Loved by You (Taken by You Book Three)

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Loved by You (Taken by You Book Three) Page 5

by M. L. Young

  “Be good and don’t forget to act snooty. Don’t let them walk all over you,” Nicolette said as she rummaged through the fridge.

  “I’ll try not to,” I said, walking out the door.

  Gustav, who was just pulling up as I walked out of the building, got out and opened my door for me before helping me down into the backseat. With my purse firmly in my lap, he got back into the driver’s seat and adjusted his mirror.

  “Ready for tonight?” he asked.

  “I guess. I’m not sure how to prepare for something like this. I don’t know anything about these people,” I said.

  “I had an interaction with them once. I picked them up for Mr. Hunter about a year ago. They’re nice people, for what it’s worth. I’m sure you’ll have a good evening with them,” Gustav said.

  “That’s reassuring. Thank you,” I said.

  He pulled out onto the street as I looked out the window at the night sky above. The air had been warming up a little as the days passed, though it still felt far from spring. I couldn’t wait until the summer, and for more reasons than one.

  As Gustav pulled into Blake’s building, I felt my stomach gurgle a little as the butterflies fluttered and I tried to keep my nerves in check.

  “You’ll be fine,” Gustav said, looking back at me.

  “Yeah, I hope so,” I replied.



  I patiently awaited the arrival of my love as my garage door buzzed and I walked over to the elevator. I saw Penny on the small screen and let her up as I waited next to the door for her beautiful face to greet me.

  My friends, Brian and Maggie Jameson, hadn’t yet arrived, though I knew they’d be here shortly. Everything was set, including the food, which was finishing up cooking. I had wine out, appetizers sitting on the counter, and a small fire roaring nearby. Everything was perfect, and would be even more so once those doors opened and I saw her face light up.

  “I missed you,” she said with gusto.

  “And I missed you,” I said before we embraced and her perfume tickled my senses.

  She leaned back a little, though still in my arms, and smiled, and I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. I could taste her peach lip balm as it made my taste buds awaken and come on full alert. This was always a highlight to my day.

  “Are your friends here yet?” she asked.

  “No, not yet,” I said, with my arms still clasped around her.

  “Good. I was nervous that I was going to get here late. I wanted to be here to greet them with you,” she said.

  “Understandable. You don’t know them, so I’d assume you’d feel awkward getting here last. I will say that they’re very down to earth and you have nothing to worry about. They’re actually fun to be around, especially compared to some other couples I could’ve chosen for tonight,” I said.

  Just as I’d finished speaking, a buzz came from my intercom. I let go of Penny and walked across the room towards my front door, which I very rarely used, except for guests. I saw them in the video feed standing outside and buzzed them in, before buzzing again once they were in the vestibule, which was a feature added for security purposes. There were a lot of high net-worth individuals in this building, and they wanted to make sure that we were fully protected and that nobody could slip inside easily. Even the windows in the building were bulletproof.

  “I’m nervous,” Penny said as she came up to me and grabbed my hand.

  “Don’t be. I’m here with you all the way,” I said in a comforting tone.

  Within a minute there was a knock at the door. I looked at Penny and saw the anxiety in her eyes. I wished I could take it away and make her feel at ease, but I knew that meeting new people wasn’t always her thing, especially when she believed that they were going to judge her or make her feel unwelcome. Brian and Maggie were far from that, though, and they used to be poor before building their clothing company, so if any of my friends are going to be kind to Penny, it was them.

  I opened the door and was met with two smiling faces as we said our hellos and they came inside. Penny stood there, looking a bit shy, like she thought she should say something but she didn’t know what exactly to say.

  “Brian, Maggie, this is Penny. Penny, this is Brian and Maggie Jameson,” I said.

  “Hello, it’s so nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot,” Brian said, and he and Maggie shook Penny’s hand.

  “Likewise,” she said, even though I knew she was lying and just being polite.

  “Please, take your coats off and be at home,” I said, taking their coats and hanging them up.

  “It smells wonderful in here,” Maggie said as the four of us walked towards the kitchen.

  “I’d hope so. I sourced only the best meal for the four of us tonight. Also, would any of you like a drink? I have a beautiful wine for the evening, if you’re interested. I also have every other drink imaginable,” I said with a smile.

  “I’ll take a glass of your wine,” Maggie said.

  “Same for me,” Brian said.

  “Yes, please,” Penny said.

  “So, Penny, I hear you’re a college student?” Maggie asked as I walked over towards the wine.

  “Yes, I’m in my last semester, so I’m hoping to land a job in my field soon,” Penny said.

  “What field?” Maggie asked.

  “Computer science,” Penny replied.

  “Wow, that’s amazing. I love that you’re in that field. There certainly aren’t enough women in STEM fields. How is it?” Maggie asked as she sat down at the counter and looked at Penny intently.

  “Well, it’s something I’ve always loved,” Penny said, sitting down across from her. “I guess it’s hard sometimes, not because of the workload or anything, but because of the stigma and my colleagues. It’s very testosterone-driven, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ugh, tell me about it. I can’t remember a job I’ve had where the females outnumbered the men. Even now there are a ton of men at our company. We really need to fix that,” Maggie said as she looked at Brian.

