing the bed. She closed her eyes, and her long dark hair fell forward, blocking her face from Raja’s view.

  “Doc has nothing to worry about. She is and will be fine.” She walked to the doorway and paused. “Sir, may I speak freely?”

  Raja nodded. If she didn’t feel it was important enough to risk the wrath of an Elder, she wouldn’t have asked.

  “Be up front with her. She can handle it. Subconsciously, she already knows of shifters.” With that, she left Raja alone with his thoughts.

  Is Shadow right? Can Bethany handle the truth?

  Chapter Eleven

  She woke to find a strange woman sitting by her bedside, and Raja nowhere in sight. Great, he decided to take my advice and leave. Why send this woman, unless I’m a prisoner here.

  “Morning, Bethany.”

  Wow, someone is excessively chipper. She glanced at the bedside clock—two in the afternoon. It was too late to call her parents. They would have already left for the weekend trip to their mountain cabin and would be unreachable for the next few days.

  “Raja left me with detailed instructions,” the woman continued. “I wasn’t supposed to wake you. He said you needed your rest after a rough night.”

  “He’ll be back? Who are you?”

  “I’m Tabitha. Yes, he should be back shortly. He’s meeting with my sweetie and some of the…um…employees.”

  “I don’t mean to sound rude, but why are you here?”

  “He asked me to sit with you in case you needed something. Doc says you can’t put any weight on that knee for at least forty-eight hours. With you stuck in bed, having someone here with you seemed like a good idea. Plus after being stuck with Raja all this time, I thought you could use some girl bonding.” Tabitha let out a laugh.

  Bethany might not be a prisoner, but she couldn’t get up and leave either. She lay back against the pillow with a sigh.

  “If you prefer I left—”

  “No, you’re fine. I just hate being stuck in this bed.”

  Tabitha nodded. “I bet you could talk Raja into taking you out of this room for a while when he gets back.”

  Bethany gave her a smile. Tabitha meant well, but Raja…she didn’t want to deal with him if he couldn’t be straight with her. If she was supposed to trust a stranger, he needed to be honest with her. “I doubt that. Raja and I don’t see eye to eye,” she grumbled.

  “He can be stubborn, but he’s a good man and has his reasons for his actions. Anything I can do to help you deal with him?” Tabitha leaned forward, reaching for the bedside water pitcher.

  “I doubt that.” She thought about the night before as Tabitha poured them each a drink. “I’m not in some voodoo colony or something, am I?”

  The woman let out a musical laugh. “I’m sorry. What gives you that idea?”

  “Something that happened last night. It was weird.”

  “You mean the pain left when he touched you?” She handed her the cup of water.

  “How did you know about that?” Bethany eyed Tabitha.

  “Raja was still grumbling about it when I came down here.”

  “What caused it? It was the weirdest sensation.”

  “Bethany, I would like to tell you. To explain everything to you and be able to answer all your questions—”

  “But you won’t,” Bethany interrupted.

  “Correct. Raja will be back soon, and he’ll tell you everything. It’s something you should hear from him. I can tell you this. Something similar happened to me, but I wouldn’t change the outcome for the world. Trust in Raja, and you won’t be disappointed.”

  Doubtful, Bethany tired of the run-around and leaned her head back against the soft pillow.

  A floor above, Raja fought to keep his temper from blowing. Pierce’s sister, Jessica, worked his last nerve. “Your brother killed people, do you realize that? He’ll keep killing unless you help us.” He slammed his hand on the table, making the papers jump.

  “He’s still my baby brother. I don’t want to see him killed because of what your kind did to him.” Jessica sat there in near tears, fingering the bottom button on her jacket.

  “Miss Black.” Ty sat down across from her. “Your brother isn’t killing out of revenge. He’s killing because he knows no other way. He was never taught the way to handle the beast inside him. In time, the beast took over. He’s not the man you remember. He’s suffering. The beast is making him insane. He’s rabid.”

  “He’s still my brother,” she argued.

  “I wish I could agree with you. I wish I could tell you there was hope for him. But you have to know deep in your soul there’s nothing you can do for him. With your education and training, you have to realize he’s lost.” Ty leaned forward in his chair, meeting her gaze.

  “I won’t give up on him.”

  “Miss Black, if there was anything I could do to help you save your brother…if you would’ve come to me sooner I would have done it, but that time has passed. It isn’t too late to protect the innocents.”

  “You people are not innocent. Look at what your kind did to Pierce.” She yelled, tears sliding down her cheeks.

  “The shifter who attacked Pierce was rogue. Like your brother, he let the beast take control. Once we were aware of the situation, the subject was terminated. The former leader tried to help your brother, and in return for his efforts, he and his wife were killed, leaving an innocent child an orphan.”

  Those deaths were news to her. Shock blazed in her eyes like lanterns on a dark night and she clapped a hand over her mouth. Pierce likely only told her things that would make her feel sorry for him, not anything that might turn her against him.

  “I need some time,” she relented.

