The Werewolf Prince and I

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The Werewolf Prince and I Page 10

by Marian Tee

  “Domenico.” It was all she could say since she was too busy trying not to have a heart attack. Domenico’s hand was splayed over her left thigh now, and it was all she could do not to move so he could touch her more intimately. She could feel everyone staring at them. Although it made her cringe, knowing that everyone in the office knew exactly what was going on, Misty was powerless to stop her body from reacting to his touch.

  Dressed impeccably in a gray suit and an emerald green tie that matched his eyes, Domenico looked mouthwateringly gorgeous, with his eyes gleaming wickedly as he slowly let his fingers walk further up her thigh.

  She squeezed her thighs shut instinctively, making him laugh.

  “I’m looking forward to tonight,” he said and pressed his thumb hard against her clit as he finished speaking.

  Misty bit back a whimper.

  “Think of me until it is time for me to take you to bed, mm?” Domenico withdrew his fingers and pressed a kiss on her forehead before standing up.

  She watched him walk away, knowing he wouldn’t look back at her as he did. And he didn’t, because that was the man he was. But she was surprised when he turned around, walking to the center of the office and stopping before Janice’s desk.

  Misty watched Janice’s smile vanish, her face whitening in fear as Domenico murmured something to her. Then he was gone.

  Chapter Four

  Dear Diary,

  I suck at this. I don’t know what to do now that I’m about to sleep in a guy’s house. Do I buy new underwear? Would it be overkill if I did? What if I suck at third base and beyond?

  And dear Lord, I know this is a silly question, but will it really fit? I’ve seen how his pants look near to splitting apart when he’s aroused. I’m excited and terrified at the same time. I know this is shameless of me, but I’m glad that Domenico’s cock will be the first and the last one I’ll see. I don’t think there’s going to be any room for comparison once I see it.

  Tidying her desk at exactly five o’clock in the afternoon, Misty hurried out of the office and managed to slip inside the elevator just before the doors closed. When she pressed the P button for Domenico’s penthouse office, someone tittered behind her back.

  Misty absently looked back and that was when she realized everyone had been – again – staring at her. She also realized that everyone knew she was going up to Domenico. She immediately blushed even though she knew they had no way guessing what she had been thinking. Or did they?

  Face turning red, she mumbled, “I have someone to do---”

  Everyone smirked, and she hastily corrected herself while mentally banging her head on the wall. “I mean, I have something to do!” What was wrong with her? It was one humiliating blooper after another.

  “We know,” Bea from 8/F floor said just before stepping out. “We so totally know and are envious of it.”

  “Honestly, it’s nothing like that,” Misty said with an emphatic nod, but all she got were more knowing looks from the other passengers.

  “Who cares? There’s nothing wrong about indulging in a little kiss or two,” Jim from 12/F said suggestively.

  “It’s really not like that!” she protested, uncomfortable at how everyone seemed to assume she was about to have mind-blowing sex the moment she reached Domenico’s floor. Misty hurriedly added, “I mean, all of you know Mr. Moretti! He’s not the type to play where he works. He’s very, very serious. Have you ever seen him smile?” She could see they were beginning to believe her. Domenico was known for his gorgeous but unsmiling face.

  “I did see him smile,” admitted Heidi, who was also from 12/F. “Just once.” Her eyes twinkled. “He was with you.”

  “Well---it’s only because he always finds me amusing,” she said, only half-joking. “But really, Mr. Moretti is a model of propriety and I don’t think he’d be glad if any of us think of him that way.”

  “You mean us,” Jim retorted. “Because you’re his fiancée. He’ll never get mad at you.”

  “But I’m his employee too, and he’s entitled to everyone’s respect here.” She saw a chance to put a stop with all the teasing and eradicate her earlier blunder and seized it eagerly. “I’ve seen him mad just once and---” Misty pretended to shudder. “It was scary. So I really think all of us, including me, should, you know…stop with all the teasing. It’s just not professional.”

