Deciding Skies (Fate's Intent Book 2)

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Deciding Skies (Fate's Intent Book 2) Page 2

by Bowles, April

  “Okay, that’s enough.” I moved Troy back into his own space. “Father’s here.”

  I watched him arrive, taking slow steps around the arena and took his seat in the high throne. He was such a royal. There have been times when I would have liked to forget but it all comes back when I see him behave around the public. It’s like how I should be but I was much more relaxed than him. I can’t even remember the last time I heard him laugh or even if I ever have. He always took things way too seriously and even now, he merely gave a simple hand signal for the duel to begin. He didn’t even have anything to say; he just wanted to watch.

  I turned my head when the door on the other side of the arena opened and three men stepped out. This was all wrong. These guys were huge like Darius huge but all of them. One had a large ax, another a heavy hammer and the other bore two long blades. They looked more than experienced and dressed for battle.

  “Oh no.” Troy muttered, putting his face in his hands. “I can’t watch this.”

  “I thought you said you fixed it?” Darius whispered.

  “I thought I did too.” I looked over towards my father and Lamar was sitting to his right with a triumphant smile, only making me more worried. “But it seems Lamar issued a new proposal. There’s nothing we can do now but watch and hope.” I put a comforting hand on Troy’s shoulder and he looked back up.

  The battle started out slowly.

  The men acted as if they didn’t know who was going first and just stood still, perhaps unsure if this was even real. They were probably never told they had to fight women. That would have been a conflicting thought for any man and the arena was dead silent.

  “Awe. I think they’re feeling a bit scared.” Ruby muttered with a humorous chuckle.

  Everyone in the stands laughed softly from it being so quiet that even we could hear her and the man with the large ax took immediate offense to her words. He lost his brief moment of hesitation and charged towards Ruby, swinging hard.

  Darius was on the edge of his seat while watching her run at him but she dodged out of the way from his swing and things from here only got more interesting. She jumped up and grabbed a hold of the back of his collar and my eyes were entranced. I couldn’t stop watching. She ran up the wall behind him a couple steps then pushed off it, flipping herself right over to the front of him. As she let go, she pulled out her swords and quickly swung the right one at his neck and the left one at his waist once she was closer to the ground. I didn’t even know if she hit him because it looked so flawless.

  At first nothing happened, he was just standing there, motionless but I saw his blood on her swords; she had to have hit him. I watched her smile and then quickly spin around, extending her right leg and kicking him in the middle of his chest. His head fell forward to the ground and his torso was split from his lower body.

  The small audience got loud when he fell in pieces, hearing the metal echo around us among their chants.

  I immediately looked at my father. He was impressed but Lamar sneered in response. I knew he was beginning to think their skills were too great to be of Leccan origin and I began to be even more worried.

  “Did you see that?!” Darius cheered, making sure Troy and I were both looking. “What a move!” Ruby looked up at us and brought her hand up to her mouth for a fake yawn. “I think I’m in love.”

  It was a bold thing to say indeed but I never saw him stray his eyes from her. He very well could have been and just admitted it at this very moment. I would have kept watching him but I was both worried and eager to see what would happen next.

  The other two men stood still in what may have been a silent shock to what had just happened. The man with the hammer started to pound the ground in front of him, preparing for his revenge and silence the crowd.

  They obeyed, only thirsty for more and I waited for it as well.

  The sound of his heavy hammer hitting the ground rumbled like thunder while he had his eyes fixed on Jaylyn.

  “If he hurts her, I’m going to kill him.” Troy muttered.

  I tapped his knee for silence but kept watching.

  Jaylyn stood still with her weight leaning on her left leg, making her left hip stand out in her sexy form. Her hands were held out just a few inches from her thighs, ready to pull out her weapons at any second and she smiled with her fake brown eyes forward, unafraid.

  He stepped toward her bringing down his hammer with each step. Jaylyn moved around two swings with ease and stepped up on the hammer on the third. He lifted it up with her on it and she flipped herself over him and spun around behind him. He turned to look for her just as she grabbed her blades and sliced his chest. He fell backwards as she landed and when her eyes found him again, she immediately flipped forward while he tried to get up and she slit his throat in two separate places. Blood sprayed out of his neck all over her and he fell all the way to the ground.

  The crowd cheered loudly again for the kill and Jaylyn’s eyes met Troy’s. He was quite impressed yet relieved even though she was dripping with blood.

  “I really hope we don’t regret this.” I muttered.

  “No.” Troy smiled, his eyes still down on her. “I don’t have that worry anymore.”

  The crowd got quiet again, anticipating the final round.

  Adele looked at Ruby and Jaylyn and nodded. I didn’t know what that meant and was a little more worried. In fact, I’ve never been this worried in my entire life. I just hoped she knew what she was doing.

  She looked upon the man with the two long blades and took a step to the side. He did the same in the other direction and they started circling around the arena.

  I was getting anxious as I watched, hoping that she wouldn’t do anything to get herself hurt or worse, exposed.

