Taggart (Heroes of the League Book 2)

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Taggart (Heroes of the League Book 2) Page 5

by Jo Carey

  "I understand, give me five minutes. Taggart out."


  John, Gloria, and Serena were in the lab setting up an experiment when the view screen came on in emergency mode, its frame slowly pulsing red. The image of the Security Force Commander shimmered into view.

  "Dr. Taggart, an emergency is in progress. Someone in a telepresence unit has taken control of Conference Room Three."

  "Dammit, that's where Ciara is," he said as he switched the feed over to Conference Room Three. The view screen shimmered and an image of a very large construction bot formed. He switched feeds and saw it was holding Ciara and demanding access to the Tombs. He switched back to the main view screen and yelled, "Robot! Let her go and I will give you access to the Tombs," into the intercom. The bot spun around and looked into the camera lens.

  "Taggart! So much the better. Just you. No tricks or she dies."

  "I understand, give me five minutes. Taggart out," he said as he cut the connection. "We have a serious problem. The operator knows me, and I know him," he said to his two coworkers. Gloria recognized the voice as well. "Falta," she said. "That son of a bitch has the audacity to come here and threaten the director? I'll rip his heart out and use it as a pin cushion."

  "In due time, but we need to help Ciara right now." He walked over to a locked cabinet and punched in his code. The doors opened and several very lethal looking weapons appeared along with what looked like batons. He grabbed a baton and pressed a button on its base before sliding it up his jacket sleeve. "Call security and tell them to look for Narnn somewhere outside, probably in a cloaked ship. He has to be close, possibly attached to the Cube's hull."

  "What are you going to do?" Serena asked.

  "Give him the biggest shock of his life," John said as he ran out the door.


  John ran to Conference Room Three where he met the waiting Security team. "I'm going to go in and get Ciara away from that thing. When I do, take it out," he said before he walked into the room and faced the bot.

  "Hello, Narnn. Long time no see. What have you been up to?"

  "Hello, John. I'm sad you never write."

  "You two know each other?" Ciara said, incredulous.

  "Ciara, meet Dr. Narnn Falta, the person responsible for the Torsan massacre. He led the project that created Hell Spawn Three. Say hello, Narnn."

  "Be quiet insolent human or I'll rip her in two."

  "If you harm her in any way, I will make sure you're trapped in that body while I take a torch to it, you egotistical maniac. Now, let her go, and I'll take you down to the Tombs.”

  "Fine," the bot said as it pushed Ciara away and advanced on John. It lowered itself so that it could look John in the eye. "By the way, old friend, I know you've changed the codes on the locks so only you can open the Tomb doors," it said as it suddenly scanned John's eyes.

  "No!" John yelled as he dropped the bang stick into his hand and activated it while plunging it into the bot's chest. Upon contact, the stick discharged one hundred fifty thousand volts of raw power into the robot while John grabbed Ciara and threw the two of them away from the bot. The guards opened fire, effectively turning the bot to rubble with heavy projectile fire.

  "Are you okay," he asked Ciara as the shredded hulk fell into a smoking pile on the floor.

  "I'm fine. What the hell is going on?"

  "We're being robbed. Team Leader, we need security to the Tombs, NOW!" John yelled as he grabbed Ciara and ran out the door with her in tow.


  When they got down to the Tombs they found the massive security doors wide open and the security pad blinking with John's picture on the display.

  "How?" Ciara asked as she looked around with her gun drawn, still angry at being bothandled.

  "Retinal scan reproduced with a holoprojector. The system thought it was me trying to get in. He must have recorded my voiceprint in the process. Dammit. I'm better than this, he said as he ran in followed by Ciara and Security.

  "Over here," he said as he walked up to a ransacked crate. On the floor next to it was another construction bot. He pressed some buttons on the side of the bot's head. "Circuits are fried. He didn't want to be traced. Team leader, find anyone?"

  "No, sir, nothing, and you were right, there was a ship attached to the hull, but it got away."

  "What the hell did this Falta want?" Ciara asked as she picked up a cable off the floor and handed it to John.

  John looked at the cable, then at the robot, then at the stuff strewn on the floor. He picked up one device, about the size of a paperback book. He connected the cable to it and held up the other end for the rest to see. "Narnn couldn't take anything physical with him, but he could download the contents of this drive."

  "John, the crate is labeled Hell Spawn Two," Ciara said from one side.

  "That's impossible. OL6 had HS1 and HS2 destroyed right after my accident--they were too dangerous to keep around--so what the hell is HS2 doing here?"

  "The bigger question is what was on that drive that was important enough for this Narnn to go through all this to get it. Team Leader, I want forensics to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. I want a BOLO out on this Narnn Falta. He is to be found and brought in for questioning." She turned to John and said, "You, with me," as she strode out the door.

  Once out of earshot, Ciara grabbed John by the lapels and threw him against the wall. "You will never risk your life like that again, capice?"

  "I can't do that. If you require that of me, then I quit. I will not and cannot stand by and watch you or anyone else get hurt if I have a reasonable chance of saving their life. I won't lie to you; it’s not going to happen. You want that? Then we part ways, now."

