Turned Out by His Hood Mentality 3

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Turned Out by His Hood Mentality 3 Page 4

by Diamond D Johnson

  When I turned around, Normani’s mother was standing there with her hands over her mouth. I could tell she was shocked by the things that had just taken place. I gave her a head nod before I left, and by the time we got outside, cars were flying out of the parking lot.

  “Everybody left. Nobody even tried to ride for that nigga. Not even his wife,” Dru said the second we got back in the car.

  “Because they probably hate that nigga too. They probably just been tolerating the nigga for all these years. Dru, you just don’t understand, man. I really wanted to kill that nigga,” I spat as I pulled the car out of the parking lot.

  “I know you did, but what you did was even better. You about to put a well-known pastor in Miami in a position to lose it all. Best believe he’s going to lose his entire congregation, so eventually, he’ll lose his church. He already lost one daughter, and from the looks of things, he’s in the process of losing his wife. Silly nigga had it all right in the palm of his hands, but he fucked around and lost it all, just because his pride couldn’t allow him to see his daughter with somebody like you. As far as his wife, though, I could see it in her eyes that she had been through some things. I hope she got her a few licks in while that nigga was down on his ass,” Dru said from the backseat, making me laugh.

  Monterius was in the front, and he had his phone in his hands, texting away.

  “Damn, nigga. Don’t break yo’ fingers for that pussy,” I said.

  He was typing all fast like he was eager to meet up with a bitch. I knew he and my cousin were officially over, and honestly, I didn’t mind that shit had to come this way, because them motha fuckas would fuck around and kill each other one day. I never thought I would see the day when Monterius just willingly let my cousin go, but the nigga had to do that shit because what man would want any woman running after the next nigga? I was a selfish ass nigga, and my woman had to know that it was all about me in a relationship. Before my shorty ever put me in a situation where I felt like she had to choose, I would make it easy for her, and I would just be the one to dip out.

  I had spoken to Twinkle since the engagement, and my cousin was happy, so that was really all that mattered. The only thing is, I ain’t want her to have to move to L.A., but I knew that’s what it would have to come to since that’s where her nigga lived. I’d met him before, back when they were dating in high school, but we had to meet again just so I could look bruh in his eyes and warn him that I wasn’t giving him a second chance to break my cousin’s heart.

  When that nigga dumped Twinkle years ago, you would have thought he was murdered or some shit, the way Twinkle carried on. Then, she got to Monterius, only for him to do the same shit to her heart. That was my baby cousin, damn near my sister, and I just wanted to give the nigga a warning. So, if I had to beat his ass over her, he could never say he didn’t know.

  “Never that. This my baby mama. She just sent me a picture of Tegan. I’m telling her that when you drop me off to my car, that I’m going to head over there, so I can see them,” Monterius called out, and then he slid his phone back into his pocket.

  “See them or see your baby?” Dru asked from the backseat.

  “My baby, nigga! You know what I mean,” he said, getting defensive.

  Dru nor I said shit. I mean, Twinkle had moved on, so it was only right that this nigga did the same thing.

  We approached a red light, and a woman was standing in the middle of the street selling roses. The sun had just gone down, and I swear I saw this lady standing out here selling roses this morning, as I passed through on my way to work. I looked to the left of me, and she had two of her small kids, sitting down on the sidewalk, holding roses in their hands too. I thought about my wife and how it’s been a little minute since I brought her roses. Then I thought about the fact that Normani acted like she really ain’t been feeling a nigga since last night.

  She was probably annoyed by how nonchalant I acted about almost losing my life last night. Not that I was nonchalant about the shit; if anything, a nigga just didn’t want to sit around and dwell on that shit. Hell, a nigga was just thankful to be able to love on the two kids I did have, love and kiss on my wife and the baby she had growing inside of her stomach. I knew she was mad at me because she left this morning without giving a nigga a hug or a kiss when she knew damn well that was our thing to do in the morning. Plus, her petty ass didn’t text me to let me know that she made it to work like she always did. As mad as she called herself being with a nigga, I bet I still get her these roses.

