Tangled Hearts (Passion in Paradise)

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Tangled Hearts (Passion in Paradise) Page 21

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Nipping her chin with is teeth, Cal smiled. “Yeah, baby. I’ll give you a little more,” he murmured, before dipping his head and darting his tongue out to flick her juicy little clit.

  “Oh, God!” she screamed beneath him, her body arching off the stone seat to meet the lash of his tongue. “More, Cal! Fuck, give me more!”

  “Greedy little minx,” he muttered cheerfully against the folds of her wet pussy even as he licked at her delicious flesh, coating his tongue with her tangy flavor. Humming hungrily against her clit, he tightened his hands on her quivering thighs as the vibrations drove her into an insane frenzy. Alternately tonguing and fucking her tight pussy with his fingers, he could feel her body beginning to approach orgasm. Her pussy constricted around his tongue as her essence grew thicker, slicker on his hungry tongue. “Let me have it, baby,” he growled, lifting his head to stare down at her, his chin dripping with her juices. “You’re gonna come all over my fingers, you hear me, Melody? You’re gonna do it for me right. Fuckin’. Now, baby,” he ordered on a growl as he shoved three fingers inside her and curled them just right, pulling a ragged, harsh scream from her throat as her body convulsed for him. Fuck, he felt like a maestro who’d just finished playing a symphony only Melody’s body had been his instrument.

  “Fuck, that’s beautiful,” he breathed while he watched her body arch toward him, the muscles in her legs flexing and releasing. Unable to wait any longer, he jerked his fingers out of her slippery heat and quickly surged to his feet, lifting her quaking body in his arms and moving them until he had her still trembling body held against the shower wall. The hot water beat a staccato rhythm against his back as her arms lifted to loop around his neck and her dazed eyes connected with his. “Gonna fuck you now, Sweetness. Can’t wait another fuckin’ second to make you completely mine,” he muttered against her lips before thrusting his tongue in her mouth and his hard cock into her still convulsing pussy.

  Her tight sheath enveloped his length, pulling his cock deep into the sultry heat of her pussy, and Cal knew, beyond any doubt, that he’d die a happy fucking man if he died right now. Dear God, he’d never felt ANYTHING as incredible as her body surrounding him, his cock planted deep in her pussy as her legs and arms wrapped him up tight. It was without a single doubt the best moment of his life so far. “Melody,” Cal breathed into her mouth. “God, my Melody, feel how much I want you…how much I fuckin’ crave you,” he groaned, rocking his hips as he began to fuck her with smooth, fluid lunges of his hips.

  “Yes!” Melody managed to gasp as his lips crashed into hers again, robbing her of the ability to think.

  Cal wanted to make this moment last a lifetime, but his body overruled him as his balls began to tighten and pleasure spiked up his spine. “Love the way you feel against me… your arms and pussy gripping me tight,” he rasped against her ear. “Your sweet, sexy body is gonna carry me straight to Heaven, baby, but I’m gonna need you to go first,” he ordered against her sweaty neck as he slid a hand between them to stroke that sensitive cluster of nerves at the apex of her pussy. “Need you to cum for me, baby. Use that incredible pussy to milk me. Make my body sing a beautiful Melody, baby,” he growled, fucking her harder as her legs tightened around his hips and her needy moans heightened.

  Cal threw his head back as Melody came all over his cock, her nails burying in his shoulders as her cries of completion echoed inside the shower. Giving himself permission to seek his own release, his body hammered against hers with short, jerky jabs of his hips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he growled, grimacing as a wave of white hot pleasure descended over him, whiting out his vision as he buried his dick deep inside her. “God, yes!” he growled as he began to cum inside her, filling her with long jets of his milky essence. Wave after wave of bliss assaulted him as fireworks exploded behind his closed eyes as his cock detonated inside her body. Slowly coming down from the incredible high, his lips found hers again, kissing her gently as his heartbeat began to return to normal.

  “God, that was amazing,” he heard Melody mumble against his neck when her head dropped tiredly to his shoulder.

