Time Will Tell

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Time Will Tell Page 8

by Chantal Fernando

  “Hello there, beautiful.”

  “Off-limits, Rake,” Zach instantly says. “Don’t worry, there will be more pussy coming soon.”

  I elbow Zach in the gut, but he just grins. “Pig.”

  “Oh, come on, I wasn’t talking about you.”

  The bearded man looks at me. “You his old lady?”

  A ‘fuck no’ leaves my lips.

  The men all laugh.

  Zach puts a hand on his heart. “Don’t be like that, Trillian.”

  “What’s your name?” I ask.

  “Arrow,” he replies.

  “Why do they call you—”

  “Trust me, Trill, you don’t want to know,” Zach says, cutting me off.

  Arrow grins then, and it brightens up his whole face. Damn. He really was something.

  Rake’s phone beeps and he checks it, then scowls. “My sister sent me a photo.”

  “Why the fuck are you scowling then?” Arrow asks.

  Rake shows Arrow the photo and his eyes widen. “Fuck.”

  Rake quickly moves the phone from his sight. “She’s too fuckin’ beautiful for her own good.”

  His eyes then find me. “Kind of like you.”

  I can feel my cheeks heat from the compliment. This man really was a charmer.

  “Still not going to fuck her, Rake,” Zach says in a dry tone.

  “But I want her,” Rake says, eyes on me.


  “Get in line,” Rex adds.

  Shit, I forgot he was even there.

  Zach half laughs, half makes a choking sound.

  Arrow smirks. “You’ll want someone else in an hour, brother.”

  Rake nods. “True.”

  These men were crazy—a mix of charming and complete assholes.

  “Everyone loves the cakes,” Zach says to me, changing the subject. “I think the ladies are going to come to you for every damn function now.”

  I smile. “That’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  And I don’t.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “How’s she doing?” Persephone asks me, leaning on the side of the doorframe. I’m sitting in Summer’s living room watching TV and thinking about Trillian.

  “She’s okay,” I say. “I think she realises that sometimes bad shit happens without reason, and it’s something she’s going to have to move on from.”

  “That was our niece,” she says quietly. Persephone is Ryan and Reid’s sister and Summer’s sister-in-law. When we first met, we hooked up a few times until I found out she was working at a strip club and hiding it from me. We fucked a few times casually after that, but she knows I would never consider anything more permanent. It just wouldn’t work out for us. I liked her, but I didn’t love her.

  “I know,” I reply, sighing. “It kills me to see the sadness on her face and watching her blame herself for something that wasn’t in her control.”

  Persephone walks into the room and sits down next to me. “She’ll be okay. Reid’s looking after her.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  She puts her hand on my face and turns my head to her. When she moves to kiss me, I pull my face away. “Sephie, I can’t.”

  She sits back and frowns. “Why?”

  “Because I met someone and I don’t want to screw things up with her,” I tell her, wanting to be honest but not wanting to hurt her feelings.

  “You met someone?” she asks, sounding shocked. “Who?”

  “It’s not that unlikely,” I murmur at her astonishment. “A girl I met when I was visiting a friend. Remember, I told you I was going to a town called Channon?”

  She nods. “So you were there for a couple of days max, and you already think she’s the one?”

  I scowl at the disbelief in her tone. “I think she’s someone worth exploring things with, yes.”

  “Well, fuck me,” she mutters under her breath, sagging back against the black leather couch.

  My lip twitches. “Pretty sure we just discussed that that wasn’t going to happen anymore, Sephie.”

  She sighs. “Guess I’ll have to find a new fuck buddy, now.”

  “I guess you will.”

  We’re both lost in our thoughts after that until she finally stands. “Going to be hard to replace you, Xander. No one fucks like you.”

  I burst out in laughter. “Good to know.”

  She walks out but turns back to me as she reaches the door. “Xander?”


  “She’s a lucky woman.”

