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Commitment Page 10

by Heather Dahlgren

  I finish off the oil change with a new air filter and wipe my hands clean on my rag. I close the hood and head to my dad’s office. I knock once before I walk in. He is sitting at his desk sipping on coffee and going over the order forms for the week. My dad busts his ass at the garage, always has. He made sure my mom and I wanted for nothing. “Hey, what’s up?” I sit down in the chair in front of his old metal desk and wait for the guilt trip. He looks up from the order forms and smiles at me.

  “Tyler, did you change the timing belt in that Chevy this week? I’ve got the order form, but nothing to tell me if it’s been done.” He is so full of shit. He knows damn well I finished that and that Mrs. James paid and picked it up.

  “Yea, I finished it. Mrs. James picked it up on Wednesday you talked to her, Dad.” He laughs knowing I’m on to him.

  “That’s right. Well anyway, your mom called me earlier and wanted to know when you are going to stop over and see her. She really wants to have you over for dinner, Tyler.” See, guilt trip. I roll my eyes and sigh. I run my hands through my already messy hair and grab onto my neck.

  “Soon, Dad, I promise I’ll get there soon. I’ve just got a lot going on right now.” He sits back in his old rickety chair and folds his arms across his chest.

  “Does this have anything to do with that young lady you spoke to me about? We haven’t had time to talk about it, but I’ve been curious if you took my advice or not.” The smile that always seems to slip into place whenever Maddie is concerned makes its way to my face. He raises his eyebrows, giving me that, ‘you have something to tell me’ face.

  “Yes, Maddie is the reason I have a lot going on. And to answer your question, yes, I did take your advice. We have been hanging out for two weeks and haven’t had sex. It’s fucking killing me, but I believe it is working. Slowly, very slowly she seems to be trusting of me and opening up to me. I have to say I guess it’s true what they say about old wise men.” I start laughing when he leans forward to try and grab my shirt.

  “Old man my ass.” He starts to laugh when he goes to get up and I jump out of my seat ready to run. My dad may be older, but he could still kick my ass. “That’s what I thought smartass. Well, how about this? I know if I tell your mom about.” He looks at me to fill in the blank.


  “Right, Maddie. I know if I tell her about Maddie she will be extremely happy, but I also know that she will want you to bring her to dinner.” I look at him wide eyed.

  “Are you shitting me? I’ve just started to get her to trust me; I think meeting the parents is pushing it. How about this, I’ll ask her in the next couple of weeks if she would like to come to dinner. If she isn’t comfortable with it, I’ll come alone. Alright?” He looks over at the picture of my mom that he keeps on his desk, then back at me.

  “Alright, Tyler, you’ve got a deal. But if she gives me a hard time, I’m telling her all about Maddie and you deal with her.” We both laugh at that because neither of us want to hurt or cross her. She’ll kick both of our asses.

  After we bullshit about work for a little longer, I tell him I need to get home. I clean up my tools, wash my hands, and head out to Candy. I park in my spot and jump out of the car. On the ride home, I was trying to decide where to take Maddie tonight, I just can’t think of anything good. We’ve been to the movies, out to dinner a few times, I even used Campbell’s cheesy ass picnic in the park. I’m trying to think of something fun, something we don’t normally do. Then it hits me, a dance club.

  I get into the apartment and Campbell and Red are coming out of his room looking thoroughly fucked. Lucky motherfuckers. “Hey, glad I ran into you guys. Wish it wasn’t five minutes after you both had an orgasm but whatever.” Red blushes and Campbell takes a swing at me, but won’t take his other arm off her, so I easily move out of the way laughing. “Anyway, I was thinking of doing something different tonight. What do you guys think about eating dinner here and then we can all go to a dance club? I think it will be fucking awesome to do something different.” They look at each other and have some kind of weird ass silent conversation with just their eyes.

  “I think that sounds like fun, Young. You better run it by Maddie and Becca too.” I give them a shake of my head and head toward the bathroom.

