The Labyrinth of Passion (romantic experiences)

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The Labyrinth of Passion (romantic experiences) Page 23

by Charles Westmont

  “This is Justine. I am quite certain that she will trade some of her most charming smiles for an outstanding vegetarian diner of your creation,” he replied.

  “You are fortunate to be our sole guests tonight. Martine will take you to your rooms and I will return to my quarters to test my talents.”

  It took less than one hour before the trio was sitting in the 15th century dining room. The walls were covered with frescos and tapestry, topped with a high coffered ceiling, completing the intimate décor of another age. Justine had slipped into a black velvet strapless, assorted with a brilliant brooch strategically positioned to restrain the dress from plunging to her belly button. Jean Charles was standing to attention and turned to sit Justine, bending with deference and taking all the appropriate time to complete a safety inspection of the contents of his new patron’s revealing dress. The Divin Marquis and Etienne stood to join her on the circular middle age upholstered bench. The table covered with floor length tablecloth was prepared by Martine. Jean Charles was pouring wine into silver chalices. “Cuvée Grand Siècle from my special collection.”

  “Please pour yourselves a cup and join us for the aperitif. The champagne and your crostini’s will prevent us from collapsing from hunger,” retorted Etienne. Jean Charles would not discard such an opportunity. He pushed Etienne aside to squeeze next to Justine. With looks and words, he covered her with compliments and let his hands slip for the occasional fondling of her arm. They were with champagne a potent elixir, enhancing Justine’s complexion. The happy companions entered an animated debate. It sounded like everyone was speaking and no one was listening, but judging by the burst of chuckles, no one was suffering. “Oops! I must get back to my ovens. My potions and mixtures will complement your charms mademoiselle,” Jean Charles pushed Etienne to rush to the kitchen. They enjoyed a king’s feast of the palate well assorted with rare Saumur wines.

  “Nothing like a hot bath to pull my system back together,” the Divin Marquis stopped at the entrance of his suite. Justine left them talking and ran inside her room. She slipped through the door joining the two suites and before the Divin Marquis turned the knob, the door opened. “Welcome to your suite, Your Excellency, may I run your bath?” Etienne followed him in the room.

  “I hope these little excesses of the table will not aggravate your earlier spell. In any case, leave your door ajar. Justine will be most happy to check on you from time to time.”

  The Divin Marquis brushed aside his concern, “You should not worry, I am feeling much better, yet Justine is welcome to visit.”

  “You are getting good at running baths, my darling,” Etienne came in the door of their bathroom. She turned and took his face in her hands and applied a soft kiss preceded by her tongue, attempting to break and enter. “You better close that tap before we flood the premises,” he said, patting her on the butt. “More! More!” she cried wiggling. She stopped the water and continued her wiggling to face the long mirror. Kissing herself on the mirror sensuously, she let her strapless fall down to her hips. Two orphan strings were revealed traveling from her hips to disappear inside her rear cheeks. She pressed her body on the mirror, taken in by self-inspection. She did not notice Etienne when he jumped into the long Victorian bath. Justine saw him pull his head from under the water and rise fully dressed, with shirt and pants drenching. She exploded in a laughing frenzy and began to unbutton his shirt and unzipping his pants. She placed them in the adjacent sink. Without a word, she left the bathroom to return with a small bag. She pulled out a small plaster pipe and a block of some substance. She switched off the light of the bathroom and the Zippo flared to ignite the pipe. She placed the pipe in Etienne mouth and slipped in the water facing him. For a while they passed the pipe between them. The bathroom was silent and dark. Eyes shut, they were slipping into a trance. Every pore of their bodies became alive stimulated by the gentle caress of the lukewarm water. Their minds were travelling inside their souls exploring little known avenues of satisfaction.