  “We’ll have a guard show you to your room. All we ask is please don’t contact Pierce. We have innocent women and children here.”

  She nodded and stood.

  “Miss Black,” Raja called as she neared the door, “don’t wait too long. Pierce will attack again, and I’d hate for another innocent woman to be caught in his wrath. The next one might not be as lucky as Bethany.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “She slept the whole time?” Raja headed straight for Bethany as soon as the meeting ended and Ty followed in his wake.

  “No, she was up for a bit. She’s impatient about what happened last night. Tell her, Raja.” Tabitha’s face softened with love as she rose, almost flowing to her mate’s embrace. Before he met Bethany, Raja hadn’t realized how much he envied that connection.

  “I will, but I’m not waking her up to tell her.”

  “It doesn’t look like you have to, she’s waking anyway.” Ty clasped Raja’s shoulder, a show of support before ushering his mate out.

  “Cowards!” Raja called to them, earning a matching pair of smug smiles before they closed the door.

  “Tabitha left?” Sleep laced Bethany’s voice.

  “Yeah. You’re stuck with me now.” He handed her a glass of water.

  She took a long drink, watching him over the rim, then handed him the now empty glass in return and wiped the back of her hand against her mouth. “It could be worse.”

  “I don’t believe that was your sentiment last night.”

  “Speaking of last night—”

  “Wait a moment, Bethany. We can discuss that, but first I need you to understand what I’m about to tell you will co
me as a shock. There’s no easy way to tell you, and I’m taking an enormous risk by doing so. Hundreds will be in jeopardy if this gets out. Worse, we would become prey and likely exterminated if the government became aware of our existence.”

  “Raja, you make this sound like you’re some escaped lab experiment or something. You helped me, and whatever it is, your secret is safe with me. Please tell me what’s going on.”

  He wanted to believe her. He needed to believe. Revealing their secrets went against every ounce of his training, but he couldn’t live with lying to his potential mate. Trusting Shadow and Tabitha, he sucked in a deep breath. “I’m a shapeshifter, a tiger to be exact.”

  She raised an eyebrow, clearly suspicious. “Is that like a werewolf?”

  “Were-animals can only change according to the moon. Shifters can change at will.”

  “Prove it.” Challenging him, she was beautiful and formidable even with her injuries.

  “Now?” Raja asked, confused she wasn’t demanding he take her to the nearest airport. Shouldn’t she be freaked out about this or something?

  “Yes, now. You said the moon doesn’t control you. If it’s true, then do it. Or are you a few marbles short? Maybe you need to be placed in a padded cell.”

  “I’m not mental.” He growled at her. For the first time in days, he let his inner tiger spring free. He usually saved his shifts for his evening runs, allowing the tiger the freedom they both wanted. Letting the tiger out invigorated his soul.

  Doing as she asked, his body shifted and reshaped into the tiger form. Relief banished his discomfort and anxiety. On four legs he experienced only freedom, as though his human form were a tight pair of shoes he wanted to slip out of. Shaking out his coat, and tossing away what was left of his shredded clothes, he padded over to Bethany, nudging her hand with his nose.

  He studied her reaction, expecting to see horror and found only wonder. Her eyes lit up with excitement, instead of the panic he had imagined.

  “No way!” Bethany touched the top of his head and ran her fingers through his fur. “I always thought Dad was off his rocker. He said things like this existed, but I never believed him. He told me one day I would find out for myself.” Laughing, she used her nails to massage his head, scratching around his ears. “Guess he was right. Can you understand me when you’re like that?”

  He purred, delighted and relieved at her response.

  Raja wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that. He was perfectly content in his tiger form, with her rubbing his head. He felt almost like a big housecat as he leaned against the bed and let her pet him while she chatted on about her father’s stories. Shadow’s scent drifted up the hallway and he turned to face the door, ready to defend his mate.

  “What is it?” Bethany asked, concern filling her tone.

  Shadow stepped in.

  “I brought you a pair of scrubs. It’s all we have down here. There’s an emergency meeting in the conference room in ten minutes. Tabitha and her guards are on their way.” She set the scrubs on the chair before hurrying away.

  Raja shifted, his back to Bethany, slipping on the scrub pants before turning to face her. He eyed the shirt, knowing it wouldn’t fit, and left it on the chair. “I’m sorry. I’m sure you have a ton of questions. I promise I’ll answer them when I get back.”

  She nodded. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s nothing for you to worry about. You’re safe here.”

  “Tabitha, is she—”

  “I don’t have enough time to explain that one. Ask her.” The worried look in her eyes tugged at him. “Bethany, you’re safe here, I swear,” he repeated.

  “But am I safe without you?”

  “You’re worried the others here will attack you?”

  “No. I’m wondering if anyone else would protect me like you can.” She played with the edge of the blanket, her face flushed, refusing to meet his gaze.

  He wanted to say that no one could protect his mate as well as he could, but he’d already pushed his luck. Better to let her absorb all of this in stages. The Alpha and Lieutenant’s mates were guarded and protected against all threats. They were the Elders of the clan, but telling her this wouldn’t ease her concerns and would only leave her with more questions.

