Tales of the Quiet Kitty 2: Dancing with the Devil

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Tales of the Quiet Kitty 2: Dancing with the Devil Page 5

by Camille Anthony

  “I was afraid of that, my Lord.” She pursed her lips and flung back her full head of thick, cottony curls. “Any consequence is worth this joy of having another son. At over a hundred, Taelen will soon spread his wings for his elder’s journey. Who knows when we will see him again?”

  Taelen strode over and enfolded his mother in his arms. Tall as she was, she practically disappeared wrapped in his bulky embrace. “Ninomo, you know I have at least another hundred standard years before the need shall be upon me.”

  Ereh snapped his fingers impatiently. “While I find this touching, I am sure our new donesi wishes to be brought up to speed. We will, as I earlier stated, deal with your tampering at a later time. Right now we need to concentrate on the problem at hand.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Brant, we need your help. Our family has recently acquired a new enemy.”

  Taelen snorted at his father’s words. “That could be considered an understatement, sir.”

  Ehoneh ignored his son’s interruption. “In one stroke, we have lost our second largest source of krasn fruit and gained the Corporation’s inimical interest in some of our other less… advertised affairs.”

  Taelen stared at Brant as he pulled a slim bladed knife out of its hidden sheath nestled in the small of his back. “What he’s pussy-footing around saying is that the Corporation has found out just how powerful we are. They’re frightened and you know what happens to a race when the Corporation becomes frightened of them.”

  He speared a krasn fruit and cut into it, quickly slicing it into long thin pieces. Leaving the skin on, he popped the first segment in his mouth, seed pods and all. Another long spear of fruit went in and he chewed slowly, obviously enjoying the taste and the almost instantaneous effects.

  Soon Taelen’s head dropped back against the wall and his shoulders sagged as his body slumped forward. His knees bent and his legs folded under him as he slid down the wall, a crooked smile softening the hard line of his mouth.

  Watching him, Brant swallowed sickly, feeling dread swim up from the depths of his belly. There were hundreds of seeds in just the two sections the Landresi had ingested. Any minute now the aphrodisiac properties would kick in and there was no one here for the young stud to mount except…

  “Rest easy, little cat,” Taelen waved a nonchalant hand in the air, chuckling sourly, “you’re safe. Krasn doesn’t affect me as it does the normal run of Landresid. I was born addicted to the fruit. It actually turns off my libido -- or at least, turns it down enough for me to function without requiring constant sex.”

  “Recently Taelen was caught off-planet without a supply of krasn,” Amecis explained, gliding over to stand above her son. She stroked a hand down his rioting black curls -- the only feature he’d inherited from her besides skin tone. Voice shaking, she caught Brant’s eyes with her own long, gray gaze, sadness darkening the silver to dull pewter. “In need, he compelled three women to his bed. One was the daughter of a Corporate Lord.”

  “And the Corporate bastard killed her, killed the woman I loved!” Taelen struggled to his feet, hugging the wall as he fought for balance. Gold eyes gone feral, he roared his anguish and pain. “She’s dead! Her own father fried her. He was gunning for me and hit her instead.” The wall shook as he lowered his head and then slammed it back into the solid structure. “I tried to push her away but she threw herself in front of me.”

  Ehoneh sighed. “Attempting to punish yourself is futile, donesi. As I’ve told you over and over, this tragedy was not your fault.”

  “But it was. Can’t you see that? If I hadn’t been so horny I couldn’t see straight, I’d never have compelled three at once. The Lordling told the truth about that, at least.”

  His voice taking on a foreign cadence unlike the melodious tones the Landresid usually employed, he repeated the bitter words of his lover’s father. “The other two, they are unimportant members of my harem. Befouling them is forgivable, but my Narisse is slated for better things than to be a Landresi whore.” Self-hatred colored Taelen’s next words. “Lord Avron was right… she was meant for better things than death. I should have left her alone.”

  “Lord Avron?” A flash of cold hatred roared through Brant as his heartbeat accelerated and his pulse pounded in his temples. He snarled low and hungrily, fangs extending as a vision of the despised man’s face hung in his mind’s eye. “Avron is the Corporation official you are speaking about?”