  Her words were sinking in, she could see. She almost grinned. Now they were remembering that Domenico Moretti was everyone’s boss – one who was respected by the entire business community. Definitely, he wouldn’t do anything like…like make out with his employee at the workplace – even if that employee happened to be engaged to him.

  Lorraine glanced at the ceiling-mounted CCTV dome camera nervously. “He wouldn’t fire us for teasing you a while ago, right?” Everyone tensed at the reminder that their activity was being monitored. Even Jim paled a bit.

  “Of course not,” Misty assured them quietly while inside, she was jumping for joy.

  She had done it! No more embarrassing teasing!

  The elevator beeped as it reached the 12/F floor, where the accounting office was and everyone except her was heading.

  She turned to her side so they could walk past her easily. “It’s just that talking about private things in the workplace is not professional. And you know how Mr. Moretti---” She saw their eyes widen as they stared at something behind her back.

  Oh, shick.

  She had a feeling it would be him.

  As everyone scurried out of the elevator, Misty slowly turned around and felt herself wilting at the sight of Domenico grinning at her.

  Domenico, grinning.

  It was a heavenly sight, and her entire body quivered in response.

  Domenico stepped in, standing next to her as he pressed the Open button while the remaining employees of the accounting department filed out.

  When the last one left, Domenico immediately released the button and backed Misty against the wall, covering her still-gaping mouth with his.

  As the doors slid close and just before her mind shut down, Misty heard Bea snicker, “He kisses like a pro, I’ll give her that. Maybe that’s what she means?”

  When they were alone, Domenico pulled away and burst into laughter.

  It took her a moment to get over the dazed feelings that always overwhelmed her after Domenico’s kisses. She stared at him, confused.

  “Not so professional, huh?”

  She gasped. “H-how----”

  He pointed up.

  The CCTV! She groaned. “You heard everything?”

  “Let’s just say that the ‘someone’ you want to do is eager to get the, err, doing done.”

  “Someone please just kill me before I embarrass myself to death,” she muttered. Her face probably wouldn’t stop flaming until the day was over. She was finally resigned to that fact. What was wrong with her?

  Domenico could see that Misty was seriously miserable and he pulled her in his arms. “It’s okay.”

  She shook her head adamantly but said nothing.

  He grinned. “No, really, it’s okay. You know why?”

  Misty looked at him questioningly.

  “Because sooner or later, you will be doing me---”

  Her hand had slammed against his mouth before he could finish. “Never mind, I’d rather not know,” she mumbled, making him laugh.

  Later, she and Domenico were back again inside his limo as Matteo drove them to his home. While Domenico spoke on his mobile phone about one deal or another, she used the time to send text messages to all her siblings. It was her time to give them a fib, and it made her uneasy.

  By the time they reached Domenico’s palatial home, Misty’s anxiety had reached disastrous levels already. The ever-present parade of guards just made her more nervous. If she messed up and disappointed Domenico in bed, would his battalion of bodyguards somehow know about it as well? Would they be close enough to hear Domenico sigh in disappointment when she failed to
arouse him---


  “Yep?” she strangled out.

  Domenico held her nape, tilted her head up, and kissed her - long, hard, and deep enough to drive all the worries away he could scent from her. As she moved close to him, he brought his hands down to curve around her buttocks, squeezing them before using it to propel her forward so that she could feel his arousal.

  “See how hard I am for you, darling?” he said against her lips. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  When he stepped back, his desire only ignited even more at the soft, passion-glazed look in Misty’s eyes. Dammit, the wedding had to be in a week. He wouldn’t last any longer than that.

  Curving an arm around her waist, he said quietly, “Let me take care of things. You don’t have to be in charge now. I’m here and you have someone to take care of you. Get used to it.”

