Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 23

by Jillian Neal

  “I love you,” she whispered in the darkness.

  “I love you, too, baby.”


  The End of the Line

  Garrett rushed to join the entire Elite Iodex team on the tarmac, just moments before the plane was due to land.

  “When I said five-thirty, son, that’s what I meant,” Governor Haydenshire huffed.

  “Sorry, Dad,” Garrett apologized, but made no attempt to explain his tardiness.

  “So, we’ll go over it once again for our late arrival.”

  Rainer couldn’t recall a time he’d seen the Governor so furious.

  “Officer Vindico is being detained on the plane. If he attempts to leave or refuses to follow my orders precisely, you are to arrest him,” the Governor bellowed.

  “Yes, sir,” the entire team responded.

  Terror swirled ominously in the pit of Rainer’s stomach as he tried to envision himself arresting Vindico.

  The plane landed at seven o’clock on the dot, and Rainer’s pulse raced as he watched passengers begin to descend the steps. The engines quieted and the pilots and coolant officers began making their exits.

  “Let’s go,” Governor Haydenshire made his way up the stairs and into the belly of the plane.

  Rainer and Logan followed Portwood and Ericsson in a somber line. Vindico remained in his seat. He watched the new arrivals enter. His face held a mix of bemused curiosity and exhaustion.

  “Gentlemen,” he nodded his head to the Governors and Iodex. “Surely you aren’t all here for my benefit,” he drawled flippantly.

  “You know what, Daniel? I think you’ve done quite enough talking, so shut your mouth and listen up,” Governor Haydenshire spat furiously.

  It thoroughly shocked everyone, save his sons, who’d heard him speak this way on many occasions growing up.

  Vindico turned a confused glance at Rainer.

  “We’re here to arrest you, man. Just please do what he says,” Rainer’s tone was pleading.

  “Arrest me for what?” Vindico demanded.

  “Oh, let’s see here. How about behavior unbecoming an officer of the Realm, disorderly conduct, contempt of court, and assault,” Governor Haydenshire narrowed his eyes. “So, last chance, Daniel, do you think you can keep your mouth shut, or do I need to send the head of Iodex to Felsink for a night out?”

  Vindico held up his hands just before crossing them over his chest with a defiant huff.

  Governor Haydenshire began to pace as everyone moved away from him to allow him room to complete his trek.

  “I do understand, Daniel. I understand that they let a murderer go free, and that there wasn’t anything you could do about it. I understand that you’re angry and that you’ve been angry since that horrible night ten years ago.”

  All of the blood drained from Vindico’s face as he glared hatefully at the Governor.

  “Don’t you dare,” Governor Haydenshire growled as he lunged across the seats and into Vindico’s face. “Don’t you dare sit there and glare at me because you think I don’t know what hell you’ve been through, because I do!”

  “I buried my son a week before his twenty-third birthday because of Dominic Wretchkinsides, so don’t you sit there like a pompous ass and tell yourself that you’re the only one he’s ever hurt, because you aren’t. Every single day, every time I sit down at my dining room table, and there’s an empty chair. Every time I walk past his old room that my wife won’t even open the door to anymore. Every time I look into Lillian’s eyes and I see the loss, and the pain, and the agony, that I can’t ever make better for her. So, don’t you dare sit there and act like I don’t know how badly you hurt,” Governor Haydenshire demanded.

  Vindico swallowed harshly. He held the Governor’s eyes with his own. Silence filled the plane for the length of one heartbeat.

  “Dan, we’ve sat back and let you drown in your own misery for long enough. You never wanted any help. You never wanted anything at all, as far as I can see, except to dismantle Wretchkinsides and the Interfeci with your bare hands.”

  “So, let me tell you what I’m going to do and why I’ve decided to take this route instead of forcing your resignation. Let me assure you, Daniel, that if you fail to follow any of my demands, you can find yourself employment not only outside of Iodex, but outside of law enforcement of any kind.”

  Vindico bristled; his jaw clenched tightly.

