Wrong Bed, Right Guy

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Wrong Bed, Right Guy Page 11

by Katee Robert

  Finally, Elle had had enough. She dug her nails into his butt hard enough that he jerked, slamming the rest of the way in. They froze, their bodies as close as two people could be. A nearly overwhelming wave of emotion rolled over her when Gabe propped himself up on his elbows and met her gaze. He looked down to where they were joined and a muscle in his jaw ticked. “Fuck, Elle.”

  Using the barest of movements, he rolled his hips, rubbing against the same spot his fingers had unerringly found before. Elle moaned as she arched to meet him. Already pressure was building, a wave cresting on the horizon. She caught Gabe watching her as if he were memorizing her face, but there was no time to worry about it because the wave rolled over her, sucking her under. How had she never known it could be like this? Elle bit his shoulder, trying to muffle her moans. Gabe’s rhythm grew jagged, rougher, as he shoved his way into her again and again. She could only cling to him as he shuddered, gathering her close.

  With a final groan, Gabe collapsed, rolling off her in nearly the same movement. She stared at the ceiling, her breath coming in harsh gasps, and smiled when his fingers laced with hers. Sometime later, he cleared his throat. “Does this mean you’ll go out with me again?”

  Elle didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes. Yes, it does.”


  “Tell me everything.”

  Elle balanced the phone as she elbowed her way out of her house. She didn’t want to deal with Roxanne freaking out, but it was better than her showing up here, demanding answers. “There’s nothing much to tell.” Nothing except Gabe giving her one of the best orgasms of her life on her couch, and then spending the day making her lose her mind in bed. On top of that, he promised a date to remember this weekend. But she could hardly tell Roxanne all that.

  “Baloney. And you didn’t tell me how gorgeous he is in that roughed-up sorta way. What happened after he hauled you out of here? Because I half thought he was going to toss you over his shoulder like a caveman if you didn’t go willingly.”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t anything like that.”

  Yes, it had been. She could still the see the expression on his face when he told her to take the Benadryl or he was going to force her to. Gabe wasn’t someone to be messed with. Funny how that used to turn her off and now she thought it was hotter than hell.

  “Now you’re just teasing me. Spill.”

  There was no getting around this, no matter how much she wanted to. But she had to talk about it with someone, and Ian wasn’t around. Not that Elle had ever been able to talk to him about guys. Because, seriously, he’d almost killed Jason after he found out they had sex. She shuddered to remember the look on her brother’s face before he’d gotten in his truck and driven away. Next thing they knew, the cops were showing up with him in the backseat. Not exactly the brightest moment of her college career.

  “Are you still there?”

  She shook her head to clear away the memories. “Yeah, sorry. Just had a weird thought.”

  “Focus on me, the one who’s dying to know what happened last night. Come on!”

  “Okay, fine. He dragged me to the grocery store, bought a bunch of stuff that I didn’t need, and then drove me home and refused to leave.” When Roxanne gave a shuddery sigh, Elle pulled her phone away from her face and frowned. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Keep going. What happened next?” “Next…” Her phone beeped. Elle looked at it again and a stupid grin spread across her face. Gabe.

  “Rox, I’m going to have to call you back. Talk to you later.” She switched over, cutting off her friend’s protest. “Hello?”

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Butterflies erupted in her stomach and her heart skipped a beat. All from a single word. “How are you doing this morning?”

  “Could be better.”

  “Is something wrong?” God, what if he was having second thoughts about taking her out again?

  Gabe laughed. “Just that I didn’t wake up with a sexy blonde in my arms. Know anyone who fits the bill?”

  She didn’t know what to do with this casual flirting. Elle swallowed, trying to find something witty to say in response. “Not so much.” Oh, that was great. Now he was going to think she was fishing for a compliment—Oh please, won’t you tell me I’m pretty? Ugh. Better change the subject before this got even more uncomfortable. “So what are you up to today?”

