The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 75

by Pike, Leslie

  I look at Jack and nod my final agreement. We finally came to a decision about the name a few weeks ago. It was the only one we were both happy with. But we said we’d wait till the baby was born to make a final decision. The nod would be the sign there’s no second choice.

  “Oscar. His name is Oscar,” I say.

  * * *

  I hear the soft knocking first. My eyes open to see Jack sleeping in the recliner he pulled up to where the baby sleeps. I glance at the clock. It’s only twelve thirty, but we both had dropped off after we had the first breast feeding. Again the knocking. I see Nurse Betty peek in.

  “You have after-hour visitors. There’s six of them. Your friend Finn beat the system when he promised all the nurses pictures and autographs. When he said we could visit his next set, that did it. What can I say, we’re weak.”

  Jack sits up. “What do you say, Nicki? You up for seeing anyone?”

  “Send them in, but first give me a few minutes to get together.”

  So the nurse leaves and I get Jack to help me comb my hair and brush my teeth. He gets me the pretty wrap I brought from home and my lip balm.

  “Are you going to put a comb through your hair?” I ask.

  “No. I want to match my son,” he says looking into where the baby lays.

  “Okay, go get them.”

  He walks to the door and swings it open. Our friends are standing right there in their Academy Award finery. They’re being good little boys and girls so they won’t be thrown out. But if I’m being honest, they could probably run screaming down the halls and not be reprimanded. Those nurses have their eyes on the prize. Finn.

  They pile in with contained excitement. BB carries her Oscar. Steven carries a tote. They’ve been told the baby’s sleeping and they react accordingly. It’s funny to watch their silent riot of joy. Whispers and hugs, kisses and tears. They offer it to Jack and me. They gather around the baby and show their amazement at our precious child.

  “How did you know?” Jack asks.

  “We were checking in with your mom, just in case,” Steven says.

  I bring the level of my voice up. “I don’t think we need to be this quiet around the baby. Let’s get him used to our voices.”

  “Before we go any further, is that an In-N-Outer I smell?” asks Jack.

  “I didn’t forget you, brother,” Steven says as he digs in his tote and brings out a big juicy hamburger.

  “Or you, Nicki,” Bliss adds.

  “God I love you more in this moment than ever,” Jack says taking the burger from Steven’s hands.

  “Thank you, friends. I’m starving,” I say.

  “Can we hold him?” Bliss asks.

  “Sure. Let me put this down,” Jack says.

  “You did a good job, Jack, he’s got your hair,” Finn says.

  “Jack did a good job? What about Nicki? Your mother told us she practically shot the baby out of her vajayjay,” BB says.

  “It was pretty fast,” I say laughing.

  Jack picks up the baby and offers him to Bliss. “Meet Oscar, your Godson.”

  Bliss immediately starts crying as she takes the baby in her arms.

  “Godson? Oh my God, really? I’m so honored. Hello, Oscar.”

  Jack turns to Steven. “And you know what that makes you?”

  Steven shakes Jack’s hand and places the other one on his shoulder. “Thank you for that, Jack.”

  Oscar’s passed from one friend to another as his parents chow down on burgers. When BB gets her turn, she talks to him as if he were a teenager.

  “Oscar, I’m going to teach you how important laughter is in life; we can goof on your parents together. I’ll show you how to do it right.”

  “Oh God help you,” Paul says his eyes darting between Jack and I.

  Steven lifts the tote to a chair. “I’ve got something of yours, Jack.”

  The faces of our friends light up with anticipation. Steven reaches in and pulls out a shining gold Oscar. He hands it to Jack.

  “Meet another Oscar. Oscar, meet the Best Actor.”

  “Oh, no! With all that was happening I forgot about the Academy Awards. Honey, I’m sorry.” I plead my excuse.

  “Well you were a little preoccupied, Nicki. Giving birth is a valid excuse not to be treating me like the King. I knew I won because my phone blew up. By the way, congratulations, BB.”

  “Oh yes, we watched your acceptance speech. It was perfect,” I say.

  “Thank you. Jack, I couldn’t have done it without you,” she says.

