Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 42

by Jillian Neal

  Fionna nodded, and then shot Vindico looks that said for him to save her now as he glanced around trying desperately to figure out a way to do just that.

  As there really wasn’t any escape, everyone began hesitantly trying the sushi. Adeline forced down a tiny bite of the cuttlefish and squid-ink noodles. She tried very hard not to grimace, with Logan attempting to shield her face with his body unsuccessfully. Lucas panicked.

  “You don’t like it?” he queried, as if this were some kind of major failing on his part. “Here, we’ll have them make you whatever you’d like, dear.”

  “No,” Adeline shook her head violently. “Please, it’s fine, really.”

  Logan shot Lucas a look that said he needed to back off, which Lucas did immediately.

  A few minutes later, the Nguyens were eating happily, and Vindico leaned and whispered something in Fionna’s ear. Rainer had a feeling that it was something to the effect that he would take her to get anything she wanted to eat after the meal was over. She beamed at him as color rose in her cheeks.

  Emily and Rainer tried some of the sushi. They ate the prawn that everyone, but Logan, seemed to like. Logan scowled and uttered the words ‘fish-bait’ under his breath.

  Finally, the waitstaff moved back in and removed the sushi platters. The soup course was next, and everyone waited nervously to see what would be revealed as small, covered tureens were situated at everyone’s places.

  “Uh, this is a Maori boil-up,” Lucas informed the guests, though he kept his eyes locked on Adeline. “It’s a vegetable soup made with pork and dumplings. It’s been a while since I was in the States. I wasn’t able to attend your father’s ball. I do apologize for that. I believe, when I was last there, I had a vegetable soup made with beef.”

  Adeline nodded. “Mrs. Haydenshire makes hers with leftover roast,” there was a wistfulness in her quiet tone. “It’s delicious. She makes it for me when I’m sick.”

  “Well, I hope you enjoy this as well,” Lucas offered hopefully.

  With that, everyone lifted the tops of the tureens and picked up their soup spoons.

  Emily gave Rainer a relieved smile. The soup was delicious. Everyone relaxed as they settled into the meal and their hosts.

  “Uh,” Lucas commented, looking extremely uncomfortable. “I would love for you and Logan to stay in my apartment with me. I imagine, with this being your honeymoon, you probably don’t want me around too much. I do understand. I’ll just be around whenever you’d like to visit,” he tried to form his thoughts into appropriate dinner conversation.

  Adeline’s eyes goggled as her face burned crimson. Fionna and Emily gave Adeline sorrowful expressions. Rainer and Vindico shot each other glances that said Logan was going to have trouble fielding this particular question.

  “Well, that is where the expression comes from Luke,” Lachlan laughed and shook his head at his younger brother. Lucas chuckled, though Rainer noted a hint of disdain.

  Logan, Rainer, and Vindico’s brows all knitted.

  Lucas sighed, “My brother is being crass, but there’s a fairly common expression here.” He glanced hesitantly at Adeline, clearly not certain if he should state the expression, but he decided to go on with it. “Uh, ‘off like a bride’s nightie.’” He swallowed a sip of water, before shaking his head and drawing a steadying breath. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Adeline. I guess I’m still not certain what to say to you.”

  “It’s ok,” Adeline immediately offered in a strangled voice.

  “Why don’t you tell us about your work at the hospital?” Lucas offered the table to Adeline, who looked like she would rather melt into the floor.

  The absolute last thing that Adeline wanted was more attention directed her way, but her father, having only known her for a grand total of an hour and a half, had no way of knowing this.

  “Well,” Adeline reached for Logan’s hand, and Rainer knew she was drawing from him in heavy doses. He was supplying her strength readily, though he looked worn himself. “I have about six more months of training and then I’ll be training another incoming Medio student.”

  “Ad’s already been asked to join the top Obstetrics Medio team at Georgetown, even though she’s only been training since our graduation. She’s incredibly talented,” Logan bragged readily.

  The Caliph and his wife smiled and nodded. They looked pleased with Adeline’s eagerness for her work.

  “Logan is an Elite Iodex Officer under Vindico, here,” Lucas informed his father and brothers of Logan’s work.

