Time Will Tell

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Time Will Tell Page 5

by Chantal Fernando

My eyes narrow slightly. “I am single, not that I should be explaining myself.”

  He doesn’t take his eyes from Xander. “I’m Richard, a friend of Trillian’s.”


  I lean back against the red leather bench and wish Richard would just leave. “I just thought I’d say hi since our conversation was interrupted today.”

  I can feel Xander’s gaze on me, so I turn my head to look at him.

  He looks amused, like he’s enjoying the show.

  “Richard, could we talk about this another time, please?” I ask, hoping he will drop it for now.

  “Of course,” he says. “I’ll probably see you around anyway. Enjoy your night.”

  He walks away and I feel bad.

  “I’m a horrible person,” I mutter, covering my face with my hands.

  Xander chuckles. “No, you’re not. You weren’t rude to him even though he deserved it.”

  Our drinks arrive and I’m grateful for the distraction.

  “Is he an ex of yours or something?” he asks after a sip of his soft drink.

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t even know him, really. He comes into my work all the time and seems nice enough, but I’m not interested in him like that. I don’t want to hurt his feelings or lead him on, so I’m obviously going to have to have a talk with him.”

  Xander reaches out his hand and places it on mine, his thumb rubbing gently. Leaning forward over the table, he says, “Maybe he will see this and get the picture.”

  “See what?” I ask quietly, staring down at his hand.

  “This,” he murmurs, before his lips come down on mine, catching me unaware. It’s just a quick kiss with no tongue, just a press of his lips on mine, but I’m still left feeling breathless.

  And speechless.

  Chapter Seven



  “Hmmm?” I reply, studying my orange juice.

  “Are you going to give me the silent treatment now?” he asks.

  I glance up and sigh. “You just kissed me.”

  “I know,” he says, amusement playing on his features. “I was there. And I have to say I’ve been thinking of doing it ever since I laid eyes on you.”

  I don’t know what to say to that.

  If that’s true, why the hell did he spend the night with someone else?

  Like I need that reminder.

  The waitress brings our food to the table. Xander ordered a huge steak, ribs, mashed potatoes, and salad while I went with the creamy chicken dish. I keep my eyes on my food, but I can feel his on me.

  “How is it?” he finally asks.

  I swallow my bite then raise my eyes to his. “Really good. How’s yours?”

  He licks his bottom lip. “It’s amazing. Do you want a bite? You have to try this.”

  “No, thanks,” I reply, forking a piece of chicken.

  “Aww, come on,” he says, grinning playfully. He cuts a small piece of steak and smothers some mashed potato on top, and then lifts his fork to me, a challenging look in his eyes. I open my mouth as he slowly feeds me, flavours bursting on my tongue as I close my mouth and chew.

  “It’s good,” I tell him after I swallow. “Really good.”

  He gazes at my mouth. “It’s delicious, isn’t it? Like nothing I’ve tasted before. And trust me, I’ve had my fair share.”

  I don’t think we’re still talking about the steak.

  Nervously, I lick my lips, and I don’t miss the hitch in his breath. The tension between us suddenly reaches new heights.

  What does he want from me?

  Whatever it is, he could get it from any woman.

  I look back down at my plate and Xander clears his throat.

  “Any movies in mind?” I ask.

  He leans back against the booth and flashes a boyish, lopsided smile. “Lady’s choice.”

  “You might live to regret that,” I tease. “Are you sure you trust my judgement?”

  “Positive,” he says confidently. “I have a feeling that you, Trillian, are full of surprises.”

  “I think you’re making me out to be a lot more interesting than I actually am,” I tell him, giving him a pointed look before taking a sip of my drink.

  His full lips quirk at the corners. Why do I always amuse him?

  “Do you want to order dessert?” he asks, glancing at my almost empty plate. “Or can we go back to your house and eat the rest of those cupcakes?”

  That makes me smile.

