The Bohemians

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The Bohemians Page 6

by Sean Michael

  Topaz snuggled into those arms, happy. He was a fool.He was.

  He knew it.

  Still, he was a fool in love and sometimes you had to take it where you found it.

  Chapter Eleven

  They hadn’t seen Topaz all night or all morning and Leo knew where he’d gone.

  Poor little bit, hurting so bad.

  They might have to beat Quincy to death if he hurt their Sunshine again.

  He handed Stephan a muffin, marmalade smeared on. “He’ll be okay.”

  Stephan’s fingers lingered on his and then his lover began to pick at the muffin. “Do you really think so, lover? Or are you just trying to make me feel better?”

  “I’m just trying to make us both feel better.” Leo sighed. “He’s going to get hurt, lover.”

  His flower put down the muffin, giving up the pretense of eating and curled into him with a quiet sob.

  “Now, hush. Hush.” He rocked Stephan, looking up as the door opened and Topaz hurried in, groceries in hand.”Daisy? Daisy love? What’s wrong?” The bags were dropped, his little bit hurrying over.

  “Oh, Sunshine!” Stephan opened his arms and gathered Topaz close.

  Topaz went easily, hands sliding through Stephan’s hair. “Here. I’m here, Daisy. Shh. Shh, now.”

  Leo held them both, rumbling. “You okay, little bit?”Topaz nodded. “Yeah. Quincy found me last night. I spent the night with him. I should have called, but...” Their lover shrugged. “I was afraid I’d upset him.”

  “Oh,” said Stephan, the sound small and lost. His flower looked up at him, brown eyes full of pain. Stephan turned back to Topaz. “We would never come between you and your Gemini, would we, Leo?”

  “No. No, we wouldn’t.” Even if it was for the best that they did.

  “Don’t, Daisy. Please.” Topaz shook his head, taking Stephan’s face in his hands. “Please, don’t. I love you both. Please don’t shut me out.”

  “Oh Sunshine! Never!” Stephan leaned forward, bringing his and Topaz’ mouths together in a desperate kiss. “We will always be here for you. Always.” His flower looked up at him and then back at Topaz. “But if you don’t come to us, we will understand.” Stephan’s voice cracked a little. “We won’t be happy about it, but we will understand.”

  “I love you. I love you both.” Topaz held Stephan close, shaking. “I won’t do without you. Quincy will have to learn to understand. He will.”

  Leo sighed, hands stroking two heads. “Take it as it comes, little bit, my flower. Don’t worry so.”

  Stephan nuzzled Topaz, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his lips. “Oh, Topaz,” whispered Stephan, I can taste him in your mouth.”

  “Is that bad, Daisy?”

  “I don’t think so, Sunshine.”

  Topaz lifted his face to Leo. “Do you think it’s bad, Ku?”

  He leaned down and took Topaz’s mouth, tongue sliding deep. The flavor was odd, unusual, tart, but not bad, not wrong. “No, little bit. I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, you two are so beautiful together. Do it again.” Stephan was breathless, voice colored with familiar need.Topaz smiled at him and leaned forward, lips meeting his, sweet almond eyes warm and happy.

  “Yes, lovers, yes.” Stephan’s graceful hands slid over him and Topaz, moving to work open their buttons.

  Leo took Topaz’s head in his hand, tilting that sweet face until the kiss could be deeper. Stephan continued to work off their clothes, sweet voice murmuring words of love and praise.

  Leo was hard, wanting, needing to keep their lover here and theirs. They couldn’t do without. Wouldn’t. They loved him.

  “To bed, lovers,” whispered Stephan. “These old chairs won’t hold up.”

  “Need new chairs then, Daisy.” Topaz’s laugh sounded, happy and rich and so missed, so necessary.

  “I’ll look into it, Sunshine, but I’m not sure we’ll find any to properly support our mountain man.”

  Leo chuckled, reaching out to pinch and tickle his lovers. “I’ll show you proper support, you two!”

  The laughter bounced up the stairs, toward the bedroom.

  His lovers moved ahead of him, naked bodies glistening in the sun shinning through the windows. There was such joy shared between them.

  There was no way he could give this up, not after so long.

  He growled playfully, pouncing them as they hit the bed, skin on skin on skin. Stephan shrieked dramatically, the sound fading into giggles that tickled him. Topaz’s laughter bounced all around them, little hands pinching and stroking.