  “Alright, I’ll do that after my shower. Hey, I’m fucking starving, can you guys order pizza?” I don’t even wait for an answer I just shut the bathroom door and turn on the shower. While I am in there, I am getting more excited about doing something different tonight. Hopefully, Maddie and Becca will want to do it too.

  After I get out, I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist. I head straight to my room, noticing no one is here so they must be over at the girls’ place. I pull out my favorite pair of jeans and my blue button down. Not one of those dress shirts, just a nice shirt. I’m not going to a fucking wedding. I get dressed and throw some gel in my hair making it look like I just woke up. I throw some cologne on and check myself in the mirror. “Not bad, you sexy thing.”

  “Sexy thing, huh?” I jerk my head toward the sound of Maddie’s voice. She looks absolutely fuckable. She’s got on a tight black dress with no straps, her tits hanging out of the top. Fuck me red heels on, and her hair and makeup look flawless. I run my eyes over her entire body and lick my lips. It’s a natural reaction when I want to taste every inch of her. She moves closer to me and I’m snapped out of my Maddie trance.

  “Yep, sexy thing. Don’t deny the truth; you know you think the same thing.” I lift my shoulders, letting her know I don’t care that she caught me talking to myself. Once she is in front of me, she wraps her arms around my neck and leans in toward my ear.

  “You’re right, I do. Just like you can’t deny you were just eye fucking me.” I laugh and pull her in for a hug.

  “Damn right, I was just eye fucking you. You look hot, babe.” She looks up at me and we both lean toward each other until our lips make contact. She opens her mouth and our tongues begin their dance. I run my hands down her back and grab onto her ass. I always do that, but I can’t help it, her tits and ass are perfect. I pull away before I get carried away and she gives me that pouty face of hers. I swat her ass and she yelps. “So, does this mean you like the idea of the dance club?”

  “Hell yes. I can’t wait to shake my ass on the dance floor.” I shake my head at her and stick my wallet in my pants.

  “As long as that ass comes home with me, I don’t care how much you shake it. Hey, did you guys eat? I’m fucking starving.”

  “Yes, Campbell ordered pizza. Now, let’s go over so you can eat and we can all get the hell out of here.” I grab her hand and we walk across the hall.

  We are all walking up to the club door, the girls are walking with their arms linked together just a few steps in front of us. They are joking and laughing. The relationship they have is something special that’s for damn sure. “Those three are going to get us in trouble tonight if we aren’t careful.” I look over at Dick and he raises his eyebrows at me.

  “Fuck. Well, let’s try to keep them as close as possible.” I never thought about these three attracting the attention of all the other assholes at the club. I instantly start looking around. Campbell starts laughing at me.

  “What the hell are you looking for? Someone holding a sign that says, ‘I’m going to make a move on your girl.’” I growl at him and punch him in the arm.

  “Fuck off, douche. You get to go home and screw your girl, I get to go jerk off, so yea, I’m a little on edge.” Both of my asshole friends laugh this time and I just flip them off. I know they don’t understand, but it is working for fuck sake. Screw them both.

  We all pay our way in the club and I grab Maddie’s hand as soon as we walk in. I look around taking it all in. It’s dark, with lights all over the dance floor. The bar is huge, completely lined with bar stools, which are all taken. There are people everywhere, dancing, sitting at tables, standing and talking. You have guys drinking getting ready to make a move
and girls shaking their asses trying to get attention. Campbell leads the way to a booth close to the dance floor. We all squeeze in it and a waitress, who normally would have my dick standing at attention, comes over. I put my hand on Maddie’s leg under the table and realize that no one has gotten the attention of my dick since we’ve been together. I fucking love that.

  Once we all place our drink order, I lean back in the seat and put my arms on the back of the booth. “Well, I for one think this is going to be a kickass night. Think of all the truth or dare we could do here.” They all laugh, but I’m dead fucking serious. I’m going to make Dick and Campbell look like idiots on the dance floor. I can’t fucking wait.