  “Nathan’s dragging me out to Clayton for lunch.” “Clayton?” There wasn’t anything out that way

  but endless fields and a lone trailer park as far as she knew. Sure, Loon Lake was a few miles past, but if they were going there, Gabe would have said so.

  Once again, she was hit with a longing for a beach. Maybe she should scrap her plans to run errands and head out to the lake for a few hours… It was an irresponsible thing to do, but she couldn’t shake the urge.

  “You mean you aren’t aware of the Clayton Burger? Woman, you have got to get out more. It’s the single most disgustingly fantastic creation in the area—a burger with a hot dog. The best of both worlds.”

  She made a face. “Sounds…appetizing.”

  “Yeah, it’s not really your thing. I get that.” He laughed again. “What are you doing this afternoon? Can I see you again?”

  Elle pressed a hand to her mouth. Yep, the stupid grin just got wider. What was it about this guy who made her feel so out of control? The free-falling sensation should have sent her into full on panic mode, but all she felt was giddy.

  “I have half a million things that need to be taken care of in town. Honestly, though, I’m kind of thinking about playing hooky and going to Loon Lake.”

  “Let’s do it. I’ll grab some beer and meet you there. Or do you like those wine cooler things?”

  Screw errands—she was going to the lake with Gabe. “If you get Blue Moon, I’m good.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “What about Nathan?” She didn’t want him to ditch his brother to hang out with her, especially not after what he’d told her yesterday. And, honestly, she wasn’t sure how she felt about Nathan now in general. Elle had been so certain he was the man for her, but then Gabe showed up and blindsided her. He made her feel so much. Far more than Nathan ever had. But that didn’t mean she wanted to mess with their brotherly bonding time.

  “Oh, I’ll give him a heads-up. He can come, too, if he wants.”

  Elle tripped over the bottom step of her porch. “Come too?”

  “Yeah, why not?”

  Because she didn’t know how to deal with being around them both at the same time? Obviously Nathan knew something was up, or he wouldn’t have practically shoved her into Gabe’s arms, but… What if Gabe told him about last week—and last night? How was she supposed to look Nathan in the face?

  Gabe continued on, oblivious to her inner turmoil. “Meet you there at noon?”

  She glanced at her watch. Plenty of time to change and get up there. “Sure.”

  “Good. See you soon.”

  Elle made her way to her bedroom, wondering how she got herself into these messes. It seemed to be an ongoing thing where Gabe was concerned. One minute she was on the straight and narrow, her path laid out in front of her, and the next she was flying down a rabbit trail, without supplies, and completely lost.

  Okay, yeah, she just went off the deep end with the metaphor.

  She put on her bright pink bikini and cover-up.

  Elle paused in front of her floppy hat. It was a silly thing, but she loved it. And, heck, she was so fair that skin cancer was a very real concern…but it wasn’t sexy. She frowned. Was she seriously thinking about not wearing this hat just because it was more suited to a grandma than a sex goddess? No, just no. He could take it or leave it, but this was her, right along with all her other quirks.

  Funny how her mental rant didn’t do a single thing to calm her stomach as she shoved the hat into her beach bag. Right next to her sunscreen, towel, and steamy romance novel. Elle dropped the bag
on the bed before she could start messing with its contents, and went searching for her beach flip-flops. She slipped them on, wiggling her toes. They needed another coat of polish, but there wasn’t time and the sand played havoc on it anyway.

  Enough with the second-guessing. It was time to leave. Sure, she’d get up there early, but there was nothing wrong with that.This way she could take some time to zone out with her book. It had been so long since Elle relaxed she wasn’t even sure where she left off with the story. Maybe she should just start from the beginning again.

  She grabbed her bag and a bottle of water and left. The drive passed quickly, and she eyed Clayton as she flew past. There was a ramshackle building that must be the restaurant, but she never would have guessed just by looking at it. There wasn’t even a sign. Thank God Gabe hadn’t invited her along to lunch. She wasn’t sure she would get past the front door.