  “Blake said you own a clothing company?” Penny asked.

  “Yes, we do. Mostly urban chic apparel for all ages. We try to make affordable clothing that’s accessible and fashionable. It’s a challenge, but somehow we’ve made it happen,” Maggie said.

  I looked at Penny with loving eyes as she hit it off with Maggie and was pulled into the conversation. There was something warming about seeing her engulfed in my world and thriving. It was like another nail in the argument for being with her, and it only made me like her even more. As I poured the wine and handed out the glasses, she looked at me, her eyes looking happy and calm, as if the stresses and anxiety from earlier had totally left her body and she was at ease.

  I was proud of her.



  It’s amazing how insecure we can sometimes become in life. Here I was, completely afraid that things were going to go poorly this evening, and it turned out to be a more wonderful time than I could have imagined. Maggie and Brian were both nice to me, neither one of them ever talking down to me or acting like I wasn’t there. I don’t know why I was worried before that I’d be ignored, but I think it stemmed from me worrying that I was just going to be some kid to them.

  While Blake wasn’t too much older than me, I was still only in my early twenties. They were in their early thirties, and it made me wonder if they looked at hanging out with me like me hanging out with an early teenager. We were from two almost different generations, and the divide might be too great to form any strong conversations that would bring us together.

  I was glad I was wrong about that, though, and that things actually were amazing. Our meal, which was roasted chicken with some kind of brown-sugar-like glaze, melted in my mouth and the subtle bitterness of the wine complemented it beautifully. Our conversation wasn’t even focused too much on business or stocks, but rather on normal topics, including sports and movies
. Maggie mostly talked to me the entire time as the guys talked hockey and kept to themselves, and I learned all about what it was like to own a clothing business.

  She even said that she’d give my information to her human resources people for after I graduated because she knew I was a strong woman with a great work ethic and that I knew my stuff. Before, I didn’t want Blake to help me too much with finding a job, because I didn’t want to seem needy or dependent on him, but I was now a bit more open to the proposition, especially because of how it came to be. He didn’t make any calls for me; instead, I used my own charisma and personality to make an impression on an employer who saw the potential in me that I only dreamed one would see.

  Not only that, but I thought that I could do well working for a clothing company—especially one that made somewhat fashionable and chic clothing. Nicolette was always bitching that I needed to update my wardrobe, and I was sure that I’d get some kind of discount on the company’s items. I’d hope so, anyway.

  After a final glass of wine, Blake asked if we’d like coffee and dessert. Looking at one another, Maggie and Brian both agreed, even though it was starting to get a little late. I was a bit tired, but didn’t say anything or excuse myself because of how wonderful the conversation had gotten. I didn’t hang out with people that often, at least nobody other than Nicolette, and it was refreshing to meet new people and have different experiences. They brought me into a world that I hadn’t quite known existed before.

  “I’ve seen news about a merger in the papers recently, Blake. How’s that going?” Brian asked after Blake brought over the coffee and cake.

  “It’s going, though it’s all a bit stressful. I didn’t know that acquiring them would be such a nuisance. The current owners all want a little too much in terms of both power and money. I’m not sure we’re willing to give them everything they want. Sometimes you just have to draw a line and stand behind it,” Blake said.

  “Agreed. At least you’re in that position, though. I think the other owners know that they’re getting a great deal and that your company can take theirs further than they ever could on their own. Sometimes it’s worth it to see your company go further and help even more people than it did before. They’ll come around, I’m sure of it,” Brian said.

  “When we acquired that small lingerie line last spring, we weren’t sure how it would pan out. Of course, it wasn’t anywhere near as large as your company or your deal, but we eventually worked it out. I say just give them eighty percent of what they want and call it a day. We did, and now the lines we bought are selling like you wouldn’t believe. Sometimes something proprietary, in our case the designs on the bras themselves, is worth more than what you give the other people,” Maggie said.

  “Penny, what do you think? You’re awful quiet over there,” Blake said as he looked at me from across the aisle.

  Me? What did I know? I knew nothing about business or mergers or any of that stuff. I was just a computer science student who was happiest sitting in her little room coding and working by herself.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I said with a nervous smile.

  “Nonsense. I know you’re one of the smartest women I’ve ever known, and I greatly value your input. What should I do in this situation?” Blake asked.

  “Well, I agree with Maggie. Give them what they want within reason and reap the benefits of what they have to give you. It’s better to spend a little more money now, and get a lot more back later. Besides, every day you spend in negotiations without their product or service is another day of earnings lost in the long run,” I said, tightly gripping my cup of coffee in my hands.

  “I’ve never thought of it that way. You’re right, we’re losing money every single day we stay in negotiations with them. The faster we get out, the faster we can implement their stuff and make money. We’re only losing money until then,” Blake said.

  “So, what are you going to do?” Brian asked.

