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Romp Page 10

by Shelley Munro

  Fletch cursed, and she froze.

  “Do it again,” Liam whispered from her other side. “He likes a hint of pain too.”

  Taking Liam at his word, she repeated the action. Fletch groaned, thrust hard and stilled, coming so hard she felt the pulse of his cock, the splash of his seed as he climaxed. Gradually, he relaxed and he lowered his head to kiss her.

  “Thank you. That was amazing.” He pulled out of her and kissed her again.

  “Don’t I get a kiss?” Liam asked.

  Gaby gasped, but Fletch didn’t hesitate. He leaned over and kissed Liam, an unhurried meeting of lips, before pulling back with a grin.

  “It’s getting cold,” Liam said. “I’m knackered.” He stood to pull back the covers and slid beneath. “Let’s get some sleep.”

  Confusion struck Gaby over the head. They were sleeping together now? All of them? She glanced away from Liam to catch Fletch studying her reaction.

  “Spend the night with us, Gaby.”

  “It’s early.”

  “So? Liam and I had a hard day.”

  “I’ll just clean up.” Gaby scuttled from the bed as if monsters chased her. Good analogy. She felt as if something large and scary dogged her heels. The haunting started the first night when she’d trespassed into lover territory. In the bathroom, she cleaned up and used a cream to wipe away her makeup.

  Ten minutes later, she dithered in the passage outside Fletch’s bedroom. She peeked around the corner and saw the two men under the covers, lying so close she knew they must be touching. She started to walk past then retreated and marched into Fletch’s room.

  Liam opened one eye to peer blearily at her. “Coming in?”

  “Yeah.” She slipped under the covers and cuddled against Liam’s warm body. It didn’t feel wrong or weird or anything else except perfect. Gaby went to sleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Nine

  A few days later

  Gaby stared into her morning cup of coffee. She was dressed, ready to go to work, yet she continued to sit at the breakfast table, stalling.

  Liam put a hand on her arm and squeezed lightly. “A penny for them.”

  “Don’t forget to account for inflation and the two and a half percent hike in GST,” Fletch said. “I bid a dollar.”

  “The board meeting to give the go-ahead for my designs is this morning. I’m…” She trailed off with a shrug, not wanting to admit her nerves.

  “You’re worried,” Liam said.

  Her spine hit the back of the chair. “I’m not.” But she was because she’d poured her heart and soul into this design, taken a chance to approach Alice and James to get the go-ahead for testing.

  “Don’t you think Liam and I get nervous when we put in our building tenders and wait for the result? Of course we do. It’s natural after you put so much into a project.”

  “Your vibrator design is top-notch, Gaby. Fancy Free is lucky to have you working for them,” Liam added his words of support to Fletch’s. “You’re gonna kick butt today.” He stood. “It’s time for you to go.”

  Doubt demons whispered in Gaby’s ears. She wasn’t as sure of the outcome, but Liam was right. She needed to go because she was already late. She stood and reached for her briefcase and her car keys.

  “Wait,” Liam said, grasping her shoulder and tugging her to face him. “You need a good-luck kiss.” He glanced at Fletch. “Two should do the trick.”

  Before she could move, he lowered his head and claimed her lips. It wasn’t the quick brush of lips she expected. Her mouth parted and their lips and tongues did the mambo. When they finally parted, they were both breathing heavily.

  “My turn,” Fletch said.

  His kiss was just as passionate—the kiss of a lover. He pulled away and shunted her gently toward the door. “Good luck.”

  “Break a leg,” Liam added.

  In a daze, Gaby stumbled out to her car, warm and tingly thoughts rioting through her mind and echoing in her body. No one had ever wished her luck like that. Fletch and Liam believed in her, and it was heady stuff.

  When Gaby walked into the boardroom, everyone was already present and they’d been there for a while. The empty cake plate bore witness to the fact.

  “You couldn’t have saved me a piece of cake?” She wet her finger and tapped a crumb before lifting it to her mouth. “Coffee cake. My favorite.”

  “You shouldn’t have slept late.” Richard popped the last bite into his mouth without a hint of apology.

  “Leave the girl alone,” Alice said as Gaby slipped onto a seat between her and Richard. “She’s innovative. An absolute genius at design.”

  Pleasure surged through Gaby and for a change it wasn’t sexual. “Do you have a favorite?”

  “The vibrator that fits with the music player. It’s amazing the way the vibrations vary with the music. I tried it alone and with James. Women will kill to own one of these.”

  Her grandmother’s knitting needles paused mid-row. “She has dollar signs in her eyes.”

  “Which did you prefer?” Alice asked.

  “The same one as you.” Her grandmother leaned closer to whisper, “The orgasms were spectacular.”

  Gaby laughed and tried not to picture her grandparents in bed. “Good to hear.”

  James rushed in to join them. “Sorry about the wait. I had to take a phone call. All right. Preliminary findings. Gaby?”

  Gaby rose, not needing to refer to the notes she’d brought with her. She’d glanced through the reports from the professional testers Fancy Free hired on arrival at work. So far, everyone was overwhelmingly in favor of the vibrator, although the musical butt plug was also popular. “Most of our testers have positive feedback about the vibrator and everyone liked the musical attachment. There have also been positive comments about the butt plugs as well. Does anyone have any questions or comments about any of the products?”

