Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 14

by Stone, Piper

“It’s too hot! We have to get out of here, now !”

  Landen heard the others calling, retreating as the fire consumed the entire section of the building they were in. Flames licked up from the floor, eating away at every surface. Smoke billowed from the darkened corners, the chemicals in the building becoming toxic. Coughing, he swung the hose back and forth, trying desperately to gain ground – any ground. Within seconds, he knew it was no use .

  Whoosh! Boom !

  The falling timber clipped his shoulder, tossing him down onto the floor and only inches away from a blueish hue as flames danced along the baseboard. Blinking several times as sweat trickled into his eyes, he finally managed to focus. Then he noticed the cans of gasoline. Scrambling to his feet, he concentrated on the creaking and hissing noises. “Get out! Now !”

  As he took off running toward the exit, confident of his escape, he heard a sound .

  The little girl was crying …

  Landon brushed his hand through his hair as the memory faded, whisked back into the ugly black box he swore he’d never open .

  “Weaver. Are you with us ?”

  “Yes, sir. Right here,” Landon answered, wincing as he looked in his captain’s direction. I never had a chance to save her. I couldn’t. She died because of that asshole. The thought made his brow sweat. He noticed Cooper watching him intently and nodded .

  “Cooper, you remember Landen Weaver?” The captain waved as he grabbed a cup of coffee .

  “Heard a lot about you,” Cooper said as they shook hands .

  Landen smiled. “I’ll try to play by the rules .”

  “Not that.” The words seemed pointed, direct .

  He could tell Cooper wasn’t going to offer any kind of explanation .

  The captain took a sip and grimaced. “Nasty shit. Why do I bother?” He tossed the cup and spoke directly to Cooper. “Make sure Weaver knows the ropes. He’s going to be a strong leader, if you can break through that hard head of his. Sound familiar, Coop ?”

  Cooper snorted then grinned. “I had my moments .”

  “You can learn a lot from this man. He is also a decorated marine and knows his way around any firestorm you can imagine. Don’t let that bum leg of his fool you either, the man can beat you in any event.” Winking, the captain patted Cooper on the back .

  “Always such a hoot, Cap’n,” Cooper groaned. “Let’s get going .”

  “Sounds good. Captain Phillips, have you heard anything about the old man from the hotel?” Landen risked asking .

  “Heard he’ll be fine and yes, because you got him out of there, but that doesn’t change the fact you’re still on probation here .”

  Landen held up his hands. “I know. Just curious .”

  “We got lucky. A few minor injuries, a couple of kids vacationing with their parents. They were pretty damn scared more than anything. The hotel manager did a damn good job of getting everyone out. She deserves some credit. She probably saved lives .”

  He noticed a look on Cooper’s face as well as a momentary glint in his eye. The man was hiding something. Interesting .

  “Anyway, I’ll find out more after a discussion with the fire investigator. In the meantime, business as usual. Coop, take Weaver to finish the paperwork and get him a schedule. I have a few phone calls to make. Make certain he gets out to the field. I want him in top form.” Captain Phillips grabbed his phone then took a glance in Landen’s direction. “We all have nightmares, Weaver. It’s what you do with them that matters. New start. New team. Get it together .”

  “I’m trying to do just that, sir.” The question was, could he find his place among the Jackals? Maybe he didn’t want to find out the answer .

  * * *

  M ontgomery snarled at the ringing phone. It was too damn early in the morning for a phone call. He pushed away from the sleeping girl, grabbing the damn iPhone on the third ring. “What in God’s name is so important it couldn’t wait?” He heard the chortled laughter and clenched the phone with enough force he heard a slight crack. This was the same shit, different day .

  “Let me guess. You’re fucking yet another bimbo .”

  He heard the girl from the bar moan, her naked body swishing until the satin sheets pulled away from her body. “None of your damn business who I fuck .”

  “Yeah? Well, you make it everybody’s business .”

  Another round of laughter. Of course, the call, the chuckle and even the time was meant to taunt him. This had been going on for years. “What. Do. You. Want ?”