  “That’s right. You know of him, don’t you, little fur ball?” Taelen goaded, pushing from the wall and shrugging off his mother’s caressing hand. “You have something he wants. That’s why I want it too.”

  Ice skimmed Brant’s blood as he realized Taelen might be a threat to Willa. “Avron will never put his hands on her again. I’ll gut and rip out the heart of anyone who seeks to --”

  “Not so fast, kitten. We’ll get to the gutting and whatnot in a bit. First I want to play with him, taunt him and entice him. I want to strip him of everything dear and precious to him. Only then will I allow you to start ripping.”

  “Allow me?” Brant straightened to his full height. “No one allows me to do anything,” he sneered in Taelen’s face. “I answer only to my queen and you are not she!”

  “Take it easy, cub! You’re such a fierce little ball of fur. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I propose a partnership…”

  Brant was shaking his head before Taelen even finished, a wry smile quirking his lips. “I don’t think so.”

  “Wait. Hear me out. There’s something in it for you.”

  “Donesi, do not allow Taelen’s arrogance to push you into a stance you would not wish to take.” Ereh placed a calming hand on Brant’s shoulder. “It was not Taelen who asked you to meet. I am the one who will bargain with you, not this brash and intemperate boy of mine.”

  “Ehoneh is correct, my donesi. And this I know,” Amecis said, placing a hand on the arm of both men she considered her sons, “tempers rise easier when the belly is empty. Let us retire to the dining hall and partake of nourishment before we embark on negotiations.”

  Brant hung back, not ready to leave off the discussion. He gently removed his arm from Amecis’ grip and turned to confront Taelen. “I still want to know what you think you can dangle in front of me to make me even slightly interested in helping you.”

  The smile that widened his lips softened Taelen’s face, making it more beautiful and arresting. “How about the name of a being who knows the location of your sister’s prison?”

  Chapter Eight

  Replete, Brant swiped his lips with the thick napkin, tossed it on the table and leaned back with an appreciative sigh. Reaching a languid hand for his drinking glass, he brought it to his mouth and swallowed a smooth dram of Evas wine, relishing the kick of the potent liqueur. “Thank you for this,” he murmured, hefting his glass in salute. “It’s been more years than I care to count since I had a taste of Evas. If you knew how much I missed it…”

  He looked around the table, meeting three pairs of watchful eyes. His new family stared at him, two pairs of golden eyes alert and wary, gray eyes soft with compassion.

  “You’re welcome, donesi, of course.”

  Brant could almost feel Amecis’ need to nurture him, to protect him. He recognized that late-cycle mothering syndrome, having benefited from it in the years before the Corporation’s hostile takeover of his planet.

  His mouth tightened at the intrusive thoughts of his enemies. The warm glow of Evas faded in the strength of his growing anger and impatience to find out what Taelen knew of his sister’s whereabouts.

  Straightening in his chair, Brant pushed his empty plate out of the way and placed his elbows on the table. Resting his chin on his linked hands he regarded the three Landresid.

  “Okay, we have had our nourishment and talked nice at the table. Now I want to hear what you truly want of me, and I want the location of my sister’s cage. I refuse to bargain or deal with you while you withhold such information f
rom me.”

  “Taelen deliberately misled you, Brant,” Ehoneh said, throwing a disapproving glance toward his eldest son. “He does not have that knowledge.”

  “But I know how to get it,” the Landresi interrupted, leaning forward and capturing Brant’s gaze. “Help me and I shall help you. It is that simple --”

  “No, it is not! There is nothing simple about this situation.” Amecis stood up at her place and addressed her husband and son. “The two of you seem to forget that Brant is now a member of this family. As such, you cannot bargain with his happiness or manipulate his emotional needs for your own advancement. I will not allow it.”

  “Take it easy, ninomo. We don’t plan any lasting harm to your new kitten.”

  Brant bristled, baring his fangs, the ruff of fur at his shoulders standing on end.

