Revolution (The Abraxis Complex Book 5)

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Revolution (The Abraxis Complex Book 5) Page 6

by Ben Winston

  Considering the dangers involved in the mining of Io, Greg felt the end result would be the same regardless of the choice.

  The people of Earth mostly felt justice had been served, and the trials had an overall approval rating. However, some of the accused were not found guilty, such as Admiral Rawlings. Since Greg had assured him that his family was now safe from the Cabal, he waived his right to counsel, opting for a simple statement of his actions and intentions to determine his guilt. While under a device that amounted to a lie detector, he admitted to supporting the Cabal because he felt that, at the time, they provided the most stability for the planet and thus the people. Although he had been aware of it, he did not support their other crimes but had no way of either preventing it or stopping them at that time.

  Since he had also admitted to assisting TDI in the locating and apprehension of other Cabal members, he would be killed if he returned to Earth. Greg asked the tribunal that he and his family be allowed to remain on the moon as citizens.

  The Rangers visits to the Earth military bases was met with a large amount of approval, and even more support. During their visits, the gates of the bases were swarmed with civilians trying to volunteer to help. Greg had to call down a few shuttles, Jarad and his team of security specialists and some temporary support people just to help the guards handle the crowds and allow traffic into and out of the base.

  The soldiers they had come to speak to were encouraged to call in their families so the decision could be made easier. Of course, there were questions. Greg and the other Rangers did the best they could to answer as many as they could. One of the Generals tried to be there with them to reassure the soldiers that this was for real, and they could say yes without getting into trouble.

  Lewis-McChord was a large base and there were a lot of people. It took almost a week for the Rangers to speak to everyone before moving on to the next base, which would be the Annapolis Naval Academy. It turned out that Admiral Cobb was furious with his superiors for putting 'his country' in this situation and was wondering what to do about it. Carl's arrival had been perfect timing for the frustrated Admiral.

  Admiral Cobb was a little suspicious of Carl and the motives of TDI at first. When he was still a little reluctant after both Admiral Hastings and Carl explained what was going on, Carl called the Harclen Ambassador.

  "Admiral, I understand you have some concerns regarding our intentions on Earth?" Ambassador Jirath asked.

  "I do, Madam Ambassador. With the amount of support your organization has gained among our people, I fear you will want to take over or at the least exert some form of influence over the selection of a new leadership here. Despite the recent attacks being blamed on you, your Alliance is still very popular with the people of this country," Cobb explained.

  "I can understand that fear, it would be very easy for someone with ulterior motives to do something like that. However, we have no such desire past wishing to restore the power to make your own decisions into your people's hands. Once that is done, we will back off, and leave you to it," Jirath explained.

  "I mean no offense Ambassador, but our history is full of people and organizations that said pretty much the same things. They ended up ruling the country in question. What assurances do we have you wouldn't try to do the same thing?" Admiral Cobb asked.

  "Admiral, we are asking you to let us help you to restore true civilian governorship to your people. If you agree, you will become the our liaison for all of the military forces on Earth. You will not be working for us, but with us. You will have a say in our military decisions regarding the planet. Regardless of how anything is worded, we will never give you an order. We will ask or make a suggestion. We will be providing arms and armor to you, as well as new advanced fighter craft is it becomes necessary. Basically, we are offering to support you in your effort to restore your country and your world.

  "Prince Edward of England, with the permission of his brother King William, has agreed to assist by acting as a civil liaison authority. Sir, these positions are really only temporary and for this emergency. Once the Cabal has been dealt with, and the people once again have control, how they set up the governments will be up to them.

  "Now that the Drellians have begun assisting them, we are going to need all the help from your people we can get."

  "Wait, did you say the Drellians? The same folks that are coming here to blast us out of existence unless we surrender to them?" Cobb asked.

  "My apologies, Admiral. I thought you had been told," Jirath replied.