  “To alert you to a situation. I thought that’s what you wanted, or would you prefer I take over every aspect of the business ?”

  “What’s going on?” the girl purred as she rolled over, immediately reaching for Montgomery. She slid her hand around his waist, cupping and squeezing his flaccid cock .

  He allowed the touch, the stroke of her hand, then grew disgusted. A single groan pushed past his tight lips. If only the bitch would have forgiven him. Then he wouldn’t have gone out searching for another. Shannon. Even the name made him angry. How the hell much had he had to drink the night before? His memory was fuzzy, and he had a nasty taste in his mouth .

  “Come to Mandy Wandy. I’ll make you feel all better.” She crawled around his hip and leaned on his thigh, wrapping her hand around his shaft. “Come on, big boy .”

  Stiffening, he shoved her away. “Stay off of me .”

  “Trouble in paradise?” The laugh came again, only this time with a sinister vibe .

  “Shut up!” Montgomery snapped .

  “Honey!” The girl’s face held a pouting look .

  He shot her a dirty look before getting out of bed. Betsy or Amanda or whatever the hell her name was, had been a decent snack for a short period of time. Now? She was nothing but a distraction. Padding out of the room and into the kitchen, he refused to answer. This was nothing more than a game. After grabbing a bottle of water, he sniffed and plastered on a smile. “What’s the situation you’re talking about? There’s nothing we can’t handle .”

  “People are talking about the fire .”

  “Let them talk .”

  “That press conference didn’t do us any good .”

  Exhaling, he took a gulp, anger turning into rage. “I did exactly as was required .”

  “You mean after a fire that wasn’t scheduled? There was two weeks left in the plan .”

  “Accidents happen. You damn well know that.” He could see the morning sun cresting over the horizon. When there was more than a slight hesitation, he realized this was no accident. “What the hell did you do ?”

  “Not what I did, sugar. Your name is on the deed at this point. Remember? I called merely to tell you that the fire investigator is doing his job—investigating. I’d get prepared if I were you .”

  When the call ended, he tipped his head back and roared. Seconds later, he tossed the bottle, smirking as strings of water cascaded down the window. He only wished they were strings of blood .

  Soon they would be. No one was going to push him into a corner. No one .

  * * *

  “M mm…” Shannon shifted and opened her eyes. Immediately the slender stream of sunlight made her wince. She shielded her eyes before planting her face smack in the middle of the pillow. The scent was different, musky and masculine. Inhaling, she giggled and slipped her hand under the sheet. She was naked. Then she remembered. Landen. Shit !

  They’d spent the entire night together. What was she supposed to say to him now? Very slowly she rolled over, anticipating a sleeping form. There was a warm body lying in bed, but certainly not the one she expected. She frowned and shook her head. Jace was lightly snoring, his back legs twitching .

  She sat up and lifted her knees, curling her arms around her legs. The house was quiet. He’d left without saying a word. A flash of anger filtered into her system, but she had to admit the truth. She was furious for allowing her guard to fall, even for a single night. “Ugh!” Hissing the word, she rested her head
on her arms and thought about how much they’d shared. They’d made love twice and he’d spanked her. No, they hadn’t made love. The entire thing was only about sex. Isn’t that what all men wanted ?

  After a quick glance at the clock, she was resigned to getting out of bed. It was after nine, later than her usual time. After grabbing a robe, she moved through the living room, eyeing the finished bottle of wine. There was also a second. Oh yeah. They’d moved back into the room at some point, polishing off a second bottle. Maybe that’s why she’d allowed him to get to her .

  Had she? The thoughts were ugly. There were no notes, so sign that he’d ever been there except for the empty glass. Was he embarrassed? Disgusted with himself? There was no way of telling and she had no clue how to get in touch with him. He certainly didn’t seem to care about the dog. Damn him! Damn all men. “What a jerk off .”

  Now, she was livid. She cursed as she made coffee, calling Landen every name in the book. He deserved her wrath. And she’d be happy to give it to him if and when she ever saw him again. What was she thinking? She had no choice. Jace didn’t belong to her. No way. She wasn’t going to keep a dog. Not now. Not ever .

