Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 1

by Tricia Daniels

  Book 2 in the Bound4Ireland Series

  Kindle Edition

  When the one you want, is undeniably the one you need…

  put aside your fears and believe.

  Tricia Daniels

  Copyright © 2014 Tricia Daniels

  ISBN 9781311773838

  All rights reserved

  All Rights Reserved

  This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.


  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the F.B.I. and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  This book is recommended for 18+ due to explicit sexual and adult content.


  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author's imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places, is purely coincidental.


  For all those who have supported me, put up with me and loved me with all my imperfections, I appreciate your patience through an incredibly long year full of challenges. To my boys, who have turned into amazing young men… you continue to amaze me. Thank you to the most incredibly awesome Street Teams and Beta Teams. Karen, my SS, I can never express how invaluable your friendship is to me. You are truly my greatest gift. Ace, you made me believe in love again. I have hope that in the next life, our stars will finally line up. Look for me, I’ll be waiting.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Music fills the room of the old country building that’s been transformed into a formal gathering place. It’s a time for celebration in the county of Wicklow. Young and old alike get together to socialize, eat, and dance.

  Liam Jamison stands against one of the walls, waiting for his brother, Owen. Beside him, one of his old school mates, Seán, talks non-stop. Glancing over at the redheaded boy, he shakes his head, about to tell him to stifle his nonsense.

  His voice abandons him as he catches sight of Elizabeth O’Connor entering the building, alone. Even from across the room, her smile is capable of stopping his heart. Liam has always thought his brother’s girl is a beautiful woman. He’s thought about it a little too much, actually. Tonight she’s absolutely taken his breath away. Seán stops mid sentence, glancing over his shoulder to see what has commanded Liam’s attention. Smiling, he turns, so he can get a good look.

  “Now, there’s a girl that I’ll be dancing with tonight,” Seán says, trying to goad Liam back into the conversation.

  Liam can’t take his eyes off her as she makes her way around the room. Swallowing hard, he gives his head a small shake, trying to rid himself of unwanted thoughts. Looking back at the redhead he scoffs, “I can’t see Owen letting you get anywhere near her.”

  “He isn’t even here yet,” Seán acknowledges, looking around the room.

  “He’ll be here. Father decided that his chores couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I offered to do them, but he insisted Owen do them alone.”

  “You know, for the longest time, I thought you two were twins,” Seán notes.

  “A lot of people do. We were actually born 10 months apart in the same year. Owen was born in January and I was born in October.”

  “The old man sure is a lot tougher on Owen.”

  “I don’t get it,” Liam admits. “Owen goes out of his way to please him; much more than I do. It just never seems to be enough for him.” Feeling guilty, he scratches his head, searching for Elizabeth in the crowd.

  When he finds her, she’s engaged in a very passionate kiss. Angst washes over him, until he recognizes his brother. He’s not quite sure when Owen arrived, but he’s glad Elizabeth is no longer unescorted. Watching over her, in his brother’s absence, would be a painful task.

  Pulling herself away from Owen’s kiss, Elizabeth wipes the lipstick from his lips.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” Owen admires her dress and the feminine curves beneath it. “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t walk you here.”

  Elizabeth blushes, giving him a coy smile. “Let me make it up to you.” Ignoring her hesitation, he takes her hand, gently pulling her on to the dance floor.

  “Owen,” she frets, trying to halt him. “I’m a terrible dancer.”

  “What?” he reacts in surprise. “There’s nothing to it.”

  Tugging her into his arms, he refuses to take no for an answer. Lifting her hands to accept his hold, she takes small steps.

  Chuckling, Owen lowers his lips to the top of her head, “How about you let me lead for a little while?”

  Embarrassed, she lowers her eyes to the ground, “I don’t know if I can.”

  “All you have to do is trust me,” he says smirking.

  She struggles at first, concentrating hard on the rhythm and movement. Guiding her confidently, he patiently lets her learn how to let him partner her. It’s not an easy task for the feisty Elizabeth O’Connor to let go of control.

  From the other side of the room Seán and Liam watch them on the dance floor. Seán whistles as Elizabeth’s dress sways sensually around her. “You know,” he begins, glancing over at Liam. “If she was my girl, she wouldn’t be walking around after dark, unescorted. She’d be home looking after all the kids we’d have.”

  “Well, she’s not you’re girl, Seán,” Liam says annoyed.

  “She could be,” he justifies, watching Owen glide her across the dance floor. “Think of the beautiful children we’d have. How happy I would make her,” Seán brags.

  Feeling tension start to coil tightly through his muscles, Liam struggles to hold his tongue, “Well, that’s hilarious, Seán. Since the girl kicked your arse the first day of school.”

