Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 26

by Marissa Dobson


  “Who did you call?”

  “No one.” She dropped the phone to the comforter as if it burned her.

  He scooted up until he could rest his weight on his elbow and looked at her. “If you need to call anyone go ahead. This is a secure line, untraceable, just don’t give anyone your location.” He grabbed the phone before rolling over to place it on the nightstand.

  “I didn’t call anyone. I texted Tabitha.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, biting it.

  “Tabitha doesn’t have a cell phone. We ordered a new untraceable cell for her, but it hasn’t arrived yet. Our cells are custom-ordered to make them harder to trace. Which reminds me…I’ll have to order you one as well.”

  “Ty’s cell phone. Check if you don’t believe me.” Her voice caught until he wanted to wrap his arms around her. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, it was just that she didn’t fully understand what was happening, how crucial it was they watched their every step. If she let something slip to the wrong person, it could be disastrous not only to her but to the entire clan.

  “I believe you, love. I just worry about you, that’s why I asked you that. It isn’t that I don’t trust you.” He put his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Why did you text her?”

  “You fell asleep. I couldn’t sleep not knowing who Chris was.”

  Raja chuckled warmly. “Sorry. I was exhausted. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. Were your questions answered?”

  “Somewhat. He deceived the clan.”

  He nodded, kissing her neck. “He gave me information on Victor, Pierce’s advisor. We have a team ready to move if the information checks out. Connor’s working on it. There’s a briefing at ten you’re more than welcome to attend.”

  “The plane…” Tears filled her eyes and threatened to fall.

  “Oh, sweetie, it’s all right. I’ll be right there with you. The bodies of your family will arrive for the services today. We’ll find out what time. I’ll reschedule the briefing if I have to, I’ll be there with you.”

  A lump rose in her throat as her loss struck home again. She swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. “Uncle James will be there, and this briefing is important.” She ran her hand over his chest, playing with the soft black hair she found there.

  “I’ll be there.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Bethany.”

  “I love you too. Are you still tired?”

  “Why?” He played with a loose strand of her hair.

  “I want to feel your hands on my body. I want to feel you in me.”

  He smiled. “Come here.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Raja and Ty stood at the end of the conference table, their mates seated at their sides. Felix sat next to Tabitha and Shadow next to Bethany, clearly showing the hierarchy. Marcus, Thomas, Adam, Connor, and Styx took the remaining chairs.

  “Connor, what did you find?” Raja took a sip of his coffee, eyeing the other man.

  “It would seem the information is correct. Victor is flying out of Dulles International Airport in Virginia on Friday and has booked a hotel room close to the airport in San Francisco through the weekend.”

  “Careless for him to book in his name.” Ty watched the information scroll on the screen in front of him.

  “He’s cocky. He probably didn’t believe he would be caught, that no one would be able to track him or want to track him.” Connor hit a button, and a picture replaced the flight and hotel information. “This is his most current picture. Taken less than a year ago.”

  The man on the screen before them looked to be in his late fifties. His dark salt and pepper hair was more white than black, and gave him a weathered look. His impenetrable, soulless eyes stared elsewhere. People were a pawn in his game.

  “How can a man be so naïve at his age? He has to suspect you could be monitoring the travel arrangements of anyone associated with Pierce.” Bethany eyed the display with disgust.

  “Maybe he’s encouraging us to try to take him down.” Tabitha leaned forward in her chair, angling herself to get a better view of the man. “I know him.”

  “You know him? How?” Ty touched his mate’s shoulder.

  “He came into the restaurant I worked at in Pittsburgh. He was there the day I came home to discover Ty’s letter attached to my door. Two days before Pierce turned up at my apartment. I waited on him.”

  “Did he say anything?”

  “He mentioned he was in town to reacquaint with an old friend.” She looked at Ty with glassy tears in her eyes. “You don’t think…he meant me, do you?”

  The air seemed to pulse with Ty’s rage. Raja understood: if Ty had been late in locating Tabitha, she could’ve become one of Pierce’s victims.

