Royal Stripper

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by Sienna Valentine

  Royal Stripper

  Sienna Valentine

  Royal Stripper

  Sienna Valentine

  Copyright © 2017 Sienna Valentine

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A Note From Sienna

  I’ve always found it amusing to imagine an implausible situation and then work backwards, trying to figure out how something like that would have come about in the first place. That’s how the idea for Royal Stripper got started.

  Besides, I figured with the times we’re living in now, no fiction I can come up with would be any stranger than our reality.

  As a special limited time bonus, I’ve included a few bonus novels at the end of this copy. So although Royal Stripper is over 65,000 words, that story will end before 100% on your device because there is plenty more steamy content to go.




  The bottle twirled in a lazy circle, scraping against the wood floor.

  I never thought my first game of Spin the Bottle would take place in a canary-yellow house in the suburbs with a doormat that read “Welcome to Our Home”.

  Lucky me.

  But for whatever reason, the evening’s honored guest had opted to let the bottle of fate choose the recipient of my first dance.

  Lucky her.

  Everyone held their breath as the bottle slowed. Then, an eruption of hoots and cheers.

  “Lap dance for Karly!” one of the women announced.

  I sized up Karly. Brunette, big eyes, big tits. Three of my favorite things.

  She caught me looking and flushed red, but I didn’t look away. In fact, I maintained eye contact with her while I approached.

  The other women skittered out of the way as I extended a hand to help the lucky winner to her feet. She accepted with a small smile.

  “I don’t normally do this kind of thing,” she said.

  They all say that.

  “Neither do I,” I winked.

  She laughed and allowed me to lead her to the dining room chair that someone had set up in the middle of the den. The other women hovered a few feet back, like some sort of invisible barrier was stopping them from getting any closer. They’d all be rushing me soon enough. The first lap dance of the night never failed to loosen even the toughest of crowds. Especially at bachelorette parties.

  Karly glanced nervously at her friends. “You guys are just going to sit and watch?”

  Her reply was a chorus of words of encouragement and jokes, which I took as my cue to begin. I’ve never been much for building suspense. Why waste time adding tension to anything when you can just rip into the meat of life?

  One click from the remote in my pocket and the stereo in the corner blared to life with a slow, bass-pounding pop song. The half-circle of women went up in cheers.

  For the next two and a half minutes, I treated Karly like she was the only girl in the room. I made love to her in that chair without having to remove a single article of her clothing.

  I couldn’t say the same about my own, though. These women were here for flesh, and I was only too happy to oblige. Within minutes the only thing I still wore was a fairly short and thin white towel around my waist. Depending on how I moved, it did little to hide what I had underneath.

  Karly’s cheeks stained with pink as she gaped at my gyrating form. Most girls get embarrassed at this point. They’re not used to engaging in such public, sexual displays. Many have never even experienced this kind of unfiltered attention from a man, even in private.

  I was on a mission to change that—one attention-starved woman at a time. I was like the Robin Hood of sexual desire, doling it out to those in need.

  I picked her up and swapped places, grinding her down against my cock. She gasped and let out a tiny, sexy moan.

  Okay, maybe my motives weren’t entirely selfless. That one was more for me.

  The dance ended with a round of enthusiastic applause and Karly giving my cock a healthy squeeze over the towel. Her eyes were dark, lips fat and parted. She wanted me and at this point she no longer seemed concerned about the rowdy circle of her friends still surrounding us. Maybe I’d find her after the party. Based on her reaction, I’d say she hadn’t had a good fuck in a while.

  Poor thing.

  But for now, I still had plenty of women that still needed attention and I was in the right kind of mood tonight to spread the love around. And although this particular party was a big enough group that the organizers had hired three strippers, I knew I’d be the star of the night. I’d worked with the other two guys before. Donny was nice enough, but he had a bad habit of coming off more creepy than sexy. And Russ… Russ did a lot of steroids. It showed.

  Those kinds of things worked better in the club scene, where they were both regulars. A stripper could make a lot more money at clubs, but I preferred to stick to private parties like this one. They were more laid back, and afforded me something a lot more important than money. Like the opportunity to slip away with some overly horny young woman for a quick screw. Like Karly. That was much tougher to do at a club.

  I started my more general dance, grinding on one girl then breezing away to focus my attention on the next. It was a good-looking crowd, which meant that the whole time I was seizing up with of these ladies I wanted most. With so many beautiful faces and wandering hands, it was hard to choose. But I had all night to decide.

  I love my job.

  “Hey stud.”

  I turned to see Karly again, drink in hand, grinning at me lasciviously. Out of the corner of my eye Veronika, ever the party-pooper, rolled her eyes. I ignored her as usual. No matter how many times I asked her to keep her feelings to herself, she never listened. Sometimes I wondered if she was doing it on purpose just to scare off whoever I did end up giving special attention to. Veronika was very good at scaring people off.