  “She just needs a firm hand, that’s all,” he says defensively. “To be honest with you, Jamison… I don’t think your brother has what it takes to control her. In fact, when he leaves for his fancy medical school, I think I’ll take it upon myself to court Elizabeth O’Connor. I’ll teach her what her body is for and how to properly serve a man.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Liam says angrily.

  “Look at those luscious lips,” Seán says, with a vile smirk. “Every time she showed me disrespect, I’d teach her a lesson. She’d soon learn her place and what her insolent mouth should be used for.”

  Fire flashes through Liam’s veins, “Don’t you ever talk about her like that again,” he warns through gritted teeth.

  “Trust me,” Seán sa
ys, indiscreetly adjusting his growing erection. “Eventually, she’d learn to enjoy sucking my dick.”

  Blind rage takes over, making Liam unable to control his actions with rational thought. His fist flies through the air, landing on Seán’s jaw with powerful force. Women scurry out of the way, gasping at their roguish behavior.

  From the dance floor, Owen looks over the crowd to see what’s going on. Through all the commotion, it takes him a moment to realize that it’s his brother in the middle of the scuffle. Leaving Elizabeth standing alone, he takes off toward the brawl.

  A few moments later, the Jamison boys find themselves escorted from the building by a few of the community elders. Elizabeth opens the door, joining them in the dull moonlight.

  “Go back inside,” Owen instructs. “It’s cold out here. There’s no reason for you to leave. Stay, and have a good time.”

  “I’m not staying here alone,” she insists.

  “I’m sorry, Liz,” Liam says, feeling horrible that he’s ruined her evening.

  Shrugging, she gives him a smile, “That’s okay. I’m not a very good dancer anyway.”

  “Is there any point in me arguing with you about staying?” Owen asks curiously.

  “None at all,” she says, assuredly.

  “What got into you anyway?” he swats Liam in the back of the head. “Since when do you let that arsehole, O’Reilly, get to you?”

  Ashamed, Liam doesn’t want to share Seán’s words in front of Elizabeth. Looking up at the cloud-covered moon, he quickly changes the topic as thunder rolls in the distance. “We better get her home before it rains.”

  The clouds hide the moonlight making it a long, dark walk. No one should be out on this cold, stormy evening. Lightening brightens the sky. The ensuing crack of thunder makes Elizabeth jump and grab for Owen’s hand. The wind picks up as the rain begins to fall in torrential streams. Owen tries to screen Liz from the rain, but within seconds, they are all soaked to the bone.

  Noticing Elizabeth shivering uncontrollably, Liam stops and gets his brother’s attention. “We need to get her out of the rain,” he yells over the gusting wind. “We’re close to the old cabin by the river. I think we should head there for shelter.”

  Looking around at their surroundings, Owen agrees. Heading off the pathway, they make their way through the heavily wooded area toward the river. The trees provide some protection from the driving force of the rain. Before long, the small wooden shack they found abandoned during a fishing trip comes into view.

  Pushing the door open, they rush into the safety of the dark, run down, cabin and out of the storm. “I’ll get a fire started,” Liam says, making his way to the hearth. “You get her out of those wet clothes and try to get her warmed up.”

  Owen chuckles, as Elizabeth stands erect, her arms crossed angrily in front of her, “Excuse me, Liam Jamison? I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. I don’t need your brother’s help.”

  Glancing up, Liam establishes eye contact with his brother and says nothing.

  “Don’t worry, Brother,” Owen says, wondering about his concern. “I’ll look after it.”

  Ignoring his smirk, Elizabeth gives him an unimpressed eyebrow.

  Placing his hand firmly on her back, he ushers her toward a small room. Holding back the blanket that’s nailed to the doorway, he lets her enter.

  “Here,” handing her a dry shirt and pair of pants, he turns his back so she can change.

  “You keep clothes here?” she asks curiously, as she quickly strips out of her heavily soaked dress.

  “We’ve both fallen in the river a time or two,” temptation overtakes him, making him look over his shoulder. “Are you done?”

  “Yes, and you better not laugh,” she warns.

  Turning to see her holding up the pants, three times too large for her, he bites his tongue.

  Gathering up her wet clothes, he tries to ignore her undergarments on the top of the pile. Elizabeth follows him into the other room where Liam has settled himself on a very uncomfortable looking wooden chair next to the hearth.

  Owen strips off his wet shirt, laying it out to dry in front of the blazing fire. Setting herself down on the only sofa, Elizabeth’s eyes can’t avoid Owen’s broad shoulders and muscular chest.

  Sitting down, he pulls her into his arms, and holds her shivering body against his bare chest. When she relaxes and leans against him, he tucks her gently under his arm. The fire crackles and roars, but it’s his body that warms the dampness from her bones.

