Marnie (Pendleton Petticoats Book 4)

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Marnie (Pendleton Petticoats Book 4) Page 1

by Shanna Hatfield

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Pendleton Petticoats, Book 4

  A Sweet Historical Western Romance


  USA Today Bestselling Author



  Copyright © 2014 by Shanna Hatfield

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please purchase only authorized editions.

  For permission requests, please contact the author, with a subject line of "permission request” at the email address below or through her website.

  Shanna Hatfield

  [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Praise for Marnie:

  “Grab a cup of tea and settle into an authentic historical novel from the bustling town of Pendleton Oregon. You won’t regret it.”

  Amazon Reviewer

  “Marnie in my opinion is the best one so far in the Pendleton series. I love how Shanna continues to contact all of her novels and continues to keep us informed from the previous novels as all the lives are connected. Marnie is an incredible heroine in this novel. How she manages to deal with her past and still love!!!! Lars – well let’s just say he is the hero type Shanna has become noted for…”

  Amazon Reviewer

  ” I love the whole Pendleton Petticoats series and was looking forward to reading about Marnie and Lars and grabbed it as soon as it was available. Shanna didn’t disappoint me and the book was very tastefully written and you can’t help but love Marnie and root for her to find love and happiness. And Lars, the handsome US Marshal makes a wonderful hero.”

  Amazon Reviewer

  “I love this series! I can't wait for book five. I read through these so fast and can't put them down. Please keep writing about all these great characters from Pendleton!”

  Amazon Reviewer

  “Though I have enjoyed all of the Petticoat novels by Shanna Hatfield, this was my favorite so far. It is filled with unconditional love and acceptance. It was also fun to see characters from the previous novels interwoven through the story.”

  Amazon Reviewer

  Discover all of Shanna Hatfield’s books on Amazon…

  To those who learn

  to leave the past behind them

  and courageously embrace the future…

  Chapter One


  Pendleton, Oregon

  The grating screech of iron accompanied a final, gusty belch of smoke as the train ground to a halt at the station.

  Bracing his feet against the floorboards in anticipation of the abrupt stop, Lars Thorsen stuck out his heavily muscled arm to keep his seatmate from sailing into the occupants of the facing seat. The scrawny, timid little man’s chest bounced off his forearm with a muffled thump. Rather than appreciate his help, the man scowled at him then hurried to gather his things and disembark.

  Uncertain if it was his intimidating size, imposing appearance, or the U.S. Marshal badge pinned to his lapel, something about him unsettled his fellow traveler.

  He stared out the window at the bustling depot in Pendleton, Oregon. Indians with brightly patterned wool blankets and Chinese men wearing long queues and conical hats mingled with ranchers and farmers waiting to pick up supplies.

  Women dressed in their best gowns bloomed like spring blossoms against the shades of gray and tan in the background. Albeit unbeknownst to them, the females received a second glance from Lars, one full of admiration.

  Raised with two sisters, Lars had a deep respect and appreciation for women. They all were beautiful in their own unique way. His sisters couldn’t look more different, yet he remembered them both as being lovely.

  Just once in his lifetime he’d like to see them both again. He shut down those thoughts before they left him chasing dreams.

  Carefully brushing off the brim of his black flat top Stetson, he settled it on his head of dark blond hair, ignoring the curious glances sent his direction.

  Lars rose to his feet and stood several inches above the disembarking passengers. Quickly glancing over the crowd out of habit, nothing appeared amiss.

  He helped a woman traveling with her two young children gather her things from the wooden rack overhead. When her son blocked the aisle by swinging on his mother’s skirts, Lars cautioned the rambunctious boy to settle down.

  Finally nearing the door, he watched the porter offer assistance to the women, giving them a hand down to the platform.

  “Is Pendleton as wild as I’ve heard?” Lars asked, smiling at the railroad employee he’d found to be both pleasant and informative during the trip.

  The porter grinned. “Depends on what you’ve heard. From what I’ve seen, there’s never a dull moment around here. You plan on staying?”

  “No. There’s a business matter that requires my attention.” Lars watched as the porter helped the woman and her two children down the steps. “Know where I can find the sheriff’s office?”

  “Sure do. Go straight down this street for five blocks then turn the corner to the right. You can’t miss it. The train will be here for an hour, to give everyone time to get a bite to eat,” the porter said. “Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t.”

  Lars thanked him for his assistance then stepped off the train into the sunshine. The air held welcome warmth despite it being winter.

  The desire to find somewhere quiet to sit and soak it in for a moment or two pricked at him. Instead, Lars caught the attention of the conductor, confirming arrangements to transport a prisoner. Satisfied with the plans, he hurried across the platform and down the steps to the boardwalk, following the porter’s directions.

