Explosion of Love (The Armstrongs Book 6)

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Explosion of Love (The Armstrongs Book 6) Page 4

by Gray, Jessica

  Grant had difficulty hiding his grin from her. Samantha was loyal to a fault, as long as loyalty was deserved. Samantha might have forgiven Craig a lot, but not this betrayal. She’s never going to forgive him this.

  “It fell like scales from my eyes – he’d been lying all the time. Big things. Small things. The more I reflected, the more I didn’t know what was truth or fiction. This incident was the final straw that broke the camel’s back, and I broke up with him. Permanently.”

  Grant was so proud of her, and yet he could hear the hurt she was trying to hide. He pulled her into his arms and ran a hand down her wet hair. Her nearness made his senses spin and he realized that his feelings for her hadn’t diminished at all during her time away in New York.

  No, the attraction had grown stronger. She had been a cute teenager, but now she’d grown up into an alluring woman. The most beautiful of all women.

  Before he could act upon his attraction, she shoved her way out of his arms. She kept her eyes lowered, slipping back into the lake, and called over her shoulder, “Beat you back to the beach!”

  Whew! That was close! Keep it together, buddy! She’s your best friend, not a random woman to seduce.

  Grant followed her, soon overtaking her shorter strokes. He stopped when his feet found purchase on the lake bottom, and waited for her to come closer. Reaching out, he snagged her around the waist and pulled her close to his chest. She struggled briefly but then relaxed against him, her body making contact with his own from shoulder to knees.

  Samantha’s feet didn’t reach the bottom yet, so she had hold of his shoulders and he playfully threatened to dunk her. “Thought you’d pull a fast one, huh?”

  “Like it mattered. You still beat me and I had a head start!” She laughed when he tried to push her body away to toss her into the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her body into even closer contact with his own.

  Her chest pressed against his. Her thighs wrapped around his hips, sparking all kinds of thoughts of what they might do in such a position. The tension between them ratcheted up another notch and he looked at her with an odd expression on his face. “Sammie, you’re playing with fire here.”

  She gave him a sultry look and answered, “And here I thought you were an expert with explosives.”

  Grant responded to the invitation in her voice and flashed her a cocky grin before telling her, “Try me.” The grin he gave her was pure sin and sex, all rolled into one naughty, flirty, panty-melting smile.

  He brushed her lips with his own, groaning when she parted her lips and allowed him unfettered access to her mouth. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips, tasting her sweetness and sending a bevy of tingles across his body.

  Even in the cold water, his entire body heated up, pertinent parts hardening as they urged him to take the next step. When she pressed herself against him again, he knew she had to feel the bulge beneath his swimsuit, telling her just how much he desired her. Grant had been struggling to hide his attraction to her for so many years that he didn’t care anymore. He kissed her with a hunger that belied his outward calm.

  He maintained his balance, kissing her until they were both gasping for breath before he let go of her and locked onto her eyes with his. “I’ve wanted to do that for so many years.”

  Samantha pushed out of his arms, muttering, “I’m sorry.” She hurried to swim the remaining distance to the beach, sloshing through the water once her feet could touch the bottom, leaving an utterly confused Grant watching her retreat.

  Grant stood in the water, watching her swim away from him. He didn’t call out after her. It wouldn’t do any good anyway. He needed to have a clear head the next time he talked to Sam.

  His brain was in tumult because he hadn’t planned on kissing her. Sure, he’d wanted to for ages, but he’d not willingly chosen to act on that. When she’d slipped off the platform, he’d been thankful because she’d saved him from doing something like kissing her.

  But when she’d clung to him in the water, and then pressed her luscious body up against his own, what he’d intended to do had disappeared. I kissed Sammie. And it was even better than in my dreams.

  No, he wasn’t sorry. It had been the best kiss of his entire life, and damned if he would apologize for it. Besides, if her reaction had been anything to go by, she’d liked it too. Maybe all hope is not lost!

  He thought about following her and trying to talk this out, but didn’t. That lady was stubborn. Very stubborn. Grant sighed and then slowly made his way back to the beach. I’ll give her some time and then we can discuss what just happened. Calm and rational.