  “Tabitha is the Alpha Female. She has some of the best guards on her at all times. Nothing will happen in this room with the two of you here. When I get back there’s more we need to discuss.” Before he could talk himself out of it, he bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. The kiss didn’t send her heart racing, but it was enough to wash her fears away. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He reached for his weapons, strapping the knife to his thigh. He’d carry the gun because his shoulder holster lay shredded with his clothes. He’d have to grab his spare while he was upstairs.

  Before he could move toward the door, Tabitha entered with Adam and three other guards. Their gazes met briefly. She walked past him toward the bed, whispering so only he could hear, “There’s another video.”


  Chapter Thirteen

  Raja found Ty, Felix, Marcus, and Thomas sitting at the conference table looking shell-shocked. Connor worked on a laptop at the other end, paying no mind to anyone else. The silence hung heavily over the room. The coffee in front of everyone remained mostly untouched. Whatever was in the video had to be unspeakable. These men had seen terrible things in their lives, but now they sat before Raja looking defeated. This isn’t good.

  Sitting in the last chair, Jessica Black crunched into a ball. Her body shook violently with silent sobs as she hugged her legs tight against her body.

  “There’s another video,” Ty said quietly, coming to stand next to him.

  He nodded. “Tabitha said. That bad?”


  “Have Connor put a trace on it, and let’s get a team there. Maybe we’ll get lucky again.”

  Ty shook his head morosely. “Connor’s tracing the place it was sent from, but we know where the video was filmed, and it’s too late.”

  “Too late?” Raja didn’t want to believe it. But Ty avoided eye contact. “I need to see the video.”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  “I think it is. Ty, what aren’t you telling me?”

  “The attack was in Virginia.” Ty’s gaze fell away, as if waiting for Raja’s rage.

  “Spit it out.”

  “It’s Bethany’s family on the video.”

  His heart sank. “Are they…?”

  Ty nodded. “It’s too late.”

  “I want to see the video.”

  Rather than sit in front of the laptop, Raja wished he could bolt to the bathroom to throw up. The fact he was about to watch the murder of his mate’s family made it that much worse. They warned him it wasn’t easy to see. These men, whom he’d been in battle with, who fought to protect the compound, were shocked. Whatever he was about to watch would haunt him just as it haunted them—more so.

  “Was it sent to Tabitha again?”

  “Jessica received it this time. Someone saw her with Leo and Connor in California.”

  He couldn’t postpone it any longer. He slid the headphones over his ears and hit the play button.

  A family room came into view, the sun shining in the windows, illuminating the photographs. Bethany at graduation in her cap and gown, standing next to people he assumed were her parents. Another of her and her sister at an amusement park. The camera scrolled through the pictures lining the mantle, pausing on each of them for a brief moment.

  “Bethany’s happy family, or so it would seem. Do you think anyone ever told the girls their uncle is a raving lunatic? I doubt it, but tonight everyone will know. Tonight the family will have to face the beast their uncle created.” The words were thick with hatred, and he recognized Pierce’s voice immediately.

  The video went black, then focused on three people sitting down at the dinner table.

  “This will be th
e last meal they enjoy as a family. Tonight their life will end as mine did all those years ago. Poor Bethany will be begging for me to kill her when I find her.”

  The camera cut out again, only to come back to show the father’s throat slit and the women tied to the kitchen chairs. The forgotten food scattered across the clean kitchen floor.

  “The man wasn’t worth my time. Tonight’s about the women. They’ll suffer, begging for me to kill them before they finish serving their purpose.”

  He stopped narrating from behind the camera, fixing it to the table and going to the youngest. She couldn’t be older than seventeen. He pushed her long brown hair from her face giving the camera a good view of her. Fear radiated from the girl’s eyes as she wiggled in the chair trying to get away from him. Sniffing her neck, Pierce whispered, “How good you smell. I’m going to enjoy you.”

  The mother attempted a scream through her gag, begging for her daughter’s life. Pierce responded by grabbing a Bowie knife off the table and throwing it at her. It found its home buried deep in her chest, below her breast.

  “The fear pouring off your body smells so good. I’m going to enjoy this.” Pierce’s face contorted, and his fangs extended. He bit a chunk out of her neck. She violently fought against the ropes to get away, desperate to survive. He bent, licking his way down her arm until he was out of camera range. Coming up, he spit two of her fingers across the table.

  He pushed the chair back enough to give a full view of the girl. He ran his hands, claws replacing his fingers, across the girl’s stomach. “I’m going to gut you and bathe in your blood.”

  Tears welled in the girl’s eyes, as she looked at the camera, her gaze screaming for a mercy that would never come.

  His claws broke the girl’s skin. Blood gushed out, covering her legs before splattering against the floor. Her eyes closed, and her breath became shallow.

  “She won’t get off that easy.” He reached behind him, pulling out a bag with small white tubes in it. Cracking one open, he ran it under the girl’s nose. “Smelling salts.” He laughed.


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