An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3 Page 30

by Wolfe, Samantha

  I blocked his punch seamlessly with my left forearm, sending his fist up over my head uselessly. My right arm shot out to grip the back of his neck, pulling him in closer as I popped my right knee up and planted it right into his gut. The powerful blow elicited a sharp grunt out of him as the air in his lungs was forced out of his body in a rush. He dropped like a stone at my feet, gasping out desperate croaking noises as he fought to suck in a breath and clutched at his belly. I glared down at him contemptuously. Dumbass.

  I heard the door behind me fly open as the two officers who had been outside the door for my safety rushed up next to me. "Mr. Caxton!" one of them blurted out. "Are you alright?" I almost laughed at his ridiculous question, since Leonard was still writhing on the floor pathetically.

  "Yeah," I snapped out sardonically as I stepped away from Leonard. "I'm fine." I was never in any real danger from a strung-out meth head clumsily coming after me.

  The two officers wrangled Leonard onto his stomach and cuffed his hands behind his back just as he could manage speech again.

  " attacked fucker!" Leonard gasped out as he glared up at me. "You''ll pay for this. My aunt is going to hear about this."

  "Yeah, I bet she will," I replied snidely as I leaned down to meet his eyes. "Go ahead and tell your aunt all about how you were assaulted by your attorney. She'll be all ears and believe every word you say. I'm sure you've never lied to her before." He was an addict. They all lied.

  He glared up at me some more. "I'll sue you!"

  "Sure you will, Leonard," I replied brightly with a smug grin. "Have your new lawyer contact my office. I'm sure they'll believe you too." I turned and walked out, his incoherent shouts of rage echoing behind me.

  The young woman's eyes began following me the instant I stepped off the elevator into the reception area of my father's law office, Caxton, Tierney, and West. I walked past the waiting area with its massive saltwater aquarium and expensive leather chairs, and went straight toward her and the reception desk she was manning. She smiled shyly up at me from her desk chair as she began nervously smoothing her blond hair in its bun.

  "Hello, Allison," I said warmly as I stopped at her desk and casually shoved my hands in my pants pockets. I rocked forward on my feet and threw a wide grin at her. Her eyes flashed down to my groin for a nanosecond and then her cheeks colored with a blush when she looked back up at my face.

  "Hello, Mr. Caxton," she replied politely, her voice a little breathy. Her hazel eyes dilated as she began blinking rapidly. She shifted on her chair. She was definitely aroused.

  I got this reaction from her every time I was here. It was some harmless fun, since she was completely off limits. She worked for my father after all, but I was just enough of an asshole to enjoy making her a little uncomfortable. Besides, I highly doubted she could handle my unorthodox preferences in bed anyway. Still, a dark part of me wanted to see how she'd react if she knew.

  "Is my father free yet?" I asked as I absently raked my eyes down her body. Her understated business suit couldn't hide her curves or her hardening nipples. She was pretty in an innocent way that made me wonder if her prim exterior hid something more untamed underneath. I'd never know, but it was hard not to wonder. Some of the wildest fucks I'd ever had were with a "quiet" woman that I never saw coming.

  "He's still with a client, but he should be finishing up soon, sir," she said with a nod. I stifled a sigh. If she only knew the things being called "sir" by a woman did to me.

  "Thanks." I placed a hand on her desk and leaned toward her. "What are your plans for the weekend, Allison?" I asked with a roguish grin. "Is some young man going to sweep you off your feet?"

  "" she began uncomfortably as her blush deepened, and she broke our eye contact abruptly.

  "Gareth!" a familiar male voice called out irritably.

  I glanced over to my left to see my best friend Derek West approaching. He was a good-looking guy, as evident from the frequent admiring glances her garnered from women everywhere he went. He was the perfect mix of his African-American and Caucasian blood. He had his father's dark skin and strong jaw line, and his mother's piercing dark-green eyes. His black hair was closely cropped and along with his precisely cut beard and mustache, it lent him a sharp professional appearance. If he was single, he'd be my biggest competition. Thankfully, he was happily married.

  I smiled guilelessly at him, but he knew exactly what I was doing. His eyes held disapproval as he stopped next to me.

  "Come back to my office," he suggested strongly as he glared at me. "You can entertain me until your dad finishes up with his client."

  I glanced back at Allison. "See you later, Allison," I said kindly with a wink. She blushed again as Derek glowered at me. I shrugged in response and walked past him to go to his office. He followed close behind me down the hall, mumbling something about me being a perverted asshole beneath his breath.

  We entered his office, and he shook his head at me. "Why do you always fuck with her like that?" he asked in exasperation. "Allison's a nice girl."

  "What?" I asked innocently. "It's just some harmless flirting."

  "There is nothing harmless about your flirting, Gareth," he said with a frown. "If you piss her off or hurt her, you'll be dealing with me." Derek was very protective of the women in his life. He had a serious case of White Knight Syndrome.

  "Please," I answered wryly as I waved a dismissing hand at him. "You can't take me. We've been sparring for years. I know all your moves."

  He crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow archly. "Then I'll sic Thea on you instead," he added smugly.

  I widened my eyes in what was only partially fake horror. Derek's wife of over thirteen years was my best friend too, but Thea was seriously terrifying when she was pissed. I'd been on the receiving end of it a few times myself, and now I avoided it like the plague. "Alright," I said in resignation. "I'll leave her alone next time."

