Bedroom Games

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Bedroom Games Page 19

by Jill Myles

  “That so?” He shifted his grip on my hips and began to thrust harder, and he began hitting my g-spot.

  I shrieked as the orgasm turned into an onslaught of orgasms. I was coming all over again, and I was coming even harder than before. And Brodie? He was merciless, pounding into me with such surety and control that I suspected he might be able to go for hours.

  I’d be a puddle if that happened.

  “Brodie,” I moaned. “Oh God, you’re so good.”

  This time, he groaned, and I felt those sure hands slip on my hips. “Don’t talk, Kandis. You’re going to make me lose control.”

  Good. I wanted him to lose control. “You’re the best I’ve ever had,” I told him truthfully. “You know just how to work that big cock in and out of my pussy.”

  “Kandis,” he gritted, and his movements became jerky. “Goddamn it—”

  “I bet you look so sexy fucking me,” I told him, and reached backward and smacked my own ass with my hand.

  He groaned again, and I felt his body quake with the onslaught of his own orgasm as he finally lost control. I sighed with pleasure as he continued to pound into me, his movements jerky and wild as he came. Then he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily.

  We lay collapsed against each other for a moment, the sink the only thing keeping us upright. I was sandwiched between the hard porcelain and Brodie’s heavy body. Which was fine, really, except that I was going to have a faucet-shaped bruise on my tit if one of us didn’t move soon. But I liked the feel of his body over mine, so I said nothing. I’d endure a bruise or two.

  Eventually, Brodie hauled off of my bent body and groaned as if he’d been the one smashed against the sink. I straightened, stretching out as well, and turning just in time to see him pulling off the condom and tossing it in the nearby garbage.

  I put my hands to my lower back and flexed and then grinned at Brodie’s reflection in the mirror when he turned around. “I’d have never guessed you to be the type to get all romantic and descriptive during sex, Brodie Short.”

  He came to my side and wrapped his arms around me, nibbling on my neck again. “Gets the ladies mad wet, doesn’t it?”

  I snorted.

  “Habit I got into when I was a teenager,” he admitted, and I felt his hand smooth down my back again, as if he couldn’t stop touching my skin. “Figured I could get a lot more pussy by being nice about it than saying ‘dat ass’ or things like that. Hope you don’t mind.”

  “Just as long as you don’t call me some other woman’s name, you can talk as much as you want.”

  He met my eyes, his expression serious. “Please. You’re unforgettable. Your name is tattooed here.” And he pressed my hand to his breastbone.

  My eyes widened and breath escaped me. That was…so sweet. I pulled my hand from his a second later and laughed. “Catching more flies with honey still?”

  His smile was a crooked tease, but it didn’t quite go to his eyes. “Something like that.”

  ~~ * ~~

  Things weren’t weird after sex with Brodie. Which was good, considering we were living in the same room together. But you never knew how the other person was going to act after sex. Some people got super clingy, and others headed straight for the door, promising “I’ll call you.”

  Luckily for me, Brodie was the same as ever. Maybe a bit more touchy-feely than normal, but in a pleasant way. He now called me ‘baby’ in front of Marla and Jendan. And we snuggled together when we were seated on the same sofa.

  The next two days passed in a blur. Things in the house were calm now that it was down to the four of us, but we’d also segregated a bit. Jendan and Marla kept to themselves—likely scheming how to keep control despite me having the Power necklace — which left me and Brodie plenty of bedroom time.

  Or ‘bathroom’ time as the case was.

  Strategy talks were non-existent between us; the only strategies being ‘should we do it against the door or in the bathtub again.’

  They were two days of pure, unadulterated bliss.

  Which meant, of course, that someone was bound to bring them crashing down.

  Brodie took a nap after sex the afternoon before the next live show. I couldn’t sleep. Strategic decisions played through my mind over and over again, and I gave up on trying to get some shut eye. Instead, I went downstairs to get a drink.

  Jendan was there in the kitchen.