  Steven and Finn both make a fake pissed off expression, directed to Jack and BB. I think they practiced this. They take pictures to honor the occasion.

  “It’s a piss poor thin’ that we weren’t winnin’ ours. That’s all we’re sayin’.”

  “That’s right. See if you get such outstanding direction next time,” Steven kids.

  “Believe me boys, it means very little compared with other prizes,” Jack says.

  He takes the baby from Esme and brings him to me. I cradle his tiny body in my arms and he wiggles himself awake. All around me are my beloved friends, and I couldn’t be more aware of the nature of love than I am in this moment. My heart has wings.

  Oscar seems to sense the affection coming his way and opens his eyes to meet his visitors. He tries to blink the faces into focus. Then he lifts the corner of his upper lip in a little smile and charms his new posse.



  The Fourth of July on a Southern California beach is like a beach party movie come to life. Breaking white foamed waves ridden by golden-boy surfers, young sun-kissed girls in tiny bikinis, happy families gathered to watch fireworks. And it’s all highlighted by the unmatchable weather. But the same holiday on Jack and Nicki’s private beach is another level all together. I can even see from here, at the top of the steps leading down to the sand, that it’s going to be an event to remember.

  As Steven and I start down, more of the details are revealed. There’s a huge red, white and blue striped tent covering the food prep and the buffet tables. I see three chefs dressed all in white working to please their employer. I know this because Jack, if he likes your work, will be the best thing that ever happened to you and your business. He’ll pay you more than you asked, and he’ll use you faithfully for his many parties and holiday gatherings. When he leaves the country, he makes sue his chef and housekeeper and ten other people he employs will be there when he gets back, so he keeps paying them. I think these people would do anything for their favorite client.

  We reach the hot sand and start toward our happy group and their families. I love when all the generations are represented, young, old, everything in between. They’re sitting or lying on comfortable chairs and wide chaises on the sand. There are enough seats for everyone, and piles of plush towels and quilts to lay on. Stacks of illegal fireworks are stored in rows of plastic bins, waiting for dark. Umbrellas in red, white or blue are pitched randomly across the expanse of beach. Some are already being used by the older folk or the youngest of the group, both vulnerable to the heat.

  I see Carl and Amelia sitting close to the shore, watching the waves. I think that’s Jack’s father standing talking with them. We reach the sand.

  “Can I help you carry anything?” I ask Steven.

  “No. It’s just two totes. Besides, I’m enjoying you walking in front of me.”

  I give him a little hip sway. I know his eyes are on my ass, which more than peeks out of my white and marine-blue bikini bottom.

  “Oh baby, do that again,” he says in his deep smooth voice.

  I turn and walk backward in front of him. Lifting my loose crop top and bikini bra under it, I flash him a good one.

  “Whoa!” he says smiling.

  I turn and run up ahead of him.

  “Wait!” he calls after me.

  But I’m moving fast on this sizzling sand. I see a familiar figure waving me over.

  “Bliss! Over here!�

  I run up to the bright-red quilt Nicki’s sitting on. She’s in a tiny black bikini and you’d swear she never gave birth a year and a half ago. She looks chic as always with her jet-black shades and silver bangle bracelets.

  “Happy 4th!” she says lifting her margarita to the sky.

  “Likewise. Hey, I want one of those.”

  Steven comes up behind me and drops the totes in the sand. “Hi, Nicki.”

  “Hi. You want a margarita? You wife’s going to have one.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll go get…”

  “No. Of course my husband has made things fun. Let me get you your whistles.”

  She leans over to her bag and takes out a red whistle and a white one. They’re on matching cords. She tosses one to each of us.

  “What are these for?” I ask.

  “Blow it and you’ll see.”

  Steven puts his in his mouth and gives it a good blow. In less than five seconds I see a young barefoot man dressed in pristine white shorts and red polo shirt coming toward us.

  “What can I get you?” he says with a dazzling smile.

  “Margaritas. We’ll each have one,” Steven says.

  “I’ll be back with your drinks.”

  And he’s gone. The three of us start laughing.

