Thief of Hearts Boxed Set

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Thief of Hearts Boxed Set Page 12

by Doreen DeSalvo

  He nodded and stood, faking obedience. She’d already picked up a folder from her desk when he grabbed her around the waist and planted a kiss square on her mouth, pulling her closer when she tried to push away. One fist hit his shoulder, but he hung on tighter.

  It took a second or two, but when she finally relaxed into the kiss he let go. Her eyes fired sparks at him. “How dare you?”

  Before she could bitch him out, he spoke. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Kate.”

  The folder fluttered a little in her trembling hand. She looked too angry to answer. But her chin lifted a notch, and her eyes glared straight at him.

  He threw down the gauntlet. “I don’t take orders from you. Ever.”

  Her back went rigid, and the folder hit the desk with a slap. “Are you trying to get me fired?”

  What the… “Now you protest?”

  She waved one hand at the door. “The door is open. Anyone could see us.” The words were whispered, almost hissed.

  He folded his arms across his chest. “What am I, a dirty secret?”

  She rolled her eyes as if he was a moron. “Of course you’re a secret. My colleagues…they wouldn’t understand.”

  Meaning she was embarrassed about him. He’d love to press the issue, but not now. Not when her chest was heaving from anger. No, he’d wait until tonight, when he had her panting with hunger again. Then he’d push her for a public display of affection. A public display of lust.

  “All right, I’ll leave. But I’m warning you, Kate.” He took a step closer, until he loomed over her. She was a tall woman, but she seemed tiny compared to him. “The next time you jerk off, it better be because I tell you to.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious.”

  He ignored that. “I’ll tell you exactly when, where, and how to do it. And you’ll be a good girl and do what I say. Understood?”

  “I hear you.” Despite her words, the frown spelled mutiny. “But I need to set a boundary with you, Jake.”

  A boundary? What was this, the Oprah show? “This oughta be good.”

  She tsked like a school teacher. “I’m serious.” She walked around him to peek out the door, then moved close enough to whisper. “I’m willing to let you take charge in bed. Not in my office.”

  That horse was already out of the barn. “No deal.”

  Her fists went to her hips. “It’s your choice. Pull this kind of stunt again, and I’ll throw you out.”

  His blood chilled. If she made a scene, security would show up. A parole violation would send him back to San Quentin on the next bus, but no way would he let her set the rules. “I have a boundary too, Kate. I don’t accept limits.”

  “You mean you won’t accept compromise. You have to be realistic, Jake. I could get into a lot of trouble if—”

  When she finished that thought, she’d have herself convinced not to be with him at all. He cut her off. “Do you want a prissy lawyer who’s too polite to give you a spanking when you deserve one?” A phone rang somewhere outside, and he lowered his voice. “Do you want a man who’s so uptight he fucks like a wet fish on Valium?”

  She looked away but said nothing.

  “You’re dripping wet under your skirt right now, and you have me to thank for it. Don’t you?”

  Eyes still downcast, she nodded.

  That was better. “It’s really simple. Don’t jerk off—”Not until I tell you to—“And I’ll give you a reward later.”

  Her cheeks went pink, and she looked flustered. “This is ridiculous. You can’t order me not to…masturbate.” She whispered the last word.

  Had he pushed her too far? She had no idea how far he wanted to take her…how desperately he needed to own her. He reached out and took her hand. “If you want me, Kate, you have to be completely mine. No arguments.” No boundaries. “No limits.”

  Her teeth worried her lower lip, and her gaze darted to the open door. With a nervous tug, she pulled her hand away. Rejecting him?

  He held his breath, waiting for her next volley.

  “All right.” Obviously she still had reservations—her brows were pulled together and her eyes seemed troubled.

  “You won’t regret it.” Hell, maybe she already did. No point in dwelling on it. A wimpy response wasn’t going to win her, no matter what she pretended to want. “You didn’t give me lunch, so I’ll take dinner and the rest of the night.”

