Darcy's Downfall

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Darcy's Downfall Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  “Please?” I practically plead with him.

  Laying my head back on the pillow, I think about the fact that there’s a little baby growing in me right now. I’ve never really thought one way or another about having a baby because I didn’t want to be with anyone. Crash and Trojan broke down every single wall I have ever built around my heart and have invaded it. They make me want things that I haven’t wanted before, and I haven’t dared to dream of anything more. Until now. No matter what their decision is, I’ll have a little piece of them with me for a lifetime.

  “What’s goin’ through your head right now,” Trojan asks me after the technician from ultrasound leaves the room, taking the machine with her.

  “I can’t believe that a little piece of one of you is growing inside me, and has been for almost twelve weeks now. No matter what you choose to do, I’m keeping this baby,” I tell them, taking my eyes off of the picture I’m holding in my hands. I’ve never seen anything so precious in my life. The doctor explained to me that I probably missed the signs of being pregnant with all of the stress I’ve been under since someone was after me.

  “What are you talkin’ about?” Crash asks, making me look him dead in the face while he waits for my answer.

  “I’m sure this is too much shit for you both to take on. Just me being raped more than once is a lot for a man to take on. I don’t expect you two to be any different. Just know I’ll take care of this baby while he or she is waiting to be born and I’ll never keep either one of you from them once they’re born,” I tell him, tears starting to form in my eyes once again at the knowledge that I’ll be a single mother.

  “Let me tell you somethin’,” Trojan says, interrupting my thoughts. “Neither one of us are goin’ anywhere. You are still the feisty, strong, beautiful, and courageous woman that we fell in love with and have been chasing until you put us out of our misery. Now that you’re ours, you’re not goin’ to get away from us. You’ve been through some terrible shit and I wish to anyone that will listen that you didn’t have to suffer what you just did. However, that’s not enough to scare us away from you either.”

  Crash has moved to stand next to his brother and is nodding in agreement at everything Trojan just told me. The only thing that I can hear is that they’ve both fallen in love with me. While I know that I love them, have been falling in love with them since they first started paying attention to me with all the little gestures they’ve made to ensure that I’m happy and safe. I never believed it would be easy for them to love me. Especially with the way I’ve spent most of our time together pushing them away. My mind is spinning with all of the information I’ve been given by the doctors and them. I just want to take a while and process everything.

  “I love you both, you have to know that. Right now, I just need some time to process everything you and the doctor has told me. I’m going to get some rest so that I can get the fuck out of here,” I tell them, leaning back against the pillows. The ultrasound picture is still clutched tight in my grasp, so I have a reminder that it’s real.

  The doctor filled me with all of his technical jargon as he explained my long list of injuries and healing time. I’ll need to stay in the hospital a few more days, but then I can go home with the promise of taking care of me and the baby, keeping my appointments, and starting therapy when it’s time. I’m more than happy to do all that if it means I can go home and get out of this environment. I’ve never liked hospitals and this time is no different.


  I move my chair closer to Darcy’s bed as I watch her try to get comfortable enough to get some more rest. She’s been sleeping a lot, and I’m glad that she’s resting to heal her body faster. If she were up, trying to do shit she shouldn’t be, we’d be having a problem. Trojan and I aren’t going to let her do anything she doesn’t have to do. I foresee a ton of fights and arguments in our future when it comes to her doing things too soon. Wouldn’t have it any other way though.

  As I watch her, her words of loving us continue floating around my head. We’ve both been telling her as she falls asleep every night that we love her. I wasn’t expecting to hear those sweet words leaving her mouth so soon. Maybe it has something to do with being kidnapped and everything she suffered through. I can see that there’s a fire back in her eyes that hasn’t been there since her house was blown up.