  He left the water, dried himself off, and headed back to the house. Plenty of repairs still needed doing, and he busied himself with work. Like he’d done for the past years, whenever the desire for her threatened to overwhelm him.

  The unspoken code of his friendship with two of her six brothers, Patrick and Ryan, had kept him from acting on his attraction for her when they were younger. Her brothers would never have approved of him starting something up with her. And he sure didn’t want to fight all six of the Armstrong boys. Samantha was as off-limits for him as a girl could be.

  He grinned. She was old enough to make her own decisions now. Still, his stomach clenched tight, as he remembered her brother Patrick’s warnings. Man, I like you a lot, but if you ever put your hands on my little sister, you’re dead.

  Samantha didn’t emerge from her bedroom again, but Grant didn’t worry. She’ll come around. She always does. And truth be told, he was actually glad she was staying away right now. He needed time to process his thoughts as well. Things have changed. We can’t go back to being friends.

  He decided to start on the repairs to the outside of the house, dragged his saw from the bed of the truck and set it up in the yard behind the house. Then he unloaded the lumber and with a tape measure in hand and a pencil tucked periodically behind his ear, he began the arduous task of removing the rotten siding boards and replacing them with new ones. Hard physical work always helped to straighten out his thoughts and emotions. It wouldn’t be any different today.

  Chapter 8

  Samantha was hiding in her room. Kissing Grant had been the most fantastic experience in her life. The emotions his kiss had evoked had set her entire body on fire, shutting down her brain in the process.

  But thankfully as quickly as her brain had shut off, it had jump-started and she’d realized how dangerous their kiss had been. God, this has got to be the biggest mistake of my life! Kissing Grant? What on earth was I thinking? Not only have I lost my career, but now I’ve probably gone and lost my best friend too. Girl, you are on a roll this week. What else can you mess up? There’s got to be a way to fix this

  Her usual fix for emotional turmoil was going shopping. She walked into town with the intention of picking up a new pair of beach sandals, or maybe a shirt. But every place in town carried memories of her and Grant. Eating ice cream. Hiding from their siblings. Playing cops and robbers. She needed to get away from him and those memories.

  On a whim she called a taxi into the next town, Ashton ,a few miles up north. It was a rich man’s playground and most of the shops carried exclusive names and brands. She wandered around the small town’s shops, and when she saw that La Pavoni Professional espresso maker in the window, she just had to buy it for him. It cost her a bundle, but she didn’t care. Seeing the look on his face would be worth every penny. He loves that machine so much, and he needs one here as well. At least I can show my appreciation for him with this gift.

  That purchase led to buying dishes, and then cooking utensils, pots and pans, glasses, and an assortment of accessories. She’d not planned to outfit an entire kitchen, but that was exactly what she did. Then she passed the grocery store and stopped to pick up some essentials.

  She was lucky enough to spy another taxi as she readied herself to leave the store with ten shopping bags in her arms. The nice gentleman helped her load up her purchas
es and then drove her back to Sandy Beach without batting an eye.

  Grant would be working hard the entire day, and knowing him, he would never think to go shopping for dishes, or pots and pans. Or food. Those types of things just weren’t on his radar.

  She wasn’t the greatest cook in the world, but she liked doing it once in a while. Grant absolutely hates to cook. Funny, I know basically everything about him. Maybe even more than he knows about himself.

  Like the fact that working with dynamite all day was perfect for him, even when everyone else had thought it not only strange, but a little crazy.

  She’d been the one to advise him against going for the big money blasting rocks for a mining company in Alaska. Grant was not a person cut out to live a life of solitude. Not like her brother Patrick, who actually thrived on being away from people and society. He’d made a career out of it, until he met Angela, that is. She was a lot like Patrick, and now they got away from the hustle and bustle – together.

  Samantha recalled when Grant had told her he couldn’t stand being in the middle of nowhere anymore. He’d called her in New York to tell her that he was thinking of moving south. She’d laughed and told him to get a job in Chicago. “Why did you go to Alaska anyway?”

  “I needed the challenge. Mining is a lot of fun, especially since I can use lots of dynamite and basically blow everything away.”