  He spied the sheriff’s office as he turned a corner and impatiently waited for a wagon to pass before crossing the street.

  Deeply breathing in the fresh air, he inhaled the scent of roasting meat. His empty belly grumbled loudly in protest. If all went well with the sheriff, he hoped at least to have time to purchase a sandwich before he boarded the train.

  Lars opened the door to the sheriff’s office, observing a tall, powerfully built man sitting at a desk strewn with papers and maps. Hair just a shade darker than his own stood in disarray as the deputy ran his hand through it, making furrows with his fingers.

  The man glanced up at the sound of the door opening and offered a friendly smile. Lars walked inside and shut the door behind him.

  “Something I can help you with?” The deputy s
tood and took a step his direction.

  “I’m here to transport a prisoner.” Lars removed an envelope from the inside pocket of his coat and handed it to the deputy.

  It took just a moment for the man to read the papers then stick out his hand in greeting. “It’s not every day we have a U.S. Marshal in town. Welcome to Pendleton. I’m Kade Rawlings. The sheriff is out today, but I can get the prisoner for you and escort you to the train.”

  “I’d appreciate that.” Lars returned the man’s firm handshake. “Just call me Lars.”

  “Lars it is,” Kade said, removing a folder from a four-drawer tiger oak filing cabinet. He set two sheets of paperwork on an empty desk and motioned to Lars. “I need you to sign and date these to show you picked up the prisoner. Are you filling in for the regular marshal?”

  “No. He retired about a month ago.” Lars sat at the desk and picked up the pen, dipping it in the inkwell. “I was appointed to take over his post.”

  “So you’ll be working out of the district office in Portland?” Kade gave him a questioning glance then signed the paperwork Lars needed from him.

  “Yes. That will be my home base, but I’ll be available to help around the state, as needed.” Lars finished the paperwork and handed it to Kade then took the envelope the man handed him and returned it to his coat pocket.

  “I don’t suppose there’s a place nearby I could get a sandwich before I have to board the train?” Lars hoped there was somewhere close to the sheriff’s office he could eat. He didn’t want to wait until dinner to put something in his empty stomach. He’d skipped breakfast because he’d preferred to sleep, knowing he wouldn’t be able to later when he had a prisoner to watch.

  Kade glanced at the clock on the wall then grinned at him. “If you don’t mind waiting just a moment, I think we can take care of getting you some lunch.”

  “I’m happy to go find my own if you just…”

  The door opened and a dark-haired woman breezed in with a basket over her arm and two identical toddlers clinging to her skirts.

  “Kade! Your boys are going to be the death of me. They poured a jar of syrup on top of poor Rufus and now the cat won’t come out from under the stove. How am I supposed to get anything done?” She stamped her foot and muttered a string of words in a language Lars thought sounded Italian.

  Kade bent down and kissed the woman’s cheek. He picked up the two toddlers and jiggled them in his burly arms. “Lars, I’d like you to meet my wife, Caterina, and our boys, Ben and Brett.”

  “Mrs. Rawlings, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Lars doffed his hat at Kade’s wife. She owned a feisty type of beauty, one that exuded passion and excitement. No wonder the deputy appeared to be head over heels in love with the woman.

  Lars smiled at the twin boys as the scent of something delicious and aromatic wafted to him from the basket she still held in her hand. Although he willed it to be silent, his stomach rumbled again, making the toddlers giggle.

  “I do believe you got here just in time, Cat,” Kade said, setting the boys down on top of the empty desk and taking the basket from her. “Have a seat, Lars. You’re about to feast on the best food you’ve ever tasted.”

  “I can’t eat your lunch, Kade. It wouldn’t be right.” Lars took a step toward the door. “If you think I’ve got time, I’ll see what I can find.”

  “I insist, sir,” Caterina said, taking his arm and leading him around the desk. She was a woman of average height and size, but her forceful personality made him obey without question. Reaching into the basket, she removed a plate and set it before him then handed him a napkin.

  A whiff of the fragrant spices floating on the air tickled his nose. Lars set his hat on the desk, accepted the fork she gave him, and took a bite. He had no idea what was on the plate, but the deputy was right. It was delicious.

  “This is wonderful. What am I eating?”

  “Baked macaroni with cheese and ham along with my special crusty bread.” Caterina grabbed one of the twins when he leaned too far over the edge and almost fell off the desk. She set him down and placed a loving, motherly hand on his head before looking at the deputy. “If you can watch these little scamps for a few moments, I’ll run over to the restaurant and get another plate for you.”

  “I think I can keep an eye on the boys without them burning down the jailhouse,” Kade said, poking his finger playfully at the tummy of the boy still sitting on the desk, making him squeal with laughter.

  “I’ll be right back.” Caterina bustled out the door in a swirl of skirts.

