Under the Lights

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Under the Lights Page 5

by Dahlia Adler

  “You’re spying on us,” I say flatly, my stomach sinking a little with the realization. And here I thought I was the actress.

  For a second, she looks taken aback, but just as quickly, she rearranges her face back into the same blasé expression she had when Josh snapped her over. “Basically.” She shrugs. “Sorry. Mommy Dearest’s orders.”

  “That’s really, really screwed up.” I shove the glass of water back into her hands. “You’re both really screwed up. This is a private party, you know. There aren’t even any paparazzi here.”

  “No, just a billion cell phone cameras,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “You dropped your persona in two seconds in front of me when you thought I was nobody but a waitress. What if I’d gone to the press or even just a little blog with the story of how Vanessa Park isn’t the sweetheart they think she is?”

  Is it possible to hate someone this early into meeting them? Because that’s exactly how I feel. And only part of it is because I know she’s right.

  “You can tell your mother that I’m so sweet, I won’t even get you kicked out of Josh’s party right now,” I say with as much honey in my voice as I can muster, although it sounds more like vinegar when it comes out. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find my boyfriend.”

  She steps away to let me go, and I storm past her, my cheeks burning for far too many reasons to contemplate.

  Chapter Five


  I’m all for Liam getting the part in the Lassiter movie, but after years of watching him be treated as Hollywood’s hottest body when he barely breaks a tenth of the sweat I do to look this good, I have to admit I’m enjoying watching him struggle as he bench presses next to me.

  “Holy Mother of God, what is happening to me?” he whines as he replaces the barbell.

  “Looks like someone was up all night…exercising.” I do another couple reps, then replace my own, just to stretch out my hands for a minute. “This is why you always kick the girl out well before dawn.”

  He scowls at me as he reluctantly removes ten pounds from each side. “The shots from last night aren’t helping either. You and your stupid parties.”

  “Oh, come on. You had fun last night, and so did she. And I bet you got killer head for that present.”

  He just rolls his eyes at me and resumes the position.

  “I had a lovely night, too, thanks for asking,” I say coolly, moving into position to spot him, since I’m already bored and half-afraid he’s gonna drop it on his face. “Hooked up with that singer.”

  “Of course you did,” he grunts as he lifts, and I smile proudly. She’s a pretty damn good get, if I may say so myself. Notoriously picky, especially since she used to bang their drummer steadily for, like, three years. Nice to know I’m probably one of the few guys in the LA area who knows her natural hair color.

  “They’ve got a show tonight. You wanna come?”

  “Are you kidding? After I have dinner at the Duncans, I’m passing right the fuck out. I don’t remember the last time I felt this tired.”

  “My old therapist would say you’re emotionally exhausted.”

  “The hot one you screwed on her couch?”

  “That’s the one.”

  Loud, high-heeled footsteps have both of us turning our heads. Liam replaces the barbell as Ally lets herself into the gym, protein shakes in hand, with my agent right behind her. Holly’s eyes widen for a second at the sight of us, sweaty and in nothing but gym shorts, and I give her my best wolf grin and watch as she sets her face back into stone.

  People trying to make Serious Names for themselves in the industry are always the least fun.

  Ally’s a little less immune to the sight, and I have to snap my fingers to get her attention as she drools over Liam’s sweaty, shirtless body like she hasn’t seen it a zillion times. “That envelope for me?”

  “Shots from the Aspen shoot. You wanna go to your office?”

  “Nah, let’s see ’em here.” We lay them out carefully, and I can see I look pretty damn good. “Don’t let them use this one,” I order, pointing to one by a palm tree. “I look short.” Not that I am.

  “Your complex about being two inches shorter than me is getting a little pathetic,” Liam says smugly as Ally hands him one of the shakes and me the other. “So you’re not even six feet. So you’re basically only half a man. So what?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Are they always this awful to each other?” Holly asks Ally.

  “Yes,” Ally responds without hesitation.

  “Delightful.” Holly turns to Liam. “So, Liam, Josh tells me you have a callback for Lassiter tomorrow. How the hell did Evan Cooper score that?”