  He shook his head. "No, I didn't let them get that far in their sales pitch to me. That changes things. What exactly will you need me to do?"

  "Several of us have decided that our old leadership has broken faith and are no longer acting in the best interests of the country, Sir," Admiral Hastings explained. "There are getting to be a lot of us, and we need someone with your skills to speak for us to our allies. I should mention that not all of us are from the United States, this is going to be a global effort."

  Admiral Cobb nodded while he thought. "Yes, it would have to be for something of this scale. Prince Edward seems like a good man; I don't know him all that well, but we have met a couple of times. Alright, I'll work with you. Just remember, I'm doing for the good of our country and our world. If it helps with the Drellian issue as well, then all the better."

  "Admiral, if there is something you don't understand or don't agree with, you can always ask questions, or suggest a different strategy. I only wish the Commander had been available for you to speak to as well, but he is involved with speaking to the troops at Lewis-McChord in Washington state," Carl replied.

  "Why would he need to speak to the troops?" Cobb asked.

  "Because of the nature of this issue, we felt it would be better if we asked each of the soldiers, individually, if they wanted to assist us. This could easily come down to an open war; the soldiers need to understand that, and the fact that they might have to fight soldiers from their own country," Admiral Hastings explained. "We're trying to avoid open hostilities, but there is no guarantee we'll be able to keep it that way."

  "Good idea; can I get on that list?" Cobb asked grinning.

  "Commander Albright, we are tracking a number of Air Force fighter planes that have taken off from the Nevada Desert. There is a total of five planes, one in the lead, and the other four appear to be trying to catch the leader. They are heading in this direction," Abraxis said.

  "Have you got their comms yet, Abraxis?" Greg asked. Abraxis had spoken over the speakers of Greg's Hypersled while he was showing it off to General Gordon and some of the other pilots from the base.

  "A moment ago; the front plane appears to be trying to reach this base and the planes behind it are trying to stop it. It would appear that one of the pilots stole the Raptor and is attempting to reach us," Abraxis answered. "All craft originated in the Cabal area of the Nevada Desert."

  "Someone is trying to escape the Cabal?" Greg asked rhetorically.

  "It would appear so, Commander. However, if the pilot is forced to continue to evade hostile fire and maintain her speed, she will run out of fuel before she reaches this base," Abraxis said.

  "Alert the rest of the team, Abraxis; we're going to go help her," Greg said and turned to the General and the other men. "If you'll excuse me, Gentlemen, it seems someone is in need of assistance."

  General Gordon nodded. "Go, we'll get some planes up to help if we can."

  "Thanks, General; I'll be back soon," Greg replied and pulled on his helmet before climbing into his cockpit. He saw Jolene and Bella running across the hanger to their sleds while he powered up and lifted gently off the floor.

  "What's up Greg?" Bella asked as the girls got into their ships.

  "Someone is trying to escape the Cabal in a stolen fighter plane. We're going to go help her get here," Greg replied. "She's low on fuel, and being chased by the bad guys."

  "I hate Bullies!" Jolene replied. "I have them, we can inter
cept five minutes after take off."

  "Course set, we're ready Greg," Bella added.

  "Great, let's do this," Greg said and all three ships turned, flew out of the hanger they had been loaned, and shot off to the south-east.

  The watching pilots just stared at them in awe. "Holy shit sir!" one of them said. "If the enemy has these sleds too, we're going to be in for a very hard fight."

  "Greg and his team handle the enemy sleds; normal pilots like you and I couldn't even fly one of those things," the General replied. "Just be thankful the Cabal has the same restrictions we do, or we'd all be humped."

  The men turned and watched the alert wing powering up their planes and begin heading for the runway. In the background, an old KC-135 tanker plane was also preparing for take-off.

  A few minutes later, over southern Utah, Greg and the girls found their targets. "Raptor eight-four-two, this is ADS Ranger team alpha. Do you require assistance?" Greg asked.