  Her soft body molds against him perfectly, as if they were made to fit together. That thought awakens the man inside him. The thought of her naked beneath his clothing is more than arousing.

  Over the past months, Owen has watched her become a woman, right in front of his very eyes. This close to her, he finds it hard not to think of her in the way that a young man thinks of a beautiful woman. Stroking her hair, he breathes in her sweet feminine scent. Wrapping his arms completely around her, he feels more than just comfort in her embrace. He’s not entirely sure when it was that he fell in love with her, but his heart echoes it in every beat.

  When she finally drifts off to sleep in his arms, he carries her to the only bedroom. She wakes as he lays her down on the bed and covers her with a blanket. She waits for him, but he doesn’t join her.

  Returning to the other room, he strips off his still damp pants and spreads them out in front of the fire. Tossing and turning restlessly, he fails to get comfortable on the lumpy sofa.

  Lifting her head Elizabeth sees darkness outside the small dusty window. The partially, cloud covered moon can occasionally be seen through the blowing branches of the trees. It appears that the storm has finally passed. Except for the rustling of the leaves, there’s an almost eerie silence.

  The bed feels cold and empty, making her restless. Unnecessary, since Owen’s large, warm body is near by.

  “Owen?” she calls out. “Are you awake?”

  “Yes, what’s wrong?” he calls from the other room.

  “I’m cold,” she can’t believe she’s been reduced to the games that girls play. Heavy footsteps bound across the cold wooden floor. Wearing nothing but his underwear, he stands beside the bed with a blanket that he’s had warming by the fire. Without a word, he shakes out the folds, letting it fall like a parachute over top of her.

  The moon shines through the window illuminating his body. A sudden rush of heat warms her, and it has nothing to do with the blanket. She’s affected by him, standing in front of her, almost naked.

  “There,” he says. “Okay, now?” He can feel her stare as he heads out of the room. Resisting temptation is not easy, but he forces himself to leave.

  “Owen,” her heart races as she calls to him. “Please stay with me. I’m still cold.” Holding her breath, she hopes that he’ll put aside his chivalrous nature and agree.

  Hesitating at the doorway, he turns to look at the pants she’s discarded on the floor beside the bed. Rubbing his hand on his head, he considers it. He answers with a breath, so heavy, that she can feel it from across the room, “Okay, just let me put my trousers on. There’s no way I’m getting into bed beside you without them.”

  After going into the other room for a brief moment, he reappears. Hopping with one leg already in his trousers, he struggles to get the other leg into them. Her face flushes red, unable to take her eyes off him. Standing at the side of the bed, shirtless and his trousers unbuttoned, he folds his arms across his chest. “Wait a minute,” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Now I see how it is.”

  “What?” she asks curiously, trying not to show how he’s affecting her.

  “Apparently, I’m the faithful family dog. Only allowed in your bed when your feet are cold.”

  “Owen Jamison! Are you making fun of my virtue?” she gasps.

  “Never,” he tries to look sincere, but his grin gives him away.

  Flashing him a smile, she lifts the corner of the blanket, whistling to welco
me him, “Here, boy! Come here, boy!”

  They both burst into laughter as he jumps into the bed. Lifting the blankets, he slides his body up against hers, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Bloody hell, woman! Your feet are like ice!” he protests.

  Her shoulders jiggle up and down in laughter. Tangling his legs around her, he anchors her to his body. Sliding his hand across her stomach to her hip, he caresses her, trying to warm her. Holding his breath, he tries to regain his composure as she trails her hands across his chest. He knows that soon, he won’t be able to hide his arousal.

  Turning in his arms, Elizabeth faces the wall. Grabbing his arm, she pulls it over herself and encourages him to nestle in behind her.

  She traces patterns on the back of his hand with the tender touch of her fingertips. He continues to caress her, skimming his hand across the tender curve of her breast. She melts into him completely, his hard chest now resting against her, warming her body. A scalding heat sizzles through his body as she adjusts her position and presses herself back against his hips.

  “Careful,” he warns, considering her inexperience. “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stop myself if you keep pressing your body against me like that.” He desperately restrains from pushing his hips against the round, tempting flesh of her bottom. He’d lose all control if he did.

  Moving his hand to her neck, he brushes her hair to the side and lowers his mouth to her skin. When he presses his lips against her shoulder, she takes a sharp breath in and lets it out slowly.

  Feelings she’s never experienced roll through her body. Her thoughts mirror his, dwelling on the loss of her innocence. She abandons all hesitation; his kisses stir within her feelings of desire. His heightening arousal, pressing into her from behind, is almost more than she can bear. She can’t deny her need to be more intimate with him, to be closer to him. No, she needs much more than that. She wants to give herself to him and this feels like the right time.

  “Owen, I want to,” she whispers.


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