The Sextet Presents… The Lady Takes a Pair [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Sextet Presents… The Lady Takes a Pair [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Cheryl Brooks

  Rotherford held out his hand. “Our carriage awaits us, my lady.”

  Juliet placed her hand in his and immediately wished she hadn’t. The peculiar sensations she’d felt the night before began anew, only to be intensified when he gave her hand a meaningful squeeze.

  “You will need protection from the sun,” he said after a moment’s scrutiny. “William, would you fetch a parasol for Lady Juliet? And perhaps you should accompany us as well.” A sly grin touched his lips. “After all, we must observe the proprieties.”

  Chapter Three

  Rotherford couldn’t blame Lady Juliet for being nervous. Her tremulous smile as he’d settled in the seat beside her reminded him that she hadn’t been alone with a man in five years—and after that last disastrous episode, she was bound to be less than trusting. Not that with William in the footman’s seat they were truly alone…

  With a snap of the reins, he set his horses off at a brisk trot. The day was bright and sunny and the soft pink hue of her sprig muslin gown suited her coloring as well as the weather. He realized then that he’d never seen her wear anything but gray.

  “That shade of pink becomes you, Lady Juliet,” he began. “I wonder that you do not wear it more often.”

  Drawing in a deep breath, she held it a moment before she spoke. “This dress does not belong to me, my lord.”

  “Oh? And who does it belong to?”

  She glanced away, ostensibly to study the roses as they passed through the formal gardens. “I have no idea.”

  A cough from behind him advised Rotherford that William knew precisely whence the dress had come. William was nothing if not resourceful. However, he remained silent.

  “Are you telling me that it magically appeared in your wardrobe?”

  “I am indeed, my lord.”

  “How peculiar.” He glanced over his shoulder. “My dear William, are there pixies afoot in my house?”

  “I believe so,” William replied.

  “Perhaps that might explain why all of my clothing was replaced during the night,” Juliet said.

  Rotherford affected a startled gasp. “Really? All of it?”

  “All of it, my lord.”

  His eyes swept from the top of her shining gold head to the tip of her sandaled foot. “I must say, those pixies have remarkably good taste.”

  Rotherford had somehow managed to keep a straight face throughout this exchange. William, however, now succumbed to a fit of mirth.

  “Ah, ha! I believe we’ve discovered the identity of the culprit. Confess, William.”

  “I had help, my lord,” William said.

  Juliet tipped her parasol aside and peered over her shoulder. “Why on Earth would you do such a thing?”

  “Because beautiful ladies like yourself should never wear gray,” William replied. “Unless they happen to be in mourning.”

  “And how do you know that I am not in mourning?”

  Rotherford chuckled. “He would know, Lady Juliet. Believe me, he would know.”

  * * * *

  Thankfully, the conversation shifted to a discussion of the weather and various points of interest until Juliet heard Rotherford being hailed by a gray-haired woman standing near a cottage up ahead.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Morgan!” the viscount called as they approached. “And how is my favorite tenant today?”

  “Tolerable, my lord, tolerable,” Mrs. Morgan replied. “All the better for having seen such a lovely sight as this young lady.”

  Juliet smiled as she was introduced, taking note of the woman’s dress as well as the condition of her cottage. Clearly, Lord Rotherford didn’t skimp on his property or his tenants. Her estimation of his character rose accordingly.

  Following an exchange of pleasantries and a brief discussion of any needs Mrs. Morgan might have—which were few—she handed a large hamper to William. “That’ll be for your luncheon down by the river.”

  Rotherford cocked an eye at his footman. “More pixies at work, William?”

  “Possibly, my lord.”

  The smile that accompanied William’s reply further emphasized the familiarity between the two men. They didn’t always act like a viscount and his footman, Juliet noted. There were times when they seemed even closer than mere friends. And then there was William’s remark about her being beautiful, as well as his forwardness in exchanging her clothes—without a word of chastisement from Rotherford.