  "Do I ever! Thanks for the assist; I've got four Cabal zombies chasing me and I'm unarmed. I'm trying to reach Lewis-McChord to report on enemy activity, but they almost caught me when I stole the plane," a female voice replied.

  "We understand, eight-four-two. McChord fighters on their way and they're bringing a gas station for you. Try to maintain your heading for intercept," Greg replied.

  "You will do no such thing, Lieutenant. Turn around now or we will be forced to shoot you down. This is your final warning," a male voice said over the channel.

  "Who the hell are you?" Greg asked.

  "This is Colonel Adam Santori, United States Air Force. We are in pursuit of a stolen fighter craft being piloted by a suspected foreign agent. If you interfere in this, we will be forced to attack you as well," the man replied.

  "Colonel, this is Ranger Commander Albright of the Alliance Defense Services. I believe you are in error, Colonel. A foreign agent would not be trying to reach a United States military base. As for attacking us, I think you might want want to reconsider doing that. The only reason you can even see us right now is to avoid a mid-air collision. If you try to attack us or the aircraft you are pursuing, We will deem you as hostile and blow you out of the sky. I would advise you to return to Nevada and tell your Cabal bosses that you lost this one," Greg ordered. "As for your claim to be from the United States Air Force, you no longer serve the people of this country, nor do you have their best interests at heart. That makes you illegal mercenaries not sanctioned by the people of this country. My team and I were asked to come here and defend them against you and your leaders. Go home before anyone gets hurt… please."

  "Mister Albright, you have no business here and do not understand what you are getting involved in. If you fire on us, you will be starting a war on this planet you cannot win. We have resources you have no idea about, and we will take back this country from the subversive elements that have taken over," the Colonel replied.

  "Colonel, how can you call the people you are sworn to defend 'subversive elements'?" Greg asked. "What has the Cabal done to you?"

  "Nothing more than open our eyes to the reality of the world we now live in, Mister Albright. The people are too easily led astray by lies and half-truths given them by off-world aliens that have their own agenda. We must defend our world from outside intervention. You are not welcome here, Mister Albright. Take your alien friends and leave our space, now, or we will destroy you," the Colonel replied.

  "Commander, He's been brainwashed," the female pilot said softly. "He was my squadron commander before we were ordered to Nevada. I was on sick call the morning the rest of my squadron was taken in for 'new equipment training'. When I got back to the barracks that night, two of my wingmates were comatose, and the rest were like the Colonel. When Captain Rivers died of an aneurysm, I stole this plane and bailed as fast as I could."

  "I understand, Lieutenant. We'll get all this sorted out on the ground at McChord with the General," Greg replied. "You did the right thing; if their hurting you, or making you do something against your will or beliefs, you not only have the right but the duty to question it or report it to an officer not in your chain of command," Greg explained.

  "Thank you, Commander, it's good to know someone understands," the Lieutenant replied.

  "It is simply our duty as soldiers, Lieutenant." Greg switched to his internal comm. "Abraxis, can you access the automatic ejection systems on the planes?"

  "I can, but it will affect the Lieutenant's plane as well. She will be ejected along with the 'hostile' pilots," Abraxis replied.

  "Have one of our shuttles and Marines load up and get out here. We'll need to eject them before the McChord fighters get here or it will affect them too," Greg replied.

  "I have relayed your orders, and am warning the incoming fighters. They will wait near the state line to the north, if you can get close to the planes, we can use a lower power signal that should only eject that pilot. In that way, the Lieutenant will remain in her plane, and we will not risk ejecting our pilots," Abraxis suggested.

  "Good idea, have Bella and Jolene do the same thing. The last one might try to turn and make a run for it, but at least he won't be shooting at the Lieutenant," Greg replied.

  "Shuttle will arrive in five minutes," Abraxis said.