  "No," he said with a grin. "You'll leave her alone, period."

  "Fine." I grinned back at him, both of us knowing I'd probably be at it again next week. I wouldn't be able to help myself.

  A soft knock interrupted us. I turned to see my father standing in the open doorway of Derek's office rapping his knuckles on the door frame. "Hey, boys," my father announced with a warm smile. "May I come in?"

  Dad was always polite to a fault, even in the office he partly owned, and despite the fact that he was technically Derek's boss along with his partners, Carson West, Derek's father, and Jack Tierney. My father's law practice, Caxton, Tierney, and West, was a successful corporate law firm, and the three men had been close friends for decades. Derek had chosen to follow in his father's footsteps when he joined the practice. I'd chosen another path that suited my type A personality better.

  "Hi, Dad," I grinned at my father.

  I was always happy to see him. He looked dapper today, in his navy pin-striped Giorgio Armani suit. He was tall, maybe an inch taller than my six-two height. He was a bit lankier than me, but I was unmistakably his son. His now graying thick hair was once a deep dark umber like mine. Our facial features were distinctly similar with our strong jaw lines and dark expressive brows. However, where Dad had kind brown eyes, mine were dark, intense, and not inherited from him at all.

  "Come in, sir," Derek said with a warm smile of his own.

  "Good afternoon, Derek." Dad smiled kindly at my best friend. Dad turned his gaze to me with soft eyes. "Are you ready for lunch, son?"

  "Definitely," I answered wryly. "Nothing like a meth head to work up an appetite."

  Dad frowned for a moment. I knew my job as a criminal defense attorney troubled him. He never said anything, but I always saw it on his face. I couldn't blame him. I was his only child after all. That's why I never took my security lightly. I went to great lengths to protect myself. You could never be too careful when you routinely worked with criminals.

  "Let me get my coat," Dad said as his face rel
axed again.

  I nodded and followed him. "Catch you later," I called to Derek as I walked out.

  We were soon riding along in the back of Dad's town car to lunch. It was our weekly tradition, and we'd been doing it for years. It was our chance to catch up and spend some time together in our busy schedules.

  "How's Victoria?" I asked him.

  He smiled as his eyes softened. "She's doing well."

  Dad had gotten married again almost two months ago after being a widow for over eight years. He was deliriously happy, and I was glad. He'd been alone for far too long. Now, he not only had a new wife, but he had also gained a bigger family for both of us. I now had a sister, a brother, and a nephew in addition to my stepmother, Victoria. It was a little overwhelming, but they were all good people.

  "She's very stressed out with Natalie's wedding on Saturday," he frowned worriedly. "She'll be much happier when this weekend is over."

  I suppressed a sigh. As much as I liked my new stepsister Natalie, the thought of going to a wedding didn't appeal to me at all. My feelings about marriage were strong and acutely jaded. A nasty divorce will do that to a man, and even after seven years my distaste for weddings hadn't ebbed. Even my father's wedding last December was uncomfortable for me. I stared out the window at the snow-covered streets with a frown. I'd be happier when this weekend was over too.

  "Are you bringing a date to the wedding?" Dad asked curiously.

  "No," I answered immediately. "I'm going stag."

  I wasn't bringing one of my casual meaningless flings to my new sister's wedding. It just felt wrong. Besides, I'd probably end up going home and wallowing in the memories of my failed marriage with a bottle of bourbon again like I did after Dad's wedding. My frown deepened.

  Dad placed a firm hand on my knee. He gave me an understanding expression. He knew how I felt about weddings and how hard the dissolution of my marriage had been on me, even if it was for the best. He'd been there for me through all it. He wasn't just my dad. He was my friend too. He'd always been the one certain and solid thing in my entire life. I loved him and admired him more than anyone I'd ever known.

  "Did I tell you that Victoria and I are keeping Daniel while Natalie and David go on their honeymoon?" Dad asked to change the subject.

  He adored his new step-grandson. The little guy was only seven months old, and even I could admit how cute he was. Dad loved kids, and I was relieved that he had Daniel now.

  He grinned broadly. "There hasn't been a baby in the mansion since you were little."

  I squashed yet another sigh as guilt fell over me. I didn't think there were any kids in my future anymore. He never mentioned wanting grandkids from me, but I knew he wanted them. At least now, he did, even if it was through his own marriage. It helped assuage some of my guilt. It was stupid, since Dad had never made me feel bad about any of my life choices, but it was there nonetheless.

  He began telling me all about the nursery Victoria had set up in one of his guest rooms, and how excited she was to have Daniel for a whole week. I tried my best to focus on how happy she made my dad, and not on my own self-inflicted shortcomings as a son. Oh yes, this weekend couldn't end soon enough.

  About the Author

  Samantha is a self-professed nerd from the Midwest, who loves anything with a good plot. She'll watch anything with werewolves, vampires, or zombies in it. She is a voracious reader and loves smutty romance novels and contemporary fantasy. Samantha started writing her first erotic romance in February of 2015, and now she can't stop. It's a passion that she can't shut off, nor would she want to. She loves animals, especially dogs, and if her husband let her, she'd have a dozen, but two are his limit. She's looking forward to sharing more of her books with the world.



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