  Elle paid the five-dollar fee to get into the park and then made her way down to the rickety stairs. She passed directly in front of the huge U-shaped dock where all the kids were playing, and picked a spot on the second, smaller beach. It was mostly empty, but for a middle-aged couple.

  After rubbing every exposed inch of her skin with sunscreen, Elle stripped off the cover-up and lay on her stomach, romance novel open in front of her. The floppy hat provided just enough shade to counteract the glare of the pages, and she promptly got lost in the story of a Highlander and his reluctant bride.

  Things were so much simpler in romance novels, when she knew that—no matter what trials they went through—there was a happily-ever-after waiting for the couple involved. Real life was rarely so simple.


  Gabe almost tripped over his own feet when he caught sight of Elle in her pink bikini and grandma hat. She was completely focused on the book in her hands, and he could make a pretty decent guess to the contents based on the shirtless guy on the cover. So she liked romance books—good to know she wasn’t immune to every so-called “trashy” thing.

  He was tempted to stand there and watch her until she noticed him, but that was a creeper thing to do. So Gabe dropped into the sand next to her and grinned. “Hey.”

  “I didn’t even see you walk up.” She slammed the book closed and shoved it into her bag. “Where’s Nathan?”

  Irrational jealousy surged, so strong he actually saw red for half a second before Gabe fought for control. “He had a few things to take care of, but then he’ll be up here.” Though he was suddenly wishing Nathan wouldn’t show. Damn it, no. He was not going to be jealous.

  Instead of looking disappointed, she smiled, brighter than the sun above them. “Okay.”

  He needed to change the subject now, before he did something stupid like ask her if she still wanted his little brother. “What are you reading?”

  “Nothing.” She edged the bag to the far side of her body, which only made his curiosity perk up. “Just a book.”

  “Cool.” Gabe waited until she relaxed, obviously thinking he’d lost interest, before he leaned over her back and snagged the bag. Elle gave a little shriek and dove for it, but he easily kept it out of reach. And, hell, he could play this game of keep-away forever if it meant he had her squirming in his lap.

  He lifted the bag over his head and she lunged, her boobs hitting him in the face. Yeah, he was totally okay with this. He used his free hand to tickle Elle’s side, and she smacked him, still trying to grab the bag. “Give it back.”

  “What’s this book about, anyway?” He switched his grip and swung it behind his back. She started to go after it and then froze. Apparently she’d finally realized what their wrestling match was doing to him and, considering she was now straddling his hips, he’d bet she wasn’t completely unaffected either.


  Elle started to slide off his lap, but Gabe hooked an arm around her waist, keeping her in place. “I like you here.”

  “People can see us.” She pulled her hat further down on her head, as if that would make a difference. Gabe leaned in until his cheek brushed hers and lowered his voice. “We’re not having sex, babe.” Though that could change with a quick jerk of their swimsuits. Not that he’d do that, not in the middle of the day where there were kids running around. He’d take her out to one of the hiking trails around Coeur dA’lene Lake some night, though, and then they’d see if her desire overrode her reservations.

  “Gabe.” He let go and it wasn’t until she was safely back on her towel that her head whipped around.“My book.”

  “Finder’s keepers.” Gabe flipped it open to a random place and scanned the page.“Holy shit.”

  “Give it back.”

  She made as if she was going to grab it, but he held up his hand, still reading. “This is pretty hot.”


  “I mean, I’m not normally into the whole historical thing, but damn, babe.” She obviously had great taste in more than just tattoos. When her mouth dropped open, he waggled his eyebrows at her over his sunglasses.“Want to read it aloud and then try this position out?”

  It was hard to tell in the bright light, but he was pretty sure she turned crimson. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Considering where his mouth had been just a little over twenty-four hours ago, he was surprised by her shyness. Then again, this was Elle—it was entirely possible she’d never had an explicit conversation in her life. He caught himself wondering if she’d ever watched porn and killed the thought. Doubtful. Really doubtful.

