The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict

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by Mitchell G. Bard, Ph. D.

  The Complete Idiot's Guide to

  Middle East Conflict

  Third Edition

  by Mitchell G. Bard, Ph.D.

  A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

  This book is dedicated to my parents, who are supportive in good times and bad and are a constant source of inspiration. It is also dedicated to my wife, Marcela, who helps save me from myself and sets an example for all those who appreciate the craft of writing and the art of living. And finally, it is for my children, who are too young to understand how much they mean to me.


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  Contents at a Glance

  Part 1: In the Beginning

  1 Who Cares About the Middle East?

  Why do we care about the Middle East anyway? What makes this region so important and fascinating?

  2 The Chosen People

  God chooses the Jews and promises them a homeland. The rise and fall of the Jewish kingdoms; the exile and return of the Jewish people.

  Part 2: Religion and Politics Mix

  3 Welcome to the Empire

  The Middle East joins the Roman Empire, Jewish independence ends, and Christianity becomes a religious and political power.

  4 The Crescent Moon

  A new prophet emerges from the desert and gives birth to Islam. Muhammad’s followers spread his religion and create a great empire.

  5 The Nationalist Wave

  The desire for independence infects the Middle East. Arab nationalists rally against imperialism, and Zionism becomes the national movement of the Jewish people.

  Part 3: The Great War’s Spoils

  6 Trouble Brews in Palestine

  Jews return to their homeland and come in conflict with the Arabs living there. Great Britain controls Palestine and is the referee.

  7 This Land Is My Land, This Land Is Your Land

  Jews insist they can live beside the Arabs, but the Palestinians believe they will be dispossessed.

  8 Fighting Hitler and Great Britain

  Jews fight the Nazi menace while seeking to overcome British and Arab resistance to their efforts at state-building.

  9 A State of Their Own

  The United Nations offers a compromise for Palestine, but nothing can stop the inevitable conflict between the Arabs and Jews.

  10 The Jewish War of Independence

  Israel declares its independence, and the Arab states invade. The war leaves the Jews with a bigger state and the Palestinians stateless.

  Part 4: A State for the Jews

  11 The Wanted and the Unwanted

  Hundreds of thousands of Arabs flee Palestine and become refugees, while a similar number of Jews escape Arab countries and find refuge in Israel.

  12 We’ve Got a State—Now What?

  Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel begin the process of building modern nations.

  13 War Over Suez

  Egypt provokes Israel to seize the Suez, but Ike doesn’t like it. The United States becomes more directly involved in the region’s affairs when troops are deployed in Lebanon.

  Part 5: War and Peace

  14 Six Days to Victory

  The PLO is born. Israel strikes first and stuns the world with its lightning victory over three Arab armies.

  15 No War, No Peace

  Fighting continues as Egypt and Israel engage in a war of attrition and terrorists prosecute their own vile war.

  16 Israel’s Day of Infamy

  Israel is surprised b
y the Egyptian and Syrian armies, but comes out on top. The oil weapon is unsheathed. Lebanon disintegrates.

  17 Peace at Last

  Sadat’s historic trip breaks the psychological impasse, and Egypt and Israel make peace with Carter’s help at Camp David.

  18 Israel’s Vietnam

  PLO terrorism from Lebanon becomes intolerable, and Israel launches a war to end the threat. The war’s aims become muddied, and Israel gets stuck.

  Part 6: Inching Toward Peace

  19 Sticks and Stones and Breaking Bones

  U.S. troops go to Lebanon and find no peace. Palestinians take up stones, and the PLO wins recognition.

  20 Saddam Crosses the Line

  Iraq invades Kuwait and threatens the Saudi oil fields. President Bush builds a coalition and unleashes a military storm against Saddam.

  21 Bush Turns the Screws

  A peace conference in Madrid opens new doors, and secret talks in Oslo lead to a Palestinian-Israeli agreement.

  Part 7: Why Can’t We All Get Along?