  Even when the construction crew started to rebuild it for her, and her decision to use the house for the domestic violence program, the fire didn’t shine bright. Now, I know that she’s going to need to talk to someone about what happened to her and there’s still a long road to travel before she heals fully, but her spirit is coming back, and I think she’s going to be better than ever. Darcy is a strong woman and not many people get to see that side of her. She’s full of sass and not afraid to back down against anyone. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of times she’s put Trojan and myself in our place when she thinks we need to be knocked down a peg or two.

  Darcy slept most of the afternoon away. I know that she was having dreams and nightmares. You can tell just by looking at her gorgeous face, even covered in fading bruises and scrapes, whether she’s having a nightmare or dreaming of something good. When she’s in nightmare mode, Trojan and I wrap our arms around her until she calms down. It kills me to know that she’s probably dreaming of that fucking scumbag, but there’s nothing we can do about it right now. The only thing we can do is let her know we’re here for her and bring Karen in. Trojan and I have already talked about it and put a call in to Skylar about getting in touch with her.

  The girls are chomping at the bit to come see Darcy. We’ve been holding them off since they got to Dander Falls, but it’s not going to last much longer. Hell, someone told my mom what happened, and she even made the trip here. She wants to be here for me and meet the woman that finally captured my heart along with Trojan’s. Trojan has always been like a second son to her and she is overprotective of him the same way she is of me. One look at us from her and her heart broke into a million pieces to see the desperation and pain etched on our faces.

  “Baby, we haven’t been lettin’ the girls in to see you, and they’re pissed as fuck about it. We knew you needed rest though. Before I let them in, there’s someone else that I’d like you to meet first,” I tell her, taking her good hand in mine. “My mom is here, and I want you to meet her. She looks at Trojan as a second son and we want her to be the first one in here. Is that okay with you?”

  For a few seconds, Darcy just stares at me like I’m crazy. I can just imagine the thoughts running through her head right now. “Are you sure now is the time? I mean, look at me. I must look awful!”

  “She’s not goin’ to care what you look like, firecracker,” Trojan tells her, standing up and walking toward the door. “I’m goin’ to get her and give you a few minutes to calm down. She’s goin’ to love you Darcy. Just like we do.”

  While he’s gone, I plant a kiss on her lips, being careful not to cause any pain. Darcy wraps her good arm around me, now that they have most of the wires and iv’s out of her. Just before Trojan and my mom walk through the door, I pull back and place my hand on her cheek. Leaning into my touch, I can’t help but be filled with the satisfaction that we have our girl back, we’re in love, and she’s giving us a baby. Now, all we need to do is give her the rag that’s sitting in the top of the closet at home, and put our rings on her finger. We have one being specially designed for her to represent both of us.

  “Brent, why are you sending Dom out to get me when it should be you?” my mother scolds me a little coming in the room. “I wanted a few minutes to talk to you, and you send your brother out to me.”

  Darcy giggles a little bit at the scolding I’m getting and its music to my ears. My mom’s attention is brought directly to her and I see the assessing gaze linger on our girl. Trojan is standing behind my mom, a smirk plastered to his face. Meanwhile, I stand up from my chair and make my way over to her. Pulling my mom into a hug, I m
urmur that I’m sorry and we’ll talk in a little bit.

  “Darcy, I’d like you to meet my mother, Grace. Mom, this is Darcy,” I say introducing the two women in my life.

  “You two go do your thing. I’m going to spend some time getting to know Darcy since you haven’t attempted to get us together before now,” my mom tells me, walking over to my vacant chair and taking a seat. “Gage wants to talk to you both anyway. We’ll be fine.”

  Trojan and I make our way over to the hospital bed to kiss Darcy and tell her that we’ll be right down the hall if she needs us. Then we give my mom a kiss on her head before making our way down to the waiting room the rest of the guys are sitting in. They’ve been here every day since Darcy was brought in. The only time they leave is when business needs tending to or to get showers, rest, and something to eat. Even then, at least three guys are here with us. The girls have been here almost as long as the men.