  “Come here, mami,” I called over the Hispanic mother who was selling the roses as I rolled my window down.

  “I know you ain’t about to buy no old ass roses for Normani. These probably the same fuckin’ roses she been selling since last week. Shit probably deader than a motha fucka,” Monterius commented from the front seat.

  “Shut up, nigga! It’s the thought that counts. You niggas don’t know shit about game. Let me school you lil niggas,” I spat as the woman walked over to the car.

  “You want?” she asked with her accent hella thick.

  “How much for all them?” I asked, and a big smile fell on her face.

  “I have twenty bouquets left. Five dollars each,” she told me.

  I dug into my pocket and handed her two crisp one-hundred-dollar bills, although I only had to give her one hundred. I saw the kids, and I’ve always had a soft spot when it came to children. As I handed her the money, she yelled across the street to her oldest child, telling him to bring over the rest of the flowers. There wasn’t any traffic, and we were at a red light, so the little boy was able to come over. He ran with all the roses in his hands and handed them to his mother. She, in turn, gave them to me.

  “Thank you, papi. Thank you so much,” she kept saying.

  “No problem. Get these kids out of here, and get them something nice for dinner,” I told her.

  “I will. Thank you,” she said and happily walked off, holding her son’s hand in hers.

  I watched as she packed up the cooler that housed all her flowers, and while her oldest son dragged the cooler, she held hands with her small daughter.

  “Roses probably got snakes inside that shit. Keep that shit over there. I ain’t holding nothing,” bitch ass Monterius said.

  “Scary ass nigga. You’ll sell some dope for a living, but you’re scared to hold some flowers,” I shot at him as I reached behind me and put the flowers in the backseat.

  “I keep snakes out of my corner at all times,” he told me, and I shook my head.

  In less than five minutes, I had us back at Dru’s shop, where I let both of them out. Dru had to finish working on a car, while Monterius hopped in his ride and rushed off to act like he was going to see his daughter, but I already knew the nigga was rushing so he could get to his baby mama too. I drove with the radio up loud, but after about five minutes, my cell phone rang. It was my son calling me on Facetime. With a smile on my face, I went ahead and answered the phone for him.

  “What’s good?” I answered, looking at his handsome face through the screen.

  I swear I spit this lil’ nigga right the fuck out. All Nesha did was carry his ass. He was at his mama’s house, and judging from his background, he was in his room, doing his homework.

  “Nothing. I was just calling now that I finished my homework. Dad, can you call my mama and ask her if I can spend the night at your house tonight? She about to drop me off to my grandma’s house because she’s going on another date for like the fourth time in the past two weeks. I love going to my grandma’s house, but her wi-fi be moving slow, and I want to play the game for a little bit before my bedtime,” Lil Bill said.

  I laughed at the pissed off expression on his face. I didn’t know if he was pissed off about the fact that his mama was going on a date, or if he was mad about having to go to his grandma’s house and be on her slow ass wi-fi. Before I could even say anything, I heard Sidnesha’s loud ass mouth in the background.

  “You don
’t need to be worrying about how slow my mama’s wi-fi is because you not playing that game no way when you get over there. You want me to drive you to get food from Snappers, and then I have to drop you off. By the time you get over there, eat, and take your bath, it’s going to be time for you to go to bed anyway. While you on the phone telling my business, did you finish that homework?” Nesha asked. The more she talked, the closer her voice seemed until finally, I saw her in the room.

  “I finished it, Ma. Why you can’t just drop me off to my daddy’s house?” Lil Bill asked.

  “Because it’s out the way. I’ll drop you over there tomorrow. Let me see this homework,” she said, and now I could see her fully.

  She was all dressed up, looking like she was going on a date, just like my son said she was.