  There was high tension on the arena floor and it rose up into the stands. Everyone was becoming like me but for a different reason. Trying to imagine how this one would die was exciting for them.

  The man decided to run at her, forcing everyone to perk up and be even more alert. Adele pulled out her sword and they locked blades. He was strong but she kicked his feet out from underneath him and he fell. She drove her sword down through his right thigh and used it to flip over him, kicking his blades out of his hands when she turned.

  The crowd was getting rowdy because they knew a kill was close and Adele looked around at them. She saw me watching and I raised one eyebrow, waiting for it. She returned the look and turned to make her next move.

  Ruby and Jaylyn grabbed their own left wrist and the right wrist of the other creating a squared pattern with their locked hands. Adele pulled her sword out of the man’s leg and ran toward them. She jumped up to the wall behind them, pushing herself off it with one foot. She stretched out and her other foot landed on their locked hands. They bounced with her to absorb her weight then threw her forward toward the man getting to his feet.

  Adele went flying through the air and pushed her thumb down into the hilt of her sword. It collapsed, each piece sparkling in the sun as it fell around her like rain.

  My father was so impressed by it that I actually saw him move out of the corner of my eye and I had to look. He leaned forward in his seat and watched intensively as Adele whipped the chain around the man’s neck. She gave it a quick tug toward her and removed his head, probably what she planned to do to me but I didn’t look away from it. She landed in a roll and came to a stop while being down on one knee with her head down like she were bowing before my father.

  The crowd cheered with even more excitement.

  “Oh, no. Too good?”

  “Fuck no.” Darius smiled. “It was brilliant. Talk about entertainment.”

  “I’m sad it’s over.” Troy added.

  We shared a laugh to the truth. It really didn’t last that long.

  My father rose to his feet and simply held up his hand. The crowd instantly took notice and settled down so he could speak. “You have indeed proven yourselves worthy. For we have never seen such a show tha
n what you’ve performed for us tonight. We are all honored to be your hosts and bring pity on the Kaluian soldiers you shall encounter.”

  The audience cheered again and the Kalu Assassins bowed to him and waited for him to leave before they left the arena through the door they used to enter.

  It was officially over and no one was hurt, well, no one I wanted to get hurt was. That was a relief and we began to leave with the crowd to congratulate them our own way.

  Chapter 4


  Well, that was quite a show, wasn’t it?

  “You seem disappointed, Lamar. Why is that?” The King walked through the halls of the palace with me following silently a step behind.

  “I am not, your majesty. I thought they should have to prove themselves to you and they have done that.”


  Since he asked, I attempted to speak my thoughts. “I advise you to be cautious about letting in such warriors to your place of living. What if they are not here for what they say?”

  “If the Leccans had another agenda, I assure you, Lamar, Zayden would have picked up on it. He knows how to read those kinds of things.”

  My eyes rolled imaginatively in my head and I was careful not to let it out on my voice. “Yes. I suppose he would have. Yet that does not mean they shouldn’t be watched.”

  “They will be. I’m sure my boys are volunteering to do that as we speak.”

  “I didn’t mean by meaninglessly taking them in their beds. Planning to do so will just leave them distracted to what really is.”

  The King stopped, me stopping after him. He took a breath and turned his head. “I’m aware that my boys have gathered a reputation for such things. They are young, good looking and quite deserving of the life they lead but they also understand when something needs to be done. As future leaders of this country, you must respect their choices and honor me in mine when I say these Leccans are not going to pose a problem to us.”

  I bowed my head, keeping it down through my response. This is the only person I would never show attitude to. “Forgive me, your majesty. I only worry about your protection.”

  “It is not your job to. Now, go. Away with you until I’m in need of negative counsel.”

  “Of course, your majesty.”

  I turned from the King and we started our separate ways.

  I was angry. I did not approve of what the King was allowing.

  “Order me away. How dare you? You need me. I’m the only one who makes any sense around here but I guess if you won’t listen to me, I’ll get someone else that will.”

  I went to my room on the first floor. It was small. Nowhere near as nice as the guest rooms. I was basically a servant to the King and was tired of being treated as such. I grabbed a long hooded cloak from the wardrobe and headed out into the city.

  “Where is the messenger recently used by the King?” I asked the clerk at the messenger post just outside the palace walls.

  “Shaffer? He’s been missing since then. Some soldiers found his horse outside the walls wandering around northeast from here.”

  My heart stopped. “What do you mean? Gone?”

  “It happens when we have to send someone east. Closer to danger and bandit territory. There’s no protection for anyone out there.”

  “Bandits. Yes.” I began to turn. “Always the way.”

  I walked out, my anger even higher. Fool. Can they not see he was killed by their own Prince? Surely he was protecting himself but so what? Another failure. Why is that always the way? Will I ever get a break? I have to do something else. Something better.

  I tossed the hood over my head and walked farther away from the palace, seeking someone that would do my will.

  A tavern in the outskirts of the city was a perfect place. Middle of the day but still full of unruly characters who would do just about anything for a sack of gold.

  “Long day?” The barkeep asked.