  Stephan’s touches were lighter, sneakier, moving in and striking over more sensitive skin.

  Leo was just busy trying to taste and lick and love as best he could.

  Stephan became caught up in their mouths, first Topaz and them him, back and forth like a tennis match where the score was always love-love.

  They settled together in a pile, both his flower and little bit in his arms, straddling his thighs. “So sweet.”

  “You are,” laughed Stephan, eyes shining brightly with love and need.

  Leo took a long kiss from one mouth, then the other, purring into his lovers’ lips. “You are temptations, both of you.”

  “I do hope you give into temptation, Leo.” Stephan laughed and leaned to lick at his neck.

  He took Topaz’s lips, tugging his Stephan close to his body. Topaz purred into his lips, wanton and happy.Stephan’s lips and hands continued to move on him, warm and familiar and right. Stephan knew exactly where to touch both himself and Topaz, to draw out the most pleasurable of noises.

  Topaz slid down, purring as his lips nuzzled Stephan’s balls, making Stephan cry out, eyes blinking up at Leo with need.

  Stephen’s hand reached up to him, sliding over his chest, fingers flickering across his nipple. “Kiss me, lover,” Stephan begged him.

  “Until the end of time, lover.” Leo bent his head, moaning against Stephan’s lips, tongue pressing deep.

  His lover’s arms came around his neck, Stephan filling his mouth with sweet moans and breathless pleas. He spread Stephan wide for Topaz’s lips, for that tongue, thumbs stroking the long, hard cock. Stephan’s hands clung to his skin, the lithe body writhing beneath their ministrations.

  “Lean back, Ku. Want to suck him while he rides you.” Topaz’s words made him ache, made him shudder and he leaned back, shaking.

  “Oh, Sunshine!” Stephan whimpered, hands stroking him, so gentle against his cock.

  “Yes. God, yes.” Leo watched them kiss, watched Topaz’s fingers get his flower ready for him, watched Topaz take his cock and feed it into Stephan’s hole. Oh. Perfect.

  Stephan’s body rippled around him, so hot, so tight, so good.

  “Leo,” gasped his flower, reaching out for his hands.”Yes. Love. Take him, little bit.” He took Stephan’s hands. “Want to see.”

  Brown eyes glittered down at him and he knew the moment Topaz’ mouth slid around Stephan’s prick.

  “Oh...” Leo arched, hips tilting, pushing into his Stephan, his cry splitting the air.

  “Oh! Lovers!” Stephan’s voice was breathless, on the edge of pure pleasure.

  Leo grabbed Stephan’s hip, eyes fastened on Topaz’s head bobbing on that sweet cock. Stephan’s back was bowed, hands holding onto his arms, opening and closing as his sweet flower rode his cock, Topaz’ mouth making it all the more intense.

  “Love you. So fucking beautiful. I love you.” His eyes rolled back, body shivering.

  “Love!” Stephan screamed, body rippling around his cock, squeezing him tight.

  Topaz’s groan sounded as Leo shot, pushing deep, toes curling. Stephan was making those little gaspy, breathless noises of his, the ones that meant ‘oh, loves, so good,’ hands opening and closing convulsively over his arms.Leo slumped onto the pillows, breathing hard. “My lovers. Oh... So sweet.”

  Topaz moaned, lips fastening around one of his nipples. “Love you. Love you both.”

h, yes, Sunshine, our bed has missed your joy.”Stephan latched onto his other nipple, sucking lazily as his flower reached out to run slender fingers along Topaz’ face.

  Topaz purred, pretty eyes closing. “Oh, Daisy... My Daisy.”

  Leo could feel the joy growing, the sweet sensations and love that they shared now even more beautiful than the joy they generated during lovemaking.

  He held them both tight. He couldn’t let them go. Not even Topaz.


  Chapter Twelve

  Quincy didn’t know what to wear. He and Topaz had been back together for almost a month and it had been the most wonderful month. Loving and fucking and sucking and snuggling and sleeping together in his bed.

  He’d happily avoided the subject of Topaz’s other lovers, but he could tell it bothered his lover that they never went to Topaz’s, that he never wanted to talk about Leo and Stephan.

  So tonight he was going over there. It was Friday night, it had been a brutal week at work and he’d barely seen Topaz at all, his lover choosing not to sleep over so they’d only had what felt like stolen moments here and there.He finally settled on his best pair of black jeans and a white silk top, plain and simple, but elegant. He picked up a box of Hedgehogs for Topaz on the way, figuring chocolate would be better than flowers for a man who lived in the house of a florist.