  “Remember, babe, my name is Callum, but I can see why you’d confuse me with the Almighty right now,” he teased her gently, dropping a kiss to her smiling lips. “But, you’re right. That was amazing. Fuck, sweetheart, let’s be honest with each other. That went light years beyond amazing. I don’t think there’s a word for what just happened between us, Melody,” he offered huskily, carefully putting her back on her feet while he kept his arms around her in case she was unsteady. God knows that he still felt like the world had tilted on its axis after experiencing nirvana in her arms.

  Waiting until he knew that she was able to keep her balance, he lifted one hand from her hip to tilt her chin back so that he could capture her eyes with his. “Okay, Princess, this is the part where you assure me that you’re okay with what just happened between us and that you’re not having second thoughts about us,” he instructed her with a serious voice, praying to whatever God was listening that she wasn’t having any doubts after what they’d just shared. He knew it would sound trite to most people, but for a second there, he’d thought he’d heard angels singing when he’d been inside her. The moment had been that perfect, and it was a memory he instinctively knew would go to the grave with him. He didn’t want it tainted now by any qualms or reservations on her part.

  Canting her head to the side as her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned, Melody shook her head. “Wouldn’t it be kind of pointless to start whining about a bunch of worries now? The deed is done. The horse has already escaped the barn. The hen flew the coop. The cow has wandered out of that particular pasture…”

  Slapping a hand over her moving mouth, Cal fought a chuckle. “Mel, baby, if you don’t stop making barnyard references, I’m gonna start to think you’ve got some kind of weird farm fetish goin’ on.” Met with Melody’s scathing look of contempt, he didn’t even bother holding back his laughter.

  Snatching his hand away from her mouth, Melody shoved at Cal’s chest before stepping around him and sliding open the shower door. Snatching a thick bath towel off the heated rack, she turned to offer him a coquettish smile as she announced in a sugary voice, “Just for that smartass remark, you should know that it’s gonna be a real long time before I consider allowing your monster snake to slither back through my secret garden again.”

  Watching her firm, perky ass flounce away from him, Cal’s smile widened while the head of his snake bobbed its head with renewed interest. His woman was a handful and a half without a doubt, but totally worth the effort, he thought silently as he watched her glistening body disappear into the bedroom. Keeping up with her would be a hell of a lot of work, but he intuitively recognized that life with her would be anything but boring. He just hoped he could keep her from taking a machete to his snake the next time he pissed her off.

  Not that it mattered… he was hooked on her, their hearts irrevocably tangled together.

  And may God help any asshole who ever tried to screw with that.

  And on that grim thought, he stepped out of the shower and reached for his own towel, his mind already on the best route his snake should take the next time it took a trip through her very appealing and much beloved secret garden.

  Incidentally, Cal was proud to report the next morning that it had only taken his monster snake a half hour to unlock the gates to the garden and enter Paradise.

  Chapter Eighteen: When Cupid Draws Back His Bow… Stop. Drop! And Roll the Hell AWAY!

  It was official.

  Like officially OH-fficial.

  Like put a stamp AND seal on it – official.

  Melody Reardon wanted to throat punch whatever idiot had proclaimed that love was grand.

  Because love WASN’T grand. Not by a freaking longshot. Not even close to the neighborhood of grand.

  In short, love SUCKED big hairy, sweaty, stinky monkey balls.

  The End.

  Blowing out a frustrat
ed breath as she continued glaring across the counter at her nemesis/lover, she realized that if she ever got her hands on Cupid’s prized bow, she was gonna shoot that fat little craphead in the eye with an arrow!

  “Glare at me all you want, Melody, it’s not happening,” Cal stated, breaking the ocean of silence that had stretched between them.

  “Give me one good reason, Callum. One!” Melody argued, her hands fisting at her sides as she stared at him sitting calmly across the counter from her.

  “You know what? I’m a generous guy, Mel. I’ll give you two reasons,” Cal retorted, his jaw clenching as he bit off his words. “One, it’s dangerous. And two, I don’t trust him. There! Two reasons, Princess.”