  As the coffee brewed, she walked to the back window, gazing out at the yard. Maybe today she’d buy a few plants, some mulch and spruce up the area. And maybe pigs flew. She palmed the glass, her thoughts drifting to Ziggy. The nickname suited him. He’d been so alive, so sporadic in his thoughts and his decisions. She smiled as she remembered the good times. He could always make her laugh, no matter what they were going through. He’d been the light of her life .

  Gone. He was gone forever .

  She swallowed as a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye. She’d promised herself the past was the past, no going back. Why now? Landen. This was all Landen’s fault. He’d awakened her sleeping soul, finding the tiny sliver into her otherwise cautious mind. Why? As the sunlight glistened over the planting box, she envisioned Ziggy’s green thumb fixing everything. He’d be out in the yard right now, his hands and arms covered in dirt, happy as could be. And the plants would thrive, shooting up toward the sun as if fighting for attention .

  Hearing a slight whine, she looked toward the kitchen door. Jace stood, his dark eyes searching hers, his tail swinging low. She patted her leg, thankful for the company. As he padded toward her, his nails clipping against the tile floor, she couldn’t help but smile. Someone depending on her. This wasn’t new, but somehow refreshing. “I’ll get you breakfast soon .”

  Jace seemed to know what she was saying and issued a single woof .

  As she patted his head, she thought about her original idea. A memorial for Ziggy. Long overdue. She needed a way to say goodbye, and not based on a long, drawn out funeral, a procession that she’d never wanted in the first place. The event hadn’t been her idea, nor had she had any control. He was a hero in everyone’s eyes, dying for a cause .

  In the blink of an eye, her entire world had been stripped from her, destroyed because of a madman. She closed her eyes, remembered the goodbye. Yeah, goodbyes. Then she’d quit her job on the same day. That had been the best decision of her life. Then again, running had seemed like the only option. But where had she run to? The same kind of place. The same types of friends .

  The same horrific nightmares a distinct possibility .

  No. Landen had been a terrible mistake but one she could avoid and would. He certainly didn’t seem to give a shit. Why should she? She wiped the tear from her eye and held her breath until the emotions disappeared. That’s what had kept her strong, able to cope with life. Not. Caring. The dog had to go. Yep. Her mind was made up. If Landen didn’t find his way back here, tail between his legs, she’d take the dog to the smokejumper’s station. She could dump the pup there. Someone would no doubt take care of him. What did she care? He was just a dog .

  Beep! Beep !

  The coffee brewed, she went to grab a cup. But first things first. Jace needed to be fed. Yeah, she was a hard ass .

  After placing the food into his bowl, she grabbed her phone. A memorial would ease the pain. This was something none of the smokejumpers could know about either. That meant she couldn’t enlist Jessica’s help. If they knew, they’d ask questions. That, she couldn’t have. There was only one other woman in town who could help and one she trusted. She dialed the number, still wrestling with her decision. “Hey. Do you have time for lunch today ?”

  * * *

  S weat poured down his face, his neck and back and Landen wasn’t certain he’d be able to move his legs later. He hunkered over, trying to catch his breath as the other jumpers blew by him and into the locker room. The entire morning had been about strenuous activity, exercises and a five-mile run. He thought he was in shape, prepared for intensive training. He was wrong .

  He stood as Sawyer and Boone walked past, not so much as giving him acknowledgment. They all remained pissed, determined to keep him in the doghouse. Well, fuck them. He had nothing to prove. As he rubbed his grimy face, he moved toward his locker .

  Riker nodded, but remained quiet. At least the man hadn’t kept a full one hundred yards away from him. He peeled out of his shirt, tossing the saturated piece into his bag and removed his shoes .

  “Good workout today, gentlemen. Glad to see at least some of us are fit and ready!” Antonio called out .