  Lived with a florist, he corrected himself with a sigh.When he got there, he went past the main house and rang the bell by the garage door.

  “Topaz is in the hot tub.” Leo came around the side of the house, dressed in wet jeans and a t-shirt. “He had a fall and wrenched his back and is soaking.”

  “Oh no! Is he all right?” Quince headed toward Leo, biting his lower lip.

  “I think so. He’s sore. He’s been talking about you. Stephan’s making him tea.” Leo looked uncomfortable, unhappy.

  He frowned, stopping partway along the path. Perhaps Leo and Stephan were as unhappy about him being in Topaz’ life as he was unhappy they continued to be in Topaz’ bed. “May I come in? See him?”

  He got a surprised look, discomfort easing. “Quincy, you’re welcome here. Always. Of course. Please. He misses you.”

  He nodded stiffly. “I miss him every moment we’re apart.”

  “I know. So do we.” Deep brown eyes met his square on. “I hope that one day we’ll all find an answer.”

  Leo’s gaze was unnerving and Quincy looked down at his shoes. “I do, too,” he murmured.

  “Go on, Quince. He’s hurting and he’s waiting on you.”He nodded and went around Leo, hurrying into the yard. “Topaz?”

  “Gemini?” Topaz sounded miserable, those almond eyes pained. “Oh, I’ve missed you so! Come kiss me.”

  He all but ran to the hot tub, bending to kiss Topaz softly. Topaz opened to him, humming, lips flavored with peppermint and honey. He wanted nothing more than to deepen the kiss, lose himself in the sweet flavor of his lover. Instead he pulled back from the kiss, fingers stroking through Topaz hair. “Are you all right? Leo said you had a fall.”

  “Yeah. Tripped and slid down the stairs.” Topaz blushed. “Leo popped me in here and Daisy’s making me tea and now you’re here. I’m good.”

  He stroked Topaz’ hair and kissed him again. “What can I do to help?”

  “Mm... what are our plans for tonight, Gemini? You going to give me a massage? You coming in?”

  “I’m not very good at it, but I could give you a massage. And I’ve love to join you, but I didn’t bring my suit.””Oh you don’t need a suit,” said Stephan, coming out from the house with a tray. “Just strip on down and jump in!”

  Quince found himself blushing. “I don’t know...” Topaz turned slowly, admiring. “You look fabulous, love. I’d hate to ruin the blouse. Come in. No one will peek. I promise.”

  “All right, for you, love. Um...” He looked over at Stephan.

  Stephan rolled his eyes and put down the tray. “I’ll just go see about another cup and something sweet.”

  “Oh! I brought you chocolates,” he told Topaz, holding up the box of Hedgehogs.

  “Oooh!” Topaz’s eyes went wide, grin huge. “Gemini!”Leo and Stephan’s soft chuckles were cut off by the screen door.

  Quince grinned. “So it’s a good present then?”

  He gave the box to Topaz, glanced back toward the door and stripped quickly, leaving his folded clothes on one of the lawn chairs before slipping in.

  “Oh, that’s nice!” Topaz was nibbling, nodding, eyes watching him avidly. “Can I sit in your lap?”

  His mouth dropped open and he looked back toward the house. “I thought you were hurt.”

  “I am. That’s why I want to sit in your lap.” No bullshit, no games, just those sweet eyes and full lips with a hint of chocolate smudged on them.

  “Oh. I thought.” He blushed again. “Of course you can. Just ignore the uh... enthusiasm.”

  “The... Oh! No, that’ll feel too good to ignore.” Topaz swam over, settling into his arms with a soft purr. “Missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, love. Been a long week.” He nuzzled Topaz’ neck, licking the water off the pale skin.

  “Yeah. Too long.” Topaz cuddled close. “You smell good. Thank you for the chocolate.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed Topaz softly. “Oh, it tastes really good from your mouth.”

  “Yeah? Taste some more?” Topaz moaned, snuggling.He laughed and happily complied; his interest definitely showing, nudging against Topaz’s backside.A soft splash interrupted them, Leo and Stephan sliding into the water. He would have pulled away, but Topaz was smiling for him, loose and easy in his arms. So he ignored the other two and lost himself in the bright eyes and sweet mouth, holding his lover close.