  I angled my body just a smidge more to the right so that I couldn’t see her anymore. No reason to let her grumpiness kill my vibe.

  “Hey gorgeous,” I greeted. “How are you enjoying the party?”

  “I doubt I’ll ever enjoy anything as much as I enjoyed that dance,” Karly said.

  I flashed her a sly smile. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I can change your mind about that.”

  “Your accent is so sexy.” She giggled and took a step closer, fingers coming up to my chest but hovering uncertainly above me. “Am I allowed to touch you? I’m still not sure how this works.”

  Girls like Karly often needed just a little bit of a nudge to really let loose. They were usually my favorite because once you gave them that push, they barreled down the rest of the track like a heat seeking missile.

  I brought my hand up and placed it over the back of Karly’s, pushing it onto my chest. I didn’t even mind that her fingers were a bit clammy. I was sweaty from all the dancing anyway, and if the night went as I expected, we were destined to get sweatier still.

  I pulled on her hand, dragging it lower until it brushed over my nipple, which hardened under her touch. At my subtle urging, her fingers slid even further and she gasped softly. Her eyes were locked on our hands, as if in a trance, and I used the opportunity to stare at her cleavage, imagining what it would feel like against my palms.

  When Karly’s hand landed on my cock, still hard under the towel, she released a breathy sigh.

  “You’re huge.”

  I chuckled. “I didn’t get into this business because I’m a good listener.”

  She pulled her hand away, smiling mischievously. In a blink, she had slipped it under the tow
el instead.

  So much for asking permission.

  She rubbed her palm against my shaft, working me like a pro. Despite biting her lower lip in innocence and her initial embarrassment, Karly knew exactly what she was doing.

  “What are you doing after this?” She released my cock and trailed her fingers along my inner thigh as she came out from under the towel.

  “The question is not what, but who.”

  Karly let out a high-pitched giggle that shocked me. I didn’t like the sound of it. Hopefully she didn’t do that in bed.

  Her fingers still traced along my thigh, moving back up to run lightly along my balls. I glanced around to see if anybody was watching. Not that I cared if people here noticed an impromptu hand job, as long as they weren’t videotaping it.

  But with Russ and Donny dancing at opposite ends of the room, the only people paying attention to us were a couple of women standing in the corner across from us. The tall blond sported a pixie cut and was smiling as she watched. She almost reminded me of Veronika—if Veronika knew how to have fun and ever smiled. The other girl was a shorter brunette who, despite the scowl on her face as she looked our way, was gorgeous.

  I tried to smile at her but she responded by turning away as soon as I did.

  “What are you looking at?”

  I blinked and turned back at Karly who was pouting like a child at her sudden loss of attention. I stepped back, breaking the contact she still had on my dick. For some reason I was no longer as enthusiastic about screwing her. I felt like someone had splashed cold water on my face.

  “Nothing,” I said. “It’s just that my break is over. I’ve got to go give the bride some attention.”

  “Oh. Ok, well I’ll see you later though, right?”

  I flashed a tight smile before stepping around her. “I’ll be around.”

  What the hell just happened there? Why did one dirty look throw me so far off tilt? If I couldn’t handle being on the receiving end of a disapproving glare once in a while, I was in the wrong line of work.

  Get it together, Matthias.

  I redirected my attention to the bride-to-be, making sure to give her the time of her life. She was already drunk and couldn’t keep her hands off me.

  “You’re so hot!” she slurred. “Let me get a look under this towel.”

  “Oh… This towel?”

  She was seated on the couch, my crotch basically in her face while she sipped her drink between crude comments. Her free hand was on my ass.

  “Yes!” the bride demanded. “I bet you’ve got a big dick.”

  I grabbed at the hem of the towel and gave her a brief flash. She nearly dropped her drink, but then recovered quickly as the hand squeezing my ass tightened.

  “Wow. I wish Gord had one of those in his pants. I’ve never had a cock that big.”

  And you never will.

  I never fuck brides, or even brides-to-be. It wasn’t a matter of morals—after all, it wasn’t me doing the cheating—but that I just found them distasteful. I may not be interested in marriage myself, or even long term relationships, but if you were going to make a commitment to someone, the least you could do is remain faithful.

  I turned to grind on a girl who’d snuck up behind me and used it as an opportunity to scope the corner of the room again. The dark-haired girl was still there, still sporting her judgmental glare. But for a brief moment, I was sure I also caught the barest hint of desire flit across her face. It was gone as soon as she saw me looking.

  Then it was back to straight contempt.

  I understood where that look came from. I hadn’t been stripping that long, but I already knew that judgement came with the territory. It wasn’t the first time someone disapproved of what I was doing. Hell, I got that daily from Veronika.

  But usually you didn’t catch those looks at parties like this, so maybe that was why it had initially surprised me. Right now though, the scowl no longer had me nearly as intrigued as that momentary flash of desire that she so quickly suppressed.