  A brushing on his penis pulled Etienne from his reverie. Justine’s toes had the dexterity of fingers, and were rubbing him gently and pulling at his awakening organ. Her head plunged under water and the prey stood to attention, a victim of kneading and sucking. Coming close to equaling an apnea record, Justine surfaced. “My God! We forgot about the Divin Marquis,” she exclaimed jumping out of the bath and running from the bathroom. Etienne toweled dry and walked to the suite. Justine emerged through the door. “Oops! I forgot that I was nude. He did not have a heart attack at the exhibition, he is fine,” she pulled the towel from Etienne’s hand and ran back next door. “He is certainly getting healthier, after these successive sightings,” Etienne whispered while he slipped into the bed. He was falling asleep, when the golden goddess jumped over him. For a long moment, she kept looking at him.

  “I helped him to bed and began massaging his forehead and he fell asleep. I left him and he was already snoring. I closed the door.” She began running her lips all over Etienne’s face. “A massage! Well! Well!” thought Etienne. Reading his thoughts, she whispered, barely hiding a mischievous smile “Just a light head massage. I could not keep him awake. Sweet dreams my love.” She turned away on her side. She returned to grab his hand and placed it on her hip. She fell asleep.

  Justine considered that the unexplained Divin Marquis’s health mishap deserved serious investigation. She contacted a private clinic in Basel that excelled in diagnostics for middle age conditions. She presented the clinic’s program to the Divin Marquis and offered to arrange a visit in her company, as his chauffeur. The Divin Marquis accepted the suggestion and a consultation was planned for the following week. Etienne was already scheduled for conflicting meetings in Melbourne and he had to resist joining them. He was however surprised that neither party expressed insistence or regrets about his eventual absence.

  Justine’s first confession

  “I think we should go to bed early. We will both be travelling tomorrow.” Justine coming out of the bathroom made a dive to cajole with Etienne. Her aggression spelled violence if unsatisfied and then he could hardly resist her offer. After two intense bouts and loud meows, Etienne presumed wrongly that he could settle into sleep. The warmth of her breath over his forehead called for his eyes to open and to see her smiling down at him. Justine began,

  “You should know my love that I have been carrying alone a heavy burden of secrecy for quite some time. It goes as far back as our first night at the Hilton Suffren. You will recall that after I enjoyed your abuse, pinned against a cold mirror for hours on end, I announced my departure in the morning to visit Italian friends that had I befriended during a Corsican vacation. Although our relationship goes only a few months, my love, I feel in my heart that I have known you forever and I wish to surrender to you all of my soul. I hope to share with you my experiences with life before we met, which I am certain will please and entice you. I will welcome the returned courtesy. There is however a more recent incident that came about in the early weeks following our encounter.” Etienne is by then wide awake holding her hand in his.

  “When you drove me to la Gare de l’Est, I can still remember your stunned expression. He may be jealous, the idea is comforting. I thought to myself. I arrived on the same evening in Genoa. Marcello and Paolo demonstrated their Italian savvy when they hugged me with unusual vigor between their bodies on arrival at the station. After a day visiting with their respective families (I would understand later why I was not introduced to their girlfriends), they suggested that we take an evening train to visit Rome and return the following day, in time for my departure for France.

  I had a wonderful day in Rome reacquainting myself with many sites that brought me so much pleasure through the years, in great company as we reminisced about the great summer in Corsica. At the Rome train station, we booked a cabin that would take us back overnight, leaving a few hours before my return trip to Paris the next morning.

  The train had just departed, when Paol
o took two bottles of wine out from his bag. We returned to an animated conversation about nothing and everything. My glass emptied as fast as it was refilled. I was in a constant giggle feeling more and more relaxed. I did not notice that my companions were sipping slowly at their glass while they kept refilling mine.