  Liam narrows his eyes at me. “You didn’t tell her Coop had nothing to do with it? What’d you do, Chester, make her feel like crap for not getting you an audition you didn’t even want in the first place?” He turns to Holly. “We met Lassiter in a club. And I’m better-looking and a better actor than Josh. That’s it.”

  “And Mickey Davis is gonna let you do this?” she asks, referring to Daylight Falls’ showrunner.

  “I have no idea.” He mops off his face with a towel, then takes a long drink of the shake. “Haven’t gotten that far yet. You know Mickey, though. Think I got a shot?”

  “Depends on their plans for you this season. How’s your storyline?”

  “I surf. I hook up with Bailey, then cheat on Bailey, then get caught, then hook up with her again. Oh, and I surf some more. It’s all very exciting. Clearly, I’m indispensable.”

  Everyone’s quiet for a moment, and then Ally snaps her fingers. “Okay, I know Van’s gonna kill me for suggesting this, but I think I might have a slightly brilliant idea.” She turns to Liam. “What if you got a guest star to be a love interest for Bailey? Like, a multi-episode arc? Would they let you go then?”

  Liam shrugs. “It’s not impossible, I guess.”

  “No, definitely not,” I agree, taking a sip from my own shake. “But if you write off or de-bang-ify a show’s biggest piece of ass, you have to provide a replacement of equal or greater bangability. So, who?”

  Uh oh. She’s turning scary, determined Ally face on me. “You.”


  “You.” She turns to Holly. “He doesn’t actually have any work lined up right now, does he?”

  “No, he does not,” Holly confirms, her voice sweet, as if she’s not pissed I screwed up that one audition and then refused to go to any others. “But TV…”

  “What’s wrong with TV?” Ally asks bluntly, cutting a glance at Liam.

  “It’s a lesser form of entertainment,” Liam informs her, rolling his eyes. “Clearly, you’re just blind to my pathetic-ness because you like my body.”

  “Oh, man, this is awkward. I’m not sure if I still want to make out with you after this.” She taps her mouth thoughtfully. “No, wait, I definitely do.”

  Holly ignores them both. “If you’d just read one of the scripts I brought you at dinner—”

  “I’ve read them,” says Ally. “Which one of those is a higher form of entertainment, exactly? The one where he’d have to play a prince in a complete crap-fest of a misogynistic Disney-wannabe movie? Or the absurdly pseudo-intellectual one that subtly advocates for eugenics?”

  My eyebrows shoot up faster than my dick at the Playboy mansion. Ally must really want this for Liam; she never talks that much shit about potential projects on the table.

  Holly scowls. “I think you’d better leave decisions about his projects to your boss.”

  “I don’t know; I think I just made my decisions about those.” I grin at Holly before pouring half the shake down my throat. Sometimes it’s easier just to get rid of all the shit at once.

  She smiles tightly. “Okay, then. I’ll send you some more tomorrow.” She stands, and Ally immediately steps aside, as if removing any obstacles to the door will get Holly out faster. Their passive-aggressive smile-off is a thing of beauty as Holly sees
herself out.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” Liam says, amused. “Thanks for the shake, by the way.”

  “Is it as gross as it looks?”

  “Worse.” He takes a final sip and tosses it in the trash, then turns to me. “I gotta go. But are you really interested in a guest arc? I could talk to Mickey.”

  I still haven’t really processed the idea, but I know if it helps him out, I’d at least consider it. Especially since his costar, Zoe Knight, is semi-hot, and I haven’t tapped her yet. “You think it’ll help you be able to take the Lassiter part if you get it?”

  “No clue. I’ll let you know how it goes. Can I jump in the shower before I head out?”

  “You better. Don’t need your car smelling like BO next time I’m in it.” I wait until he’s closed the door to my personal locker room and run the shower, and then I turn to Ally. “You really think this is a better idea than doing one of those movies? Or are you just trying to make your boyfriend happy?”