  Why hide desire like that at a party like this, when everyone around was feeling the same emotion?

  I was very intrigued.



  I’ve seen enough.

  “I’m going to go see what the rest of the party is like,” I announced to my roommate, Candace.

  She grabbed my arm before I could walk past her. “But we haven’t said hi to Brenda yet.”

  “I know,” I said, tugging my arm out of her grip.

  “Aren’t you having fun?”

  How to answer that?

  I chose redirection instead. “She looks like she’s busy.”

  Candace peered over my head to where the bride-to-be was pawing at a stripper. “She does look pretty occupied,” she agreed. “But could you wait just a few more minutes? If she still isn’t free, then we can go together and I can grab another drink.”

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  I glanced back over at the evening’s entertainment. There were three strippers here but two of them had disappeared into other rooms of the house to spread the party out. The one remaining here was the best looking of the bunch, though. Exotic, with olive skin, chocolate brown hair and full, sensuous mouth. He was saying something to Brenda that I couldn’t hear, but from the wicked tilt of his lip I could only imagine.

  I wasn’t the only one that noticed though. Karly sat on a couch close to the action, silently fuming that her stripper was showing attention to someone else. Served her right. She’d gotten far too personal with him, in my opinion.

  This guy was the walking stereotype of his profession, which pretty much captured every quality I generally hated in a man. So why the hell couldn’t I stop staring?

  We’d made eye contact twice now—but that was completely by accident and certainly didn’t mean anything. I definitely didn’t want him to come my way. I certainly wasn’t looking to run my hands along his tanned, muscular body like Karly had, nor was I curious to hear him whisper whatever filthy things he was saying to Brenda right now in my ear.

  I was only staring at him because I had nothing else to look at.

  Anyway, that’s what he was here for, wasn’t it? To be stared at and ogled? It’s like if there were some huge painting of two people screwing mounted on the wall, everyone would have trouble not staring at it no matter what their feelings were about pornography.

  Or any shocking picture, really. Didn’t have to be of people screwing. Why did my mind go to that image first?

  Shaking my head to clear it, I did my best to direct my attention away to something else while I waited for Brenda to get bored of all that hard flesh in her face.

  Anything else.

  Along the side wall, I found the something else I needed. Well, someone else.

  A woman stood with her back to the wall, but wasn’t leaning against it. She was stock straight, like someone had attached a metal bar along the length of her that kept her perfectly upright. She was around the same height and age as Candace, and had blonde hair that she’d pulled back into an austere bun—but unlike my friend she wasn’t flashing a ridiculous grin at everything going on in the room.

  “The beefcake is over there, what are you staring at?” Candace asked, noticing my attention wander from the star of the room.

  “Check out the scary blonde chick over there.” I nodded in her direction.

  Candace assessed the woman as she sipped her drink. “She looks rough.” She tilted her head to the side. “I like her jacket though.”

  I looked from the woman’s leather jacket to the one Candace wore over her sparkly party dress. “I think hers is actually real leather.”

  “Yeah, ‘cause she probably rides a sick chopper and does wheelies and stuff.” My friend wrinkled her nose. “Who is she?”

  “I don’t know.” I looked up at Candace, whose hazel eyes were still focused on her quasi-doppelganger. “I thought maybe you’d recognize her.”

  “I don’t thin
k she’s one of Brenda’s friends,” Candace said. “But she seems to be watching her pretty closely.”

  I turned my attention back to the bride-to-be. It was a struggle to keep my mouth from dropping open.

  “But if she’s here to keep an eye on her, she’s not doing a very good job,” she concluded.

  I agreed. Brenda practically had a face full of stripper dick. At least now it was covered by a towel—earlier, the stripper had flipped it up to give her a peek. Brenda’s reaction had reminded me of my little cousin every year on Christmas morning.

  I couldn’t believe how she was behaving. Was I supposed to tell somebody about this? What would her fiancé think? I tried not to think about it, focusing on the scary-blonde conundrum once more.

  If the woman wasn’t there to watch Brenda, then she must have been there to watch the strippers. At the moment, she was fixated on the one that had caught my eye like a laser, but there was nothing on her face that would suggest she was enjoying the show. Was she his girlfriend? Or maybe she had a crush on him or something? Why else would she be only staring at him and not trying to find the other two?

  Or maybe I was just seeing things. If her job was to watch the strippers, it was probably important to concentrate on the one that was currently getting pawed at by the drunken host.

  I meant to look away before he caught me staring again, but my eyes were far too slow at taking those particular directions from my brain. He turned around as I looked on, his gaze spearing right through me as our eyes met again. I gulped and gritted my teeth. I wouldn’t let myself be drawn in by this guy. Even if his stare did make me feel tingly in situationally inappropriate places.

  He looked away before I did this time, allowing me to exhale the breath I’d been holding and sag against the wall.

  “I think you’re next,” Candace teased.


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