  I smile, but she’s wrong. It’s me who is the lucky one.


  The next evening, I stare at Trillian’s number on my phone, but don’t press the green button. I know she deserves an explanation from me. I called her a few times, but she was usually busy with work and school. I stayed with Summer for a few nights before going back to my own house. Back where I started and nothing has really changed. I miss my dad, Summer still isn’t herself, and what I really want is to be with Trillian. It seems like nothing is going right. I’ve been working a lot at my bike shop keeping the business going and checking in on Summer. I want to go back to Channon, but how long could I stay before I have to leave again? I’d called Zach a few times, and he promised me Trill is fine and he’s looking after her, like he always does, he pointed out.

  She doesn’t even need me, does she?

  I thought she’d be calling me every day, like my exes did, but she’s been silent. She’s fiercely independent and I like that, but I also miss the hell out of her.

  Pressing the button, I put my phone to my ear, but it rings out, and then goes to voicemail. It’s seven in the evening, and I have no idea where she could be. I decide to call Zach.

  He answers on the third ring. “Xander, we were just talking about you.”

  “Who was?”

  “Trillian and I. How you been, bro?”

  “Good, so she’s with you,” I murmur, wishing it was me with her instead. “She didn’t answer her phone.”

  “Yeah, she’s a little preoccupied right now,” he replies, sounding amused.

  I hear loud music and laughter in the background. “Where are you?”

  “Wind Dragons clubhouse.”

  My fingers squeeze the phone. “You took Trillian to your fuckin’ clubhouse?”

  “What?” he replies casually. “She wanted to go. I think she was lonely.”

  My free hand turns to a fist. “What is she doing?”

  “Playing a drinking game with the women.”

  I curse. “She doesn’t normally drink much.”

  “I know,” he replies, chuckling. “She’s decided to let go for once. Don’t worry. I’m keeping a close eye on her and batting all the men away who are trying to paw at her. Let me tell you, it’s a full-time job.”

  I see red. “Zach, I swear to God!”

  “Guess I’ll be seeing you soon, then, hmm?”

  He hangs up on me.

  That bastard.

  What was he thinking by taking her there? I’ve heard the stories. The place is like a fuckin’ brothel. I throw the phone down on the couch and run my hands through my hair, tugging on the ends. Standing up, I head to my room and grab a bag.

  Zach’s right.

  He will be seeing me soon.


  I decide to get a good night’s sleep and then ride to Channon in the morning. It’s six p.m. when I get there. I park my bike on Trillian’s driveway and walk up to knock. She doesn’t come to the door. Her car is parked in the driveway so I know she’s home. Maybe she’s in the shower. I take quick steps to Zach’s front door and knock on there instead. He opens the door a few seconds later, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. He grins when he sees me, and I feel like putting my fist through his face.

  “Where is she?” I demand.

  He smirks. “Hello to you, too, Xander.”

  I push into his house and glance around.

  “Please, do come in
,” Zach mocks from behind me.

  I hear voices in the living room so I go there, then freeze as I spot her. She’s sitting on the couch wearing a white dress and looking comfortable. On the other side of the couch is a man I’ve never met before. A biker. He’s wearing the Wind Dragons cut and his eyes are on Trillian.

  “Who the fuck is this?” I grit out, staring daggers at the stranger trying to poach my motherfucking property.

  Fuck, this woman is making me crazy.

  “I’m Rex, who the fuck are you?” the guy calls out cockily.

  Trillian stands up. “Xander? What are you doing here?”

  What am I doing here?

  I look down at this Rex guy and feel nothing but pure unadulterated fury. “I came here to see you, but you’re obviously fuckin’ busy so I must have wasted a trip.”

  Her pouty, pretty mouth opens slightly. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong.”

  Zach walks into the room and takes in the situation. “Rex is my friend. Yes, he wants to fuck her but he hasn’t and won’t. Trill only sees him as a friend, who she met like, yesterday. Now that that’s all sorted out are we going out or what?”