  “I think we have a winner,” Alice said. “I liked the vibrator because I could vary the sensations by using different attachments. It’s fun having something available to fit my mood, be it fast and furious or slow and leisurely.”

  Katarina nodded emphatically. “I thought they’d feel awkward, but I liked the materials you used to make them. I found the attachments easy to change.”

  “They weren’t too fiddly for my old hands,” Ben added.

  “This is what we should do,” Alice said. “Market the vibrator with a basic attachment and offer the other attachments as extras. Maybe run a special for a limited time—two attachments for the price of one. The musical butt plug also impressed me. Maybe we could save that for a promotion for Valentine’s day, repeating the vibrator and including the butt plug for those who are more adventurous.”

  “Brilliant,” Gran said, turning her knitting around to start another row.

  “You’ve got yourself a clever wife there, James.”

  “I know.” James’s voice sounded smug and proud, and Gaby suffered a twinge of envy until she recalled the kisses she’d received from Liam and Fletch this morning. They’d told her she had no worries and would kick butt. They’d sent her off to work feeling positive about her abilities. In the past, the only people to encourage her in that manner were her father and grandparents. With Marc, there’d always been an unspoken rivalry.

  James glanced at each of those present at the meeting. “Does everyone agree with Alice? And do we need to tweak the product to improve it?”

  “Can we do a deal with a music company to give the product extra value?” Richard asked.

  “Excellent idea,” Alice said. “I’ll get right on research for that.”

  Gaby almost laughed out loud at the chagrined expressions from the rest of the elderly board members. They were a competitive lot and liked to come up with useable ideas.

  Katarina brightened visibly. “Group the songs in packages. One for romantic. One for rough and ready. One for fast and furious. That sort of thing.”

  Alice scribbled another not

  “Fast and furious?” Ben asked in an incredulous tone. “What’s that song about a slow hand?”

  Sam dragged his fingers through his sparse hair, appearing perplexed. “Yeah, I thought you women liked to get revved up. Leastways that’s what my wife told me.”

  “Haven’t you ever done it up against a door?” Richard asked.

  James and Alice exchanged a grin.

  “Details,” Gaby said promptly.

  “I’ll tell you personal details about my love life when you tell me about yours,” Richard replied, the glint of challenge in his eyes. He had her there.

  “I’ve done it on a beach,” Gran said. “Sand gets in your hoo-ha. So much sand I was still finding the stuff in the shower a week later.”

  Gaby spluttered, imagining the scenario all too well.

  “You had sex in a public place?” Sam asked the question.

  Gran paused mid-row. “I don’t like bedroom antics to get stale.”

  “You should try it on a spaceship,” Richard muttered under his breath.

  A spaceship? Gaby frowned, but none of the others had heard him. Surely, he was joking?

  Sam turned to Gaby in open curiosity. “What do you young people do?”

  “Yeah,” Katarina said. “Is there some place we should try to keep up with the fashion?”

  Gaby did a credible fish impression while trying to think of a suitable reply. None of the elderly board members interrupted. Instead they waited for her to speak. “What’s wrong with a bed?” she asked finally. A nice soft bed worked for her, especially if there were two men stretched between the sheets. The longer they stared, the greater the heat suffusing her cheeks.

  “She’s blushing,” James said.

  Which, of course, made her blush worse. Another first.

  “Do you have a secret?” Gran asked, her tone verging on sly.

  “No, of course not.”

  “The swimming hole is a good spot,” Alice said, thankfully taking the heat off her. “The bed and breakfast,” she added with a wink at James.

  “Outside, under the stars is good if it’s a warm summer night. My arthritis starts playing up if it’s too cold,” Ben said.

  “Anyone joined the Mile High Club?” Distraction. Her grandmother was still staring at her, looking as if she wanted to ask questions and provide more discussion for everyone.

  “Yes,” Richard said.

  “As much as this conversation is fascinating, does Gaby need to change anything on the design?” James broke in before the oldies could add more input.

  “No,” Gran said instantly.

  “It’s perfect,” Alice said.

  “The instructions were clear.” Ben set down his coffee mug. “But we should tart them up a bit and add some sexy tips to romance your partner.”

  “Perfect,” Alice agreed. “Excellent suggestion. James and I can work on that.”

  “Any other questions or concerns?” James asked.

  Gaby held her breath, excitement fizzing inside her like a glass of expensive champagne.

  “Does anyone want to suggest a final color?” Alice asked.

  “Christmas colors,” Katarina said firmly. “Red, green and maybe some stylish gold writing. We could package them in gold boxes with red and green ribbons.”

  “We don’t want them to look too gimmicky,” Gaby protested. The last thing she wanted was for her product to fail because people hated the colors.

  “Don’t worry,” Alice said. “I have just the right color palette in mind. Come with me after the meeting and I’ll show you.”

  “Good,” James said. “I think we’re done here.”