  Misty bit her lip but nodded, realizing that what he said was true. As the eldest of the brood, she had grown used to depending on herself alone and not sharing her worries. As they slowly walked past the guards, Misty colored when she saw their eyes twinkling from otherwise expressionless faces.

  “For a guy who doesn’t like to smile, you sure care too little about PDA.”

  Privately, he thought the same, but he knew it wouldn’t do to let Misty know how much she was causing him to change. There was no point giving anyone – not even Misty – such power over him.

  He explained blandly, “It’s the Lyccan in me. Passion is a natural and integral part of us. It’s something we don’t bother – and never want to – hide.” It was and wasn’t the truth.

  She pondered his words as they crossed the foyer. That probably explained why Domenico was so frank and aggressive. Dishonesty to his kind was no doubt considered not something evil, but simply something…unnecessary.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Just a bit,” she admitted.

  He led her to the living room, easily the size of a small-town theater. A black and silver chandelier dominated the room. Since the leather couches and blinds were also in black and the same color scheme was used in his penthouse office, Misty didn’t have a hard time guessing Domenico’s favorite color. It made her smile. It was yet another sign of how possessive he was, being a Lyccan – so much so that he had to mark his territory with his colors.

  “Wait here and I’ll have the cook prepare us a light meal.”

  Misty nodded and sat gingerly on one of the armrests. The sheer size and splendor of the room didn’t really intimidate her, but Domenico’s complete indifference to it did. She couldn’t imagine being that blasé about this amount of wealth surrounding her.

  A sound made her turn to the doorway which she presumed led to the kitchen. A large white wolfhound padded inside. It had beautiful hazel eyes and its white coat gleamed under the fluorescent light.

  “Hi,” she said hesitantly, not wanting to accidentally risk offending anyone if the wolfhound happened to be Lyccan as well.

  It barked.


  It took a semi-sitting position and stared at her expectantly.

  Should she say something else? “I work for Mr. Moretti.” She still couldn’t bring herself to say she was his fiancée. It was still too…surreal.

  From the doorway, remaining unobserved, Domenico watched in utter fascination as Misty continued with her one-sided conversation.

  Finally, he cleared his throat.

  Misty looked up. Then she smiled tentatively at him. “I was just making small talk---”

  “With a dog,” he told her solemnly.

  “With a---” She turned to the wolfhound. “Not Lyccan?”

  It was very, very hard not to laugh but he managed. “Not Lyccan,” he affirmed.

  Misty slowly bent her head and covered her face.

  The stance alarmed him. Damn! Had he made her cry with all his teasing? “Misty?”

  She looked up and he was shocked to see that she was laughing with tears in her eyes.

  Was she hysterical? “Misty?”

  She kept on laughing. God! She was such an idiot! “I finally figured out why I’m acting like some fool.” Misty took a deep breath and admitted the truth with a helpless shrug. “I’m so nervous and excited about kissing you and doing…those things…that my mind just isn’t working properly.”

  The desire that he had so carefully kept leashed broke free. Without a word, he swept her in his arms and kissed her as he made his way up to the bedroom. She gasped against his mouth, but he didn’t cease the pressure of his kiss. He watched her sigh and surrender, eyes closing, arms going around his neck.

  It was only when he had locked the door and set her down that she started acting uneasy again.

  He quelled her protests and struggles with one look. He crooked a finger. “Come here.”

  She did.


  So she did.

  “I’m going to undress you.”

  For the life of her, Misty couldn’t bring herself to speak. Her entire body was heating up and all she could do was stare at him and wait. Her skin burned every time it felt the brush the touch of his fingers. Before she knew it, her shirt was on the floor. Seconds later, and it was joined by her skirt.

  Misty’s arms immediately crisscrossed over her chest and panties. She didn’t know which one she should cover first even though Domenico was doing his best to drive her crazy with his kisses.

  Domenico chuckled against her mouth as he pulled her hands away.