  “Fine,” he quipped and begrudgingly listened to his instructions.

  “First of all, I am not firing you because your father asked me not to, so when we’re all finished here you might just want to tell him how much you appreciate what he and your mother have been through on your account. As far as I can see, you’ve had about as much time and respect for them as you’ve had for any of the rest of us since we buried Amelia all those years ago.”

  “Next, you will phone the German Crown Governor and apologize for your horrendous outburst, and beg his apologies just before you phone every other member of the Governing board of the German Realm.” Governor Haydenshire halted. He waited on Vindico to argue, but he didn’t.

  “You will make these phone calls from my office in front of me,” he concluded his first demand.

  Vindico’s eyes narrowed in disdain, but he said nothing.

  “Then we’re going to have a little talk about your decision- making skills. You see, you’ve put me in a very tough spot, Daniel. Not only have you embarrassed the American Realm on foreign soil, but you’ve made me greatly question your reasoning.”

  “And that’s a problem, as I’m the one who signed the papers allowing two of my sons to join Elite Iodex, at only twenty-one years of age, when you saw their grades and their performance from the Academy. I’m also the man who signed those same papers when Cal had been invited to join the Elite team.”

  “So, you sit and think about what goes through my head each and every time I hear Logan or Rainer’s cell phone ring, or I watch them leave for yet another extremely dangerous mission. I need to know, Dan, that you can keep your head screwed on straight. Trust me, your calling the Governing Board of Germany a ‘pathetic group of useless cowards’ doesn’t do a lot to restore my confidence,” Governor Haydenshire huffed furiously.

  “A situation arose while you were cussing out the German Governors. You see, the woman that you brought into my home, to keep safe, was not only extremely rude to two of my daughters-in-law, but to several of my sons as well, not to mention my wife. Then, if that weren’t enough, she was arrested last night on a solicitation charge.”

  “What?” Vindico gasped.

  This appeared to be the first thing Governor Haydenshire said that had truly shocked him. He glanced towards Logan and Rainer, who nodded morosely.

  “Yes, so, although I certainly can’t tell you whom to date, might I suggest that you find a girl who actually does something for your heart, and your soul, and other parts of your body?”

  “Let me tell you the cold, hard truth, Dan. We didn’t bury you in that graveyard when we buried Amelia. You’re still alive, and she wouldn’t want you going on this way. You know it, and I know it.”

  “So, if Bridgette really makes you feel something that you just don’t think you can live without, then go for it, but I think… no,” Governor Haydenshire retracted slightly, “…I know the only thing Bridgette does for you is make you feel like you’re just a little bit closer to bringing down Wretchkinsides. You’re using her, Daniel, and trust me, if you keep it going with her, eventually that’s going to blow up in your face as well.”

  “She’s in the holding cells inside. You can handle her charges as you see fit, but be very, very aware, son, that I will be watching your every move for the next several months, like a hawk,” Governor Haydenshire warned.

  “As for the rest of my requirements, they go something like this. I went back this morning and read over the parking deck security logs. I wanted to see how many days a week you were coming in and how long you were staying.”r />
  “Daniel, you’ve either been in that office or on location for work, somewhere, nearly every single day for the past nine and a half years. No weekends, no vacations, nothing but work, nothing but Wretchkinsides, and it’s eating you alive.” Governor Haydenshire’s expression morphed from fury to concern.

  “You’re suspended without pay for the next two weeks,” Governor Haydenshire stated firmly. “And yes, I’m well aware that you have copies of every single piece of evidence or material that you’ve collected on Wretchkinsides and the Interfeci for the past twelve years at your home. So, work on it if you must,” Governor Haydenshire offered, “but there are a few other things you’re going to do. Please remember that any variation from these decrees will land you in the unemployment office.”

  “You will come over to my home for dinner with my family one night this week. I’ll make certain Will and Brooke are there, along with Garrett, Rainer, and Logan. You’re going to sit and eat, and be filled, and have a few beers, and laugh, and just generally be a human again.”

