Vampire's Fall

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Vampire's Fall Page 2

by Tracy Delong

  She drove up to her driveway and got out. Then she went into her house to change her clothes and fixed her make-up. When she was done. Went back into her car. She drives down to the main highway to where the nightlife was. It was a couple of bars and about two nightclubs not much she thought. New York was plenty of nightlife going on. She had to be careful when she went out.

  Emma made a turn and entered the driveway of the club. She was greeted with a big neon sign Club21. She walked up to the door and a bouncer asked her for some I.D. She then showed it to him and then he opened the door.

  As she enters the club. Emma felt eyes were watching her. She saw an empty table and sat down. In few minutes came by and a handsome man walked up her. Asking Emma what she likes to drink. She told him what she wants and he wrote it down and walked away.

  Then a woman appeared at her table.

  “Miss Newton?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I am Countess Elizabeth and I am an old friend of Andre.”

  “Please, sit down. Countess Elizabeth. Should I stand up?”

  “No it alright. My tile is only apart of my name now. These days when I go back to my homeland, I still am royalty. I am been in a America for years now.”

  “How long have you known Andre?”

  “Let me see I say it was twenty years now. It’s feelings like forever.” Countess smiles.

  “I see. That’s nice.”

  The waiter came with Emma’s drink. Emma took a sip of the drink.

  “Let me put your mind at ease. Andre and I did have a past, but us

  discover that we are too different to stay together.”

  “How did you know that I have felt for Andre?”

  “The way you say Andre’s name.”

  “I wasn’t a wear of it.”

  “It is alright. I am looking for my third husband.”

  I am having trouble finding the right man. ”

  “It was nice to meet you.”

  “Yes, it has.”

  “I have to get going but I hope I see sometime.”

  “Yes, soon. Good night. ” Emma got up from the table and went to the door into the night air.

  In the club, the waiter walks to the countess.

  “Do you want me to follow her, my Countess?”

  “No, I already know where she lives. I feel hungry go and find me a

  handsome guy. ”

  “I thought I could help you with your hunger, my Countess.”

  “I haven't forgotten you, my pet. I come to you later tonight. Go now and find what I need.”


  Emma has chosen a flowing red dress that she got a Christmas party. She put her hair up and a pair of her favorite earrings. Then she adds a necklace and bracelet then she had put some black heels.

  At 8:00 her phone rang it was the front desk saying that a driver as came for her. Emma said that she will be right down. She grabs her evening purse and walked out of her apartment. Downstairs Andre’s driver Tom was waiting for her.

  “Good evening, Tom.”

  “Good evening, Miss Newton.”

  Tom walked to the door and opened it. Emma walked into the night and Tom opened the car. Emma got into the car and it took off.

  Soon the car was at the driveway up to Andre’s house. Tom stopped the car and got and opened the door for Emma.

  Emma stepped out and walked up to the house. She ranged the door of the old butler opened the door and let her in.

  “Master Andre will be done in a few minutes.”

  “Is there anything you want to drink. Miss Newton?”

  “Please call me Emma. I think I just have some water.”

  “Very well, Emma.”

  The butler turned and left the room. She looked around the room when she heard her name.


  She turned around there was a handsome man that long bound hair put back.

  “Do I know you?”

  “I am afraid not. I am an old friend of Andre. He has failed to tell

  how beautiful you are. ”

  “Yes I did.” Andres’s tall handsome frame entered the room.

  “Emma is under my protection while she here and outside”

  “What doing means, Andre?” Emma asked as she walked up to Andre.

  “It is a dangerous world out there many things could happen,. My love.

  “I am going to take my leave now. I am sure that we will meet again to Emma. Andre is a pleasure as always. ” He bows and leaves.

  “Andre who was that?”

  “He is an old friend of my country.” Try not to be alone with two long, my love.”

  “Why not?”

  “I am jealous and I am keeping you myself.” Andre smiles.

  “You haven’t nothing to fear, Andre.” Emma smiles.

  “Come, let’s start our evening. Andre and Emma left his home

  Got into the car and drove away into the night.


  Walter had to pull some strings, but he got an invitation to the Arts Fund Raiser. I had a bad feeling and his wanting to keep an eye on Emma. Also want to see this mysterious Andre Winnerham and see if he gets any more information on him.

  There was the basic information on Andre on the internet. Walter did like the man and thought he was in trouble, especially with Emma. He knows that Emma just thought of him as a friend and co-worker.

  He wants it to be much more than that. As he walked around the Art Museum people were talking and socializing. He was offered a glass champagne and took it from the waiter. He took a drink of it was stopped in his tracks.

  There right in front of him was an oil painting from the 1800’s. It the lady that shocked him. It was Emma her same beautiful face and body. The only thing that was different was her clothes. The background was different shades of yellow and orange. The artiest was painting at sunset and to capture the beauty of the woman.