  “Who the fuck you going out with tonight?” I asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” she said, never looking at the screen, just still checking over my son’s homework.

  “Of course, I want to know! You are the mother of my child! Not even on some shit to make it seem like I’m trying to check you or be all up in your business. I just want to make sure that you straight,” I said.

  Sidnesha looked up from the homework paper and at me on the phone.

  “My son’s old barber, Chris. Lil Bill knows him already,” she told me, and I nodded.

  “Cool. That’s all a nigga wanted to know. Bring lil man over here. I’ll drop him at school in the morning. I already am up anyway to take Khari,” I told her, and she sucked her teeth.

  “I’m not taking you to get food then because I’m going to be late,” I heard her say.

  “It’s fine. I’ll just eat over there. Thank you, Ma,” he said, and I saw him give his mama a hug.

  Sidnesha could talk all the shit in the world that she wanted, but when it came to our son, she was a little sucker. I bet she would still drop his ass off and get him the food that he’d asked her for. To tell you the truth, it made me feel good to hear that my baby mama was dating. From the beginning, I said that the only thing I wanted to see was Sidnesha happy. I knew how hard she worked, so she deserved to let her hair down and have some fuckin’ fun.

  I was down for watching my son any day of the week while she went out and had her fun. Hell, for five years, she took on the load and had to raise lil Bill on her own, while I had to sit down and do my time. The way I saw it, I owed her.

  “I’ll be home in about ten minutes. Just bring him,” I said.

  My son and I finished talking for a little bit more, and once we were done, I hung up.

  Finally, I made it home, and when I walked in, I smelled the dinner that Normani had cooked. I didn’t hear her or Khari down there, so I assumed they were upstairs. I took the stairs, and the first room I checked was Khari’s room, but they weren’t in there. It wasn’t until I made it to our bedroom, and I heard laugher coming from the balcony that I discovered where they were. From where I stood, I could see Khari sitting in one of the chairs, and she had one of her little feet planted in Normani’s lap as Normani painted her toes. Judging by the way she had her hands planted on the sides of the chair, I could tell that she’d just gotten her fingernails painted as well.

  My wife was girly as fuck, and so was my daughter, so the two of them got along just fine. Khari wanted to do everything that Normani did. She had gotten to the point now that she liked to play around in Normani’s make-up and shit, and a nigga hated that. I ain’t let her wear shit but a little bit of Chapstick. Khari had even said that she wanted to be a doctor like Normani too. I loved the bond that the two of them had, but I also liked that no matter what, Khari hadn’t forgotten about Denim.

  With the flowers in my hands, I walked on the balcony and joined the two of them. Normani looked up and gave me a fake smile while Khari danced around in her chair, happy to see me.

  “Look at my nails and my toes, Daddy. You like them?” Khari asked, raising her little hands, so I could see her nails, and then she pointed down to her toes. She had a light yellow, which was very appropriate for her age, so I would not trip.

  “It’s cute. What’s up with your nail tech, though? Why she not speaking to Daddy?” I asked Khari about my wife.

  She did a little giggle and then shrugged as if to say she didn’t know.

  “I don’t know, Daddy. Maybe her mad at you,” Khari said.

  “Ask her what Daddy did,” I said to Khari.

  “Normani, what my daddy did?” Khari asked Normani, and then she put a sad look on her face like she really cared to know what I had done to have Normani mad at me.

  “Your daddy knows what he did. Here. I’m all done. Just sit here for like five minutes and let them dry,” Normani told Khari as she sat her little feet down on the small bench.

  Staring down at my wife, I swear she wasn’t the same person she was two weeks ago. I’m sure that the shit happening in our lives, especially what I told her last night, had her going through this change where she found herself being mad at me. Plus, at this point, I’d been around Normani long enough to know how her emotions worked, so she probably could sense that a nigga had been holding back from her. She probably was overworking her mind, trying to figure out what was bothering a nigga. No, it wasn’t in my plans to be withholding information from my wife, but at the same time, I ain’t really want to tell her that lately, I had just been feeling the emotions of not knowing if Denim would kick this shit.