  “You really want to do that?” I ask. “We could always watch movies at my house.”

  Xander sits up straighter. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Why would I?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. Never mind. I’m not going to question it. I’m ready to leave when you are.”


  “Yes, Trillian?”

  I love the way he says my name.

  “Can we take an even longer way home?” I ask, unable to mask the hope in my voice.

  His eyes soften. “Yeah, of course, we can.”

  He pays for dinner.

  I argue.

  I lose.

  Then we go back to my house for cupcakes and movies.

  Tonight is turning out like nothing I expected.

  “Are you close with your mum?” I ask him, bringing my knees up to my chest. We’re both sitting on either side of my grey couch, facing each other, movie long forgotten while playing in the background. After an hour-long ride on the back of his bike, we came home and had dessert, then retreated to the lounge room for movies and hot chocolate. Xander is a good listener, and for some reason, I’m starting to feel comfortable around him, which isn’t always an easy feat.

  “I guess,” he replies. “I’ve always been closer with my dad, though.”

  “How long are you staying in Channon?”

  He puts his mug down on the coffee table and gazes into my eyes. “Depends.”

  “Depends on what?”

  His eyes crinkle, but he doesn’t answer the question, instead asking one of his own. “Do you get lonely living here by yourself?”

  I shake my head. “I’m used to it. Plus, Zach and Grim are next door if I need anything.”

  “You should get a dog,” he says. “A guard dog.”

  I smirk. “I live next door to the president of the Channon chapter the Wind Dragons MC and his reckless son. Who would be stupid enough to rob this house?”

  He laughs at that. “Fuck, you’re right. But still, it never hurts to be careful.”

  “Are you worried about me, Xander?” I ask, grinning. “I was going to full name you, but I don’t even know your surname.”

  “It’s Kane,” he says.

  “Xander Kane,” I say, testing the words. “I like it.”

  He moves his leg so it’s now touching mine. My eyes dart from our legs back up to his face.

  “Any plans tomorrow?”

  “Just studying, I guess.”

  “What are you studying?” he asks, seeming genuinely interested.

  “Bachelor of Education.” I bite the inside of my cheek as he leans forward, getting close enough to me that I can smell his cologne.

  He nods slightly. “I think you would make an amazing teacher.”

  “And why is that?”

  “You’re patient and kind,” he says. “I could already tell that about you, even if Zach didn’t go on about how fuckin’ amazing you are every chance he gets.”

  I can’t help but laugh at that. “Is that what he says about me when I’m not around? Good to know. What do you do with yourself back in Perth?”

  “My dad owned his own motorcycle shop, which is now mine. So I run that business, plus I’m also a mechanic.”

  “Who’s looking after the business then?”

  “My friend Dash is keeping an eye on things for me,” Xander replies. “I have good people that work there, I trust them. They’ve been working for my
dad for a long time. My sister, Summer, pops in from time to time as well.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “It is. Hasn’t been the same since Dad left though, which is why I wanted to get away. And I’m glad I did.”

  I hear the sadness in his voice and it makes my own heart hurt. For him and for myself because I still miss my own dad every day. I also don’t miss that he said his dad left, instead of passed.

  Was he in denial?

  “Is it true what they say?” he suddenly asks.

  “Is what true?”

  “Does time heal?”

  I know what he’s asking. He wants to know if, as time passes, will the pain of losing someone he loved disappear.

  “I guess, in a way, you learn to deal with the pain. It does lessen as you accept things. So time does heal all wounds, just not completely. Nothing can do that. You learn to live with the scars and soon forget they’re there, but they never disappear completely.”

  He nods like I’ve confirmed something he already knows. “Dad loved Channon. It feels nice being here. A change, you know?”

  “It’s a peaceful place,” I say. “For the most part, you know, besides being the home of a badass motorcycle club.”

  Xander grins. “You’re fuckin’ cute, do you know that?”