  “God, leave it to Jack. He’s the ringmaster. Where is he? With Oscar I’m guessing,” Steven says.

  “No, Oscar’s with Esme. They’re jumping the waves. Well at least they’re getting their feet wet. Ever since he started walking, he’s obsessed with putting his tootsies in the ocean.”

  “Oh, I’ve got to see that,” I say getting up.

  I spot Esme in her long billowy white skirt and red bikini top. She’s got ahold of Oscar’s little hands, and every time the water rolls to their feet she lifts him up a few inches. He curls his chubby legs and kicks in glee until she does it again. I watch as Finn rises out of the ocean after the wave he caught brings him almost where they stand.

  “They’re having a ball. Oh my God, Oscar’s digging it,” I say.

  Steven stretches out on one elbow. “So where’s Jack?”

  Nicki points behind us. “There they are now.”

  We turn to see Jack and Paul as they carry John across the sand toward us and the largest umbrella to our right. I didn’t see it before, but it shades John’s wheelchair which sits on a hard floor set firmly in the sand. Next to the wheelchair are two chaise lounges and one tiny miniature chaise for Oscar. The whole thing sits close enough to the shore to watch the wave riders and the swimmers. The canopy of the umbrella is high, so passing beachgoers can visit and talk with them.

  Jack has rigged a method of carrying John. With two men it seems to work pretty easily. John sits upright in a kind of cradle stretched between Jack and Paul. It’s made of something sturdy like canvas I’m guessing, and supports his back. He has an arm around Jack’s neck. The other one lies twisted against his own body. Dolly, John’s beloved dog, trots close behind. As they get closer, we can see all three men laughing. They stop at our quilt first. The men keep John steady between them.

  “What’s so funny?” Nicki asks.

  “Your husband was farting all the way down here!” Paul says between his laughter.

  We start laughing too.

  Nicki gets a horrified look on her face. “What? Jack!”

  “I couldn’t help it. Once I started and they laughed I couldn’t control myself.”

  Even John has tears of laughter streaming down his face, and he’s talking up a storm.

  “Oh my God, that was funny,” Jack says. “Let’s get John to his throne.”

  The two men carry their rider to his chair under the umbrella. Dolly takes her position curled up beside his chair. Jack makes sure he’s settled then takes his place on the chaise next to him. He blows his whistle for a well-deserved drink.

  “I’m going over there for a while. John likes it when he and I watch the seagulls,” she says standing. “I make up stories about their names and where they’re flying off to. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s our thing.”

  “It sounds anything but crazy,” Steven says.

  “Jack just laughs at us, but I know he loves it too.”

  “We can tell how much he’s bonded with you this last year since his mother died. You’re the best thing that could have happened to him. You and Jack. And Oscar,” I say.

  “I was doing it for Jack. But turns out it was me who benefited, because John’s the most lovely man. And you know Oscar loves him like a brother.” She brings her voice down to whisper. “Which, as you know, he is.”

  “Who knows besides us?” Steven asks.

  “No one. And that’s the way we’re going to keep things. I encouraged Jack to tell you, Steven, because he needed that. It was a heavy secret for him to carry all those years. I wanted him to have another soul to share it with besides me.”

  “I’m glad you did. You know I’ll never divulge it to anyone,” he says seriously.

  She gets a wistful smile on her face. “I was thinking about the future. John’s condition’s progressing. There’ll come the day that Jack needs a friend’s shoulder to cry on. Sometimes a wife can’t be everything. I know you’ll be my backup when he needs to grieve.”

  “You’re a good woman, Nicki. Jack’s lucky to have you,” Steven says.

  “Yep. He’s as lucky as you are with this one.” She points to me.

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “Why don’t you go say hello to your Godson? He’s said ‘Stee, Stee’ a hundred times today. It’s driving us crazy.”

  “He’s his best friend. I’ve yet to hear my name,” I kid.

  “Don’t feel bad. He said Daddy a full month before I heard one Mama. I think he’s a guy’s guy.”