  She looked at him and saw something boiling up beneath the skin of calm he tried to maintain. Just the thought of letting someone come to harm to save his own life was so abhorrent it caused him physical pain. She realized she had almost stepped over a line.

  "Okay, just don't make it a habit. Replacing you would be expensive. We okay?"

  "Yeah, we're okay," he said as he wiped his brow on his sleeve.

  She took him by the arm and led him out of the Tombs and back into the light, while wondering if she had gone too far.


  The small cloaked ship dropped into FTL space the moment it was far enough away from the Cube not to be detected. Inside, while the flight crew flew the ship, an Erdexi worked at extracting Narnn from the telepresence bed.

  "Dr. Falta, how good to see you back alive and in one piece. Tell me, did you find what you went looking for?"

  "Yes, the original code is in the ship's memory banks. We can use it once we get back to the planet. Our plans are progressing."

  "About our plans. It seems a Marauder ship is on its way to investigate our activities."

  "When will they arrive?"

  "Less than twenty-four hours, give or take," the Erdexi replied using a curiously human term.

  "Co-pilot, contact our people. I need to speak with the Supervisor."

  "Aye, sir. It will take a few minutes to establish a secure link."

  "Very good. This is excellent news. If we can capture the Marauder ship, we can use it to further sow distrust between the Marauders and the League. Do we know what kind of ship it is?"

  "Sensors indicate a survey ship with minimal weapons."

  "They probably think a sensor went bad or else a lone salvage ship happened upon the lab and tripped the alarm."

  "You mumbled the name 'Taggart' while you were unconscious. Would that be Dr. John Taggart, your former colleague? I thought he had died."

  "Not died, but in a coma and not expected to survive. He seems to have beaten expectations, but he is not a concern, especially now that we have the code."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yes, absolutely."

  "Dr. Falta, your call is ready," the copilot said from the cockpit.

  "Excuse me. I have
to make arrangements," Narnn said as he put on a headset. He had less than twenty-four hours to set his trap.


  The Martok Survey Ship Arriska moved through other-space on course and on schedule to arrive at Kessar in less than a standard day. On the bridge, Arriska, Tobath, and their teacher, Laeren, watched as the bridge crew prepared for their impending arrival, for Arriska and Tobath were the highest of the high-born, so they must learn how to command.

  "Note the minimal number of units on the bridge. Arriska, explain," Laeren said to the young female.

  "The bridge is small. Too many units would cause confusion, slowing the operation."

  "Exactly. Very good, my princess. Captain Neeruk, status," she ordered.

  "On course, on schedule, no further signals from Kessar, mistress," he said to the teacher who held the rank of Admiral in the Martok Royal Navy.

  "Safeguards, Captain?"

  Full shields and all weapons live upon emergence. Full spherical sensor sweep."

  "And if there is danger?"

  "We leave, ma'am."

  "I don't understand," Tobath said.

  "Captain?" Laeren asked.

  "This ship has the young of many high born, who we have sworn to protect. Most of our weapons are defensive, so the prudent course of action is to leave. If the choice is between protecting the young and anything else, the crew will protect the young."

  "Captain, you are a fine teacher. Thank you," Laeren said as she escorted her charges off the bridge and back to the survey labs.

  "It will be good to have firm ground under our feet once more," Laeren said as they traveled down the corridor. Other Martok bowed in deference paid to both Arriska and Laeren as they passed by, even the highest of the high born. "Your mother was wise to choose this course, Princess."

  "Yes, a wise decision," she replied. Even the princess was subject to punishment if she said anything that could be construed as sedition. Better to be prudent and keep her true opinion to herself.

  "Teacher Laeren, how many planetary systems in this sector have been surveyed so far?" Tobath asked, curious about the progress made.

  "At last count, forty-two of the fifty-six scheduled planets, of which eighteen were stolen by our ancient foes, the Erdexi. So far, we have found about thirty habitable planets which we can occupy and expect to find two or three more, which should be sufficient for our needs."

  "What about Kessar?" Arriska asked. "Is it on our list?"

  "No, my princess, Kessar is on the forbidden list. It is a dead planet with no hope of being terraformed. Kessar is lifeless, but rumored to have a weapons lab, so we have sentinels in place to warn if it is disturbed."

  "Disturbed by whom?" Tobath asked as he followed four steps behind the two women as is customary.

  "Command does not know, so they sent the closest ship, the Arriska. We will find out soon."

  "Teacher, there is a rumor of a unit going missing on a recon mission through one of the ancient Erdexi doorways. I thought all of the doorways had been destroyed," Arriska said as they walked into the Survey Room.

  "I have heard that rumor, but there was no confirmation. The unit’s control lost connection to it the moment it stepped through--something to do with bad alignment. Minutes after the unit stepped through, the door collapsed and could not be reestablished, so the incident was marked 'unknown' and the unit replaced. Princess, are you thinking the Erdexi may have returned and are opening doorways?"

  "Either that or a new race or races have found surviving doorways we missed and are trying to open them."