  But, Christ, she hadn’t been shy in bed. Not that she was brazen by any means, but Elle had a way about her. It made him desperate to take her again and again, until they’d both been so exhausted they could only lie intertwined and breathe. All in all, one of the best days he’d had in as long as he could remember.

  Gabe handed the book back. “I like your style.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Only most days.” He stretched, enjoying the feel of the sun on his skin. Between the lapping of waves created by passing boats and the scattered laughter of the kids on the next beach over, Gabe finally started to relax. It’d been a long time since he unwound. Forever, really.

  But there was something about this chick that made it possible. He reached over and laced his hand with hers. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Thanks for inviting yourself.” She laughed. “But I’m glad we did this.”

  Gabe was too. “You want a beer?”

  “Sure.” Elle accepted the bottle and took a tentative sip. “I don’t normally like beer, but this kind always does it for me.”

  “You’ve never been to a brewery, have you?”When she shook her head, he sighed. “It’s a totally different experience. We’ll have to go sometime. There’s a new little one that opened up in the valley—amazing beer. I think we could find something you’d enjoy.”

  Using her finger to trace a pattern in the sand, she seemed to look everywhere but at him. “You seem to be making all kinds of plans like that.”

  “Plans like what?”

  “You know, for the future.”

  Gabe sat back and watched her fidget. At what point did he tell her he had no intention of going anywhere? That he wanted to see if they really could have a future? He sipped his beer. “Babe, you’re overthinking again. Are you having a good time right now?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was small, as if admitting something embarrassing.

  “And do you think going to a brewery could be fun?” When she shrugged, he laughed. “It’s nothing like Lou’s—very clean-cut and reputable. I promise you’d approve.”

  A smile finally pulled at the edges of her mouth. “I’m pretty transparent, huh?”

  No, but it seemed the majority of the things he

  enjoyed, she’d be horrified by. They shared a love of art and crappy eighties action movies, though. And tattoos, too, apparently, which was even more important than the rest. Relationships had been built on less. Not to mention the future she’d painted wa
s one he wanted more than anything. So what if they were exact opposites in some ways? It just made life more interesting.

  Gabe made a mental note not to take her into another of his dive bars for the time being. Maybe later on… Maybe not. He’d have to play it by ear. Thinking back to the romance novel, he grinned. “So Highlanders are your thing?”

  “We’re so not talking about this.”

  He moved closer, skating a hand up her leg. “Are you sure? Because I’d be more than happy to kidnap you and blackmail you into being my secret sex slave.”

  “That’s not what the book’s about.” Elle shook her head and laughed. “You’re being outrageous.” “You like it.” He cupped her through her bikini, earning a sharp inhale.

  “Someone will see.” Even as she spoke, she pressed against him.

  The summery scent of suntan lotion had never smelled as good as it did on her skin. Smiling to himself, Gabe nibbled on her earlobe. “No one can see what I’m doing to you, babe. Which means I can do anything I want.” With a quick move, he slipped his hand into her swimsuit, finding her hot and soaking wet. “I think that novel got you all worked up.”

  This time her laugh was tinged with desperation. “Gabe.”

  “I really like it when you say my name.” He plunged two fingers into her and Elle gasped. “Better not moan. Someone will hear you.”

  “Oh, God.”

  Searching for a better angle, Gabe pressed the heel of his hand against her clit as he fucked her with his fingers. “They won’t know, though, as long as you scream into my mouth when you come.”

  She leaned more heavily against him, her hands creating furrows in the sand. Little sounds slipped from her lips even as she so obviously fought to stay quiet. Holy shit, if there was anything sexier than Elle about to come, Gabe had no idea what it was.

  Just as her body tightened with the beginnings of what he had no doubt would be an explosive orgasm, the roar of a diesel engine intruded. Sure, it could be anyone, but Gabe had never been that lucky, which meant Nathan was here. He glanced up to see the big black truck pulling into a parking space at the top of the stairway. They had two minutes, at best, before Nathan showed up. Fuck it, he was going to make his woman come, his brother be damned.


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