  “Give them most of what they want. The board will just have to deal with it,” Blake said, whipping out his phone and firing off a quick e-mail.

  “Great job, Penny,” Maggie said with a smile.

  Looking at me from across the table, Blake winked before taking a sip of his coffee. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach, almost like a job well done, before I took another sip and finished the rest of my cup.

  After about fifteen minutes, Maggie and Brian got up and said they better get going so they could get home to the sitter. Blake and I walked them over to the front door, helped them with their belongings, and said our goodbyes.

  “I’m serious about giving your information to the right people at the company,” Maggie said, giving me her card. “Get me your resume and I’ll give you a personal recommendation for our web division.”

  “Thank you so much for the opportunity and the kind words tonight. I’ll be sure to get you the information and the files,” I said.

  She gave me a big hug, as did Brian, and as they walked out of the front door and back towards the elevator, I couldn’t help but stand there with a small smile on my face. Did I really just do all of that? Did I go from the shy girl who was almost sweating because of them coming over, to just about landing a job upon graduation? I didn’t know how I pulled it off, but it appeared that I somehow did.

  Blake shut the door and grabbed me, pulling me in and giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I breathed in quickly and hard through my nose, my eyes shut, as he took me completely by surprise.

  “What was that for?” I asked after our lips left one another’s.

  “Thank you for being so amazing tonight,” he said, kissing me on the cheek.

  “It’s no problem at all. I really liked them. They were nice,” I said.

  “See, I told you, but you were still worried for whatever reason. Hopefully we can do this more often,” Blake said before walking over and taking care of the dishes on the table.

  This dinner going so well tonight also made me feel a bit more secure about my future with Blake, in a weird way. I felt like tonight going so well only reaffirmed for him that he could trust me and keep me around. He could feel that I wouldn’t embarrass him or make him look like an idiot around friends and important business colleagues. I would only lift him up and make him look as great as he was. That was job security, though in this case more in the relationship sense.

  “Getting tired?” he asked as he looked at the clock.

  “Very,” I said as I stretched and yawned.

  “Sorry it went so long. We can go get in bed now,” he said, turning off the kitchen lights.

  Holding hands, we walked upstairs towards his bedroom. The nightstand lamps turned on and his crisp white sheets were cool to the touch as I jumped on them and lay back. Smiling, he changed clothes before I got up and did the same.

  With my things still there, I took out my face wash and toothbrush and finished getting ready for bed, and all the while Blake stood behind me, his hands on my hips, his presence was enough to send chills up and down my spine. As I turned around, my teeth freshly brushed and minty, he kissed me, though not passionately. I almost had to stand on my tippy toes just to reach his lips.

  Holding my hand, he guided me to the bed, where we quickly both got in and snuggled up under the covers.

  “Turn over,” he said, motioning for me to flip.

  I obliged, flipping onto my side, before I felt him come up behind me and wrap his arms around me. Being the little spoon, I curled up a little as I grabbed his hand and brought it to my mouth. I kissed it, held it tight, and refused to let it go as I felt the warmth of his body against mine.

  Safe and enveloped in the ecstasy of his body, I soon fell asleep, my eyes no longer able to hold themselves open, even though I wanted nothing more than to look into his eyes for just a little bit longer. Oh well, maybe I could in my dreams.

  “Wake up, sleepy,” I heard as my eyes struggled to open.

  The glare of the sun beamed into my eyes as I moaned a little and held
up my forearm to block it. Blake was sitting on the edge of the bed with coffee in his hand.

  “What time is it?” I asked.

  “Just past seven. I made you some coffee,” he said.

  I sat up, my eyes still a little closed, before I grabbed the coffee and brought it up to my lips. The aroma of the roasted beans mixed in with a little cream wafted into my nose, and I could taste the exquisite brew before I’d even sipped it.

  The coffee tingled against my tongue as I took my first sip while Blake brushed my hair back with his fingers. His morning stubble defined his jaw and his somewhat messy hair was a welcome sight for a man who always liked to look perfect.

  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead before getting up and walking into his closet.

  “How do you like this today?” he asked as he held up a suit and tie.

  “It looks perfect,” I said, and he hung it up.

  “So, I forgot to mention it to you earlier, but I talked to my mother about us visiting soon,” Blake said.

  “Oh?” I asked, intrigued.

  “She said she couldn’t wait to meet you. She’s very excited,” he said.

  “That’s great. I’m sure we’re going to have a great time,” I said, a sense of relief echoing throughout my body.

  “You still want to come, right?” he asked, peeking his head out of the doorway and looking at me.

  “Of course, if you want me to, that is. I’d understand if you wanted to go alone,” I said.

  “No, not at all. I just want you to know that the place isn’t exactly amazing. There isn’t much of anything to do,” he said.

  “Hey, I’m from a small Midwestern town too, remember? I know exactly how much and how little there is to do in them,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just wanted to make sure you were prepared. Your break is coming up soon, correct?” he asked.

  “Very soon. I think it’s two weeks from this Friday, actually, but I could always leave on Friday if you wanted,” I said.


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