  “Yes, Jake.” That meek tone had to be an act, but at least she smiled at him. “Call me later to set up a time?”

  A question instead of an order. She was learning.

  He nodded and left before he kissed her again. With the door open, it was too risky.

  Damn, her office was closer to the warren of cubicles outside than he’d thought. On his way in he’d only noticed the battered metal filing cabinets, a nice wall of them that barricaded her door from most of the foot traffic. Even so, someone could have tried to barge in while she’d been blowing him. What if some lackey had come here to get a file and heard the spanking? He’d been so intent on proving his point, so determined to show her he was boss, he hadn’t even thought about the noise.

  He looked hard at each person he passed, but they didn’t give him any strange looks. Just another thug in the D.A.’s office. Good.

  Amazing that she’d let him go so far with her co-workers this close. When she’d pushed back afterwards, trying to take control again, he’d given her a full dose of attitude to keep up appearances. But he’d be more careful in the future. He wasn’t out to ruin her career.

  Temptation would be hard to resist. Spanking her behind that imposing desk had been sweet…and the blow job even sweeter. Nothing had ever made him feel more a man than seeing a strong, lovely woman like Kate kneel at his feet and lick her lips.

  Shit, five minutes after an orgasm and the thought of her hot mouth had his cock twitching.

  A smart woman would have run a mile from a guy like him. Kate was hella smart, but she was also a natural submissive.

  A virgin submissive. Hard to believe none of the men she’d dated before had tapped into it. They must have been candy-ass pansy lawyers like he’d said. Lucky for him. He knew what to do with a woman like her—let his wild side out, push her into kinky sex that ratcheted her lust into the stratosphere. Push every limit—every boundary—she thought she had.

  Her protests were just a front. She’d come in from showing her breast to a stranger with her eyes flashing and her pussy soaked, looking so hot, he thought he might burn himself when he touched her.

  Yeah, she liked it when he ordered her to do crazy things.

  He’d have to push her even further, get her to realize how much she enjoyed having him tell her exactly what to do. There was freedom in submission, if only she’d accept it and not feel this stupid need to pretend she was in charge when they were done sucking and fucking.

  Why couldn’t she relax and get into the groove? She had a safe word after all…and he’d never give her a reason to use it. His punishments would push her to the brink, but not over the edge. He’d never hurt her seriously.

  But telling her that would spoil the fun.

  At the elevators, he turned left and went through the fire door to take the stairs. After three years in a cell, an elevator was too close for comfort.

  He whistled as he ran down the stairs. Nothing like a blow job from a sexy submissive to put him in a good mood.

  He’d heard of subs who were so well trained, they climaxed simply because their Masters told them to. He’d love to see Kate come on his command.

  Better not get ahead of himself. She might be a natural submissive, but she wasn’t exactly embracing that side of her nature. At least she’d admitted that she liked the spanking.

  His lips curved. At the rate she was going, he’d have to come up with new ways to keep her excited. Not a problem. He already had a lot in store for tonight. Games that would shock and excite her. Erotic fantasies that he’d bring into the rea
l world.

  All for Kate’s pleasure…and his.

  Chapter Seven

  Kate tried not to keep one eye on the clock, but it was tough. The paperwork was boring—nothing but referrals, notes on old cases, and trial transcripts to read through and summarize.

  No one stopped by. No one called. Even without any distractions, the work took twice as long as it should have. Her mind kept drifting to thoughts of Jake and all the things he’d done to her…right here in this office. The scent of him lingered on her skin…the salty taste of his semen flavored her mouth…the walls seemed to echo with the sounds of his big strong hand slapping her bottom.

  She shivered. The man was a barbarian, but he certainly knew how to keep her motor running.

  Did he have prior experience with this…this bondage and dominance stuff? He seemed to know exactly what he was doing—forcing her to go without panties, making her flash a stranger in public, ordering her not to masturbate…spanking her for a minor infraction. And to make her give him head in her office, while he sat in this very chair… She’d gone wild, imagining someone coming in.