  “Hey,” I said, and headed for the fridge. I pulled out a can of the sponsored brand and popped the top. “Where’s Marla?”

  “Packing her things,” Jendan said. “We’re both packing for tonight.”

  I said nothing, feeling awkward. Jendan was my friend, but Brodie…

  “You’re putting both of us up tonight, aren’t you?” Jendan asked. “I’ve ran through multiple scenarios in my head, and I figure it’s smarter for you to put both me and Marla up.”

  I didn’t see the point of keeping it a secret. “You’re right,” I said, hopping up on the counter to sit and drink my soda. “The plan is to put the two of you up, and then Brodie’s going to vote for Marla to go home.”

  He nodded. His handsome face was still tense, but there was an easing of his brows. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I have your back,” I assured him.

  “All the way to the final two like we originally promised?”

  Shit, that was coming back to bite me in the ass, wasn’t it. Ugh. “All the way,” I told him, though I didn’t know if I was lying. I was pretty sure I was taking Brodie to the end with me, but I didn’t tell Jendan that in case he won Power next time.

  He nodded. “Despite you sleeping with Brodie?” At my look of shock he grinned. “Oh, come on. You guys are kind of loud.”

  That was…horrifying. “We are?”

  Jendan pinched a thumb and forefinger together as if to say ‘a little.’ “I think the walls here are pretty thin.”

  I bit my lip. “Um. Sorry.”

  “Hey, no big deal. As long as we’re still on for final two.”

  I nodded. I felt a bit cornered, but I didn’t blame Jendan for wanting to secure himself in the game. If I were in his position, I’d be doing the exact same thing.

  “So, just warning you, she’s pretty bitter about the whole situation, and your hooking up with Brodie just makes her angrier. She feels like you’ve lied to both of us the entire time. Be prepared for her to bring out the big guns to try and make her case to stay.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You can trust me, okay? You’re safe. Brodie doesn’t want her here because she’s coming after me.”

  He nodded. “I guess we’ll see tonight, right?”

  “You don’t need to worry.”

  He gave me a wry smile. “As long as I’m in this game, I’m always going to be a little worried.”

  Well, I understood that.


  “So, yeah, you behind the screen there. Has Kandis said anything about me in her confessionals? Like how she feels about me and all? Kinda feeling out on a fucking limb here. Hello? Bueller?” – Brodie Short, Day 59

  I was nervous when the live show began. Tonight, because I had the Power Play necklace for the first time, I was front and center. I fiddled with the necklace while a commercial break was on. I must have been twitchier than usual because Brodie laid a hand over mine, pausing me. I cast him a wary smile and laced my fingers with his.

  The TV lit up with Becky Bradley’s face again, and we quickly pulled apart.

  “Hello, House Guests,” Becky said. “We’re down to the final four. How’s the mood in the house? Marla?”

  “Tense,” Marla said. “I think we’re all a little unsure of where we stand at the moment, with the exception of one person.”

  “And who is that person?” Becky asked in her smooth announcer’s voice.

  “That would be Kandis.” Marla’s voice was sweet. “She’s pretty much got everyone where she wants them right now.”

  “Oh? Tell me more.”r />
  I crossed my arms over my chest. I couldn’t wait to hear this.

  Marla wouldn’t look in my direction. “Kandis has Power this week, so she’s safe from the vote. And she’s got both of her little boyfriends lined up to protect her—”

  “Boyfriends?” I sputtered, interrupting.

  “Yes, boyfriends,” Marla said, finally shooting me a vicious look. “You’ve got your alliance plaything.” She pointed at Jendan. “And you’ve got your bedroom plaything.” She pointed at Brodie. “Don’t sit there and pretend to be innocent. You and I know exactly how things are laid out.”

  “Don’t even start,” I began.

  Becky Bradley interrupted us again. “Is it true that you’ve been getting cozy with your former partner, Kandis?”

  I felt all eyes on me. Anxiety flicked through me, and I didn’t know how to answer.