  “And you’re pleased with his work?” the Caliph asked Vindico pointedly.

  “He’s an outstanding officer and a fine man. I trust him with my life and the lives of my men on a regular basis. He saved his brother’s life just a few weeks ago. She chose very well,” Vindico nodded to Adeline.

  Fionna beamed, which seemed to thoroughly delight Vindico. Emily smiled at her brother adoringly, only adding to his blush.

  “Well, we’ll have to see him shoot,” the Caliph announced excitedly.

  “Dear, he’s on his honeymoon. Let the lad enjoy himself. I’m certain this has probably all been rather trying for the both of them,” the Lady gestured to Lucas as she rolled her eyes at her husband.

  The Caliph scoffed and shook his head. “My heavens, Isabel, she’s not a dunny door in a storm. The man can take a little time off to enjoy a round of clays.”

  Vindico shuddered. He seemed to be the only American at the table who understood the Caliph’s remark. Adeline turned to Logan. Her pale skin did nothing to cover the blazing crimson color in her cheeks.

  “What does that mean?” she asked in a terrified whisper. Logan shot Lucas a warning glare. Rainer was rather impressed at his determination to shield Adeline from her father’s family.

  “Forgive them, dear,” Lady Nguyen scoffed. “Growing up in a family of all boys made them rather rude, despite their years of training. Of course, I’m certain the newly-crowned Governor Haydenshire’s family must be the same way. I understand that you have a number of brothers, correct, Logan?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. I have seven brothers living and two sisters. One’s due here in a few months.”

  “Yes, we’d heard your family was going to have another addition. Your mother is doing well, I hope?”

  “Yes, ma’am, as well as can be expected. There is some concern over the baby.”

  “Yes, we heard that as well,” the Caliph nodded. His tone echoed his concern.

  Before another comment could be made, the salad course was served.

  “Ah, you’ve outdone yourself. Barbequed sweet potato, corn, and haloumi salad.” The Caliph seemed very pleased.

  Adeline studied the salad, and Lucas grew more uncomfortable.

  “My Lord, Mother. Perhaps when we’re serving American guests we should serve food that is at least recognizable to Americans,” he demanded angrily.

  “Oh no. It looks delicious. I just don’t know what haloumi is,” Adeline admitted hesitantly.

  “Oh,” Lucas nodded. “It’s cheese, dear. It’s quite good. Try it,” he urged hopefully. Adeline took a bite of the salad and gave a genuine smile.

  “It’s very good,” she affirmed, much to Lucas’s delight.

  After that, Emily and Fionna fielded several questions about summation and the Angels.

  “You should recruit them, Dad. It’s London to a brick that the Signaliers won’t be taking any trophies home this season,” Ethan urged his father. Everyone chuckled as the waitstaff returned with the main course.

  “Roo steaks, cottage pie, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, and Yorkshire puddings,” the chef announced proudly.

  “As in, kangaroo?” Emily whispered in Rainer’s ear.

  “Think so, baby,” he gave her a concerned smile as she nodded hesitantly.

  “Mr. Nguyen, what is cottage pie?” Adeline quizzed Lucas quietly.

  Lucas smiled. He seemed pleased that she’d asked.

  “Cottage pie
is a beef and vegetable pie with potatoes on top. If you’d prefer to have that instead of the roo, I’ll have them bring you another portion. And, please, at least call me Lucas.”

  “Oh, ok. I’m sorry,” Adeline offered uncomfortably.

  Rainer had become so accustomed to Adeline’s quiet demeanor and hesitant disposition, that it took him a moment to imagine what Lucas must be seeing in her as he studied his daughter.

  “You have nothing to apologize for, dear,” Lucas assured. Anguish colored his features. The plates were served, and Rainer and Vindico cut into their steaks. They shared a speculative glance as they each took a bite.

  Vindico was visibly impressed as he cut another bite, and nodded for Fionna to try her steak. Adeline stated that the steak was delicious, much to Logan’s relief as he nodded his agreement.

  “Well, cut her two, Luke. She hardly casts a shadow,” Lachlan commented as he took another large bite of his steak.