  They fell limply against her sides as she felt Domenico unclasping her bra and tossing it to the floor. He started moving them toward the bed until the back of her knees hit it.

  Domenico immediately lifted her onto the bed, skimming her panties down her thighs as she landed on her back. It was so fast that she was naked by the time she blinked up at him.

  “Don’t,” Domenico said hoarsely as she attempted to cover herself again.

  The intensity of her gaze made Misty feel even hotter and she wrapped her arms around her chest more tightly while twisting her legs closed.

  “I was unable to sleep the entire night just imagining you like this. Let me look at you, Misty. Please?”

  She swallowed. “It’s…embarrassing,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be embarrassed with me. Ever. I’m going to be your husband. We’ll be spending the rest of our lives together.” He touched her face and let his fingers caress a trail to her neck. He felt her shiver. “Let me look at you.”

  She slowly let her arms drop to her sides again. Misty watched him watching her and slowly, she stopped being embarrassed. It was impossible to stay so when he was gazing at her so reverently, as if he was worshipping her body.

  “You’re still dressed,” she said shyly.

  He smiled. “Undress me?” he invited huskily.

  Without a word, she reached for the buttons of his shirt. She wasn’t as graceful as he was, but she did manage to get his shirt and pants off. She only hesitated when he was down to his briefs.

  Domenico grinned at her hesitation even though it was already killing him not to pounce on her.

  Damn, but she was sexier than he had even imagined.

  He quickly got rid of his briefs and, not giving her a chance to worry even more, Domenico covered her body entirely with his. He groaned. She whimpered. The feel of her breasts, with its hardened tips, made him hungrily seek her lips with his.

  Sensations of such heat that it was immeasurable licked every inch of her body. She couldn’t believe she was naked in Domenico’s arms, couldn’t believe that his kisses just kept getting better and better, couldn’t believe how right it felt.

  Then and there she knew.

  She loved this man. She had only known him for a few days, but there was no denying the truth. She loved him.

  Misty closed her eyes as his lips descended her body. His weight pressed her down more firmly as his lips reached her collarbone.

��s hands began to explore her body and she closed her eyes, doing her best to keep the moans inside her when his touch sent jolts of electricity through her body, one after another, never stopping that she had to gasp breathlessly at the sheer pleasure of it.

  When he finally cupped her breasts, she couldn’t help it. She let out a long moan, her body arching as he took one tip into his mouth and sucked. As he sucked harder, she moaned even more. The sounds coming out of her mouth made Misty mentally cringe but she couldn’t stop them.

  Everything inside Domenico demanded for release. It was the most intense craving he had ever experienced, making him want to take her in all ways possible. The feel of Misty’s naked body in his arms, under his hands, the sound of her moans and gasps - all of it had a devastating effect on his fast crumbling control.

  Misty started to get bold, her hand tentatively moving, sweeping his chest, stroking his back, and moving down.

  He caught her wrist in time. “Misty?” His voice was harsh.

  “Yes?” Hers came out as a croak.

  “I want you to still a virgin when we marry.”

  “I don’t think I want to be,” she said honestly because her mind was too filled up with the possibilities of greater pleasure…especially when he was finally inside her. Just the thought of it made her restless and she shifted under him, trying to search for a satisfying position.

  He bit back a groan. “Misty, stop moving.”

  “I can’t.” She sounded completely bewildered, irritated, and something else that made him want to forget all his honorable intentions.

  But he still held on. “Believe me when I say it’s killing me more than you know, but we need to wait. However, instead of marrying in a month, I want you to marry me next week. Agreed?” His voice brook no argument.

  “Yes.” Then she asked, almost sadly, “We’re not going to…”

  He laughed. It was the first time for him to laugh but still feel out of his mind with desire. She was utterly cute, utterly priceless. As a way of inspiring himself not to succumb to the temptation of taking her virginity, he vowed to himself that when they did marry, he wouldn’t let her leave the bed for three nights. Maybe four, five…


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