  “It seems like Kandis has nothing to say,” Becky claimed. “What about you, Brodie?”

  Next to me on the sofa, he shrugged. “Kandis is a terrific girl. It’s natural that I’d fall for her.” His hand went to my knee.

  “I see. Is this a strategic alliance or purely physical?”

  “Can’t it be both?” Brodie chuckled.

  Jendan’s jaw tightened, and I knew what he was thinking. Poor guy.

  “And Kandis? Do you think this relationship with Brodie is something you’d continue outside of the house?”

  Oh god! How incredibly awkward was that? I hesitated again. If I answered yes, would that freak Brodie out? Would I look like an idiot when he (inevitably) betrayed me like he did Katy? I stared into space for a moment and then blurted, “I think we’re just taking things a day at a time right now.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brodie frown. His hand gave my knee another squeeze, this time a questioning one. I ignored it. We’d talk later.

  “Fair enough,” Becky said. “With that, it’s time for you to announce your nominations, Kandis. Please stand.”

  I got up from the couch and headed to the front of the room. Clasping my hands in front of me to keep them still, I smiled at the three people seated. “This nomination is not going to surprise anyone. Brodie’s been my partner for almost the entire game, so I’m not going to nominate him. Jendan, Marla, I nominate you two. It’s nothing personal, of course. Just that we’re the only ones left.”

  With that, I sat down.

  “Jendan and Marla, you are both nominated for eviction from the house. With the nominations as they are, Brodie is the only one voting tonight.” There was a long, dramatic pause. After what felt like an eternity, Becky spoke again. “You two will both have a chance to give a last speech before the vote. Jendan, you first.”

  Jendan stood up and smiled at me and Brodie. “I just wanted to say that I have no hard feelings, and if I go home tonight, it’s not a big deal. I’ve enjoyed playing the game with all three of you and I’m glad we got to the final four together.” He sat back down.


  The soccer mom stood up and gave us a tight smile. “I could make a nice, sweet, passive speech like Jendan, but I’m going to call a spade a spade. We all know I’m going home tonight.”

  I tensed. Brodie’s hand on my knee was tight, too.

  Marla turned to me. “Kandis, I know you think you’ve got this thing wrapped up, but I wanted to tell you that you’re wrong. You haven’t played as good a game as I have, but you’re better at fluttering your eyelashes, so that’s why you’re there and I’m here. I’m sure both men realize by now that you have a final two with both of them, right? No? Well, if they’re not aware of it, let me point that out, then.”

  She gave me a vicious smile and then turned to Brodie. “Has she promised you a final two spot? Swore she’d go all the way to the end with you? Because that’s what she’s been telling my partner all along. That’s why he’s been quick to defend her at every turn. She’s playing him, just like she’s playing you. Jendan likes to be the hero, so she’s letting him have her back. And we all know you’re led around by your dick, Brodie, so that’s why she’s got you in her pocket.”

  I gasped.

  Marla threw her hands up as if to apologize. “Harsh words, sorry, but we all know they’re true. Kandis, I want you to know that if you’re in the final two, I’m voting for anyone but you. Just thought I’d point that out. We were busy saving your ass early in the game, but it seems like it was a bad decision for some of us. Next time, I’ll trust my gut.”

  And with that, she gave a fake smile and flounced back into her seat.

  I stared, my jaw hanging open. That had been a nasty speech. Not only that, but she’d implied that I was using both Jendan and Brodie. Which…I wasn’t.

  Was I?

  Jendan was purely strategy. Brodie…Brodie was all emotion where I was concerned. I wasn’t using him. If anything, I was worried he was using me.

  “It’s time to vote, Brodie.”

  I glanced up at him as he got up, but he didn’t look me in the eye. A cold feeling sank the pit of my stomach, and I exchanged a look with Jendan. What if Marla’s words had angered Brodie and he flipped things up and got rid of Jendan? Then it would be Marla and Brodie…and they’d get rid of me.