  Melody hung her head and prayed for either the mental fortitude it would take to survive loving Callum Valentine or for the strength it would take to pick up the chair she was sitting on and high five her pain-in-the-ass boyfriend in the face with it! “Cal,” she began, striving for patience, “First, it’s not dangerous; it’s dinner. And second, you don’t have to trust him; I do! If I judged every job applicant on whether you trusted them, we’d need to mark off every male that applied. Face it, Cal, you mistrust every person who walks through that door that happens to have been born with a penis instead of a vagina between their legs. Austin Jackson is, by far, the most qualified applicant we’ve had that’s willing to work for what I’m able to pay. We are now two weeks from opening day and I’ve hired everyone EXCEPT a night manager. This has to be done soon. Soon, as in should-have-done-it-yesterday soon. Now, Austin is willing to meet tonight for dinner at the café to discuss what his job would entail, and I’m going! Alone!!” Melody shouted as the glass door to her soon-to-launch shop opened and a pair of women stepped into the building.

  “Fine!” Cal barked, oblivious to their audience as his eyes flashed angrily at her. “Since my opinion on this obviously isn’t being solicited, I think I’ll just take a walk over to that building Abel was mentioning at the café this morning and take a look. Unlike you, I would like your input so if I like it, I’ll give you a call to come take a look.”

  “Callum, you know I want your advice on things, but you refuse to keep an open mind about a man working closely with me,” Melody claimed tiredly.

  “Would you like it if I hired a gym full of women to work with me?” he asked sharply.

  “Cal, that’s different.” Melody shook her head as she nodded slightly toward where Harmony and Honor McKinnon stood patiently off to the side of them, watching her drama unfold with Cal.,

  “How?” Cal questioned sharply. “Tell me,” he invited, “How the hell is it any different?”

  “You’re going to be running a gym where all manner of people, customers and employees alike, will run around half naked, exercising. I’m opening a freakin’ bookstore. Believe me, if ANY of my employees show up half naked, I’m firing ‘em!”

  Melody watched Cal purse his lips – a sure sign that he was stumped for a way to argue himself out of the corner he was currently in. “Honey, please, just let me go sit down and talk to him. If he gives me the creeps in any way, I’ll pass on him. Okay? You’ve got to trust me to know what’s good for my own business, Callum.”

  Cal’s shoulders sagged in defeat because he knew he’d lost this round with her. “Fine,” he muttered, turning slightly and catching sight of two of the McKinnon sisters. Smiling tightly at them, he shot Melody a glare. “You could have mentioned we had company,” he growled under his breath.

  “You could have not done your impression of a braying jackass, too,” Melody declared reasonably. “It seems we’re both disappointed today.”

  “Funny,” Cal sneered, taking the two steps it took to bring him back to the counter and leaning over to wrap a hand around her neck and pull her to him. “Be good, Princess. I’ll call in a bit,” he said before kissing her soundly. Releasing her with a wink, he nodded again toward the ladies before making a hasty departure.

  Meeting Harmony’s eyes as the door closed behind him, Melody let loose a squeal of pure, unadulterated frustration.

  “Oh, I know that sound. I’ve made it so much in the last month that I’d recognize it in my sleep,” Honor murmured, “That’s the sound of a woman on the edge.”

  “The very edge,” Melody clarified through her grinding teeth. “How is it possible to both love and dislike someone so much?”

  “Trouble in Paradise?” Harmony murmured with a cheeky grin.

  “Let’s just say that I’ve got some valuable advice for any woman stupid enough to still be dreaming about finding lasting love with a soul mate,” Melody returned cynically.

  “What’s that?” Honor asked with a faint smile.

  “I’d tell them that when Cupid draws back his bow and takes aim at them, they should make like they’re on fire. You know… Stop. Drop! And roll the hell AWAY!”

  Harmony and Honor both giggled at the vivid picture Melody painted for them.

  “I’m definitely in agreement with you,” Honor stated firmly when she could speak through her laughter. “Love is definitely an emotion that’s highly overrated, in my opinion.”

  “You only say that because you’re determined to avoid what you feel for a certain sexy lawman,” Harmony teased, elbowing her little sister playfully.

  “I’m saying that because love inevitably complicates what could be an otherwise wonderful relationship,” Honor retorted with a hard look at her elder sister. “Not all of us are looking for matrimonial bliss, Harm…some of us just want peace from overbearing would-be protectors.”

