Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 3

by Stone, Piper

  “Bullshit, however, I usually see you in jeans. Hot date?” Jessica asked as she leaned over the bar, her voice more like a purr .

  “As a matter of fact…” Purposely allowing the words to drop off, she looked up and away as she placed her hands on her hips. Owning and running Ziggy’s, the local watering hole, didn’t leave her much time for socializing. Oh, who the hell was she kidding? She didn’t mind snacking on sexy men, but a real date? Conversation drivel wasn’t her style .

  “Fantastic!” Jessica’s face dropped. “Please don’t tell me it’s one of the smokejumpers, although the majority are single.” Winking, she couldn’t help but hold up her left hand, flashing her engagement ring .

  “Honey. They couldn’t handle this kind of fire.” Cupping her breasts, she laughed seeing the expression on Jessica’s face. “And if you show me that rock one more time, I swear to God, I’m gonna cut off your finger.” She was happy for Jessica’s relationship with Stoker, a man she never thought would settle down .

  “Bad girl .”

  “And proud of it.” Shannon was already second or third guessing her decision to go out with the guy. He wasn’t her type. Well, other than the fact he was a sexy cowboy. He also had a slimy reputation amongst half the town folk. The other half? They’d been drinking the Jeffries’ Development Kool-Aid. Well, at least she was going to find out if he was a tarnished good guy or a real asshole. Either way, this was one date. Period .

  She darted a glance at the entrance, expecting to see him at any moment. Damn well better be coming through that door. She’d never been stood up in her life. She’d hogtie the asshole to a cross and filet his sorry ass .

  “Then who?” Jessica insisted .

  Out of the blue came the sound of loud noises, crashing chairs. Both women looked toward the back of the bar .

  “Not even six-thirty and all hell has broken lose. Damn the testosterone. Be right back.” Huffing, Shannon left the bar, taking long strides toward the cause of the ruckus. Fights she refused to have in her place, no matter the source. “Hey! Both of you. Break it up .”

  One man reared back, prepared to throw a punch. “You take that back, asshole .”

  “Not on your life,” the other man said as he crouched down in a fighting stance, his fists ready to swing .

  “That’s it! You are both out of here.” Grabbing onto the first man’s arm, Shannon yanked hard, forcing the brute off balance. She shook her head seeing the guy’s sheepish face. “You know better than this, Marty. You too, Bill. What in the hell has gotten into you two ?”

  “Nothing important. We were just playing around,” Marty managed, giving Bill a hateful snarl .

  “Christ. The two of you have been doing this for as long as I’ve owned the bar. Why don’t you just go outside and fight it off for once?” Shannon released her hold and planted her hands on her hips .

  “Man’s a chicken. That’s why,” Bill snapped .

  Shannon rolled her eyes as other customers egged them on .

  “Fight! Get it on!” The voice came from behind a crowd .

  “Not on your life.” She threw out her arm, giving the entire group of men the nastiest look she could manage. “I mean it. This is a family restaurant. Have you guys been drinking all day? Jesus .”

  “We’re just celebrating my new job,” Marty boasted .

  “Then do it elsewhere. Get out now.” Wiping her hands, she made certain they realized she was ceremoniously tossing them out of the bar. When they just looked at her, she stomped her foot. “I said, get out or you won’t be allowed back in. E-ver .”

  Bill grumbled but tossed a twenty down on the table and walked past her, his head hung .

  Marty exhaled and grabbed his hat from the floor. “We were just fooling around, Shannon .”

  “Do it elsewhere.” Shannon waited until they were almost to the front door before groaning and nodding to the waiter standing in the wings. “Everybody play nice in the sandbox or else.” Mumbling under her breath, she walked back toward the bar, pointing her finger at the bartender. “Do not allow the customers to drink so much. We have rules here .”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the bartender said, a grin on his face .

  “I need a new set of employees,” Shannon spit out then tossed back her hair before heading behind the bar. “All men are alike. Basically useless .”