  No one speaks.

  Zach groans. “Come on, Rex. Let these two sort their shit out.”

  “I’m here if you need me, Trill,” Rex says.

  His comment has me seeing red. If Trill wasn’t sitting there looking beautiful as hell, I’d teach that fucker a lesson about staying away from what’s mine.

  Rex and Zach exit the room, and I have to physically stop myself from taking him down.

  He wants her.

  But he isn’t going to fuckin’ have her.

  Trillian sits back on the couch and watches me, waiting patiently for me to speak. I sit down opposite her before I do.

  “You didn’t call. And I rang you yesterday and you didn’t answer, only to find out you were at the clubhouse,” I say, looking down at my hands.

  Her eyes widen. “I didn’t want to call and annoy you, Xander. I know you were dealing with things back home. It wasn’t like you called me every day, and I didn’t expect you to. You said you would come back, and I was waiting for you.”

  “Yeah, I can see how you were waiting,” I scoff. “Why didn’t you call me back yesterday?”

  Fuck, I sound like a pussy.

  She frowns. “When I got back from the clubhouse, I was exhausted and fell straight asleep.”

  “Trillian,” I grit out.


  “Come here,” I demand. “Now.”

  She glares at me, but she stands and steps in front of me.

  “Straddle my lap,” I tell her, my gaze not leaving hers.

  She hesitates but then does as she’s told, straddling my waist, our clothing the only thing between my dick and her pussy. I cup her face with one hand and run my other through her black, inky locks. She looks like fuckin’ Snow White with her perfect red lips and clear skin.

  “I missed you,” I whisper against her mouth.

  “I missed you, too,” she replies, shifting on my lap, causing me to moan. “But I’m angry at you.”

  “I know, babe,” I say quietly. “Let me make it up to you. Show you how much I need you right now.”

  “I need you, too,” she whispers back.

  “Prove it.”

  She kisses me, and I kiss her back, showing her how much I’ve missed her. I kiss her like this is the last taste of her I’ll ever have, almost desperate, filled with need. I run my hand up her thigh, lifting her dress with it, loving the feel of her smooth, silky skin.

  “We’re leaving, just in case you wanted to know!” I hear Zach call out. “Not that it seems like you care!”

  I hear the door slam shut and smile against her sweet lips. Reluctantly pulling my mouth from hers, I grip the hem of her dress and lift it up. She puts her hands up so I can easily slide it off her. She’s left in a white bra and white lace panties.

  “Who were you wearing this for?” I ask gruffly, my cock swelling to the point of pain.

  “Shut up,” she growls. “Just stop talking and fuck me, Xander. I need you.”

  Well, that was unexpected.

  Her comment snaps the last of my control, and I fuse my mouth back to hers and take off her bra, throwing it somewhere on the floor. Then, I stand with her in my arms and lower to my knees, laying her out on the floor, not able to wait another second. Drawing back, I slide down her panties, my mouth watering at the sight it bears.

  Fuck, I am suddenly very fuckin’ hungry.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Xander glances up at me before spreading my legs wide and lowering his head. I’ve only had a guy go down on me once, but I don’t think this is going to be like that time. The hungry look in his hazel eyes is so intense I feel like I could come from that alone. His pink tongue peeks out as he tastes me.


  He’s good at what he does. My hips arch as the sensations become too little and too much at the same time. He licks my clit and a whimpering sound escapes my lips. I had no idea it could be like this—that I could feel like this. I don’t care right now that we are in Zach’s house. I want him and I don’t want to wait. I’ve waited long enough.

  “Xander,” I breathe, lifting my hips to his mouth. He lifts his head, eyes on me, and wipes his mouth. I realise he’s fully dressed. “Take your clothes off.”

  I don’t know where my sudden boldness comes from, but I just want him. He makes me feel beautiful, wanted, and accepted, and that makes me feel comfortable. Makes me let go.