  “You must don’t want these roses that I bought for you then,” I said to Normani and stepped out of the way as she walked past me into the room.

  She was dressed down in some tights and a shirt that fit a little snug on her, so her baby bump was on display. Her curly hair was hanging down loosely, and with every step she took, it swayed. I left the sliding glass door open on the balcony as I followed Normani, who had gone into the bathroom to wash her hands. When she was done, she dried them on the towels and planted the palms of her hands on the counter then sighed as she looked at us through the mirror. I was standing not too far behind her, and my arms were crossed as I waited for her to let me know what was on her mind because I knew she would.

  “I’m worried about us,” she said, getting ready to start up her bullshit, just like I knew she would.

  I set the roses down on the counter and looked outside of the bathroom, where Khari was still drying her feet.

  “Khari, go to your room. Your brother should be here soon,” I called out.

  I knew I had to handle Normani and possibly give her ass some ‘act right’ because she was tripping! Tripping about nothing, yo. I watched Khari as she slowly stood up from the chair and walked on the balls of her feet, so she wouldn’t mess up her toes. The second I heard her close our bedroom door, I closed the bathroom door and locked it. I walked up behind Normani, getting as close to her as I possibly could. My hands snaked around and cuffed her pussy, then I let my fingers massage her.

  “I’m just having a hard time trying to figure out what you’re worried about. Normani, baby, we straight. What the fuck are you stressing about? We got a baby on the way, and we’re married. I’m happy. Pretty soon, I want to go out and look at houses because I want to put us in something bigger, now that our family is getting ready to expand. Life is great,” I told her while still massaging her pussy through the fabric of her tights. I could tell from her slowly biting her lip that pretty soon, I would have her just where I wanted her. It was only a matter of time before I just pulled her tights and her panties down, and I got straight to fuckin’. I wanted to feel that wet shit right now. I already knew that shit was wet, too, without me even having to dip my fingers inside to test it.

  “Life is great for you because you like to pretend that certain things didn’t happen. I don’t know if I’m just feeling extra vulnerable because I’m not over Mexico, but baby, I could have been with your family, planning your funeral right now. I’m not like you. I cannot pretend that what you told me last night didn’t happen. What would I do
without you? What about your kids? Our kid? This mess has been on my mind since you told it to me last night. You keep telling me that I need to stop stressing because of the baby, and trust me, I’m trying, but every day, I feel like it’s something else.

  “On top of that, for the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt like you’re going through something, and you’re shutting me out from whatever you’re battling with. What is it, Billionaire? It’s too late for you to get cold feet on me. I’m already pregnant, and we done already got married. I’m serious when I say that I think I will kill you if you try to leave me,” she said.

  I laughed because that craziness that God had given to every woman was coming out of her tonight.

  “Why would me leaving you even be some shit that takes up space in your mind? You know you tripping, right?” I asked.

  I grew tired of massaging her pussy from the outside, so I finally went ahead and slipped my hands inside of her. It was nice and wet, just like I knew it would be. She didn’t answer my question; she did, however, throw her head back and release a low moan.

  “Normani, I’m trying to fuck on the same pussy for the rest of my life. I’m trying to wake up to this same beautiful ass face forever and go to sleep next to this same face. You gotta do something far worse than give a nigga a headache with all these fuckin’ pregnant emotions that you’re going through these days for me to be ready to step. You gotta fuck around on me for me to leave you. Then again, I’d probably just kill you. You ain’t ready to die, is you?” I asked as I slipped three fingers inside her hole and then used my thumb to toy around with her clit.

  She let out a low moan, making my dick jump in my sweats. I had my neck buried in the crook of her neck, and I watched her through the mirror as my hands went in and out of her at medium speed. My fingers were playing around in her, and I knew my dick was getting jealous because this shit was extra wet tonight.


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