  “Yes, well, I wonder where she gets that from?” Lady Nguyen commented. “When Lucas was a teenager, I could hardly find him, he was so thin. It didn’t seem to matter how much the chefs prepared. He ate and ate and never put on.” She gave Adeline a kind smile.

  Adeline seemed to find this information about her father interesting.

  “I always thought I was so thin because I never had much to eat growing up, but Mrs. Haydenshire started making more of my meals when Logan and I started dating, and I still didn’t really gain then either,” she stated thoughtfully. She didn’t immediately realize what she was admitting.

  Everyone nodded, but the look on Lucas’s face was a mix of heartbreak and fury as he shook his head and willed calm from the air around him.

  Rainer and Emily shared a worried glance. Rainer noted that the Lady was thin and willowy, just like her granddaughter. It was odd for her to be the one complaining about her son’s weight.

  Silence loomed over the table. The entire table glanced at Adeline adoringly. They lamented her past, and hoped to make her future better.

  “Well, what have you all done while you’ve been here in the Lucky country?” the Caliph changed the subject quickly.

  “You’re staying at the Kingsford, yes?” Ethan added.

  “Yes,” Rainer, Logan, Adeline, and Fionna stated, with Emily and Vindico nodding.

  “It’s lovely,” Adeline added. “Our view is stunning.”

  “We went to the spa there yesterday. Just the ladies, I mean,” Fionna added.

  Lady Nguyen nodded, “Yes, I enjoy their services myself occasionally.”

  “And we ate at the Victoria Room,” Emily chimed in. “It was such a lovely restaurant. The food was great.”

  The Nguyens nodded and smiled.

  Small-talk carried them through dessert. The Caliph and his wife very skillfully seemed to plan out the itinerary for the rest of their week. Rainer didn’t want to object, but he also wasn’t certain they wanted to stay at the castle, attend operas, lectures, or teas on a daily basis.


  A Change of Venue

  “Now, let’s see if we can’t get you all squared away,” Lucas took over as their host.

  “Really, Lucas, I don’t want to put you out. The Kingsford Wellborn is nicer than anywhere I’ve ever stayed, except maybe the Ritz in Paris, and it was just too nice,” Adeline vowed. Logan chuckled and shook his head at her assessment.

  “You’ve been to Paris?” Lucas was instantly taken with the story. He looked very pleased.

  Adeline nodded. “Logan took me a few months ago. We went with Rainer and Emily.”

  “What did you think of the city?”

  “It was beautiful, and the food was amazing. I’d had surgery a few weeks before, so I was pleased that I felt up to going. We had such a good time.” She beamed at Logan, who draped his arm over her shoulders.

  Rainer noted that Adeline relaxed at Logan’s touch. Lucas seemed to notice as well.

  “Well, I’d really love to hear more about your trip, and spend as much time with you as you have. I do wish you’d stay here, please, Adeline. I’ll beg you if I must.”

  After sharing a hesitant glance with Logan, Adeline smiled.

  “If you’re certain you want us to?”

  With an adoring grin, Lucas nodded.

  “Nothing would make me happier, dear. I’ll just send two of the drivers to retrieve all of your things.”

  No one commented, as everyone thought of the things they’d packed that they might not necessarily want other people seeing or touching.

  “They’re very discreet, of course,” Lucas seemed to have understood the group’s hesitation. Vindico stepped in.

  “It isn’t far from here. Why don’t I take Logan and Rainer back, and we’ll pack everything up. You could spend a little time with Adeline.”

  Fionna looked relieved as Lucas nodded his agreement.

  “Well, if that works, I suppose it’s all right. My father would like you three gents to play billiards with us tonight, in the basement billiards room. Adeline, I can show you the guestrooms in my apartment, and I can take Miss Styler and Miss Haydenshire out to the guesthouse.”

  A few minutes later, the group was given a tour of part of the palace. Rainer, Vindico, and Logan were given a ride back to the hotel to gather their things.

  Rainer was mildly uncomfortable about sharing a house with his boss and his newly-minted girlfriend, but he wanted to be there for Logan and Adeline.