  “Not all,” Jessica said then laughed. “You just seem to attract the town riffraff .”

  Shannon couldn’t help but grin. “I guess that’s true. Like I said, there’s too much testosterone in this place.” The last words were said just loudly enough a few of the regulars gave her a wave .

  “You’re a tough woman. That’s what I love about you .”

  “Maybe not tough enough.” She swallowed hard and allowed her thoughts to drift. To actually accept a date had been out of character. Why him? He wasn’t like any kind of guy she’d ever go out with, or even be seen with. His arrogance even made his head appear larger. She had to be drinking that day .

  “You’re hyped up because of this date. Relax. Breathe,” Jessica advised .

  “Easier said than done. You found the perfect guy, so be quiet.” She glanced toward the door once again. Fuming, she paced back and forth .

  She drummed her fingers on top of the bar. “Stoker isn’t perfect, but he is trainable .”

  “Not all men are .”

  “I guess not. Geeze, girl. Come on, spill it. Who is the unlucky, I mean lucky fella?” Jessica followed Shannon’s gaze toward the door .

  “Such a tease. That man of yours needs to keep you in line more. I might need to have a chat with him .”

  “Don’t you dare, or he’ll give me another spanking this week.” Jessica winced as if in pain .

  “Oh God, honey. A little spanking is good for the soul.” She glanced at her watch. Yep. The jerkoff was bordering on being late .

  “Another thing not to tell Stoker .”

  Shannon smiled and leaned over the bar, lowering her voice so only Jessica could hear. “The smokejumpers think they’re hiding the Burnout club from me. Little do they know I have their number. Domestic discipline. BDSM. Controlling women. Honor and obey. They think they’re all that and a bag of chips.” While she didn’t fault any one of them for their beliefs, she simply refused to succumb to any man for any reason. Period. She’d just as soon coldcock a man as bend over his lap .

  Shrugging, Jessica looked away, her face flushing. “I kind of like Stoker being in charge. Hard for me to believe I’m even admitting that crazy little fact .”

  She had no idea what to say to the brassy girl. Taking another glance at her watch, she slapped her hand on top of the bar. “I’m getting damn impatient .”

  “Meeting you here, huh? Don’t trust the man around your house? Find out where you live ?”

  “Ha ha. A girl can’t be too cautious, you know.” Something stuck in the back of Shannon’s mind. He’d come out of the blue into her bar, then refused to leave her alone until she’d agreed to a date. She wasn’t all that special .

  “Fess up. Who’s this mystery date?” Jessica chided .

  Shannon lowered her voice. No one else, especially the regulars, needed to hear anything about her business, either personal or professional. “Okay, fine. Montgomery Jeffries.” Even saying his name made her cringe. She could have said the man who delivered beer and it would have been more believable to her friends .

  Opening her eyes wide, Jessica contorted her facial features. “Uh, really ?”

  “Don’t go there !”

  “You know, I might have been in town only a couple of months, but I know the guy is rich. He owns half of Montana and Wyoming and Nebraska and…” She grinned as she allowed the words to trail off .

  “You mean the family does. His father has his hands in developing a significant portion of the real estate in several states. Commercial, residential and resort.” Hell yeah, she knew as much as she’d been able to find about Montgomery and th
e entire development corporation, including information regarding daddy. The patriarch seemed to be more of a philandering asshole, if she said so herself. No, she must have been out of her mind to accept a date with the guy. He’d lambasted her with flowers, candy, as well as several invitations, and all because she held his head one night while he retched in the girl’s bathroom. Not a match made in heaven .

  “So, work it, work it, girl.” Jessica whistled. “Money doesn’t hurt in a relationship .”

  “Very funny and money can be the root of all evil. Besides, this is just dinner and drinks. Nothing more and no, we are not having babies.” The standing joke between them, she shrunk back the second the larger than life man walked into her bar. “Damn. Too good looking.” She raked her eyes up and down the length of the dark haired man, savoring the way he swaggered into the bar, his eyes locking on her immediately. Sure, he was considered one of the finest cowboy studs in town, but she didn’t give a rat’s ass. ‘Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.’ That was her motto .