  “Taelen, stop baiting your brother,” Ehoneh ordered. His sharp-voiced command broke through the gathering storm brewing between the two males. Rising from his seat, he gestured for everyone to vacate the dining hall. “We will take this discussion back to the salon.” Taking Amecis’ hand, he led the exodus from the room.

  * * *

  “The bottom line is Taelen needs your help,” Ehoneh finished.

  A snarl interrupted him. “I don’t need him, I need his ship.”

  “Which means you need me, bonehead, because you don’t get my ship any other way.” Brant enjoyed taunting the Landresi prince. He loved it when the man’s mouth took on that tight twist that shouted he was trying to rein in the urge to do some physical damage.

  “What I don’t understand is… why all the adoption drama?” Eyebrows furrowed, he faced Ehoneh and Amecis, seeking the answer to the one part of the equation representing their interactions. “If you investigated me thoroughly enough to know my predilection for Evas wine, you had to have learned of my feelings toward all things having to do with the Corporation. You must have pretty much figured I’d be a guaranteed answer to your present problem, so tell me why you chose… this.”

  Ehoneh exchanged a furtive glance with Amecis. Reclining back on his sofa, he raised one hand and scrubbed at his chin, obviously unable to find a suitably vague answer. “Well…”

  Looking on, his face slack with disbelief, Taelen shook his head and raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I can’t stand this. Look, Brant, I will tell you what the two of them seem reluctant to admit. The truth is --”

  “You will be silent!” Ehoneh waved his hand and Taelen’s words died out. His lips moved silently, obviously still trying to talk, but no sound emerged.

  Golden eyes gleaming with anger, he finally stopped trying to get anything out and flopped down on a fat cushioned chair to sulk. He flicked his hand and light flew from his fingertips to splatter against the wall, forming the words: I hate it when you do that!

  “I will tell you this, Brant Sylenus -- prince of the Sh’Bahkyr and prince of the Landresid -- we did not adopt you to further our plans against the Corporation. In fact, adopting you might well prove a hindrance in such matters.”

  Brant smirked at the silent Landresi and asked, “Why the secrecy? What are you hiding?”

  “In time, you will learn everything. Meanwhile I ask that you allow us to keep that secret. We can assure you it constitutes no danger to you.”

  Brant narrowed his eyes. “I might accept that assurance on my behalf, but I can’t take the same chances when it comes to my ship and crew. The Quiet Kitty is the last of the Sh’Bahkyr armada, all that remains of our military might. As long as she flies, we retain a piece of Sh’Bahkyr homeland which means we are still a political entity that must be recognized. This is why the Corporation wants us so badly.”

  “We are counting on Lord Avron wanting your ship badly enough to make mistakes.” Released from his father’s restriction, Taelen spoke quietly, his words devoid of their usual taunting inflection.

  “With the added possibility of recapturing me as well as certain other cargo you recently took on, he will be positively rabid to get his hands on your ship.”

  “You’ve alluded to my other cargo more than once. I won’t have h -- I won’t put that in danger.”

  “That is already in more danger than you know. I’ve learned of a trap being set, one that will spring shut and open only in the pens of the Corporate zoo. Is that what you wish to expose your… cargo to?”

  A vision of a naked Willa -- rainbow plumes scattered, writhing on the deck, back bowed in pain -- slammed into his head. Striding over to the Landresid, Brant grabbed his forearm. “Tell me what you mean! What do you know, Taelen?”

  “Take me on as crew and I will tell you everything.”

  Brant fell back. “As crew? Oh, stars, no! You must think I’m crazed.” He shook his head.

  “Why not? You’ve got the room.”

  “But not the inclination,” he snapped. “I’ve seen some of your mental powers. In less than a day, you’d take over my ship and crew, leaving me captain in name only.”

  “My word on it, he will not!” Ehoneh promised. “You’ve seen me bind him. I can do the same where it regards you and yours. Taelen will submit to your orders as captain and will vow never to use his powers against you or against your wishes.”