  Riley is the main one to leave so that she can keep Darcy’s salon up and running. Even though the rest of the girls don’t have any experience with styling hair or manicures, they go to the salon to help out. They’re doing everything from answering phones, scheduling appointments, washing and drying the towels, and all of the cleaning so that Riley can focus on working with the clients. This is what’s amazing to see when the family pulls together like this.

  “Guys, I know that Darcy is still your main focus, but any idea when you want to deal with Gene?” Gage asks me as we take a seat in the middle of everyone. “We’re all having fun giving him a punch here and there, but I want this matter settled before too much longer.”

  Trojan and I look at one another. Darcy goes home tomorrow or the day after. Yes, she’s been pleading with the doctor to let her leave here tomorrow. That’s when we plan on taking care of this and ending that piece of shit once and for all.

  “Our plan is to get Darcy settled in at home when she can leave, maybe tomorrow mornin’, and have the girls sit with her. We’ll come to the clubhouse, do what we have to do to this cum guzzling gutter slut, and then let her know when it’s all over,” I tell my brothers, looking around at all of them. “Does that work for everyone?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Gage tells us, looking at everyone surrounding us in this moment. “How is she doin’?”

  We let everyone know how she’s doing, that her fire and spirit are starting to make an appearance once again. I’m nervous that she’s alone with my mom right now, but that’s to be expected. My mom can be brash and brutally honest sometimes. And, she never misses an opportunity to tell everyone any awkward moment I ever had growing up. Darcy is going to have a field day with this new information. Trojan isn’t to be left out though because my mom has stories about him too. You’d think we’ve known one another since we were kids with the number of stories she has. I didn’t meet him until my early twenties though, when I got out of the service. So, we’ve known one another going on almost ten years now.

  For now, I take time to look around me, thankful for everything I have in my life. I’m surrounded by family, friends, and I have a woman that has graced me with her love and acceptance of who I truly am. I can’t ask for anything more in life. Well, not once we know that our baby is fine, and that Darcy will be ours for the rest of our lives.


  The last few days have been rough. Darcy has been throwing a fit to get out of the fucking hospital. Her words, or variations of them every time a nurse or doctor came in her room. Today is finally the day that we get to take her home though. We’re just waiting on the doctor to sign off on her paperwork so we can get going. If he doesn’t get on it soon, Crash and I can’t be held responsible for what our little firecracker does. She’s going crazy.

  “Trojan, please go see what the hold up is,” she pleads with me while Crash is down getting the SUV parked out front along with Grace.

  “Alright baby. Shadow is right outside the door. Yell if you need anythin’ while I’m gone, yeah?” I tell her, heading for the door to prevent any injuries from happening if she doesn’t get out of here in the next few minutes.

  “I’m good. I just want to go home. I know I’m being a bitch and I really don’t want to be, but I’m tired of feeling cooped up in here. And I know you two are going to be unbearable once we get home. I’m sorry,” she tells me, hanging on to my hand while she apologizes.

  “There’s nothin’ you gotta be sorry about,” I tell her, leaning in for a kiss.

  Crash and I, along with the rest of the women and men in our family, would be acting the same exact way right now. None of us like being here, and she’s been here for a few weeks. Granted she was asleep for most of that time, but she’s been up for days and ready to leave. And, she’s right about how Crash and I will be once we get home. She’s gonna get sick of us hovering over her and waiting on her.

  Stepping out of the door to her room, I almost run right into a nurse making her way in. “You here to let my girl go?” I ask, needing to know if I have to go in search still or if this nurse is answering my girls wishes.

  “Got her paperwork right here,” she tells me, continuing on into her room after giving Shadow a look.

  “Hey Renee!” I hear my girl call out, still sitting in the wheelchair I got her earlier.

  “You’re all ready to get out of here, aren’t you?” she asks, as I make my way back in the door after watching Shadow follow Renee’s movements with his eyes.