  He pulls his shirt over his head instantly and undoes the button on his jeans. I take him in greedily, his impressive build, toned muscles and artistic tattoos.

  He’s stunning.


  He sits to the side to pull his jeans off, and then braces himself over me, fully naked. He lowers his head to my breast, licking around the nipple before sucking on it, and then does the same to the other. He starts kissing up my neck.

  “Are you on the pill, Trillian?”

  I shake my head.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, then sits up and grabs his jeans, pulling out his wallet and a condom that’s in it.

  I raise my eyebrow, but he just flashes me a boyish grin.

  “I was hopeful.”

  He rips the condom open with a flash of his straight white teeth and rolls it on his very impressive length. He’s huge. Beautiful. Long, thick, and smooth.

  Positioning himself, he slides in gently until he’s fully inside me. I feel full, wonderfully so, and when he pumps his hips, my breath hitches.

  It feels amazing.

  I pull him down, licking at his lips until he loses control and pins my arms above my head. Thrusting inside me, he kisses my mouth as I reach closer and closer. Then, it hits me, and I come—screaming his name, my eyelids fluttering as wave after wave of pleasure hits me. Xander gently bites down on my neck and then licks the spot with his tongue. I hear him curse under his breath, his breathing becoming erratic, his thrusts coming faster, quicker. His mouth descends on mine as he comes, his hands cupping my face.

  “Fuck, Trill,” he says, kissing me sweetly before pulling away and staring down at me. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “That was amazing.”

  His eyes are so soft and gentle on mine that, for a moment, I just stare up at him, enjoying the moment. “I can’t believe I took you on the floor for our first time.”

  I grin, feeling sleepy and sated. “I don’t mind. We can have sex on the floor whenever you like.”

  With him, I didn’t care about the details. I just needed and wanted him.

  He leans down and nuzzles my neck. “Let’s go back to your house. I want you in your bed, in the shower, on your couch…”

  I giggle, my fingers running down his muscular back. “Let’s go before Zach suddenly decides to come home, or even worse, Grim walks in.”

  That would be extremely embarrassing.
br />   Xander nods, kisses me once more, and then leaves to clean up in the bathroom. I dress, leaving my panties in my hand. When Xander walks out of the bathroom, he wraps an arm around my waist, the other around my nape, leaning me backward, kissing me like you’d see in an old movie.

  Then, hand in hand, we walk to my house and get to know each other even more thoroughly.


  “So, she lost the baby?” I ask, my heart breaking for his sister.

  He speaks into the darkness of my room. “Yeah. She’s doing a lot better now.”

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him. “I can’t imagine having to deal with something like that.”

  He kisses the top of my head, which is resting on his chest, our legs intertwined.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he says. “I didn’t know what was going on in that head of yours and it was driving me crazy. And that wasn’t exactly a conversation I wanted to have over the phone.”

  “I know what you mean,” I reply quietly. “I’m glad you came back. I wasn’t sure if you would. In fact, Zach said he’d take me to see you and I was considering it. But I didn’t know where we stood and if you’d want me to come.”

  “I always want you to come, Trillian.”

  I grin at the double entendre. “I know that now.”

  His chest shakes as he chuckles. He’s kept his word, making love to me on my bed, in the shower, on my couch and even on the back porch. I am exhausted, a little sore, and happy.

  Deliriously happy.

  I don’t know what Xander and I are going to do, but I do know that I don’t want him to leave. I think that we can work this out. I’ve never felt this way before, and now that I have found this with him, I want to keep it.



  “Sleep, babe,” he commands gently. “I know you’re tired.”

  I yawn and nuzzle his chest. “Night, Xander.”

  “Night, beautiful,” he says quietly, kissing behind my ear.

  I sleep like a baby.


  “Was it everything you dreamed about?” Zach asks the next morning, standing in my kitchen in his boxer shorts.


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