  22 The Oldest City’s New Rulers

  The Palestinians win independence in Gaza and Jericho, Jordan makes peace with Israel, and the Golan remains in dispute.

  23 The Shot Heard ’Round the World

  Israel is shaken by Rabin’s assassination, but his successor continues to hand territory over to the Palestinians. Round two between the United States and Iraq.

  24 O Jerusalem!

  The historic claims to Jerusalem, Israel reunifies the city, and the final status of the city is to be determined.

  25 Arabia and Beyond

  Today the Arab world has a population of approximately 300 million people divided among states, and some have become economic powers because of their control of oil, whereas others have become rogue nations better known for sponsoring terror.

  26 Shifting Arabian Sands

  The United States has developed close ties with a number of Arab states, some of which play key roles in maintaining a degree of stability in the region. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, in particular, are viewed as allies. The liberation of Iraq has created new opportunities for ties with that country. The relationship with Lebanon is more complex, as befits a country wracked by internal division.

  27 Middle East Terrorism and Its Victims

  The United States was shaken to the core by the terrorist attacks on September 11, but this was not the first time Americans were targets.

  28 So Close, Yet So Far

  The dreams of peace created by the Oslo agreements were shattered by more than four years of war between Israel and the Palestinians.

  29 Mapping the Road to Peace

  Yasser Arafat’s unwillingness to accept a deal that would have created a Palestinian state led Israel to take unilateral steps, but Arafat’s death created new hope that his successor would negotiate an end to the conflict.

  30 Waiting for the Messiah

  Can there be peace in the Middle East? The Arab-Israeli peace process offers some hope, but more ominous developments make for cynicism.


  A Timeline of Middle East History

  B Bibliography



  Part 1: In the Beginning

  1 Who Cares About the Middle East?

  Birthplace of Religion

  Cradle of Civilization

  Lubricating Policy

  Shifting Sands

  A New Plague

  The Genie Unleashed

  Press Obsessions

  The “Arc of Silence”

  Risky Business

  It’s Not Our Problem

  Jews Are News

  We Are Family

  The “Jewish Lobby”

  It’s Never Boring

  The Arabs, the Israelis, and More

  2 The Chosen People

  The Long Way Home

  A History Based on Faith

  Abraham’s Covenant

  Father of the Arabs

  Israel Gets a Name

  The Exodus

  The Prince of Egypt

  The Tablets and the Ark

  So Close, Yet So Far

  The Promised Land

  What a Bargain

  From Subjects to Kings

  Solomon and the Temple

  The Jews’ Civil War

  The Lost Tribes

  The Last Jewish King

  Exile from Main Street

  Growth of Synagogues

  Hope Through the Messiah

  There Goes Another Empire

  It’s All Greek to the Jews

  The Jewish Hammer

  Part 2: Religion and Politics Mix

  3 Welcome to the Empire

  A House Divided

  Caesar Comes Calling

  Herod Takes Command

  The Second Temple

  The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple

  The Rabbi in the Coffin

  Zealots at Masada

  It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

  Life in Exile

  The Rise of Christianity

  Rome Gets Religion

  4 The Crescent Moon

  The Other Semites

  The “Last” Prophet

  The Five Pillars of Islam

  From Mecca to Medina and Back

  Turning On the Jews

  Spreading the Muslim Word

  Overcoming the Mighty Byzantine Empire

  Dissension Leads to Change

  A New Dynasty Is Born

  The Abbasid Dynasty

  Dhimmis: Protected but Not Equal

  The Invaders

  The Crusades

  Saladin Stakes His Claim

  Bad Dinner Guests: Mamelukes and Mongols

  The Worlds of Islam and War

  The Golden Era of Arab Intellectualism

  Ottomans Talk Turkey

  5 The Nationalist Wave

  What Is Zionism?

  Jewish Pioneers

  L’Affaire Dreyfus

  Herzl’s Dream

  The Uganda Proposal

Real Zionism Is

  Room Enough for Both?

  A Letter Fulfills a Dream

  If You Build It, They Will Come

  The Arab Ambition


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