  His hair is tied back in a bun today and I can’t help but find it extremely sexy. My gaze wanders down his arms, his tattoos, and huge, strong hands.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asks quietly, not in a cocky tone, but a serious one. Does he really want to know if I find him attractive? I don’t think there’s a woman alive that wouldn’t.

  “I do,” I admit, my cheeks feeling flushed. I look down, a little shy. “You know I do.”

  He slides over, closing the space between us and lifts my face up to meet his with his finger under my chin. “How do I know that you do?”

  I decide to be honest with him and talk about the big elephant in the room. “When I saw you at the bar, I thought you were the most handsome man I’d ever seen in my life, but you didn’t want me, did you? You left with someone else, but that’s okay. I mean, we can be friends. I like hanging around you.”

  He curses, then lowers his lips to mine and kisses me, sucking on my lower lip, and then drawing it into his mouth. His tongue slides into my mouth, tentatively at first, then more demanding. His hands cup my face while mine rest on his rock hard chest, clutching his shirt. I don’t think about anything except what I’m feeling, the taste and smell of him.

  He is such a good kisser.

  He pulls away before I’m ready and I moan in protest.

  He gazes into my eyes. “Listen to me, Trill. I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you. Never. And you’re so fuckin’ sweet you could make a man lose himself. Leaving with someone else was fuckin’ stupid, but I did it because I thought I couldn’t have you.”

  I blink a few times, still feeling dazed by his kisses.

  “I fucked up, Trill,” he says when I stay silent, still trying to make sense of everything.

  “What am I doing?” I ask as my heart races.

  What the fuck am I doing? Can I just have a one-night stand with him? I’ve never had one before, and I’m not sure I can without getting hurt in the end. I don’t feel good about even considering this when he was with another woman just last night. Apparently, when it comes to Xander, I have no shame or dignity.


  “Last night, your mouth was on someone else, and now I’m letting you kiss me and enjoying it. What the hell does that say about me?”

  Without warning, Xander lifts me up and puts me on his lap. I can feel his hardness pressing against me, but he doesn’t say anything and neither do I. I’m too upset and confused to feel anything else.

  “Now are you going to listen to me?” he asks, his tone laced with steel.

  I nod.

  I’m going to listen, but I also know I’m not going to like what he has to say.

  Chapter Eight


  How does a man say sorry to a woman he wants because he was between another woman’s thighs just the night before? There isn’t any way around this. I fucked up big time and nothing I say will fix it.

  What changed between last night and tonight? Last night, Trillian was just a beautiful woman I was drawn to and someone I thought was off limits. Tonight, Trillian is someone I can see myself with for a lot more than a simple fuck. I like being around her and I want to get to know her better. I want to know everything about her. Trillian is angry with herself because she allowed herself to kiss me when I, like a stupid shit, was with someone else last night. If only I had just kept it in my pants. Fuck. I don’t know how to solve this, but there is one thing I can do to buy me some time and keep her around me.

  So I do it.

  “I’m going to be straight with you. I wanted you, I thought I couldn’t have you, so I played it off and left with someone else. Yes, I fucked her, but it didn’t mean anything, it was just sex. I felt like shit afterward, even though I shouldn’t have because we’d only met once and that was it. But it was you I wanted, not her or anyone else.”

  I take a breath, watching the expressions play on her face and wondering what the hell she is thinking.

  “I like you, Trillian, and I want to get to know you better,” I say, now in a quieter tone. “I know I’m only here for a little while, but I want to spend that time with you.”

  She opens those pouty lips of hers. “You want a casual fling with me then, until you have to leave?”

  Is that what I want? It’s all that makes sense really, given the situation. It isn’t like I can offer her anything else. She didn’t sound offended when she said casual fling. It just sounds like she wanted to understand exactly what it is I want from her.

  “We don’t have to label it, Trill,” I say. “Do you like being around me? Do you want to be around me? That’s all it really comes down to. After spending tonight with you, I don’t think I could sit at Zach’s without wanting to be here.”