  Suddenly the was a buzzing in the next room and a crowd form. Andre and Emma arrived. In seeing flashes of camera flashing. Walter tried to get close to Emma but couldn’t get to her.

  “Let’s get away from this crowd.” Andre whispered into ear.

  They both enter the more quiet section in the art museum. When they both saw the oil painting.

  “Oh my, look at this Andre. This woman could have been me.”

  Andre stopped in shock and looked at the painting and back to Emma. Touch of sadness in the eyes then he said,

  Yes, I love it must mean you had a twin in your family. ”

  “I guess so. I really don’t know much about them. Both of my parents died when I was young.” My older brother raises me.” I wonder who painted this.”

  “I believe that was my grandfather” A woman voice said behind them. They both turned around and there she was Countess Emma Andre knew who it was. She may change who looks throughout the centuries the evil and darkness will be always there.

  “Countess Emma” Andre said in a very cold voice.

  “Andre and the lovely Emma.”

  “I thought you went back to your homeland. I was not ever to see you.”

  “That is true my dear Andre the times as changed and I want a fresh new start.”

  “You have broken our agreement never to see me or tries to contact me.”

  “Andre, please stops acting this way so cold and means. It is beginning to scare me,”

  “Yes I love this is not the right time and place to talk about such things.”

  Yes you don’t want to fight our lovely Emma away. ” I have an idea tomorrow night we will meet at Club21. There we can continue our talk and nobody will bother uS.” The Countess with a big smile.

  “Agree, one way or other it will end tomorrow night.”

  “Enjoy the night. ” The countess said, she turned around and left.

  “Andre, what was that all about? Are you in trouble? Emma asked.

  “No, my love. Later I have something important to say. Let’s enjoy the rest of our


  Walter got deeper in the shadows of the gallery. Club21 tomorrow tonight this is it. He had to protect Emma and this could be the big break he needs to start his reporting career. He was lucky that he kept in touch with his army friends. All he is to do is to make a couple of phone calls and get supplies he needed.


  Later that night at Andre’s home in the Emma was sitting down with some wine and said,

  “What is this important thing that you have to tell me, Andre?”

  “Well, my love. I am a vampire. I was that ever since I came back home in 1560.”

  “A vampire? Is that all? I thought you were going to tell me that dying.”

  “No, my love. I am the unread.”

  “Undead! Wait a minute you want to drink my blood? ” Emma put her hands to her throat to cover it.

  “Yes, I love to honest. When cut your finger my control almost snap. ” Don’t worry I not going to hurt you, my love.” Come with me I show you sometime. ” Andre took her hand and leads her to the Bar. He went behind the bar and turned his back. Opening a small refresher he took out a pint of blood with the label of a hospital.

  “This is how I get blood now from the hospital. It has been 150 yr since I took blood from another never by force.”

  “What about the Countess? Emma asked

  “She is my maker. She and her two gentleman friends come to me one cold night. At my father’s castle within a week’s time, I have lost my two sisters, my mother and my father was driving to suicide. He hanged himself in front of the castle.

  “When the Countess I felt dead inside and didn’t care about myself. She bit and turned me into a vampire at the time she had to hold over me but over time the bond I had with her fade. As long as she is living the sound is there.”

  “What going to happen tomorrow night?”

  “A trial of sorts to see if I broke any vampire rules.” The elders can be heartless and very cold. Elders are the old vampires and very powerful the Covet of Vampires is an ancient book of rules for vampires.”

  “What happens when if a vampire breaks the rules?”

  “Death .”

  “Everything is going to be alright, my love. I want you to stay here for tonight. Soon dawn will be here. I will feel better knowing that you are near to me.”

  “Yes, I want to stay near you and show me your coffin.”

  “Are you sure? It won’t fright you.”

  “No, I need to see it, to understand. It’s not every day that your boyfriend says he is a vampire.”

  “Come with me. My love. ” Andre takes Emma’s hand and leads her into a secret entrance where the bar was. Entering a small lighting room then the was an old wood door with an old fashioned key. Nearby there was a statue of a join in it mouth, was a key. Andre reach into its mouth took an out the key. Bringing it to the lock and unlocked the door.

  Then both of them step into another room. There in the centered in the room was a black coffin. On either side long candle sticks with candles, light. Emma is walking up to the coffin and touching it running her hand on it.

  ‘This real, is it? ” Emma asked.

  “Yes, it is, I love.” Andre took her other hand to his lips and kisses it.

  “I want see you in your coffin and how you are.”

  “Are you sure, Emma? I will stop breathing and look like the dead. Cold to the touch and it is not a pretty sight to you.”


  Andre picked up the phone and talk for a few minutes and hangs up.

  “Tom is coming and will meet you when I am in my coffin.”

  “It is time. My love.” Andre opened the lid of the coffin and climbed in and laid down.