  “You’re going to go out with people who love and care about you a few nights this week. Have a drink, play pool, I don’t give a damn what you do as long as it isn’t work.”

  “Then you are to happily have dinner with your parents, and perhaps your sisters one night this week as well. Saturday afternoon, you and the rest of Elite Iodex are going to attend Logan and Adeline’s wedding and reception.”

  Vindico’s brow furrowed as he glanced at Logan who nodded and mouthed, “Long story.”

  “Then, Sunday, Chloe Sawyer has graciously provided me with a ticket for you to the Angels last inner-league challenge, which you will attend with your family. Chloe has also extended you a personal invitation to the end of the season party for the Angels, which you will also be attending.”

  “Bright and early Monday morning, you, along with Logan and Adeline, and Rainer and Emily, will be making the long flight to Sydney, Australia.”

  “While you’re there, you will vacation, sleep in, stay out late, eat too much, hell, even drink too much, but do something that isn’t obsessing about Wretchkinsides and revenge. Help Logan and Adeline celebrate their nuptials, give Rainer a little time to heal, have a good time. I’m not sure you’ve gotten your own head out of your ass long enough to realize that Rainer’s kind of had a hell of a ride since becoming an Elite Iodex officer.”

  “While you’re in Australia, you will also help them discover which of the Australian Caliph’s sons is Adeline’s father.”

  Vindico’s eyes goggled momentarily, but he said nothing.

  “You will also help convince her father to come back to the States to testify against Candy Parker. I know this may be a shock to your system so, to make this just a little more palatable, I’ll point out that if Adeline’s father can get Candy Parker to turn on Paulo Ramierez, you can add his feather to your collection of Wretchkinsides’ top dogs that you’ve either put behind bars or killed.”

  “When you return from your vacation, you may return to work, assuming you can keep your tongue and your temper in check,” Governor Haydenshire held Vindico’s eyes as he awaited a response.

  Vindico choked out the words, “Yes sir.”

  Rainer noted that the acceptance of his reprimands appeared to have tasted very bitter as they exited his mouth.

  With a single nod, Governor Haydenshire accepted the terms of his agreement.

  “Bridgette was signed over to Rainer and Logan last night from the precinct, so they’ll need to sign the release papers, if that’s what you decide,” Governor Haydenshire instructed. “After you’ve dealt with that, you can come to my office. You have several phone calls to make.”

  With a heavy breath, Vindico nodded.

  “Everyone else, go enjoy your holiday weekend. Thank you for your help,” Governor Haydenshire dismissed the rest of the Elite team.

  Everyone disembarked from the plane as Vindico and his father followed Logan and Rainer outside.

  “Thanks, Dad.” Vindico managed to husk.

  “Anytime, son, but you should know that by now,” Governor Vindico scolded softly.

  “Yeah, I should,” Vindico agreed. Humility didn’t seem to set well with his body or his mind.

  Vindico joined Logan and Rainer as they strolled into the Senate building.

  “I take it you and Ms. Parker are expecting?” he didn’t look any too pleased with his assumption.

  Logan chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. She needs a last name, and I need her.”

  Vindico smiled and nodded his understanding. He looked deeply impressed with Logan.

  “So, you think maybe at some point on our Australian vacation, after a few beers, we might could hear what exactly you said to the German Crown and how the hell you got to Paris without getting caught?” Logan urged hopefully.

  Vindico laughed outright. “I think I probably owe you two that much,” he begrudgingly agreed. “I’m sorry about Bridgette.”

  “Yeah, actually,” Logan hemmed but then continued on with his sentiment, “I think of all the stuff Dad just yelled at you, what he said about her might just be the most important.”

  Vindico appeared to consider that.

  “Maybe,” he sighed, as they made their way to release Bridgette from the holding cells.


  Wishes and Habits

  By Friday evening, Emily had quizzed Rainer a dozen times, over whether or not Vindico had dumped Bridgette. As he ran a brush through his hair, just before heading to the farmhouse for Logan and Adeline’s rehearsal dinner, she asked yet again.