  After we have a few drinks, the girls decide they need to get out there and dance. Like a bunch of lions watching over their pride, or pussy whipped assholes, we sit watching the girls. I can’t take my eyes off of Maddie. The way she moves not only has my attention, but my dick’s attention too. Her hips are moving to the beat, her tits are bouncing and when she lets her head fall back with her eyes closed letting the music take over, I want to drag her to my bed. I keep my eyes on her the entire time she is out there, even when Dick and Campbell are talking to me.

  “Young, I have to admit this was a good idea.” I sip my beer and give Dick a shake of my head.

  “No shit, asshole. I always have good ideas; you pussies just won’t give them a chance.” If they gave me a chance, we would do a lot more fun things. They just like to do the same shit and it gets boring, except for truth or dare, that fucking game kicks ass. “I say we play a little truth or dare while the girls are dancing.”

  They are quite for a minute before Campbell finally gives in. “What the fuck, why not?” I grin thinking of all reasons why he’ll bitch at me later.

  “Alright, truth or dare, Campbell?” I cross my arms and give him a smirk. He shakes his head looking from Red to me.

  “Fuck. Dare.” I am actually impressed because I thought for sure he would use his vagina and call truth. I look around the club trying to come up with something different. I’m sick of the kiss that one dare. I need to think out of the box. I’m looking at all these tools on the dance floor thinking they have moves when it hits me. I lean my arms on the table and smile.

  “I dare you to get your ass out on the dance floor and do the robot.” Dick chokes on his beer and I hold out my fist for a pound. Campbell does not look happy.

  “Are you fucking kidding? You want me to make a complete ass of myself?”

  “What the fuck is the point of a dare if it’s not something that will humiliate you?” I lean back in the booth, looking over to make sure Maddie is still good. She and the girls have formed a circle, dancing and laughing together. Satisfied that she is fine, I turn my attention back to Campbell. “Well?”

  “You’re a fucking douche and you better call dare when I get back.” He slowly pushes his way out of the booth. Dick and I are trying not to laugh, but it is hard looking at his pissed off face. He makes his way to the dance floor, shaking his head the entire way. Once he is out there, he looks around to see if anyone is looking at him. He then looks back over at us and flips me off. I give him a nod, meaning get on with it already you fucking pussy. He shakes his head one last time before he starts to move his arms like a robot, then he adds a bit of his head and finally his legs start to move. I am pounding on the table I’m laughing so hard. He looks like a fucking idiot. Not only because he’s on the dance floor doing the robot but a terrible robot at that.

  “Holy shit, dude, he’s horrible.” This causes me to laugh even harder. Campbell looks over at us and stops his awful impression of the robot, and comes walking back over. He is looking around on his way over, checking again if anyone is looking. By the time he reaches us, Dick and I are laughing so hard I can’t even talk.

  “Laugh it up, asswipes. I’ve got a dare for both of you.” He guzzles his beer, waiting for us to compose ourselves. Finally, I catch my breath and take a sip of my beer. “You ready?” I shake my head and clear my throat.

  “Yep, I’m ready for my dare. Nice robot by the way.” Dick and I start to laugh again and Campbell joins in this time.

  “Fuck off. Alright, we are all doing dance moves tonight. I dare you to get out there and do the funky chicken.” I can’t help but bust out laughing with him and Dick. What a fucking stupid dance, but I’ll do it without even complaining I’m not a pussy.

  “Done. Watch and learn boys.” I get up and make my way to the dance floor. You would think by now, they would all realize that I am not easily embarrassed. I’ll do just about anything, I don’t care who’s watching. I get on the dance floor and peak over to check on Maddie once before I do my kickass funky chicken. They are all still together, so I turn back and give the guys a thumbs up. I start rocking back and forth, before I add in my arms to make them look like wings. Those two assholes are hysterical, but I’m not done yet. I start making my way around the dance floor, flapping my arms and even throwing in a chicken noise every few steps. People are pointing and laughing, to which I raise my arm to salute them. After a few minutes, I head back to the table, laughing at myself. A few people slap me on the back on the way back and I bow. I love being stupid as hell, makes life more interesting. How fucking boring would it be, if you took yourself too seriously and couldn’t laugh at yourself? I make it to the table and sit down. Dick hands me a fresh beer and I graciously take it.