  When they returned, butlers guided Rainer, Emily, Vindico, and Fionna out to the large guesthouse at the south end of the property. The guesthouse was decorated extravagantly, and was three times the size of the Haydenshires’ guesthouse. It offered two vast, well-appointed bedrooms, both with king-size beds, but they shared a bathroom.

  Each room had its own toilet and double sink vanity, but they were joined in the middle by a huge tiled room that contained a Jacuzzi bathtub inside of a shower, complete with bench seating and multiple water heads and jets. The entire area was surrounded by clear glass doors, which would make bathing somewhat uncomfortable if anyone entered the bathroom while it was in use.

  Both of the ladies seemed thoroughly worn as they traipsed around the house and were assigned rooms by the rather pushy serving staff.

  Vindico kept Fionna tucked close to him. She seemed to be drawing from his hand, and he was supplying her with his steady strength.

  After they were given the tour, Emily and Fionna asked Rainer and Vindico to tell the butlers that they could unpack everything themselves.

  Vindico promptly informed the staff that Miss Styler would like a little time alone and not to bother her again. He was polite, but left no room for argument.

  Rainer wasn’t quite as comfortable making the same request, but he muddled his way through.

  ~Dan Vindico~

  Dan softly closed the door to their assigned bedroom. He could feel Fionna’s fatigue and the tension in her rhythms. He moved to her as she began going through her bags.

  “You ok?” he took her hand and removed the purple silk negligee that she’d worn for him the night before from her grasp.

  He wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t want to go play pool. He didn’t want to do anything but hold her against his chest and make certain she felt safe and secure. She buried her face against his chiseled pecs, and his mind became more resolute.

  “Yeah, kind of. There was just a lot of emotion at dinner,” she tried feebly to explain how the evening had worn her.

  “I’m sure. Why don’t I tell the brigade of people around here that would probably chew his food for him that they can let the Caliph know that I’m not going anywhere tonight, because I’m staying right here with my girl?”

  Fionna’s energy began its luscious trill that he’d become quite addicted to whenever he referred to her as ‘his girl.’

  She couldn’t seem to resist nuzzling her face against him. She wanted to hide, and he wanted nothing more than to be her shield.

  Dan gr
inned down at her adoringly. He kissed the top of her head. She drew from him, and he moaned.

  It didn’t seem to matter how many times she helped herself to his ample supplies of energy; he knew nothing could ever feel so heavenly. With a smirk, he reconsidered. That doesn’t feel quite as good as it does when I pump her full of it.

  With a deep breath that must have contained hard-fought resolve, Fionna pulled away. Dan made no effort to hide his frown.

  “No, Dan, you have to go. I would be a mess if you didn’t. I would be so worried that you’d offended them. Plus, maybe you can figure out what’s really going on about Adeline. Lucas felt genuine, but I’m not sure about his brothers or his dad. They felt odd.”

  Dan tried to determine what to do. He didn’t want to leave, but her plea was fervent.

  “Odd how?”

  Fionna hemmed. She moved back to her suitcase and began pulling things haphazardly from it, refolding them, and then rearranging them in their case.

  “I don’t know. I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  “Fi, you didn’t freak me out. Just tell me.”

  “I don’t know; Lachlan kind of creeped me out, and the Caliph seemed less than happy about Adeline being here,” she shrugged and picked up her large toiletry bag.

  She moved to their half of the bathroom that they’d be sharing with Rainer and Emily. Dan followed.

  “It’s just kind of this crazy thing, being a Receiver. You can feel what people feel, but you can’t really comment or act like you can feel it. People are entitled to their feelings and their own thoughts. I’m sure he is really shocked that we’re here, and that he has a granddaughter he didn’t even know about.”

  “I’m sure he is, but I can tell that you’re uncomfortable being here, baby. We don’t have to stay here. I don’t ever want you to be anywhere you don’t want to be. You’re the only thing I’m worried about.”

  A beautiful, luscious grin spread across her features at his words.

  “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. It’ll be fun to be here with Emily. I really do want you to go play. I want to know what they’re really thinking. Then you can come back here and take me to bed.”


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