  Emma reached over and took his hand and watched as the effects of the dawn coming. Andre closes his eyes as his chest stopped moving his whole body stiffen like the dead. His skin became cold Emma took her other and other and trace his face. Placing his hand down she closed the lid when she her voice being called.

  “Miss Emma, is you ready to leave?” Tom asked.

  “Yes, I am Tom thank you.”


  Early in the morning Walter got home and start calling his old

  Army buddies. He told them to meet him back at his place. Since he didn’t know what he was dealing with. Walter pulled out his army uniform and starts to get his weapons ready.

  In the back of his head he pulled out silver bullets and crosses. Walter felt that he needed to do research on the Club21. He went down to the courthouse to see. He learned that through years the building has been removed and charged into bars and clubs.

  It never opened for a long period of time only for a few months and then it will close. A little time will go by and it reopened with a different name. Reports started to show up and that the costumers started to act and had a loss of memory. Then a word came that surprised even Walter vampires.

  A report states that a group of teenagers that want to if any ghost were around the building. They soon discovered something much worse a vampires. All of the them were found dead expected one who was charged with the killings. The court found him insane at the time of the murders and was sentenced to medical hospital outside the town.

  Robert Gilbert was his name. Walter wrote his name down. He knew where the medical hospital. He left the courthouse and starts to out of the town. Of the years, he heard that some people try to escape but was caught. It was a long dirt road then there was a sign saying,

  Woodlands Medical Health Hospital the next 25 miles.

  Turning right Walter turned down the road. It seems to be forever when he saw iron gates and some building where a security guards. The guard asked to see his kid then he opened the iron gates. Taking back his id Walter drove through then the gates closed behind him.

  Outside the building looked like it was going to fall down any minute Walter was surprised that it was still open. Walking up to it and opened the doors. He walked up to the front desk and asked if he could see Robert Gilbert. The nurse asked why and Walter said

  “It is for his boss at the newspaper he wants do another story about the murders.”

  “You have gone go 15 minutes, and then you can talk to him. He doesn’t make much sense.”

  While he was waiting he checks his recorder and made sure it was working. Then a hospital orderly came wearing a tight white shirt that was showing his muscles.

  “Come with me.”

  Walter got up and the orderly into a long hall where on either side there were doors. Doors little windows as they passed through men will yell and pounding trying to get through the locked doors.

  “I am going to be safe.”

  “Yes, he is a special case He must have restraints at all times.”

  “When you are done knocked at the door.” The orderly opened the door and Walter walked through the door. The room was very plain like a regular cell and there was a small window. There was a bunk bed and a very small desk that Robert was sitting.

  Looking up He saw the Walter there.

  “I see that I have a visitor. “ Don’t worry you are safe. ” He got up and around his feet the were chains.

  “What is that you want?”

  “My name is Walter. I am a reporter and I doing a story about the murders and your trial.”

  “You should have all it already.”

  “I do but I want to know why.”

  “Dude, I don’t know why. The last thing I remember was when I woke up all my friends is dead and I am covered with blood. The police came and hauled my ass to jail. Then my parents were called.”

  “So you had memory loss about the murders.”

  “Yes, even now I have nightmares at night.”

  “Why do you want to know?

  “I have a girlfriend that I think she might be in trouble.”

  “She will be if she goes into the Club21” Here is something you should look at.” I wrote down the nightmare and have drawings.”

  Robert handed Walter the notebook and said,

  “You must save your girlfriend. She is in danger I have seen them”

  “Who are they?”

  “Vampires, with sharp fangs that tear out your flesh into

  And drink blood within minutes. ”

  Vampires are you for real? Everyone knows that there is no such

  thing as vampires running around. ”

  “They are well hidden and been walking among humans for centuries.”

  “Walter, we been on missions and through dessert storm. So if you say there are vampires running the round I believe you. The rest of the boys will too. When do we strike, Walter?”

  “Tonight is late. Let’s tell the rest of the guys.”


  At sunset on Andre awoke in his coffin. His raise his hand and left the coffin led

  open. He knows that after tonight nothing is going to be the same.

  At all cost, he had to Emma safe from the Vampires at Club21. He will sacrifice his own life and face the sun. He already knows were he going and is at peace with it.

  Andre walked up to the table and picks up a match. He strikes the match and light the candle. Then he went to open the secret door and locked it.

  He enters the living room where Tom was behind the bar.

  “Good evening, Master Andre.”

  “Good evening. Did you check on Emma, Tom?”

  “Yes, she is still sleeping.”

  Tom opens the refrigerator and took out a pint of blood. Pours into

  A glass and hand it to Andre took the glass.

  “You know what to do if I am unable to back”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good, I will go to Emma.”

  Within an hour Andre and Emma left the house they entered the car and

  drive into the night.

  Arriving at the Club21, they got out and entered it. The doors closed with

  Aloud thud.

  “Don’t be afraid. Emma.”

  “I am not, Andre.”

  In blink of a eye the room was full of vampires


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