  “We won’t lie to you, Tabitha.” Raja frowned. “You’re probably right. But you’re safe here. We’ll bring him down. Connor, what else do you know about him? Does he have any family? A mate? Children?”

  “No family on record. Parents are deceased. He’s a born shifter and joined forces with Pierce shortly after Pierce’s change. His beliefs are different from Pierce’s. He wants to rid the world of the lesser shifters and believes the mate, or mates in his version, are only there for breeding.”


  “According to what I have found about him, he believes we have multiple mates. Our first true mate will lead us to our other mates.”

  “Interesting. Because we have evidence that a mating cannot be completed until all mates—if there are more than one—are brought together. It’s even more interesting since he’s unmated. One would think he would put his beliefs into action.” Raja glanced at the clock on the wall. Forty minutes until the plane lands. “He’ll be there in two days. We’ll send two teams, along with other men from Jinx’s clan in West Virginia to take him down, and if possible brought alive to a secure location.”

  “Lance and Spencer are standing by to leave. Leo, if you would go pack your stuff and join them, you will be a part of the second team. Adam, we would like for you to head the team, reporting directly to Raja.” Ty rubbed his mate’s shoulder as he watched the young guard with interest.

  “Yes, sir. I’m honored. Thank you.” Adam rose to follow Leo out.

  “You earned it. Give us another few minutes of your time and then you can pack and brief the team before the plane leaves.”

  Adam nodded, returning to his seat. The door closed behind Leo.

  “Adam, it’s doubtful Pierce will be there, but if he is we’ll send more soldiers. Do your best to find out what his reason for meeting with the Russian tiger is. Confiscate whatever evidence you find in his room, anything that might assist us. Lastly, if possible, take him alive. We’ll want to interrogate him. If he has others with him, do whatever you deem necessary. Jinx’s men will be leaving late this evening and will meet you there. I’ll be available at any time, and we’ll have more men standing by.” Raja poured another cup of coffee for himself. He needed all the caffeine he could get. Their long days were going to get longer. “Unless you have any questions, you’re dismissed.”

  “Thank you. I won’t let you down.” Adam stood quickly, leaving the room in a hurry.

  “Now, the rest of you…once Victor is taken down, or he’s aware there are men on him, it could lead to an attack on the compound. I want everyone on a code red until you hear otherwise from Ty or me. There need to be two guards on Tabitha and Bethany, twenty-four seven.” He caught the dirty glares from the females, but he was glad they didn’t voice their displeasure. “When in their quarters with their mates, guards are to be outside the main door, or may be dismissed for the night but on call. Felix and Shadow will assign shifts for each mate. That will be all for now. Shadow, Styx, if you two could wait outside while Ty and our mates have a word, then we can meet the plane.”

  “Felix, if you’ll wait with them,” Ty added.

  The guards filed out of the conference room, leaving the air heavy with tension
. Raja knew it was only a matter of moments before the women let loose their annoyance over the guards. Who would be first? His bet was on Tabitha. Bethany would wait until later when they were alone and she could wrap him around her finger.

  “Round-the-clock guards? Is that really necessary?” Melancholy soured Tabitha’s voice.

  “Yes, Tabby, it is. You’re my mate, and I want you safe.” Ty had less patience for the argument than Raja did. “If something comes up and either of us is called away, we want to know our mates will be safe. If the situation calls for it, you’ll be guarded together. Four guards are better than two. I don’t want to hear any arguing from either of you. Tabitha, you have been here when there was an attack on the compound. Bethany, you know what Pierce is capable of. Don’t fight us on this, because neither of you will win.”

  Tabitha’s fiery protest was extinguished. She nodded with obvious reluctance.

  “If you believe it’s necessary,” Bethany said in a small voice. Her thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

  “I do.” Raja laid a hand over hers. “The plane will be landing shortly. We should—”

  A tense moment followed, and before she could stand, Tabitha spoke. “If you don’t mind, Ty and I would like to accompany you. Tora has arranged the memorial service for this evening.”