  “What?” Taelen’s mouth fell open. “I will not bind myself with such a promise! The cub doesn’t have sufficient knowledge to maneuver in this situation. I must be allowed to --”

  “If you will not be bound of your own will, you will not go. I will not have you trying to usurp Brant’s position, nor suborning the loyalty of his crew.”

  Taelen glared at Brant as if blaming him for all his present woes. “Very well, I will vow to obey this youngling’s every order.”

  “And to take no initiative without my express permission…”

  “You go too far!” Taelen growled at Brant, who smiled innocently.

  “I won’t have you interpreting my orders to your own liking. Never doubt I know there’s a difference between obeying and only literally following orders.”

  “Your young brother is not so innocent after all, is he, Taelen?” Amecis patted her elder son’s hand in commiseration. “He’s got you pegged, dearling.”

  “One more thing… you are never to use your mental powers on me,” Brant stipulated.

  Taelen’s golden eyes glinted a warning. “Don’t question my word, Sh’Bahkyr! I’ve already said --”

  “Actually,” Brant interrupted, “you said you would obey this youngling’s every order. You said nothing about not changing my mind about said orders.”

  A slashing grin widened Taelen’s mouth, showing his healthy white teeth. “Caught that, did you, cat?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Done. I’ll use no telepathic or kinetic powers against you. But I won’t promise not to outsmart you. If you can’t withstand the brilliance of my natural intelligence, that’s your own problem.”

  Brant raised an eyebrow. “If I can’t smell you coming, I deserve to be ambushed.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to accept you as crew. What the nova can you do?”

  “I’ve racketed about the galaxies for almost a hundred years. You’ll find I’m capable in a lot of different areas. I am proficient in acquisitions and bargaining, also in weaponry.”

  “And with you on board, we’ll probably end up getting shot at a whole lot more…” Brant murmured sotto voce.

  “I heard that.”

  “I meant for you to.”


  They sighed, glared at each other and answered in tandem.

  “Yes, ninomo.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Nine

  The Quiet Kitty’s loading deck plates rang with a hollow bonging under the heavy soles of Taelen’s boots. He paused to look around, one eyebrow rising in reluctant respect. The ship seemed to be austere and functional yet there was a subdued beauty to the clean lines that spoke to Taelen’s soul.

  A worthy ship for a worthy captain, he deci
ded. He’d seen inside the cub’s head, knew his honor and resolve. He could almost taste the hunger for revenge, the determination to bring down a hated foe. Even in that, the Sh’Bahkyr rose above baseness, for he desired the Corporation’s downfall not solely for himself, but for the safety of those he… loved?

  Taelen’s thoughts paused, his head cocked as he probed Brant’s thoughts. Chest rising and falling in an enlightened sigh, he nodded sagely. Yes, he sensed clearly that loved was not too strong a word to use.

  It was obvious to the Landresi that Brant would protect the ones he loved. Taelen frowned. That character trait of his, though admirable, was probably going to prove a hindrance in the next few days. Taelen glanced over at Brant, his face a careful blank. It was going to be very tense between them once he took the necessary action. He just hoped the little fur ball didn’t have a serious connection to the Sprite…

  Brant watched a silent, shielding Taelen walk the perimeter of the inner dock, the prince’s intense gold eyes cataloguing everything, alert and calculating. Nothing was overlooked. Every item of equipment came under scrutiny. His own eyes narrowed. He didn’t like the way the Landresi prince cased his ship like a burglar exploring his next target.

  Can Taelen be trusted? Despite his father’s assurances to the contrary, is he planning to steal the Quiet Kitty out from under me? More importantly… what does he want with Willa?

  He’d allowed himself to be persuaded against his will and now he questioned his sanity. What have I done by bringing this powerful prince onboard?

  He’d been played, royally. The Landresid had studied him well, knowing the credits he’d been offered and the chance to bring down the most powerful Lord of the Corporation -- while tempting -- had been of secondary importance to the main lure: the possibility of finding his sister-queen.

  He missed Letshya. Her absence throbbed with the dull pain of an abscessed fang, ever present, never waning. She was his twin, his sister-soul. He’d felt sundered, only half a person since their mental connection had been severed.


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