  “In a cowboy smarmy way. Nice cheekbones and the tight jeans look particularly tasty .”

  Shannon burst into laughter. “You have a hottie of your own. No touching .”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Lifting her arms as if in surrender, Jessica rose to her feet. “I think three’s a crowd. Need to get ready for the first set anyway .”

  “I heard your record producer is here tonight.” She was thrilled that Jessica, formerly of the hot rock band Fringe, was well on her way to establishing a country career. And all because of Shannon’s pushy request for her to sing a little song on Karaoke night .

  “Ugh! Not again. I wish he’d stay away until I finish writing the songs for the new CD .”

  As Montgomery walked closer, his eyes shimmering with lust, she cringed deep down inside yet kept her cool. One night wasn’t going to kill her. Might kill him, but she’d get over the experience. “I hear Jasper might be moving here,” she teased .

  “Over my dead ass body.” Waving her off, Jessica blew her a kiss before heading backstage .

  Shannon gripped the edge of the bar and took a quick glance at her fire engine red dress. The slinky number had been shoved into the far reaches of her closet, never seeing the light of day .

  “Hello, beautiful. Goddamn, woman, you look hot.” Montgomery grinned as he leaned over the bar until his lips were mere inches from hers .

  Shannon purposely took a step back and raised a single eyebrow. “You’re late .”

  “Ah, come on. I was stuck in traffic .”

  “Right. Let’s go. I do hope we’re going somewhere nice.” She grabbed her purse and headed out from behind the bar. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. This time, her little voice was spot on .

  He held out his arm, his stance commanding. “Only the best for you, sugar .”

  Sugar my ass. Exhaling, she intertwined her arm with his and nodded to her bartender. “Call me if there are any issues and I mean any .”

  “Will do,” the bartender said as he grinned .

  “We aren’t having any issues. Tonight, you’re all mine. I deserve your full attention. Do you understand?” Montgomery asked as he tightened his hold .

  Kicking him between the legs was still an option. “Sure. Of course.” When they walked outside, she stopped short. “A Viper? Here ?”

  “Like I said, only the best. When I want something, I always get it .”

  One night might just turn into Hell .

  * * *

  L anden leaned against the car, studying the evening sky. He’d driven for two days straight, stopping for nothing but gas and food. The overlook gave him a view of Some City, USA. At this point, every town was beginning to look alike. As he chugged a can of Coke, he crossed his legs, enjoying the way strings of tangerine and a dazzling purple crisscrossed the sky. Even the moon seemed closer, brighter, as if he could reach out and touch the glowing orb. Exhaling, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and tried to imagine what living in Missoula would be like. He’d purchased a house at the base of a mountain somewhere near Lolo National Campground .

  While the real estate agent had assured him that the pictures didn’t do the rugged cabin justice, he certainly wasn’t anticipating anything pristine. Hell, he didn’t care. Owning several acres away from tourists or town folk would give him the concept of serenity. The place was furnished and ready to move into. That would help get him on his feet .

  He chuckled and reached in through the car window, grabbing the bag of burgers he’d purchased over an hour before. The greasy pit had been all he could find. At least it was food. After taking a bite, he was shocked the sandwich had a good flavor, damn good as a matter of fact. He polished the burger off in three bites, washing the chunks down with the lukewarm soda. His next move? A hotel for a hot shower and a bar for a cold beer. And not necessarily in that order .

  One more cheeseburger and he’d hit the road. According to his phone, there was a larger town just up the road .


  The sound came from a patch of woods off to his right. He craned his neck but couldn’t detect any movement. Granted, he suspected the wildlife was rampant in this part of the country, but the sound was one of an injured animal. His hackles were raised, sensing a presence. After a few seconds, he tossed the remainder of the burger back into the bag and slung it onto the passenger seat. He glanced from right to left, seeing nothing but tree limbs swaying in the light breeze .