  “Preach it, sister,” Melody muttered, bobbing her head in agreement. Cal still insisted on being with her most of the time. Yes, those pesky untraceable phone calls had continued until she’d gotten a new phone a week ago, and she still felt like someone was watching her at times, but honestly, she thought that was more because of Cal’s constant worrying than because someone was actually stalking her. All in all, other than those annoying hang-up phone calls, things had been quiet for her since Christmas.

  Well, mostly quiet. Almost entirely quiet. So close to completely quiet, that the one little bit of noise there’d been had been absolutely negligible.

  Yeah, she knew she was lying. Sue her. If Cal had learned what happened, she’d never be given a second’s peace or tranquility again.

  Besides, a single note hardly qualified for red alert status, did it? So, she had received that one stupid note under her windshield wipers late last month… she was choosing to believe that was a case of mistaken identity. Honestly, the missive hadn’t even counted as a note, per se. It had been more of a quickly jotted message. A cryptic message, that’s true. But a message, nonetheless. Strangely, it had only held four little, seemingly harmless words.

  I’m still watching you.

  “Melody!” she finally heard Harmony yell loudly.

  “Sorry,” Melody apologized quickly, blinking the fog from her eyes. “I just drifted away there for a sec, ladies.”

  “What you did was turn white as a sheet,” Honor chided, her keen eyes skating over Melody’s face as she shot Harmony a worried frown. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  And because Melody badly needed to confide in someone she could trust not to overreact, she shared about the note and phone calls with the McKinnon sisters. Both women listened closely, often exchanging concerned looks with each other as she explained what had been happening since she’d moved to Paradise, finally ending her story with, “So, now you know it all…what do y’all think? Am I just being a nervous Nellie?”

  “No!” Both sisters proclaimed in unison.

  “Look, Melody, I get it. You don’t want to trip Cal’s crazy switch by telling him about this stuff, but you gotta know, if something happens to you, he’s gonna lose his mind!”

  “She’s right,” Honor agreed with a slow nod. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Melody. It’s like the sun rises and sets on you for him. It’s true; he’s gonna be furious that someb
ody is threatening you, but he’s definitely gonna be more furious if something happens and he’s been kept in the dark that there was a potential threat.”

  “Y’all don’t understand. Cal is just now starting to relax and allow me a little freedom. If he believes Brad is starting his crap again, he’ll kill him,” Melody fretted, rubbing the back of her tense neck.

  “That’s true,” Harmony murmured. “When Jake was talking to Cal last month at the diner about the way things were with Brad, he said then that Cal wouldn’t have a problem snapping that asshole’s neck if he felt like you were in danger from him.”

  “Zeke told me the same after what happened at Christmas with you eatin’ that poisoned cookie,” Honor added softly.

  “Not poisoned exactly…just poison to me,” Melody explained unhappily, groaning as she buried her face in her hands. “What the heck do I do?” she moaned.

  “I could talk to Zeke about it,” Honor offered mildly. “See what he advises.”

  “It’ll be easy enough for her to do since the Sheriff is livin’ with her now,” Harmony added playfully.

  Melody’s head jerked upright at that news, her eyes wide as they met Honor’s. “What?!”

  “He’s not livin’ with me,” Honor returned with a growl. “He’s just stayin’ with me for the moment.”

  “Same difference,” Harmony sang, leaning against the counter and dropping her chin in her hand. “He’s under the same roof as you.”

  “How did this happen?” Melody asked eagerly, almost bouncing with excitement. Everybody in town knew that Zeke was in love with Honor – even if Honor refused to believe it. The fact that he’d managed to convince her to let him stay with her in her home was HUGE!

  “I don’t know,” Honor huffed. “He showed up at the house Christmas morning mad as a wet hen ‘cause I’d slipped off from Patience’s house by myself to fix Christmas dinner. Before I knew it, he’d weaseled his way under my roof by bellyachin’ about how somebody had deliberately cut my brake lines and how I was in danger. Again. Like that’s something new. Truth is, I was bullied and bulldozed into submission, blast it! That blame man might as well have driven a tractor right on over me.”


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