  “Thank you.” Tears glistened in Bethany’s eyes, and Raja could feel his mate’s gratitude. He saw the spark in her that wasn’t there before, as if she’d found a place within their close-knit group. He could also feel the tension emanating from her. It was clear she felt guilty for being happy at this difficult time. But it was okay. The way he looked at it, balance was always needed in life. For Bethany to have a balance of grieving and happy moments, well—that meant healing was in her future. She would get there soon enough, and he would be there to help her through.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The number of clan members standing at the landing strip overwhelmed Raja. At front and center were Tora and her mate Marcus.

  It looks as though all the clan members are here.

  Tears streamed down Bethany’s face and her lips trembled.

  “We wanted to be here to support you.” Tora reached out and touched Bethany’s arm.

  “Thank you, Tora.” Raja wrapped his arm around Bethany, drawing her as close to him as her crutches would allow. He glanced around the area, amazed at what his sister had managed to put together in such a short amount of time. He mentally patted himself on the back for not doing a bad job raising his big-mouthed sister.

  “Yes, thank you,” Bethany whispered in a tearful voice.

  “Your face will freeze if you keep crying.” Tora smiled sadly, and wiped Bethany’s cheeks with a tissue. “Sorry…I guess it’s the mother in me. Come on, Doc requested a chair for you. He doesn’t want you to overdo it on the knee.”

  Walking through the crowd, he realized there were only a few members not present. Only the guards on duty are missing.

  As if Tora read his mind, she spoke. “After learning of the memorial service everyone wanted to show their support. The guards on duty send their sympathies but were unable to get away.”

  “Where’s Scarlet?” Raja gave Tora’s hand a squeeze, letting her know how thankful he was for all she’d done.

  “She’s with Daniella. It’s much too cold for her to be out here.”

  Tora had gone all out; a tent waited with chairs and a bench up front. There was a table covered with thermoses of warm liquids and, if he knew his sister, at least one of them had his special, dark roasted coffee waiting for him.

  She directed them to a large bench. “Sit. I’ll get you something warm to drink.”

  Raja sat with Bethany to his left, followed by Tabitha, Ty, and Felix. Shadow and Styx sat on Bethany’s right. When she rested her head gently on Raja’s shoulder, he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Your sister is incredible,” she whispered.

  “Don’t tell her that. It will make things unbearable for Marcus. She already believes he couldn’t get along without her, not even for a day.” His lips curved into a smile.

  “I distinctly remember someone saying men need their mates. We complete them.”

  “You can’t use my own words against me,” he teased.

  Tora returned with a tray of coffees and hot chocolate for Raja, Bethany, Tabitha, Ty, and the guards. “This one’s your special blend.” She pointed to the cup closest to Raja. “Bethany, I think you might enjoy the hot chocolate. It’s unlike anything you ever tasted before.”

  “Bethany, you must try it. It’s amazing.” Tabitha grabbed one of the cups off the tray, her face glowing with pleasure.

  “Okay.” She took one of the cups, breathing in the aroma. “It smells delicious.”

  “Taste it,” Tabitha encouraged.

  She took a small sip and moaned. “Oh my!”

  “I told you. Delicious. The kitchen staff makes it with real chocolate, none of that powdered stuff.” Tabitha wrapped her hands around the mug, and sipped.

  The distant sound of a plane engine sobered the mood. Raja knew Bethany still held on to a glimmer of hope that it was all a bad dream. It would all come crashing down around them when the coffins were unloaded, and he could do nothing to ease her grief.

  Please let my love and support be enough to get her through this difficult time.

  The plane came into view and Bethany trembled.

  “I’m here, love.”

  “I’m fine.” She tried to put on a brave face, but Raja saw through it.

  Marcus and Tora took a seat on the other side of Styx, when suddenly someone laid a hand on Bethany’s shoulder, brushing against Raja’s arm in the process. Raja growled, ready to take the head off whoever touched his mate. He turned to find James.