  Nick and Will…

  As the morning progressed, they visited other tenants, and Juliet found herself relaxing more as the banter between her two escorts increased. The “my lord” disappeared from the footman’s vocabulary, and Rotherford began referring to his servant as Will rather than William. By the time they reached the grassy banks of the small river that wound its way through Rotherford’s estate, Juliet was convinced she’d never spent a more pleasant day in her life.

  Which wasn’t hard to do, she reflected. Her life wasn’t comprised so much of drudgery as it was of complete and utter boredom. She kept herself occupied by reading and playing the pianoforte, and in summer she amused herself in the gardens, pruning the roses and weeding the flower beds. Her father’s gardeners had long since given up scolding her for unladylike behavior, but although she enjoyed it, gardening was still essentially work. What she was experiencing today could actually be called fun.

  As Rotherford reached up to assist her descent from the carriage, she paused to fully appreciate the moment. Songbirds sang in the leafy branches above while the river gurgled over the stones in its path. Sunshine created dappled patterns in the soft grass, and wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze. Then there was William’s broad grin as he spread a blanket out on the turf, along with Rotherford’s warm smile and the heavenly press of his hands at her waist.

  “You are spoiling me, my lord.”

  “Guilty as charged,” Rotherford said as he set her on her feet.

  The viscount’s hands lingered at her waist long enough to quicken her pulse and send heat spiraling down to her core. When he released her, a step backward brought her so close to William his breath on her neck set off a wave of delightful tingles. Oddly enough, none of this frightened her. Perhaps their friendly conversation had lulled her into a false sense of security. However, folly or not, she trusted them, although she couldn’t have said why.

  “You deserve to be spoiled.” William’s murmur sent even more thrills skittering over her skin. “Anything you wish for, we will do our best to provide.”

  “What do you wish for, Juliet?” Rotherford had also dropped the more formal style of address. Was this the prelude to something even more intimate?

  Juliet closed her eyes. She couldn’t possibly tell them what she truly wished for—and yet, they seemed to be offering it. “I want what everyone wishes for,” she replied after a moment’s pause. “Happiness, fulfillment, but most of all, love.”

  William moved a step closer, his hands resting lightly on her hips, his body pressed up against her back. “How much love do you want?”

  A nervous laugh escaped her. “How much have you got?”

  Rotherford raised her hand to his lips before tucking it into the crook of his arm. “Come, let us show you.”

  Escorting her to the blanket, he motioned for her to sit, and her eyes drank in the sight of him as she settled herself comfortably, tucking her legs to one side. Clad in a russet coat of fine cloth, buff breeches, and gleaming Hessian boots, he was every inch the gentleman, just as William was the epitome of a proper footman. Light blue livery augmented his trim physique, reminding Juliet of her desire to tell him to strip it off.

  William opened the hamper and poured the wine. “For our lovely Juliet,” he said as he handed her a glass.

  Meeting his gaze, she recalled having seen that look of smoldering passion in a man’s eyes once before. “Thank you, William.”

  Rotherford knelt beside her. “You will be far more comfortable without these sandals.”

  “Just as you w
ould be more comfortable without your coat,” Juliet observed, astonished at her own frank speech.

  He nodded, his capable hands caressing her feet as he slipped off her shoes. Juliet wasn’t sure where this was leading, but as the wine warmed her, she realized she didn’t care. If the preliminaries were anything to go by, this would truly be a day to remember.

  William set out fruit, bread, and cheese. Kneeling before her, he selected a plump berry and held it to her lips. “Mrs. Morgan’s strawberries are always the best.”

  Juliet sank her teeth into the ripe fruit, sucking it gently as she savored every drop of the sweet juice. A glance at his mouth had her longing to taste his lips—his full, succulent lips…

  Stripping off his coat, Rotherford sat down beside her. “Will is such a wonderful footman. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Juliet was of the opinion that William would have been good at many things. “He is, indeed.”

  Rotherford stretched out on his side, propping himself up on one elbow as his eyes roamed over William like a caress. “He is also an excellent valet. Tell me, do you think him handsome?”