  The young server returns with our drinks, two big beautiful margaritas. Nicki waves her goodbyes and walks off toward the umbrella. Steven and I head for the shore.

  “You picked a great woman to have as a best friend,” Steven says.

  “I have incredible skills for who I surround myself with,” I say slapping him on the ass.

  As we approach, Esme and Finn see us coming. I feel the cold water wash over my toes and feet, splashing upward to my calves. Oscar spots Steven and holds his arm out to him.

  “Hello, Oscar!” Steven says leaning over and holding him up in the air.

  The toddler laughs with that pure joy only a child can express.


  “Hey kiddo, how about a hello for Bliss,” I say giving his little foot a kiss.

  He pulls away from me, back to his buddy Steven.

  “This child is wearing me out,” says Esme.

  “I’ll take him,” Finn says hopefully.

  “Forget it. I just got him,” Steven argues.

  “Would you ever believe the men would be arguing over who gets to hold the baby?” I say.

  We all laugh at the truth of the idea.

  “Here comes Paul and BB,” Finn says.

  We turn to see Paul giving BB a piggyback ride across the sand and down to where we stand in the water. “California Gurls” plays somewhere behind us. Farther away, Jack and Nicki are starting to walk in our direction. Behind them I see Jack’s mother and father sitting with John under the umbrella.

  “Esme, is my ass hanging out?” BB says as they reach us.

  Paul immediately puts her down. “Check yourself, woman.”

  BB adjusts her bikini bottom, taking the bunched fabric from between her cheeks in a funny leg kick. She never fails to make us all laugh, and Paul to roll his eyes.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he asks the rhetorical question he’s asked a thousand times.

  “There’s nothing you can do, baby. Just surrender.”

  Paul shakes the baby’s finger. “Hello there, Oscar.”

  Jack and Nicki come up behind us.

  “Where’s my boy?” Jack says, hiding behind Finn. Then he peeks out. “Peek-a-boo!” />
  Oscar laughs hysterically, which charms us all. Jack takes him from Steven’s arms and kisses him all over his face. The boy squirms in Jack’s arms trying to avoid the kisses. But it’s a game both boys love playing. With Oscar’s black hair sticking straight up like his father’s mane, they’re a pair, and an adorable photo opportunity.

  I pull out my phone from my bikini top. “Let me get a picture of us all! Get together.”

  I see a teenager, Jack’s cousin I think, digging a hole in the sand nearby.

  “Jack, what’s your cousin’s name?” I say pitching my thumb to where the kid digs.


  “Hey, Scott! Will you take a picture for us?” I holler to him.

  Scott gets up and moseys over in a teenager’s slow roll. He’s not hurrying for anybody. I hand him my cell open to the camera, and I know I don’t need to school a sixteen-year-old how to aim and shoot.

  “Just let me get in the picture,” I say.

  I run over to my friends who already stand poised at the edge of the water.

  “Okay, I’ll get in here next to Steven. Move closer everybody, so we can all get in the frame!”

  “Only if you all promise I can be the one to say ‘cheese’,”BB says.

  “Okay spoiled brat, we’ll wait for your command.” Jack laughs.

  The teenager aims the camera. “Ready?”

  We hold frozen in our pose, waiting for BB to say the word. Finn talks through his teeth, holding his perfect smile.

  “All right already, darlin’.”

  “Ready people?” she asks.

  Six impatient yes come at her.

  Her voice rises above the sound of the crashing waves. “Paul knocked me up! You’re all going to be aunts and uncles! Oh yeah, CHEESE, MOTHER FOCKERS!”

  It takes a millisecond for the news to sink in. Just the right amount of time for Scott to shoot the picture.

  Our dumbfounded reaction to BB’s announcement was captured at the perfect moment, frozen in time with wide-eyed stunned expressions, eyebrows raised and hands in the air. Even baby Oscar wore an unintended look of shock on his face. He and Jack were staring at each other, mouths open, matching hair sticking high to the heavens. Only Paul and BB were laughing. And for the rest of our days, and long into our old age, that picture would hang in each of our homes, sweet evidence of the bonds of love that began in our well-spent youth.


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