  “Looks like you’ve got your hands full,” Lars commented, hurrying to eat the hot, filling meal. He’d never tasted anything like it before, but he looked forward to eating it again. He assumed he’d find himself back in Pendleton at some point, as long as he was working in Oregon.

  Kade chuckled, picking up both boys and setting them on a bench. “That is a fact.” He took a box from beneath the bench and handed each of the boys a toy. “Caterina has a restaurant and the boys get underfoot during her busy dinner service. Her brother and his wife live here in town and help keep an eye on them when I’m not available.”

  “I take it they spend some time here with you.” Lars studied the twins with their brown hair, dark lashes, olive skin, and tiny dimples in their chins. It appeared one boy had snapping brown eyes while the other boasted bright green orbs. They definitely looked like a blending of both their parents.

  “Occasionally. The sheriff’s office isn’t exactly a great place for youngsters to run around.” Kade warned the boys to play nice when one hit the other. They gave him an obedient look and settled down with their toys. “I’m glad you came today. I don’t like having outlaws jailed here for long, especially with the Bowman Gang wreaking havoc through a three-state area.”

  “I’ve heard about them. Haven’t there been a few arrests of members in the last year or so?” Lars asked, wishing he had a second helping of the macaroni. He accepted the cup of water Kade handed him and took a long drink.

  “Yeah. We’ve captured four of them and two died in a gunfight a few months ago. However, Bowman seems to recruit new members faster than we can bring them in.” Kade studied Lars for a long moment. “The sheriff had me write a letter to send to the district office. Don’t suppose you’d mind delivering it for me, would you? We could really use some help capturing them.”

  “I’d be happy to drop it off.” Lars stood and accepted the envelope from Kade then glanced at the clock. “I better get the prisoner on the train. I don’t want to miss it.”

  “Nah. You’d have to stick around until tomorrow if you did. You’ve got plenty of time, though.” Kade walked over to his desk and opened a drawer, immediately claiming the attention of his two boys.

  “Candy, daddy! Pease? Us needs candy!” The twins chanted, holding out hands to their father as they squirmed next to his desk.

  “Just don’t tell your mama,” Kade instructed, giving each boy a small piece of licorice. His head jerked up when Caterina sailed inside and glared at him.

  “Don’t tell Mama, hmmm? Is that what I heard?” Caterina set down two baskets and placed her hands on her hips. “What else have you three been hiding from me?”

  “Nothing, Cat, nothing at all.” Kade put an arm around her waist and pulled her against his side. He kissed her temple and Lars watched her lean into him as they shared a private smile.

  He wondered what it would be like to be loved so thoroughly and completely, but knew he’d never find out. Married to his career as a U.S. Marshal, there wasn’t room for anyone else in his life.

  “Can you believe this man, Marshal? He sets a terrible example for his two boys.” Caterina glanced at her sons, faces sticky with candy, before returning her attention to Lars and pointing to one of the baskets. “I packed a few things for you to eat on the train. It’s a long ride to Portland and you might need something later.”

  “That’s mighty kind of you, Mrs. Rawlings. I surely do appreciate it.
” Lars looked forward to sampling more of the woman’s food. “Your husband says you run the best restaurant in town. If I come back this way again, I look forward to eating dinner there. May I please pay you for the wonderful food today?”

  “No, sir. That is our treat.” Caterina gave him a curious look, noticing the marshal resembled Kade not only in size, but also in bearing. “If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from? I can hear a little of the southern drawl in your voice that my husband reverts to when he gets wound up.”

  “What part of the South are you from, deputy?” Lars asked. He’d noticed a hint of drawl in the man’s speech.

  “I was born near San Antonio, Texas, but I’ve been here in Pendleton since I was a youngster. How about you?”

  “I’ve spent the last seven years primarily in Oklahoma Territory and Arkansas, although I did spend six months near Fort Worth,” Lars said, not wanting to delve too far into his past. If he did that, regret made his heart ache and it was too nice of a day to be overwhelmed with melancholy.

  “Did you grow up in the South?” Caterina asked, catching one of the boys before he could smear sticky fingers on the skirt of her dress. She rolled her eyes at Kade and used her apron to wipe away most of the sweet residue.

  “No, ma’am, I didn’t, but that’s a story for another day. I really should get the prisoner and be on my way.”

  “It was very nice to meet you. I hope you’ll be through Pendleton again soon.” Caterina smiled as she picked up the twins, kissed Kade on the lips then rushed out the door.

  Lars could hear her speaking in Italian to the boys through the open door as she carried them down the street.

  Kade took a ring of keys off his desk and unlocked the door leading to the cells. He returned with the prisoner bound by both handcuffs and shackles around his ankles.

  Lars kept his face void of any expression as the man looked him over. When he finished, Lars turned a questioning gaze to Kade. “What’s his story?”


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