  “Mmm... Gemini. Love you.” Topaz leaned down, resting a smooth cheek on his shoulder. “Rub my back?”Stephan was curled in Leo’s lap, nuzzling the thick neck, hands tangled in the long braid.

  “Of course.” Quincy slid his hand down Topaz’ back, fingers pushing into smooth skin. He kept an eye on Stephan and Leo, but they seemed oblivious. Maybe this wasn’t gonna be so bad.

  “Oh, right there.” Topaz shifted, turned, legs wrapping around his waist. “More.”

  He bit back his groan, really turned on, and kept rubbing.

  His lover was plastered against him, relaxed, happy, not tense at all. “Love you, Quincy.”

  “I love you, too, Topaz.” He turned Topaz’ chin up and licked at the soft lips, turning the gentle caress into a kiss.Leo and Stephan were making soft sounds, almost echoing them.

  He glanced up, finding the two of them kissing, seeming oblivious to everything but each other. He could return that favor, and happily.

  Still rubbing Topaz’ back, he focused on the way their mouths were joined, on the way Topaz tasted on his tongue. His lover’s hands were everywhere, stroking slow and lazy, soft, sweet moans sliding over his tongue. Topaz tasted like bliss.

  “God, Topaz, you make me so hot. All the time -- I feel like a teenager again.”

  “It’s because you were made for me, for my arms.” Topaz sounded so sure. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He closed their mouths together again, his passion sending his tongue deep. He felt Topaz melt, felt the heat and hardness on his belly, felt those thin fingers tighten.

  “Are you gonna be okay if we do this?” he asked, fingers stroking over Topaz’s back.

  “There’s nothing about you that I would be ashamed of.” Topaz smiled at him. “I love you.”

  Quince blushed at that -- he supposed he’d deserved it. “I meant your back, lovely man.”

  “Oh!” Topaz’s giggles were sweet, pure and happy. All for him. “I’d forgotten!”

  “Oh, cool. I guess that means it’s feeling better.” He took Topaz’ mouth, taking in the giggles, swallowing that happiness into himself.

  He heard Stephan’s laughter, Leo’s low, amused chuckles. “Looks like the pain relief yo
u suggested worked, lover. Quince fixed him right up.”

  He blushed hard, but didn’t stop kissing, hands moving over smooth skin.

  Topaz leaned forward, whispering. “The water feels good, I’ll be sore tomorrow. Need you now. Please Gemini, I want you.”

  “Condoms are in my pants, love.”

  A soft whimper sounded. “I’ll grab them.”

  “K. Hurry.” He kissed Topaz and let him go, panting.”Condoms?” murmured Stephan. “Sunshine is clean as a whistle.”

  Leo chuckled. “Cleaner, even, with all that high fiber bread.”

  Topaz blushed and didn’t say a word, just carefully stretched out for his pile of clothes.

  “And what about you two? And the people you fuck?” he snapped, face flushing. The truth was, he wore a condom for Topaz’ sake more than his own; while he was a one-man man, that meant one at a time, not just one in total.

  Leo frowned, arms circling Stephan. “What do you mean? We don’t sleep around. We trust Topaz. He wouldn’t bring anything home to us. We didn’t mean to upset you, Quincy.”

  His cheeks heated further and he looked down at the water lapping at his skin. “I’m sorry, that was rude. I guess I’m a bit touchy about the... well the you two and Topaz issue.”

  Topaz settled back in the water, hiding an ugly scrape on that thin-thin hip, eyes still and quiet. “I’m sorry. Should I turn the bubbles back on?”

  Quince pulled Topaz close, leaning for foreheads together. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “That was really rude.”

  To his surprise and pleasure, Topaz just relaxed, body going easy against him. “It’s a weird situation. I love you, Gemini.”

  “Oh... I love you, too, Topaz.” He smiled and kissed his lover, focus narrowing to just this man in his arms. It felt good, to have Topaz cuddle into him, to have those lips parted, those pretty eyes focused on him.

  He got the condom on somehow, the water fighting him every step of the way. Then he was holding those sweet hips in his hands and pulling Topaz down onto him, groaning at the pleasure of it.

  “Oh...” Topaz purred for him, loose and easy in his hands. So pretty. So happy. Quince lost himself in Topaz’ eyes, Topaz’ body. “So good. Love you.” Topaz licked at his lips, breathing against his jaw. “I do.”


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