  She scrapes her teeth along her bottom lip. “I do want to be around you.”

  I exhale with relief. I don’t know what I would do if she didn’t or how I would accept it.

  You just met her, calm the fuck down.

  “I don’t expect anything from you, Trill,” I say, in case she thinks I’m going to take her to her room and have my way with her as soon as an agreement passes her lips. Not that I don’t want to be with her in that way because, fuck, I do—my throbbing dick is a testament to that, but I’m not going to—at least, not tonight when I know she is thinking about Paula… or whatever the fuck her name was.

  “I want you to trust me.”

  When she sighs and lays her head against my chest, I know that I’ve won. I kiss the top of her head, smiling. I won’t rush her. I’ll just enjoy my time with her before I have to go home. Running a hand down her back, I relax back into the couch.

  “Can I make you breakfast in the morning?” I ask, wanting to do something nice for her.

  She lifts her head. “You cook?”

  I kiss her cheek. “I do okay in the kitchen.”

  “Expect Zach to join us,” she mumbles. “There’s no way he won’t be here on a Sunday morning expecting to be fed.”

  I chuckle. “Noted.”

  I need to talk to him about Trillian. I don’t know how he’ll react, but I’m hoping he’ll be okay with it. I got the feeling from him that he liked the idea, but I don’t know why. Zach knows me well. He used to live in Perth until he moved to Channon. After that, he and Grim did annual trips down to visit Dad and me when they were on club business. We’ve gotten up to a lot of shit over the years, things I’m sure he wouldn’t have told anyone about, especially Trillian.

  I glance down at her to find her eyes closed. It’s about one am, so she must be exhausted after going out last night and then working all day today. I don’t like the thought of leaving her here alone to go next door
, but I don’t think she’d like the idea of me sleeping over tonight. I really wanted to, though. It feels right somehow.

  I stand with her in my arms and walk toward her bedroom. Opening the door, I step to the bed and pull the red quilt down, then place her on the bed and tuck her in. The first time being in her room, I glance around before leaning down and kissing her mouth softly.

  I pull back when she stirs.


  “Yeah, Trill,” I whisper. “Go to sleep. I’ll lock the door on the way out.”

  She opens her bright blue eyes and frowns sleepily. “Can’t you sleep here tonight?”

  I swallow hard, wanting nothing more than to slide in next to her. “Are you sure?”

  She nods her head. “Just to sleep, I mean.”

  I hide my smile. “Just to sleep. I want to, Trill, but I don’t know…”

  “We’re just sleeping next to each other, Xander,” she says.

  Deciding she’s right, I pull my t-shirt off and watch her eyes widen as she takes me in. I stifle the urge to flex. Instead, I take off my jeans, leaving me in my boxer shorts. Smirking at the look on her face, I can’t help but tease her.

  “Change your mind?”

  She shakes her head, her gaze glued to my abs.

  “I can’t sleep in my jeans. It would be uncomfortable,” I explain, growing hard under her perusal. Fuck, the way she looks at me, like she’s never seen a man before, like she’d like nothing more than to lick me from head to toe, makes me need to have a cold fuckin’ shower.

  She scoots over in the bed, pulls the blanket down, and closes her eyes again. I slide in next to her, and she instantly melts against my body. When she slides her thigh in between mine, I look at the ceiling and try not to groan.


  I could get used to this.


  After a good night’s sleep, I get up before Trillian and head back over to Zach’s to shower, brush my teeth, and change clothes. Zach walks in the door as I’m about to go back to her house.

  “Hey,” he grins, his eyes bloodshot.

  “What happened to you?” I ask with raised eyebrows.

  He collapses on the couch and lifts his legs up onto the coffee table. “Wild party. When I say wild, I mean wild. Fuck, Sin and his men know how to party. That Rake is a fuckin’ machine. A pussy machine.”


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