  “Yes. Very long.”

  “What can I get you?”

  “I’m in search of someone. A hit man, if you will.”

  “Got yourself someone doing evil things, huh? If the cause is loyal, you might want to look into making a schedule with the Great Seni Fighters. I hear they arrived home today. They’re the best around in what they do.”

  “No. No.” I said, keeping my head down slightly so the man couldn’t see my whole face. “This isn’t like that. Someone hidden from the law.”

  “Ah, I see. There is a man. Calls himself, Chase. Don’t know if that’s his real name but he comes here often. Check the back. That’s usually where he goes.”

  I nodded and walked to the back of the tavern. There was a hallway that led to a few other rooms. I walked slow and looked in the first room. “Excuse me. I’m looking for Chase.”

  “Come on in!” A voice said loudly. I stepped in and approached a table with a single man sitting on the other side. A shabby fellow. Looks like he’s been in here for days with all of the scraps of food and empty glasses laying around. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need to have someone—taken care of.”

  “A job at last! I haven’t had one in weeks. Please have a seat. Who is this person you wish to have removed from this life?”

  “It’s more of a group per-say.”

  “A group? I’ll have you know that my rate is—”

  I dropped a heavy sack of gold coins in front of him. Price wasn’t a problem. “I have enough.”

  “I see.” Chase smiled, scratching his fingers in the curls of his beard. “Who be this group you’re willing to pay so heavily for?”

  “The Great Seni Fighters.”

  He sucked in a breath of air and almost choked on it. “What?! Are you out of your mind? No one in the world could succeed in doing that. There is no price worth dying for.”

  “Then I’ll settle for the three women that will be with them.”

  “Women, huh? Not by any chance the three I saw them returning with today?”

  “Those exact three.”

  “Splendid. My boys will love to have some fun with this one. Where?”

  “They’re at the palace now but I’m sure that will change the longer they stay. You have others working under you?”


  “Then send out your own spies. Watch. Wait. Do what you must but I want them gone!”

  “All right. All right. We’ll do it. Keep your skin on.”

  “You succeed and I’ll pay triple your asking price. Keep that as terms of our agreement.”


  We shook hands and I left.

  I was confident now, smiling the whole way back to the palace. Things seemed to finally start to go right.

  Chapter 5


  Dueling can sometimes be a mess. Where Ruby’s kill was clean, mine and Jaylyn’s left blood behind—on us.

  It made sense that we would need to clean up right away and I didn’t question it when a few maids escorted us to the palace bathhouse. Towels were brought in while the pool was being prepared and the maids approached us, ready to remove our clothes to be washed.

  Ruby immediately stuck out her hand to one of them before they touched her. “We can take it from here, ladies. Thank you.”

  The maids only bowed their heads silently and respectfully and left the bathhouse without a word like it was forbidden just to talk to us. If they only knew.

  “Sorry.” Ruby said. “I have a thing about strangers trying to bathe me.”

  “We’re fully capable of doing it ourselves. Now let’s go!” Jaylyn ran toward one of the large pools and the wet floor carried her the rest of the way. She slipped right in with a splash.

  Ruby and I laughed hysterically from the sight. Ruby was usually the clumsy one though I guess it helped that the floor was wet but I still got enjoyment out of it.

  “It wasn’t that funny.” Jaylyn said, climbing out of the pool.

  “Yeah, it was!” Ruby replied. “You had
to see it!”

  “What is in that water anyway? It looks weird.”

  “It’s probably milk.” I said. “That’s what’s used back home to make a privacy barrier for such a public place.”

  “Like anyone cares about privacy when they go to a public place.” Ruby said. “Can we just get out of these clothes now? I’d like to because they’re girlie and yours are covered in someone else’s blood. Can’t you ever kill cleanly?”

  “What’s fun about that?” Jaylyn smiled.

  Ruby just sighed to her excitement and started to take her swords off. The joy of the moment was gone but I knew we could still make fun of this. A shower was nice but actually having a warm bath was a better luxury.

  Chapter 6


  We’ve been looking for those pretty faces since they left the arena and only had one idea about where they would have been taken. We approached the bathhouse from the second floor and heard the echoing laughs to prove it. They were in there for sure and we arrived just in time. Ruby was about to undress.

  Darius almost yelled in excitement for it but I quickly covered his mouth before he could let out a sound. “Don’t say a word.”

  The girls didn’t see us on the balcony and I didn’t want them to think we were spying—again.

  “Do either of you think this is wrong?” Troy asked.

  “Oh, don’t be like that.” Darius said. “Learn to have a little fun.”

  “Maybe he’s right, Darius. They don’t even know we’re up here. It’ll be the second time we’ve listened in on their conversation.”

  “Who said this was about listening? I fully intend to be content with just watching.”

  I sighed and just gave him a look. This wasn’t about that and he knew it for sure.

  “Oh, you better not ruin this. You know you want it and besides, the listening will be a good way to learn stuff about them which we should if we plan on leaving with them. Maybe you’ll find out Adele’s secret she won’t tell you.”


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