  “We aim to please and since I came in first place in the run today, I bestow the title King of the World upon myself,” Stoker joked as he slammed his locker door, whistling as he sauntered toward the shower, swaying his hips in an exaggerated fashion .

  “Oh, he thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips,” Garcia quipped and snapped the man with a towel .

  “You’re just jealous.” Stoker waved his hand as he disappeared into the shower room .

  Landen winced when he sat down. The camaraderie was on shut down mode. At least for him. He lowered his head and glared at the floor. He could afford to wait until they were done .

  “Gonna grab a beer at Ziggy’s later. You want to come ?”

  The question seemed off the cuff and unexpected coming from Riker. “Sure. Why not? Don’t have much else to do .”

  “You in your place ?”

  “Not yet. Later today .”

  Riker walked past, never looking in Landen’s direction .

  “I’m sorry about your family. I could never understand the pain.” He could see the man’s shoulders tense, every part of his body bristling. Riker didn’t make a sound of any kind. No exclamation. No emotion. He merely walked out of the room as if refusing to acknowledge he’d offered something so personal, so painful .

  The meaning was clear. There would be no discussing the horrible event ever again .

  Landen closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to rid the nasty visions from his head. He waited for a full five minutes before heading for the shower. As he did, his thoughts drifted to Shannon. Suddenly, his dick was very hard .

  The captain grabbed him just after he’d finished dressing, pulling Landen into his office .

  “Close the door,” Captain Phillips stated as he sat down on the edge of his desk .

  Landen remained uncomfortable, feeling as if he was walking into the lion’s den. Antonio sat opposite of the captain, his face stoic. The third man in the room was dressed in a uniform, his crisp white long sleeved shirt in contrast to his well-worn standard blue khakis. The badge said enough. He was a fire investigator. “Sir ?”

  “Landen Weaver, this is our investigator, Frederick Nelson. He’s been around for a long time. Seen a lot of fires in his day .”

  “Fresh meat,” Investigator Nelson said as he held out his hand .

  “One might say poached meat,” Landen offered as he gritted his teeth. He could see scars crisscrossing the man’s neck, moving down past his collar. The man had definitely seen his own share of fires. The investigator’s grip was firm, and he held the shake a few seconds longer than normal .

  “I heard. You risked lives,
but you also saved one. Admirable, at least in my book.” Investigator Nelson winked at the captain .

  “Don’t encourage him!” the captain exclaimed then rolled his eyes .

  “I call it like I see it. You know that.” The investigator grabbed an iPad off the captain’s desk .

  “Do you know what started the fire?” Antonio asked .

  The investigator inhaled and wrinkled his brow. “Preliminary reports are back so I need to finalize a few aspects of the case, but I’ll venture a guess of accidental. Looks like a small fire was started nearby the hotel in the woods. There was a makeshift campsite there. Could have been hikers who started a fire and it got out of hand. I don’t see any signs that it was intentional .”

  “Damn tourists,” the captain mumbled under his breath .

  “Yeah. We have at least three of those in a season. Been so damn dry, campers have no clue a fire can get out of hand in just a matter of minutes. Damn thing spread fast and furious. Scarred almost six dozen acres. Would have been a lot worse if you boys hadn’t intervened.” The investigator held up his iPad, flipping through several pictures .

  Landen leaned in, exhaling as he drank in the significant damage to the area .

  “Jesus,” Antonio mumbled .

  “Been a rough year for jumpers. The trees are begging for water. Go up like a match .”

  Landen could tell there was more on the investigator’s mind than reminding them how dry the conditions were, but he remained quiet .

  “Anyway. I think we all know what kind of shit we’re dealing with.” Investigator Nelson turned his head toward Landen. “So, I heard you have concerns about the recent fire, perhaps even ideas that the situation was worse than it could have been. You were up close and personal, much more so than the others.” He looked down at the screen as he talked .

  Landen could feel Antonio’s eyes on him, a hard look and the only method the man had of expressing his disdain. “I noticed a sprinkler system. It didn’t appear to have gone off. The building was dry as a bone.” At this point, he wasn’t certain how much to say or where this was going .


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