  Marcello suggested that we go outside of the cabin for a smoke. I was standing in the open window with Marcello and Paolo at my sides, enjoying the cool evening breeze. Paolo pulled a fat joint from his pocket. He placed it between my lips as Marcello lit his zippo. Wow! This is great stuff, I mumbled passing the joint to Paolo. By the time we finished smoking my giggling had reached a higher frequency. I kept holding the open window when I felt two hands lifting my dress and begin caressing my butt with increasing intensity. The porter appeared at the end of the alley. He was coming to us when he noticed the activity. Demonstrating all the complaisance of his Latin upbringing, he suggested he would return later to check our tickets.

  Soon after I felt my dress being lifted over my head. As the first perpetrators kept working my butt, two free hands began addressing my breasts with similar intensity. I was pulled gently back in the cabin. Marcello and Paolo placed me standing on the side bench and raised my hands to grip some handles protruding from the ceiling. Rocked by the train’s acceleration, I maintained the grip as my two gentle aggressors made their respective tongues travel inside my cunt and my ass. Despite my rising excitement, the joint combined with the alcohol had the best of me and I awoke later to a strange noise. I turned my head and I saw Marcello and Paolo in a reverse embrace hard at work sucking at each other’s penis. They sat up looking at me catching their breath.

  Paolo without the least hint of uneasiness began to explain. At first, following the experience on the beach in Corsica, Marcello and he feared that the news of their performance would spread over the island. When I left Corsica and they returned to Genoa, each on their own terms, came to realize that the experience was a revelation of their true nature. Within weeks they were sharing our feelings and continued an intense homosexual relationship. When I called to visit them, their imaginations combined to conceive this scenario to express their grateful revenge.”

  Etienne was attempting to control his excitement but he could not repress the treason of a bulging erection. He lifted Justine impaling her as she began a gentle sway. “I hope I will hear soon about the Corsican experience, but not now we will need some sleep.”

  Justine accelerated her rubbing, “I will tell you, but there is much more.” She came again before collapsing over Etienne, joining him sound asleep from exhaustion.

  Justine’s confession and the forthcoming adventure with the Divin Marquis in Basel would spell the beginning of a new orientation in the future of their relationship. Justine and Etienne would remain totally devoted to each other and satisfied with spending most of their time together. Yet they would open each other to sharing their past experiences, mostly fantasies with third parties. These animated fantasies would complement the unique reality of their rapport, adding spice to excellence on demand. They were avid students of each other, always eager to discover this extra sensation of pleasure that was hidden in the body, the heart and the soul of the other. They would enhance the reality of their interaction with the complementarity of converging fantasies. The fantasies would never raise doubts about their love for each other, while effectively stimulating their passion. Isis and Osiris were following carefully their earthly alter egos moving to the dawn of a new chapter in their relationship.

  Part Three: Tryad

  “Love is a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning there is a flame, very pretty, sometimes hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows, two hearts mature and love becomes as coals, deep burning and unquenchable.”

  - Bruce Lee

  Chapter 10 - The distractions of fantasy


  Justine drove Etienne to the airport. “I will stop at the hotel to pack. The Divine Marquis and I will leave for Basel, to be at the clinic tomorrow morning,” she gave Etienne, what he thought was too brief a kiss. Etienne surmised that her mind was already wandering to a next chapter. “Have a great trip, your girl will be here for your return next week,” she said, and the car moved away.

  The Divine Marquis, Etienne’s partner, was named as such by Justine to recognize the Marquis de Sade-like perversion of his character, had been the victim of a severe attack that had left him unconscious for a long spell, when the three were on the way to a week-end break in the Loire Vallée. Justine had convinced their friend to seek medical advice. She arranged a consultation with a famous clinic in Basel. While Etienne was already committed to return to Australia, she offered to accompany the Divine Marquis to Switzerland.

  Approaching their destination, near the border of Switzerland, the Divine Marquis took over the steering. In his inimitable way he pushed the Mercedes 500E to the limit. Etienne had insisted that whenever available, they would lease this special Mercedes that he had enjoyed driving for so many years in Australia. The 500E was created in a close collaboration between Mercedes and Porsche. It was hand-built and was transported back and forth between the Mercedes plant and the Porsche Rossle-Bau plant in Zuffenhausen. It was called the “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” by the press. Performance yielded impressive results: 0–100 kph in 5.5 seconds. The top speed was limited at 6,000 rpm to 260 kph.