  Juliet had never seen a man look at another man in such a way, nor had she ever been part of such a peculiar conversation. Yet, she couldn’t lie. “Very handsome.”

  “I concur,” the viscount said with a nod. “Would you like to see…more of him?”

  She frowned. “What do you mean by ‘more’?”

  Rotherford’s grin was decidedly wicked. “Take off your coat, Will.”

  With a smile almost as wicked as his master’s, William obeyed.

  “The shirt should go next, I believe.”

  Juliet’s mouth went dry as the footman’s chest was exposed.

  The viscount’s eyes flicked from William to Juliet. “Would you like to touch him?”

  Rendered incapable of speech, Juliet could only nod her reply.

  Rotherford popped a strawberry into his mouth, chewing it slowly before swallowing in a manner that struck Juliet as strangely erotic. “Will loves being touched—almost as much as he adores being told what to do.”

  Although momentarily confused by this revelation, Juliet took it as permission. Beginning by lightly grazing William’s bare skin with her fingertips, she quickly progressed to using her palms. His chest was broad and muscular with a light dusting of crisp auburn curls, and a sigh escaped him as her fingertips skimmed his nipples.

  “I do believe he likes that, but he also enjoys this.” With only that warning, Rotherford sat up and leaned forward, capturing William’s lips with his own.

  Juliet gasped as the kiss deepened, becoming increasingly passionate. She’d never been witness to such a sight in her life—or one that affected her as strongly.

  “And this.” Lowering his head, Rotherford pressed his lips to William’s flat nipple. The footman’s eyes fluttered shut as he sighed again, a sigh that progressed to a groan as Rotherford teased the nipple with the tip of his tongue.

  “Would you like to try it?” Rotherford prompted her.

  Juliet wanted to do everything imaginable to the man. She glanced at William. “You would not object?”

  “Heavens no, my lady,” he whispered. “You may do anything you wish with me.”

  She felt a rush of heat, followed by a violent contraction of her inner muscles. With a gasp, she doubled over, her hand splayed against William’s chest.

  “I do believe you said the right thing, Will.” Rotherford caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, his fingers lightly brushing her lips. “I would like to see you kiss him, Juliet. However, he is quite shockingly overdressed for the occasion.” Hooking a finger in the fall of William’s trousers, he flicked one of the buttons with his thumbnail. “Take off the rest of your clothing, Will. Show her what an astonishing body you possess.”

  Juliet’s swift inhale nearly choked her. At long last, she would be permitted a glimpse of a naked man. And, if the bulge in his pants was any indication, a fully aroused naked man. Hers to explore, touch, and devour. She could scarcely believe her good fortune.

  * * * *

  Quivering with excitement, Will somehow managed to shed the rest of his footman’s garb. He was unable to decide which was more erotic—Nick telling him to strip, or Juliet’s eyes drinking in the sight of his cock.

  “Lie on your back between us,” Nick suggested. “That way we can both touch you.”

  Will’s cock pulsed, sending a rivulet of fluid pouring from the head. The need to grasp his erection in both hands and pleasure himself was strong. However, he knew that an even better fate awaited him.

  I want her to do it.

  Nick lay beside him, propped up on one arm, driving William wild with anticipation as his free hand skated over his nipples, across his belly, and downward to fondle his stiff shaft.

  “William has such a lovely cock, wouldn’t you agree, Lady Juliet?”

  Lady Juliet. Emphasizing the class difference between them only added to the eroticism—making Will feel as though he were consorting with a queen.

  “Cock?” she said with a question in her tone. “Is that what you call it?”

  Nick chuckled. “That and about a dozen other names. Prick, pizzle, rod, shaft, thorn, phallus, scepter, to mention only a few. Would you like to see what he likes to have done to his prick?”

  Will barely had time to register her nod when Nick nearly swallowed him whole. His breath hissed through his teeth as Nick massaged his ballocks. He was almost afraid to look at Juliet, fearing that she would find this display distasteful, but he stole a peek at her anyway.