  “Baby,” Rainer huffed, “I don’t know, but I don’t think so. This week, I’ve eaten dinner with him twice at your parents, been to a bar with him and your brothers, not to mention him texting me a dozen times about what we’re doing at work, so I think he probably would’ve mentioned it if he’d dumped her.”

  “I thought Dad forbid him to work?” she quizzed as she rolled the ends of her hair around her curling iron.

  “Yeah, well, old habits die hard, especially when Clarence was suspended from the Academy, and his old man was released back into the country.”

  ~Logan Haydenshire~

  As no other place had become available, Logan and Adeline had decided to hold the wedding at the farmhouse.

  When everyone arrived for dinner, they were immediately assigned a task for the wedding the next day. Dinner wasn’t served until after eight, and came from Lesco’s.

  Logan grabbed his and Adeline’s burgers and fries, and he pulled her out onto the side porch. He seated her on the swing and sealed heat into the fibers of the quilts his mother left out there as he covered them up. He cradled her to his chest. Their breaths mingled visibly in the cool evening air.

  She’d been busy all week, either working or planning their wedding, and he’d hardly seen her. He just needed a moment with her, out of the foray.

  “I missed you,” Logan kissed the top of her head and felt her smile against him.

  “I know. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy,” she apologized readily. With a sigh, Logan kissed her again.

  “Baby, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just missed you,” he reprimanded lovingly. She blushed in the glow of the porch light.

  “I am kind of looking forward to the wedding part being over with, and just being in the hotel room with you tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, trust me baby, I’m looking forward to that as well.”

  She giggled. The sound made everything in Logan’s entire world fall into perfect balance, in that moment.

  “I wish you would tell me where we’re staying,” she requested again, as she began to nibble her cheeseburger.

  “Hey, Dad sort of took over our honeymoon. I at least get to surprise you with our wedding night.”

  Adeline drew a deep, steadying breath. Logan could feel her energy spinning in nervous, jagged arcs.

  “Actually,” she hesitated, “I kind of think my father took over our honeym

  Logan smiled and shrugged. He certainly couldn’t argue that, so set his fierce shield around her and began pushing soothing waves into her.

  “So, tomorrow night, you’ll be Adeline Marie Haydenshire,” he whispered just to feel the joy flow through her energy.

  “I can’t believe how lucky I am,” she was giddy in her excitement. It overwhelmed him.

  “No, baby. I’m the lucky one. You’re just incredible, and I can’t believe I’m the guy lucky enough to get to be your husband.”

  “I can’t wait.” She set her food beside her and turned to cuddle up in his warm embrace.

  “Me either,” Logan brushed sweet, tender kisses into her hair.

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Thankful, once again, that Adeline had a change of heart the night before, Rainer kissed Emily awake. She wriggled beside him and tucked her face into his chest.

  “Hey there, baby. We have to get up. We have a wedding to throw.”

  “I’m so glad Adeline finally told Mom that she didn’t want us to stay at the farmhouse last night,” Emily sighed as she kissed Rainer’s chest before snuggling beside him.

  Mrs. Haydenshire had repeatedly suggested that Emily and Adeline spend the night at the farmhouse, and let Logan and Rainer stay at the guesthouse. Everyone knew it meant a great deal to Mrs. Haydenshire.

  Around eleven the night before, just as Logan and Rainer were getting ready to leave, Adeline had managed to choke out a plea to her future mother-in-law that she be able to stay with Logan that night.

  Mrs. Haydenshire had started to object, but Logan stated firmly that if Adeline wanted to come home and stay with him, then that was exactly what she was doing. That had effectively ended the protest.

  “Rainer?” Emily whispered nervously.

  “What sweetheart?”

  There was an abrupt change in her tone.

  “Do you think we’ll beat the Phenoms tomorrow?” The Phenoms and the Angels had both only lost one challenge in the inner league play. As they’d both lost to different teams, and the teams they’d lost to had lost more than one challenge, the match tomorrow would determine who won the Northeastern conference title.


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