  “Young, you just don’t give a fuck do you?” Campbell shakes his head still laughing.

  “If you guys would stop being pussies and grow a set, you’d realize it’s all how you do it. I don’t give a fuck, I like to have fun and laugh. Even if it’s at myself, stop taking shit so seriously, have fun.” I sit back in the booth, tip my cold beer at them, and take a drink.

  “Sometimes you actually make sense, Young.” I look at Dick and put the bottle down.

  “I don’t know why the fuck you two are always second guessing me. Just because I like to have fun doesn’t mean I’m a fucking idiot.” They both look at each other and tip their beers at me. Damn right.

  The girls come back to the booth laughing and sit down. “That was so much fun.” I can’t help but smile when Campbell pulls Red onto his lap.

  “I agree, let’s get a drink and go back out.” Becca tries to get the waitresses attention.

  “We are definitely going back out, but the guys are coming with us this time.” I give Maddie a wink. Fuck yea, I’ll get out there with her. I can’t wait to run my hands all over her sexy body. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer. I lean down to whisper in her ear.

  “You bet your perfect tits and ass I’ll be out there with you.” She giggles and I kiss her cheek. She doesn’t shy away from the attention I show her in front of everyone anymore. Just another sign to me that this no sex torture is actually working. I need her to open up to me more, tell me things before I can finally get my dick wrapped in that delicious pussy.

  We all have another drink, all feeling pretty good at this point. Becca stands up and throws her arms up. “Let’s go shake it.” She makes us all laugh; she is so reserved most times. When she does things like this, it is fucking awesome. We all start to climb out of the booth, when Maddie grabs my hand, linking our fingers. I look over at her and she gives me a shy smile. We hold hands, but it is usually palm on palm. I fucking love that she is the one who did this, it may seem like a small insignificant thing to most people, but to me it’s huge. It shows me that she not only doesn’t care to show people we are together, but that she may just have feelings for me.

  We all make our way to the dance floor and Maddie stops us a bit before the others stop. I give her a confused look. “I want to have a little privacy.” I look around the crowded dance floor and raise my eyebrows with a grin on my face.

  “This is what you call privacy?” We both laugh and she pushes my chest.

  “No, asshole, I meant from our friends. They will want to talk with us and I jus
t want to spend time with you.” I pull her to me and kiss her right on the dance floor. As much as I want to deepen the kiss, I don’t want to push it. I pull back, but leave my hands on her hips and she rests her arms on my shoulders.

  “Alright, Maddie, it’s just us. Let’s have some fun.” I give her a wink and we begin to move together. It’s been a long fucking time since I danced, especially with a woman. I’m trying to seem more confident then I feel. The music is kind of slow right now and we are just slowly moving to the beat. She looks into my eyes and I can’t seem to pull my attention away from hers. I’m not sure what we are trying to say without words, but I know it’s something. Just as I’m trying to figure it out, the music picks up and so does the dancing. She takes her arms off my shoulders and starts to move that sexy body to the music. She’s got her arms in the air, swaying her hips, with her head back. It is such a turn on watching her. She lifts her head and winks at me. She moves closer, until our pelvises are touching and starts grinding into mine. Holy fuck. I grab onto her ass and begin grinding mine as well.

  “This is hot, Young.” Like she fucking has to tell me. We are both moving on each other and she suddenly turns in my arms so her ass his now pressed against my dick. I bring my arms around her front, resting them on her thighs. She bends forward and starts moving that sweet ass. I’m hard as a rock now; having her move on me like this is too much like sex. I lean forward and nip her ear.

  “Babe, you have my cock hard as a rock.” I run my hands up her thighs to her sides and rest them on her stomach. I lean back, but leave my hands and press my cock into her ass, showing her just how hard I am.

  This continues on for another half hour. Either her ass pressed on me, or her pelvis or even her tits. It’s becoming more then I can handle. I need release and I can tell the way she is acting she does too. That’s when it hits me. I grab her hand that is in my back pocket and lead her to our friends. She is looking at me curious what I am doing.


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