  To his delight, her expression was one of raw, naked lust rather than disgust as she watched Nick sucking his rigid cock.

  “Do you enjoy that, William?” she asked.

  “Immensely.” His voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

  She rose up on her knees and crawled closer to him, her face suspended above his own. “I believe I was told to kiss you.”

  “Only if you wish, my lady.”

  “I do wish, William. I wish it very much.”

  Will held her gaze as long as he could, his eyes only closing the instant before her lips touched his.

  Surprisingly, she seemed to know what to do, slanting her mouth over his while sweeping her tongue over his lips. With a moan, he parted them and let her in.

  Sweet, like strawberries…

  Will had never known such bliss. Nick was sucking his cock while Juliet’s tongue caressed his mouth. If death had taken him in that moment, he would’ve died happy.

  Breaking off the kiss, she sat back on her heels, gesturing toward his groin. “I want to try that, as well.”

  “Oh, God,” Will whispered. “My lady…”

  Nick released his cock. “By all means, Lady Juliet. You may be my guest.”

  Her first touch was so tentative, Will barely felt it. Then she grew bolder, wrapping her hand around his shaft.

  “What a remarkable organ this is,” she said. “So hard and yet so smooth. And so very, very hot.”

  Will felt her breath warm on his skin, certain he would lose all control and spend himself in her face. “My lady, I…”

  “Hush, William.” Mimicking Nick’s technique, she used her hands as well as her mouth, bringing him ever closer to dying that blissful little death.

  “Let him fill your mouth with his seed, Juliet,” Nick said. “But don’t swallow. I have need of it.”

  Will couldn’t take anymore. A sharp cry escaped him as his back arched and his cock erupted, flooding her mouth with his cream. She held him for what seemed like an eternity until his erection began to subside, and then she skimmed the semen from his prick with her lips.

  Nick had already pushed his breeches to his knees, his juice dripping from his stiff rod. “Spit it on my cock, Juliet.”

  Will nearly climaxed again as he watched her carry out Nick’s instructions.

  Nick smiled as he greased his shaft with semen. “Now, my dear William, if you woul
d be so kind as to turn over, I can show Lady Juliet how a man goes about fucking another man.”

  Will rolled onto his stomach and got up on his knees, displaying his bum to his master and their lady while resting his head on his arms.

  Nick patted his backside. “Have you ever seen anything quite as erotic as Will’s lovely arse just waiting for my cock to plunge into it?”

  “No, my lord,” Juliet replied. “Unless it might be his cock. I truly cannot decide which I find more attractive.”

  Will could almost hear Nick’s smug grin in his voice. “I knew I wasn’t mistaken in you, my lady. You are truly a woman beyond price.” Nick pressed his cockhead against Will’s anus. “I might add that what I am about to do is a criminal act, punishable by hanging.”

  Juliet gasped. “Truly?”

  “Yes, which is why we must be absolutely certain of your discretion.”

  “You have it, my lord,” she said with conviction. “I shall tell no one.”

  “Then watch as I fuck my dear, sweet William.”

  Will couldn’t wait another moment. A quick backward thrust drove Nick’s stiff prick deep into his hole.

  With a low moan, Juliet sat back on the blanket. Will could hear her short, panting breaths as she watched.

  I certainly hope she likes what she sees.

  * * * *

  Nick took up a slow, undulating rhythm, intent on giving Will the finest fuck of his life as well as providing an excellent display for Juliet. Gripping Will by the hips, he withdrew to the brink of his tight hole before plunging balls-deep into his lover’s body once again.

  Unfortunately, try as he might to prolong the ecstasy, Juliet’s eyes on them proved to be his undoing. A sharp exhale signaled his climax, his body stiffening as he pumped his seed into Will’s backside.

  With a satisfied sigh, he slowly withdrew, bending forward to plant a kiss on each of Will’s firm cheeks. Will smiled back at him before blowing a kiss of his own.


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