  “I think you need something to do that’ll keep your mom’s reality show crew away from you during the day, and you care more about helping Liam than you do what role you take on next,” she says coolly. “And, frankly, it’s a whole lot harder for you to screw this up. I think it’s what you need to ease you back in.”

  She’s right, on all counts. “Fine. Set it up,” I say, tossing my own cup in the trash. “And don’t let Holly give you shit.”

  “So we’ll see you back here Monday morning for a table-read with a draft of a new script.” Mickey Davis doesn’t stand up at the end of our meeting, but it’s hard to blame him since he’s got a pooch so big it must be tough to carry around. Instead, he sticks out his fleshy hand, and I shake it as I get up. Liam had warned me Davis wasn’t too thrilled he’d landed the Lassiter role, but he seems A-OK now. The Josh Chester Charm strikes again.

  “Sounds great. Looking forward to it.” I slip on sunglasses and let his assistant lead me outside, checking my phone to see if Ronen’s left me a text about where he’s at. Instead, I’ve got one from Holly.

  Told your driver I’d be getting you instead. I’m in the lot.

  I spot her almost immediately when I step outside by the way her unnaturally black hair gleams in the sun. She’s standing up against the car, typing like crazy on her phone, but she looks up when I get close enough to block her sunlight.

  “Hey,” she says, slipping the phone into her purse. “How’d it go?”

  “Great. We’re gonna try it out. He’s having writers come up with spec scripts to see about fitting me in as a love interest for Bailey while she and Tristan are on breakup number four thousand.”

  Holly eyes me blankly.

  “Tristan is Liam’s part on the show. Bailey is Vanessa Park’s. Christ, have you not even watched it?”

  “I don’t watch TV.” She turns back to the phone, starts typing again.

  “Because it’s a lesser form of entertainment?”

  “Because I’m busy.” She reaches for the driver’s-side door handle. “Rob bumped up your interview to five minutes ago, so we gotta—”

  “Chester! Hey! Is this your new girlfriend?”

  “Hey! Girlfriend! What’s your name?”

  I hadn’t spotted them before, but suddenly, paparazzi come rushing over, and I realize there are some random pedestrians taking pictures of me, too. I instantly put on a smile and wave for the cameras, blowing kisses at an old woman and the aide with her who’s eye-fucking me. Then I feel claws on my arm and turn to see Holly’s face has gone completely white.

  “What the hell?” she whispers fiercely. “We gotta go. Get in the car.”

  “Chill out.” I unclasp her sharp nails from my arm and take the autograph book a little girl’s holding out to me, eyeing Holly as I sign my name. “This is part of the job. They’re fans. Just smile and wave.”

  “But…” Christ, she looks so freaked out. For all her trying to be cool and professional, this is clearly an area of the business she hasn’t encountered before. Guess that’s what happens when your biggest client is, well, me.

  I throw my arm around Holly’s shoulders and smile for the cameras and reporters. “Please, I think you all know better than to think I’ve settled down,” I announce. “This lovely creature is my agent, Holly Bremen. Remember that name, because you’re gonna be seeing it all over Variety in the next few years.”

  And remember mine, too, I think as the flashbulbs continue to go off. Because if you don’t, I am fucked.

  Chapter Six


  I really wish Zander were a better kisser. I mean, he’s fine, but we’ve been making out in my trailer for like twenty minutes, and my mind keeps wandering—to what I should wear to the premiere of Casey Rinaldo’s movie this weekend, to what color I should get on my nails tomorrow, to—

  “Hey, K-drama, where the hell are you?”

  To why the most obnoxious guy in the world is standing in the doorway right now.

  I jump away from Zander and wipe off my mouth as Josh approaches, as if that’ll cleanse me from this unpleasant moment. Ugh. I knew Josh auditioning was a horrible idea as soon as Ally mentioned it, and now I’d forgo Pinkberry for a year if I could magically get the power to teleport myself out of here.

  “Josh, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were meeting with Davis.”

  “I met, I saw, I conquered.” He grins broadly. “Guess who’s gonna be your new costar, baby.”

  No. “You have to be kidding me.”