  Not just anyone. She’d pictured Arthur coming in. Pictured him lifting her skirt, pulling down her pantyhose, and fucking her from behind—all while she sucked Jake off. Eerily close to her earlier fantasy.

  No wonder her nylons were still wet and sticky.

  What did Jake have planned for tonight? A restaurant, he’d said. Well, he couldn’t do much to her in public. Crazy how disappointed she felt about that. Maybe some dirty talk at the table, when no one was around. Maybe heavy petting in her car. She’d always wanted to have sex in a car. Back in high school, when teenagers did such things, she’d been too afraid.

  Her cell phone rang, and she didn’t have to look at the clock a second time to know it was barely five thirty. The Caller ID read “private number.” Jake again?

  She pressed the Talk button. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby.”

  Jake. Just the sound of his deep voice made her smile like a lovesick teenager. “Hi. How are you?”

  “A little bored. Want to entertain me?”

  Oh, definitely. “Sure. I can leave in about twenty minutes.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Was he standing her up? “I—”

  “Jerk off for me, Kate. Now.”

  Her jaw fell open. “Now?”

  “Is there an echo on the line? Yes, now.” He practically barked the words.

  This late, the building was a ghost town. She hadn’t heard anyone on this floor for five minutes at least. “All right.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  The words should have been insulting, the kind of affirmation he’d give a dog. But she found herself heating up at his praise. “Where do you want me to do it?”

  “In your office.”

  That sounded like a challenge. With the building nearly empty, there was no reason to argue. “OK.”

  Was he surprised? It took a moment for him to speak. “So cooperative. You deserve a present for that. Have you found the bag yet?”

  “What bag?”

  “Guess not. I left something for you this afternoon.”

  “You did?” She glanced around, but saw nothing unusual. No packages on the floor, nothing out of place on her rickety bookshelf.

  “Open the top left drawer on your desk.”

  Curious, she slowly slid the drawer open. Nothing but the standard clutter of pens and pencils, paper clips, her calculator, and a pair of scissors. The usual. “I don’t see—”

  “Look all the way in the back.”

  She bent low to peer inside. Behind the gray plastic tray that held her pencils was a small black pouch. She reached in carefully and removed the silky bag. Inside, two objects rapped against each other. Sounded like plastic. “I found the bag. May I open it?”

  “Yes, you may.” His voice held a smile. Did he enjoy her obedience?

  The bag closed with a tiny satin drawstring cord. As she untied it, the elevator dinged down the hall. Her fingers froze. “May I lock the door, Jake? I’m afraid someone might come in.”

  “Yeah, go ahead.” He sounded a little disappointed. Too bad—no way was she going to masturbate for his amusement and lose her job over it.

  She got up and looked out the door. No one in sight—not that she could see into every office, of course, but the cubicle walls were low. Deserted. She locked the door, then returned to her seat.

  Before she got started, she wanted both hands free. She found her purse, took out her headset, and slipped the buds in her ears before plugging it into the phone. “I’m back. I’m opening the bag.”

  “Tell me what you see.”

  Only one of the two objects was recognizable—a tiny cylinder-shaped vibrator, made out of shiny metal and roughly two inches long. “One is a little vibrator, with Silver Bullet printed on the side.” She held up the other object, a long, thin piece of red plastic with graduated knobs along the length and a wide base. “I don’t know what the other one is. A dildo?” No, it was too narrow to be a dildo. And short, only four inches in length.

  “Not exactly. I’ll tell you later. Put them on the desk, then stand up and take off your pantyhose.”

  She stood and slipped off her pumps. The rubber mat under her chair felt cool against her stockinged feet. Leaning one hip against the desk for balance, she stripped down her hose and tucked them into her purse. She’d throw them away later, but wasn’t about to risk leaving them in her office trash can for the janitor to speculate about. “They’re off, Jake.”