  Shortly after crossing the border into Switzerland, it was somewhat predictable, that they would find they had a police car in pursuit. The highway patrolman checked their papers. “I clocked you at an impossible 250 kph. The fine is three times your speed. You will follow me to the station to settle in cash, or you will sleep in a cell until the banks open in the morning.” Justine could not stop her giggling while they were following the patrol car. “Sleeping in a cell together could be an interesting experience,” she mused. To her disappointment upon arrival at the station, the Divine Marquis pulled an envelope from the glove compartment and counted out SF 750. With Justine in full respect of the signage and speed limit, they made it just in time for the appointment at the clinic.

  Basel is surrounded by suburbs that sit in Switzerland, Germany and France. During the days of the Roman Empire, the settlement of Augusta Raurica was founded 10 or 20 kilometers upstream of present-day Basel, and the roman castle still stands on the hill overlooking the river. The castle is occupied by the clinic.

  Return from Basel

  Etienne remained awake pondering over his relationship with Justine throughout the flight back from Australia. He wondered how it had taken him so many years and experiences to begin to understand the feminine. Justine had made his apprenticeship so much easier. They were both victims of quasi instantaneous fascination at first glance. Unaware of their special destiny, she was captured by his middle-aged appearance of maturity, wrapped in the trappings of prosperity and importance. She relished his playful and joyous demeanor that made her laugh. He for his part was abducted at first sight by this enchantress and everything about her. She became rapidly irresistible.

  Isis and Osiris, the lovers’ heavenly alter ego were immersed in Etienne’s reflections. The Gods were feeling the bliss of their earthling selves as they anticipated the pleasure of Justine’s and Etienne’s return to each other’s arms.

  The final approach to Charles de Gaulle was bringing to terms the daydream that he had enjoyed during the long flight. His insides were already churning in expectation of embracing Justine upon his arrival at the Paris terminal.

  She was standing slightly behind the welcoming crowd. Her short skirt was offering a clear display of her legs and thighs. “The little pest knows how to blow me out of myself,” thought Etienne. He came at her with little restraint and pulled her close enough to swallow her alive. Their mouths were melting into each other’s. They stood idle while the crowd was pressing and rushing about them. They remained standing, oblivious to their environment, until Etienne opened his eyes to noti
ce that they were mostly alone in the large hall. On the taxi ride to the Grand Hotel, Etienne casually enquired about the trip to Basel. “It went well and the Divine Marquis was relieved by the special attention and the excellence of the treatments. He should receive a full diagnostic report over the next few weeks.” She went on to tell him about the speeding ticket and of the return trip the following day, through the wine region of Burgundy. Etienne noticed that throughout her description of the events, her eyes kept avoiding his and that the tone of her voice was fading. He knew that she was hiding some embarrassment. “Would the little pest be doing it on purpose to test if I am jealous?”

  Their arrival in their room coincided with an immediate wrestling match to undress one another and a crash landing on the mattress. In full embrace they rolled on the oversize bed sucking mouths, noses, eyes, faces, necks, anything accessible without releasing their hold on each other. They remained connected and they were engulfed by sleep, both exhausted by the long day of travel.

  When Etienne awoke, a ray of sun was forcing his eyes to remain shut. He could feel Justine at his side. He turned to catch her in an intense observation of his face. “You are beautiful in your sleep my love,” she repeated for the hundredth time, smiling at him. Etienne pulled himself upward, “I hoped you find me acceptable, when I am awake.” She pouted adopting that equivocal look of disgust and jumped to reverse him in an embrace. They lay together for a long time taking in the simple joy of their bodies touching.


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