  “Just curious who you’ll think is a better kisser,” he muses, wedging himself on the couch between me and Zander. “Holloway or me?” We’re no longer even touching, but I can still feel Zander bristle. “How perfect is that gonna sound on the cover of Entertainment Weekly?”

  I jump off the couch. “No way in hell. You’re coming on as my love interest? I did not sign off on this!”

  Josh laughs. Such an asshole. “Please. Like anyone cares.”

  “They will,” I warn him, crossing my arms, though I have no idea if this is true. Considering what a battle it was to talk them out of putting me in orange leggings, the jerk probably has a point.

  “Well, I’m doing it to help Liam get a lightened schedule so he can film the Lassiter movie, so you might wanna think about him before you try—and fail—to get my ass booted from the set.” He smiles smugly. “Besides, you haven’t even given me a shot yet. Wanna practice before the table-read next week?”

  “I am literally gonna hurl all over your overpriced shoes right now.”

  He laughs. I don’t.

  “I’m going for a walk,” I declare, grabbing my phone from my purse and not even caring that I’m not being subtle about it. Then I march outside and immediately call Jade; she’s always the first to know everything.

  “Did you know Josh was joining the show?” I demand as soon as I hear a voice on the other end.


  My stomach tightens. Of course Brianna’s answering Jade’s cell phone. “Is your mother there?”

  “Jade’s at a meeting right now.” Brianna’s voice is pleasant and professional, smooth and confident, and that only annoys me more. Acting should be left to actors, not to publicists—or their interns—who pretend to be friendly for five seconds. “Is everything okay?”

  “As if you care,” I mutter, and then immediately regret it. God, this girl is worse than Josh at making me drop my nice Vanessa guard. “I was just looking for more information on something,” I add, making sure my voice sounds sweeter now.

  “On Josh Chester joining the cast of Daylight Falls?” Brianna asks. “It’s just a three-episode arc. Shouldn’t be too bad. You can handle yourself just fine. I’ve seen it.”

  I can hear the smile in her voice as she says this last bit, and despite everything, my lips curve up a bit, too. She may be a manipulative sneak, but there’s some actual sincerity in there. It makes me tingle with a little pride.

  After a few beats, she a
sks, “So, should I have Jade call you?”

  “Please,” I mumble, because it seems way too awkward to admit that she just made me feel better about the whole thing with a few words. “But, um, no rush, I guess.”

  “Okay.” We’re both silent again, and then she says, “Come on. Are you really so pissed about me being at Josh’s party? I was just doing my job.”

  “I’m not pissed,” I lie, because I shouldn’t really care enough to be. “I just think it’s weird that you showed up and pretended to be”—Nice, and funny, and the only person who actually thought to see how I’m feeling about Ally leaving—“a waitress.”

  “Of course it’s weird. Jade is weird. You know this already.”

  “I don’t like feeling deceived.” My voice is stiff, and even I want to laugh at myself. Why do I care what my publicist’s freaking intern thinks or does? “Whatever, it’s—”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, cutting me off and surprising me. “I won’t do it again.”

  “Okay. Thanks, I guess.” This conversation has definitely taken a turn for the strange, and I don’t really know what else to say. “I should go. I left Josh and Zander alone in my trailer, which seems like a terrible idea.”

  She laughs. “I’ll tell Jade you called. And hey, listen, if you wanna take a few bites of an onion or something before your spit-swapping scenes with Josh Chester, I swear, it’ll be our little secret.”

  “I appreciate that,” I reply, feeling a full, genuine smile creep onto my lips for the first time that day. “Bye.” She says goodbye, and I hang up and stare at my phone for a minute before heading back to my trailer, where Zander and Josh are, unsurprisingly, giving each other shit.

  I leave the door open behind me to give Josh easy access to leave and surprise them both by dropping in Zander’s lap. “Don’t you have anywhere else to be?” I narrow my eyes at Josh.

  “Nah, I think I’ll just watch.”

  “You know what? Go ahead.” I pray Zander’s somehow become a better kisser in the last five minutes, and then I press my lips to his. If there’s one thing I’ve learned being an actress, it’s to fake it ’til you make it.


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