  It was possible. My stomach lurched. I couldn’t think that. I had to trust Brodie. Had to. I didn’t like to think that I’d put the fate of my game into the hands of someone who betrayed on a whim.

  Long seconds ticked past. Brodie returned to the living area and thumped down onto the couch next to me. He said nothing, and this time he didn’t reach over to touch my knee.

  Something was bothering him.

  I waited with dread for Becky’s face to return to the monitor. “We have the vote,” she announced.

  There was a pregnant, lengthy pause.

  Then, “Marla, you have been evicted.”

  I let out a big sigh of relief.

  Marla nodded and got to her feet. We all gave her awkward hugs and then she exited the house. I noticed she whispered something into Brodie’s ear when she hugged him, and he said something back to her.

  Then it was just the three of us.

  “We’re changing things up a little tonight, House Guests,” Becky said. “There will be no challenge this evening. The Power Play will be tomorrow morning and the next vote tomorrow evening. The night after, it’ll be the finale. Be ready to play your hearts out.” With that, she winked out, and the TV went dark.

  I looked at Brodie and Jendan. “So a vote out tomorrow night and then the finale in two days? That seems so fast.”

  Jendan shrugged. “We’re probably boring to watch when we’re down to just three people.”

  He had a point. I looked over at Brodie, but he was silent.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Not really.” He glanced at Jendan, then back to me. “Can I talk to you in private?”

  Uh oh. “Sure. Want to go upstairs?”

  He gave me a curt nod, and I gave Jendan an apologetic look. We were abandoning him and there was no one left in the house to talk to. He waved me off, and I followed Brodie up to the Power room that would be mine for one more evening.

  He was furious, all right. As soon as the door shut behind me, he gave me a black look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Brodie stalked across the room and began to pace, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He looked furious, and the fury looked directed at me.

  “Are you going to talk to me?”

  “So when were you planning on telling me that you had a final two deal with Jendan?”

  I sighed. This was bound to come out sooner or later. I moved to the bed and sat down on the edge. “I thought everyone maneuvered as much as they could on day one. Why is this a big deal?”

  “It’s a big deal because I thought we were together. Your plan was to save him so you were fine either way, right? That’s why you insisted on getting rid of Marla?” Brodie’s expression was chilly, his eyes hard.

“Well, yeah,” I said. “Plus, Jendan’s a better player. If he walks away with the million dollars, I won’t be upset.”

  “But we’re trying to win this thing, Kandis.” He stabbed a finger at his chest, furious. “Me. You. Or do you not care about me as long as you win?”

  My mouth worked silently. What could I say to that? “Of course I want to win, Brodie. My mom’s going to lose her house if I don’t come up with some cash really damn fast. Why wouldn’t I maneuver myself to be in the best spot possible?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “That’s not what I meant. I know that. I mean, I…fuck!” He began to pace all over again.

  I felt awful. “I didn’t betray you, Brodie. You have to trust me.”

  He said nothing, simply stalked back and forth.

  I twisted my hands in my lap. It was either that or get up and start pacing next to him. “Fine. You want to know the whole dirty truth? Jendan and I decided on day one that we’d work together. Day one. I didn’t know anyone in this house, and neither did he. The fact that we both took this seriously meant we could trust each other.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, feeling somehow guilty for being strategic. “It was just a smart move. And then we got saddled with partners, and we decided we’d still work together, because four was a better number than two, right? And Jendan did save my ass when I was on the chopping block. And yeah, he did let me win that money.”

  I grimaced. The more I spoke, the more it sounded like something was going on between me and Jendan. I shook my head, erasing that thought out of my mind. I wished Brodie would look at me, but he was avoiding my direction.

  Desperate, I kept talking. “Is it perfect for me that both of you want to take me to the final two? Yes. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I said I’d come in here to do anything to win because I need that money, Brodie. I need it. I don’t care about the title of winner. I just need to know that my mom is going to be okay, and a big wad of network cash will do that for me. So I’m not going to apologize for having a final two with you and a final two with him. I can’t. I want to win.”


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