  Err! Whhaaa !

  Landen stood straight and walked closer, crossing over the guardrail until he stood just off the edge of the pavement. Hunkering down, he scanned the perimeter and took a deep whiff. What smelled like wet dog assaulted his senses. He made several clicking sounds and waited until he heard a rustling noise. This wasn’t about the wind. He didn’t move, preferring to allow the creature to come to him .

  He heard a low-slung growl followed by a whimper coming from no more than ten feet in front of him. The sound pitiful, he clasped his hands, determined to find out what little creature might need his help. “Come on. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” A loud cracking deep in the forest caught his attention .


  The odd howl was followed by a deep snarl, the sound guttural .

  Er! Er! Errrr !

  Two seconds later, a large ball of fur bounded out of the trees, headed straight for him. He bristled, anticipating danger. Jerking to his feet, he braced for the impact. When the animal took a flying leap, jumping straight into his arms, he was pummeled back and down, skidding across the pavement toward the craggy rocks. Throwing his arm out, he managed to snag the edge of the guardrail with one hand, the scruff of the creature’s neck with the other. Hissing, he used the strength of his upper torso, jerking to a halt only two feet from the edge .

  “Fuck!” Landen wrestled with the wiggling animal, finally getting the grunting beast under control. He wrapped both hands around the creature’s neck as the animal scratched and pawed, agonizing sounds erupting from its throat. After a few seconds, the beast stopped fighting. “Christ !”

  Waaa! Grr !

  Sweat rolled down both sides of his face as he blinked, finally able to focus. The face of a terrified dog stared back at him, saliva oozing from his snout. “Jesus, pup. You scared the shit out of me.” He kept his fingers intertwined with the dog’s stringy fur as he pushed off from the guardrail, standing at his full height. After glancing back toward the forest, he took several long strides away from the drop off. “Let’s take a look at you.” No collar or identification of any kind and the male dog had never been fixed .

  Woof! Woof! Woof !

  After three barks the dog stopped making any noise, his big brown eyes opening wide .

  “I know you’re talking. What are you trying to tell me?” Giving the dog a quick inspection, he knew the pup was either lost and had been for some time or had been purposely abandoned. The Labrador mix was skin and bones and had been in some sort of a fight recently. Exhaling, he rubbed the dog�
�s snout and shook his head. What in the hell was he supposed to do with the dog now ?

  Woof! Woof !

  The dog skittered backwards, his body shaking, his tail between his legs .

  Landen darted a look over his shoulder, studying the tree line. “What are you afraid of, boy?” He took two steps toward the forest .

  Woof! Woof !

  This time the dog went nuts, jumping from side to side but refusing to come any closer .

  “Okay. Let me see. Stay.” Landen held out his hand, palm down. He took several backward steps toward the trees, turning when the dog seemed to calm down. The hill was rocky and easy to climb. When he reached the top, he had a good view of twenty plus feet in front of him. The moment he headed into the forest, the dog let out an intense and terrifying howl .

  Stopping short, Landen walked with purpose, scanning the dense area. There was no way of telling which direction the dog had come from or what the poor pup had faced. Best and only option was to take the dog with him to town, see if he could find the owner. He snorted at the thought. No one was going to claim the dog, but he couldn’t keep him. There was no way .

  The dog yelped once again, the eerie sound echoing into the forest. This time the noise was laced with menace. After looking for another minute and seeing nothing, he trotted back toward his car, placing his hands on his hips. “I don’t know, boy, what can I do ?”

  Cocking his head, the pup panted and whined, stamping a single paw on the pavement .

  “Ah, how about a cheeseburger? Would you like that? Least I can do.” Grinning, he walked toward his car .


  Hairs rose on the back of his neck, his skin prickling. The growl now protective, Landen inhaled, catching a musky scent a split second before he heard a rustling in the underbrush. Goosebumps popped along every inch of naked skin and he reacted, turning, his hand reaching for his knife .


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