  “Yep. I was ready when I woke up. Please tell me you’re here to let me go,” my girls says, a smile gracing her face and a lightness I haven’t seen since she woke up.

  “I am. All I need is a signature here and to give you the meds you’ll need until yours are ready at the pharmacy,” Renee answers, handing the paperwork to Darcy and her meds to me.

  Renee goes over all the information that’s needed as Darcy signs a ton of papers. I listen intently along with Crash who’s made his way back in the room with us. Grace is fussing over Darcy in the chair. To say that they hit it off is an understatement. Grace has been here, in the room with our girl, every single day for at least a few hours. She spends time talking to her, laughing, telling more stories, and being a sounding board for Darcy about the baby and pregnancy. Just what we need for her.

  Darcy pulls me from my thoughts by yelling at us to get a move on. Everything is good to go, and she can leave. She’s not wasting any time getting the fuck out of here. Grace is pushing her so that Crash and I can carry everything that we haven’t already taken home. The sight that greets us as we make our way to the entrance of the hospital has tears flowing freely down our girl’s cheeks. Every single member of all three clubs are standing guard waiting for us. The women are standing front and center, smiles gracing their faces and unshed tears in their eyes at finally seeing our girl. A giant purple cast surrounds her arm and leg, the bruises and cuts are mainly gone, but you can still see them, and all the marks left behind by medical equipment that was attached to our girl.

  We make our way to the SUV followed by everyone as they help us get Darcy in and settled. Half the guys are going to ride in front of us while the SUV the girls are riding in will be behind us followed by the remaining guys on their bikes. No one is going to have a chance to get to us. Darcy is still crying, and I can’t help but feel grateful that our family is showing her their strength and support right now. She needs to see it. Especially when her first appointment with Karen is tomorrow. Thankfully, she’s coming to the house, so we don’t have to take her out.

  Darcy is settled on the couch at home. Getting her inside was easy, the fight about where she was going to relax was not. Crash and I wanted her in our bed, but she wasn’t having any of it. She wanted to be in the living room so that she could talk with her girls at one time and not have to have them sitting on one another in the bedroom. Grace finally talked some sense into us and Darcy got her way. I see this happening a lot the next few months while she’s recovering.

  “Baby, we have to leave for a while,
you gonna be good?” I ask her, bending down to kiss her and see that she doesn’t need anything before we head out.

  “I’m good,” she replies, tilting her face up for a kiss and smiling against my lips. “I’ve got more than enough people here to help me if I need it. And I know Grace is staying here for now.”

  Yeah, Crash’s mom is taking the spare room so that she’s here for the rest of Darcy’s pregnancy and to help out when we have to leave. She knows that today is a big day for us and we’re going to be gone for most of the day taking care of business and getting revenge for our girl. Grace is going to keep her mind busy if the girls have to leave for any reason. Even though it’s a day the salon should be open, we all decided that it should be closed today so everyone could spend the day with Darcy. Wilma will even be over in a little while. Grace is going to pick her up.

  Crash comes over to kiss her goodbye after putting her bags in the room and grabbing our bag with extra clothes. We’re going to need to take a shower when we’re done this afternoon. No one outside of who is in the room with us, will know what we do. Coming home in clothes covered in blood isn’t an option. They’ll be burned along with anything else involved so no one will ever be able to pin this shit on us. Spending our life behind bars isn’t part of the plan. Not when we have Darcy and a baby to look forward to spending every day with.

  Finally making our way out of the house, the guys follow us to the clubhouse. With the number of bikes riding together, it sounds like thunder is rolling through the sleepy little town of Dander Falls. The ground is shaking with the vibrations from our bikes and everyone we see along the ten-minute ride stops to stare at us. Some people run in fear of us while others stand with awe on their faces. Women with children turn them away from us while single women stand there drooling and pulling their shirts down a little more in front to entice us. Not going to happen, including the single guys. We all have one thing on our minds and that’s ending a life of someone deserving nothing but torture and pain.


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