  "Understood, maybe I can keep them talking," Greg replied and switched back to the plane's radio channel. "Colonel Santori, I will give you a final warning of my own; you have five minutes to turn around and go back to your base. If you do not, I can pretty much promise you, that you won't be going back again."

  "Mister Albright, it is you that will leave this area. You are meddling in something you have no business in. I am here on the orders of the elected government of the United States of America; you are not. By law, I have every right to shoot you down right here, right now. Back off, let us retrieve our pilot, and we can avoid a messy incident," Santori replied.

  "The 'elected government' you are following was not elected by the people of this country. You may not be in violation of law, but you are in violation of your oath. You swore to defend this country from all enemies; foreign and domestic. You are now acting against that country in defense of those very same enemies," Greg replied.

  "You need to read the whole oath, Mister Albright; we also swore to uphold the constitution of the United States and to obey the orders of those over us. Besides, as I interpret the oath, I am defending this country against a domestic threat; you, and those that follow you!" Santori replied.

  Seeing that the shuttle was moving into position under them, Greg sent a text message to the girls to begin the operation. Then he spoke to Santori again. "You know, I think I can almost see your point on that. The oath can be subject to your own point of view when it comes to interpretation. However, your time is up. I will ask you one last time, will you turn about and return to your base?" Greg replied and enabled all the stealth systems on his sled. He was already flying next to the Colonel's plane.

  "I think you already know the answer to that, Mister Albright. All units commence the attack, blow them all out of the sky!"

  Abraxis took that moment to activate the ejection seat in the Colonel's plane. Nearby, all three of the other pilots were also ejected. Checking his scanner, Greg saw that the Lieutenant had not been ejected. "Okay Lieutenant, you should be clear. Make your heading twenty-two degrees and climb to fifteen K for rendezvous with the tanker and the squadron. They'll make sure you get to McChord."

  "Thanks for the assistance, Commander. I have them on radar. Setting course and climbing. See ya on the ground," the Lieutenant replied.

  "Safe journey, Lieutenant," Jolene and Bella both added.

  Greg and the girls remained over the area to cover the recovery team on the surface. The Colonel did not agree to surrender and had to be stunned, but the other three pilots dropped their weapons when they realized they were surrounded.

  However, Greg and the girls were not left alone. Once the hostile planes had been taken care of, the sleds deact
ivated their stealth systems because of the navigation hazard they posed. Unfortunately, it also meant that the defenses in Nevada could also see them.

  "Greg, we're being targeted! It's the Nevada base!" Jolene reported.

  "Head for the deck and reactivate stealth! Move ladies!" Greg ordered as his scanner reported something passing very close to him and exploded just past him.

  As the sleds turned nose down and dove for the relative cover of the ground, Bella was hit by one of the projectiles. "Fuck! I'm hit! My anti-gravity controller is malfunctioning, and my weapons systems are offline."

  "Are you alright, Bella?" Greg asked.

  "No, not really. I think my shoulder is broken. I know the suit is drugging me, so it's hard to tell how badly I'm hurt," Bella replied. "At least it wasn't you this time!"

  "I got you, sweetheart. Shut down your AG and I'll carry you back," Jolene replied.

  "You can't, Hon. Our sleds can't get out of the gravity well like that. I'll need a shuttle or one of those miner ships to get back to the moon," Bella replied. "In fact, you should probably just set me down here in the desert. We could blow your AG systems trying to carry this much weight."

  "We'll call the recovery shuttle to come get you, Bella. Just stay in your cockpit and let the computer keep you sedated," Greg replied. He stayed close to the ladies while he called for the shuttle to recover Bella and the sled.

  "Commander, this is Doctor Sheness Alure, what's the condition of the Ranger Pilot? I am having difficulty accessing her sled's diagnostics," A Harclen women, wearing armor asked as her image came up on his screens.

  "She's sedated, but thinks her shoulder is broken. Her sled is heavily damaged, and she is unable to get a status report. Forgive me, but what are you doing down here Doctor?" Greg asked.


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