  Gaby followed Alice from the boardroom as the oldies burst into chatter. Gran’s loud voice followed her down the passage, demanding to hear details about the Mile High Club because she wanted to join too.

  Alice giggled. “You’re lucky to have such a progressive grandmother.”

  “She has her moments,” Gaby said. “My mother isn’t quite as supportive of my career choice.”

  Alice took her arm and towed Gaby into her office. “Don’t worry about their opinions. You have friends here. My parents don’t tell their friends about my occupation and James’ mother and sister are plain horrid about Fancy Free.”

  Gaby sighed. “I know the feeling. My mother and sister give me a hard time.”

  “Don’t listen to them. Your designs make a lot of people—both men and women—happy. And we couldn’t do without you. You’re an integral part of our team.”

  In her office, Alice unlocked a cupboard and pulled out a storyboard along with color swatches. “James and I were so pleased and excited by the product we spent the weekend brainstorming marketing ideas and colors.”

  Pleasure suffused Gaby. They’d liked her designs and hadn’t waited for the board to confirm the project. She ran her gaze over the storyboard.

  Christmas is Coming, the title screamed.

  The board contained her instructions on how to use the different attachments plus tips on making Christmas a romantic holiday. Gaby’s throat tightened and her eyes misted over. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  “You’ve put a lot of work into this. Our advertising team couldn’t do better.”

  Alice beamed. “We’re thrilled with the design, and we’re proud of you.” She pulled a box out of the cupboard and handed it to Gaby. “This is something small to let you know how much we appreciate the work you put into this design. We realize you worked a lot of unpaid hours on this design, which is why we intend to give you a large Christmas bonus. This design is a winner, and I don’t know how you’re going to top your vibrator.”

  Five minutes later, Gaby left Alice’s office in a daze, the gift-wrapped box clutched in her right hand.

  Down in the lab she shared with Marc, she settled at her desk and opened one end of the parcel Alice had given her. Champagne. The good French stuff. She knew just the two men to help her celebrate. Smiling, she set the package aside and checked her emails before plunging into work on a new ultrathin condom design. Alice and James wanted something strong and even thinner than their current best seller. She stood to grab a lab coat off the hook by her desk. She shrugged into it, fastening several buttons to keep the coat from flapping open.

  She walked over to her testing station and made a halfhearted attempt to start. Unable to settle, she returned to her desk and picked up her cell phone to ring Fletch.

  “Gaby? Something wrong?” Fletch asked.

  Gaby heard Liam’s voice in the background. “No, nothing wrong. They liked my design for the vibrator. It’s going into production for the Christmas market.”

  He let out a celebratory shout. “Awesome, sweetheart. Not that I’m surprised.”

  Liam said something else and Fletch told him her news.


  Liam had taken possession of the phone. “We’re taking you out to dinner tonight. We’ll go somewhere special.”

  Gaby grinned. “Sounds great.”

  “And we’ll have a private celebration,” Fletch said loudly in the background.

  “Count on it,” Liam added.

  They said their goodbyes and Gaby hung up with the promise of a fun, sexy evening shimmering in front of her.

  Marc sauntered into the lab. “Gaby, I have a prototype for a new condom. Do you have time to test it with me?” He waggled his brows up and down in a suggestive manner. “Can I get into your pants?”

  Gaby didn’t take time to consider her answer. “You’ll have to ask one of the test team to help you.” Surprise—no, shock—filled her as she uttered the words. A week ago she’d thought she’d loved Marc, and now she wasn’t blind to his faults. The man was obsessed with his work. He lived and breathed his designs.

  While she loved her job, she wanted a personal life too.

  “Damn, is it your time of the month?”

  Gaby’s eyes widened. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

never said no before, not unless you had your period and didn’t feel like sex. What am I meant to think?”

  Great, now he sounded indignant. And, if she was fair, she did hold a portion of the blame. “I’m sorry. It doesn’t feel right having sex with you now that I’m with someone else, not even work-related sex for testing condoms.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” His top lip curled. “Selfish, I know, but it was always fun with you.”

  She listened to herself speak, even heard Marc’s smiling reply and registered the wry twist of lips. But at the same time, her mind roared at her. She’d been sleeping with Fletch and Liam for around a week. Somewhere along the way, she’d decided to keep them.

  They’d agreed to help her test her designs.

  That was all.

  Neither of them had hinted anything more could come of their agreement.

  “I’d better get to work on this design or Alice and James will sack me.”

  “Sure thing.” With a wave, Marc wandered from the lab, his white lab coat flapping around his legs.

  Gaby’s mind returned to the successful board meeting. With the testing completed, she didn’t need Fletch and Liam to help her any longer. Goal achieved, so why had the fizz seeped out of her happy mood?

  Chapter Ten

  Liam’s cell phone vibrated and he paused his hammering to check the screen. Rachel. Again.

  “Problem?” Fletch asked.

  “Rachel is ringing me again.”

  “Didn’t you ring her back the other day?”

  “Someone distracted me,” Liam said drily, part of him surprised he could actually talk about sex with his friend without stammering. Mindful of a couple of their workers within earshot, he didn’t add anything else.


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