Mistress Mary and the General: A Pride and Prejudice Inspired Story

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Mistress Mary and the General: A Pride and Prejudice Inspired Story Page 19

by Bronwen Chisholm

  Reluctantly, his youngest son moved forward and knelt by the bedside, waiting anxiously but silent.

  “Your life is about to change, Richie. I wish I had prepared you better, but I leave you in your mother and brother’s capable hands. This,” he waved his hand about the room, “will now be yours. You shall resign your post and take up where William and I have left off. Selwyn Hall is now yours. I know, with your drive and love of horses, that you will make more of it than I ever dreamed possible.”

  Richie drew himself up straighter and shook his head. “It is not my dream, Father. I …”

  “You cannot leave your mother alone, Richie. You will resign.” Richard attempted to lean forward, but his strength failed him and he fell back against the pillows.

  Mary stepped forward, taking both men’s hands and placing them together between her own. “Richie must finish what he has started, Richard.” She looked to her son and smiled. “He shall return when it is time. Until then Mr. Turner will make certain all is well here, as he now does.”

  Richie mouthed a thank you to Mary before turning back to his father. “Pa, you have always known my first love is the Army. I cannot walk away as easily as you did. I promise I shall return within the year; sooner should Mother have need of me.”

  A tear escaped Richard’s eye and travelled slowly down his cheek. “I now understand how my father felt when I chose the Army over the church. I offer you security, but you must find adventure.”

  Shaking his head, Richie squeezed his father’s hand. “It is not adventure, Pa. It is duty as you taught me. Duty to my Queen and country. Can you not understand?”

  Richard’s head nodded almost imperceptibly. “Of course, I understand Son.” His eyes drifted close, but reopened a moment later. “Do as you must, but return home safely.”

  “I shall, Pa. I promise.” He withdrew his hand and stepped away from the bed.

  The room grew silent and Mary leaned closer to her husband. “Richard?” she squeezed his hand between her own.

  The corners of his lips turned up ever so slightly and he turned his head in her direction. “Mistress Mary, quite contrary,” he whispered. His fingers tightened about hers.

  Leaning forward, Mary placed a light kiss upon his lips. “Rest, my love. We shall be well. Give Sarah our love.”

  “Sarah?” his head turned away from her as his eyes drifted open one last time and took on a glassiness. His chest fell and did not rise again, but his hand still held hers.

  “Mother, he is no longer with us.” William said softly as he placed his hands upon Mary’s shoulders.

  Nodding, she sniffed and straightened before she laid her husband’s hand upon his chest. “You are right, of course. Whatever would I do without you, William?”

  The End

  About the Author

  Bronwen Chisholm was raised in Central Pennsylvania, the youngest of four sisters. Though she was not introduced to Jane Austen's work until later in life, she grew up reading the Bronte sisters, Gone With the Wind, and other classics as well as watching vintage Hollywood movies. Her love of books and literature almost led her to a career as a librarian. Instead, life and love carried her to Virginia where she took a position as a state employee and began raising her family.

  As her children grew and became involved in their own interests, Bronwen returned to her love of the written word. No longer content to simply read it, she began writing. Though the first attempts ended up on a shelf for now, she would not be discouraged. Finally confident enough to take the step to publishing, Bronwen was thrilled with the acceptance of her first offering, The Ball At Meryton: A Pride and Prejudice Alternative Novella. She followed this offering with the release of her novel, Behind the Mask: A Pride and Prejudice Alternative Novel.

  Though she loves writing Jane Austen inspired works, she is also working on a few modern women’s fiction novels which she hopes will be available in the next year.

  For more information, visit her at www.bronwenchisholm.wordpress.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BronwenChisholm.




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