  “Sorry, it’s been so long since I’ve been around other shifters, let alone a mated pair.” James pulled his hand away as if Raja had burned it.

  “Uncle James, I’m glad you’re here.” Bethany turned slightly to see him. “I need some time alone, but you’ll be at the service for Mom, Dad, and Jamie this evening right?”

  “I’ll be there.” He stood behind them as the plane landed.

  A man in cowboy boots and a hat stepped out of the plane and walked directly toward them.

  Raja leaned close and whispered. “That’s Jinx.”

  “Bethany, Raja, I’m Jinx, the Alpha of the West Virginia Tigers. I have brought your family home.” He bowed his head, radiating sympathy.

  “Thank you.” Tears flooded her cheeks.

  “Welcome to Alaska.” Ty stood, shaking his hand. “Thank you for bringing our clan member’s family home.”

  “I’d like to ask for assistance with the caskets. We can place them where you would like, and then Bethany can have the time she needs. There’s no need to do it out here in the cold.” Jinx spoke to Ty but his gaze, full of sympathy, was on Bethany.

  “Styx, Marcus, would you please gather the other men and help him?” Raja rubbed his hand down her arm. They nodded and rose. “We’ll show you to the area once you’ve unloaded them.”

  Ty stood. “On behalf of Bethany and Raja, I’d like to thank everyone for joining us. We appreciate the support for Bethany. We’ll have the memorial service this evening and would be pleased if you join us.”

  No one moved as the caskets were carried off. Ty, Tabitha, and Felix led the men to the ballroom. It was the only room capable of accommodating the large service, and was already decorated with flowers and a large picture of Bethany with her family in the center where the coffins would go. Bethany and Raja lead the way, with Shadow and James directly behind them and Tora took up the rear giving them privacy.

  “Oh my.” Bethany stopped as she saw the picture.

  “Jinx sent us the photo after he found it at your house. I asked Tora to have a larger one made and hung here. It seemed appropriate.”

  “It’s wonderful. Thank you, Raja.”

  Jinx came to them, carrying an urn
. “Bethany, I’m assuming Raja explained to you that due to the condition of your sister, she had to be cremated immediately.”

  Bethany nodded, running her hand over the urn.

  “If you’d place her on the small table between her parents, that will be fine.” Raja nodded toward the table in question.

  “I want to see my parents.” Bethany looked from Jinx to Raja. “Please.”

  “I don’t know if that is a good idea, love.”

  “I have to. I need to see, to know this is real.”

  “They did the best they could, but it’s still an unpleasant sight,” Jinx warned before turning to place the urn on the table.

  “I wish you wouldn’t, but if it’s what you want, then okay.” Raja wanted to wrap his arms around her, but those dang crutches were in the way. Instead he rested his hand on the small of her back.

  “I want to do it alone. Just us. No one else needs to remember my family like this. When they think of them, I want them to see the picture you hung.”

  “James?” he queried softly.

  She shook her head.

  “Okay, I’ll need a few minutes to clear the room. Why don’t you sit down while I do it?”

  Bethany couldn’t get the image of her parents in their caskets out of her mind. She sat curled on the sofa, an untouched cup of tea in her hand, staring into space. The undertaker had done the best he could, but it was clear they’d met a brutal end. Bethany shuddered, her skin crawling, tears welling in her eyes.

  “I want him to feel the same agony he put my family through.” Her voice didn’t sound like her own—clogged, heavy with sorrow. “I want him to beg for mercy, plead for his life to be spared.”

  “You’re angry now, but I promised you we’ll find Pierce. When we do, your parents and Jamie as well as Tabitha’s parents, will get the justice they deserve. He has blood on his hands, and it’s only a matter of time before we catch him. With any luck Victor could be a vital key to Pierce’s location.” Raja squatted before her, taking her chin between his fingers to make her look at him. “I need you to be strong. I’ll see he gets what’s owed to him.”


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