  “Good. Now hike your skirt up and sit in the chair. Put your feet on the edge of the desk. Spread your knees apart.”

  She did as he said, balancing her bottom on the edge of the chair. It rolled a bit, startling her. She grasped the edge of the desk to pull herself back. The only way to stabilize the chair was to put her entire lower leg on the top of the desk. With her bare feet spread wide and her calves resting on the blotter, she felt completely obscene.

  “Are your legs open, Kate?”

  Her face heated at his bald words. “Yes.”

  “How does it feel?”

  Embarrassing. “Um, the air feels cool against my crotch.”

  He chuckled. “You mean your pussy? Is your pussy already wet?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Now listen, and this is important. Don’t do anything unless I tell you to, no matter how badly you want it. Is that clear?”

  As if he’d know. “Yes, Jake.” Strange, but she had no intention of disobeying him.

  “Are you right handed?”

  Would he make her use her opposite hand? It would take her forever to climax that way. Still, no point in lying to him. “Yes, I am.”

  “OK. Use your right hand and rub your fingertips through your pussy hair.”

  Her fingers trembled, but she did as he said. “I’m doing it.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “It feels like hair.” God, that was the least sexy thing she could have said. The way to keep a man like Jake happy was not to talk mundanely while he listened to you masturbate. “It’s curly. Wiry and a little stiff.”

  “Mmm. It feels like silk to me, baby. I love how it tickles my face when I eat you.”

  Her breath hitched. If he was here, she’d beg him to eat her.

  “Did you know your pussy is hairier than a lot of women’s?”

  The thought of him looking at other women’s privates made her frown. “It’s not turning me on to hear you compare me to other women, Jake.”

  “I like a hairy pussy.” She might as well not have spoken. He didn’t care about her feelings, only about her body. “I like combing my fingers through it and watching the strands curl over my fingers. I like having to nose my way through that thick bush to get to your clit.”

  Her fingers dropped low, strumming her clit, making it tingle. “I’m glad I please you.”

  “Touch your clit, Kate.�

  Oops, she hadn’t waited for his order. “Yes. Oh, it feels so good.”

  “You’re picturing my face between your legs, aren’t you?”


  His breath sounded harsh, rasping in her ear. “Slip your fingers between your pussy lips. Get them nice and wet.”

  Her body was weeping; sticky fluid covered her fingers, seeping down toward her rear. “I’m dripping wet, Jake. You’ve had me dripping wet all day.”

  “And most of last night.” He sounded smug, but with her own hand driving her wild it was hard to take offense. “Are your fingers wet? Rub all that slippery wetness over your clit now.”

  When she slid a wet finger over her clit, she moaned. “My…my clit is throbbing. I want to rub it harder, Jake.”

  “Not yet.”

  She whimpered. “No?”

  “No. Just tease yourself a little. Make yourself crazy with wanting it.”

  Her hips shifted, lifted, but she kept the strokes light. Her skin felt hot all over, sweat beading under her suit jacket. “Can I take off my jacket?”

  “No. I want you to feel all hot and sticky under that corporate suit.”

  She moaned and flicked a finger over her clit. “I’m so hot, I might faint.” If she got him horny, maybe he’d tell her to use the vibrator. “My fingers are soaked in my juices, Jake. Even the palm of my hand is wet.”

  Shallow panting was all she heard for a moment. “Lick them.”

  Her heart skipped. “What?”

  “Lick your fingers. Taste the pussy I’ve been craving since I ate it this morning.”

  She brought her shaking hand to her lips. He’d never know if she didn’t do it. She’d pretend. Her scent filled her nostrils, musky and mysterious. Without conscious thought, her tongue came out and ran along one trembling finger. “I’m licking them.”

  “How does it taste?”

  Nervousness and excitement made it hard to find the words. “I don’t know how to describe it.”

  “You taste like pure lust to me, baby. Sinful and sweet.” The words were raspy. He cleared his throat. “Don’t stop now. Lick your fingers off like they’re covered in whipped cream.”


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