  "The Erdexi race died thousands of years ago. We were thorough. None survived. As for the possibility of other races, it’s possible, but to become advanced enough to travel through space in such a short time is impossible. No, it was a malfunctioning doorway, and the unit was caught on the other side when the door failed for the final time. We will find something similar has happened on Kessar--a malfunctioning sensor or a dying computer. There's nothing to worry about. Now, come, we will run a survey on Kessar to hone our skills, so we must prepare.


  The survey ship was seconds away from leaving other-space. "First Officer, sound general quarters," the captain ordered. "Weapon systems activated. Defensive systems activated. Second Officer, signal the survey team we're dropping into real-space. Helm, deactivate other-space drive."

  "Aye, Captain," they said as they followed their orders. Ready for battle, the MSS Arriska dropped into normal space, right in the center of a trap as several alien transports fired on her.

  "Target other ships and fire all weapons. Helm, get us back into other-space."

  A massive explosion rocked the ship. "Captain, other-space drive is out, shields have failed," the first officer reported.

  More explosions rocked the ship. A screeching noise filled the bridge.

  "What the hell was that? Report!"

  "One of the ships has attached to the hull above the bridge over the main communications juncture. Sir, there are no life signs aboard that ship."

  "Captain, incoming message," the Communications Officer said.

  "Put it through."

  The view screen shimmered as a familiar visage replaced the forward view.

  "Erdexi! What do you want? Release us," the captain growled.

  "Or what? Your weapons are dead as is your other-space drive. Please look out at that ship hanging about two clicks dead ahead."

  The captain and crew looked and saw a small ship which exploded as they watched.

  "That ship's twin is attached to your hull just above the bridge. I will blow it and your ship to hell if you do not surrender."

  The captain looked around his bridge and then back to the Erdexi "We surrender. First Officer, inform the crew and passengers."

  "Aye, Captain," he said as he made the call.


  In the Survey Room, Laeren and her aides tried to calm their students just as the first officer made his announcement, which caused even more consternation amongst them. While her aides dealt with the others, Laeren took Arriska and Tobath aside and said, "You two must hide." The sound of something docking at one of the external locks added urgency. "They're boarding. Go, make your way aft and find a storage room. Do not come out for anyone but me, understand?”

  They both nodded.

  "Then go," she said as she hugged them both.

  They went to the door and looked out. Seeing the corridor clear, they ran out while the others continued with their panic.


  Ciara walked into the lab to find Gloria sitting at a bench while working on something large and serpentine. She was wearing her Lab Assistant form, which Ciara found much less intimidating than the Wood Elf or, God forbid, the School Teacher. Ciara looked around and saw John and Serena were nowhere in sight.

  "They've gone down to stores to pick up parts and won't be back for at least another hour, so what can I do for you, Director?" Gloria said without looking up. Ciara was positive this form had eyes in the back of its head.

  "I wanted to talk to you about John," she said as she sat down next to the table. She noted that the Serpent looked much larger up close. "How's he doing?"

  "Are you planning on firing him because he was insubordinate?"

  "No, of course not! Who told you that?"

  "Then he's doing fine. He worries about inadvertently stepping over a line or two when he interacts with normal people. Since his accident, he sometimes second-guesses the way he handles interactions. Facing down an eight-foot-tall rogue bot is easy, while an angry five-foot two-inch boss is difficult."

  "I've read the reports about the accident, but a lot of the details were redacted. What happened?"

  "There was an explosion. It put him in a coma while politicians let the perp, Narnn Falta, escape."

  "What was he like before the accident? I hear coma survivors can change when they emerge."

  "He was a self-p
rofessed asshole with visions of godhood. I was the only one who would work with him on a day to day basis."

  "John Taggart? The person who gave me a baby plant-thing for an office warming gift? The man who took on a construction bot to save my life? That John Taggart?"

  "Yep. Kinda messes with your head, doesn't it?"

  "Damn skippy."

  The intercom bleeped. Gloria walked over and answered it "Biocybernetics Lab. Go for Gloria."

  "Gloria, this is Dr. Devlin's assistant. Is Dr. Devlin there?"

  "This is Ciara. What's up?"

  "A Priority One message is coming in for you. Eyes Only."

  "Copy that. I'll be back in ten minutes. Devlin out," she said as she killed the connection. "Gloria, I've got to go. Thanks for the coffee and the talk. Rest assured that John is not in any trouble."

  "I'll tell him," Gloria said as the lab door swung shut. Gloria watched the door for a moment before shaking her head. "Hopefully, they'll both figure it out sooner than later."

  A few minutes later, John and Serena returned with their boxes of parts. "Did we miss anything?" he asked as he logged the parts into inventory before putting them into storage cabinets.

  "Ciara stopped by," Gloria replied, which caused John to fumble a part, but Serena caught it before it hit the floor. She gave Gloria a dirty look while she placed it on a shelf for John.

  "Did she say anything about, well you know..."

  Gloria looked at him over a pair of magnifiers she was using. "She was worried that she had blown it with you. I assured her that the two of you were fine. I almost suggested that you two get a room and work it out in private, but I held back."

  Serena covered her mouth as giggles forced their way out.

  John was speechless; his eyes as wide as saucers as he went slack jawed.


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