  “Get a job in Chicago, it will be even more exciting. Just think, you’ll have to be very precise. One little thing off, and a whole row of houses could be destroyed instead of just a single building.”

  “That’s a recommendation for working in Chicago if I’ve ever heard one,” Grant had laughed and soon he was back in the city, blowing up buildings with the precision of an expert.

  Back at the house she sneaked into the kitchen and prepared dinner for them. Spaghetti Bolognese. Her cooking skills didn’t allow for more, but he wouldn’t care.

  When she finished, she stepped out to look for Grant and found him outside finishing up the repair job on the broken pieces of siding.

  “Dinner is ready.”

  Chapter 9

  Samantha’s voice startled Grant. He hadn’t heard her leave the house, nor had he noticed her return hours later in the back of a taxi.

  He spun around to see her standing in the open French doors with an easy smile upon her face. She’d changed out of her bikini and was now wearing a little sundress, in bright yellow, and had pulled her hair up into a ponytail high on her head. She looked so young and fresh standing there, it made his teeth hurt with wanting her.

  Without saying a word, he set his tools down and followed her back inside the small house. He looked at the table in the dining room and then asked, “Where did you get dinner?”

  She smiled at him and then winked. “I know how to cook, remember?”

  Her smile sent heat straight into his groin and gave him a hard time concentrating. At that moment, his every thought and every cell in his body fixated on the gorgeous woman in front of him. Before we kissed I never got hard just by looking at her.

  “Yes. But. There was nothing in the kitchen.”

  “I ran down to the town and picked up a few things. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Mind? Hell no. He hadn’t even realized she’d left the house. I must be completely losing my marbles. “No, I don’t mind. It looks and smells delicious.”

  “It’s nothing fancy. Apart from groceries I picked up some dishes, some cooking utensils, glasses…Well, I might have gone a little overboard, but I basically picked up everything you might need in a fully equipped kitchen.”

  Grant stepped into the kitchen, looking at the items she’d bought, and then stopped cold when he spied the coffee machine sitting in a place of prominence on the counter.

  “You bought me a coffee machine?” he asked in awe.

  She nodded her head, and he loved the cute blush appearing on her face.

  Not just any machine, no, she’d purchased him the same La Pavoni Professional spring piston lever espresso machine he owned in Chicago and adored so much.

  Grant smiled and then pulled her close, hugging her tightly before relinquishing her with another smile. “Thank you.” Now I’m positive I love her. Damn.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it!”

  Samantha smiled her wonderful smile. “I’m sorry for earlier. I love being your best friend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  Her grin warmed his heart and he didn’t care if she thought their kiss had been a mistake. He’d convince her they belonged together – not only as best friends, but also as lovers.

  Reality set in and he shook his head at her. “Sammie, I can’t accept that machine. It costs a small fortune.”

  “Grant, I won’t even miss the money. You forget, I’ve been a very sought-after, highly paid model for several years now.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, but I still can’t accept something that costly. Not from you.”

  Samantha grinned at him, and he recognized that mischievous smile. Okay, what’s she up to now?

  “Fine. It’s not a gift. Consider the coffee machine and everything else a lease. You may use those items for as long as you allow me to crash at this beach house whenever I want.”

  Grant grinned at her. “You little brat, you had this all planned out. So, let me see if I have this straight. The coffee machine and other accouterments are being loaned to me.”

  “Leased. They’re being leased to you.”

  “Fine. Leased to me in exchange for your unlimited access to my beach house.”

  Samantha nodded her head with sparkling eyes. “Exactly. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes. We have a deal.” I can live with having you around. In fact, my heart is racing because you want to come back here.

  “Good, then let’s eat!” Samantha said, returning to the small dining table and sitting in one of the chairs.

  Chapter 10

  Grant joined her moments later, and together, they devoured the meal she had prepared for them.

  “This is awesome. I was starving,” he commented.

  Samantha smiled back and dug into her own plate of food. They kept the conversation light, catching one another up about their families. She told him about Dean and Melissa. “Emerson is now almost nine months old. He’s so precious. And Happy is the proudest bigger sister ever. She does live up to her name.”

  “Is Dean still fascinated by creepy crawly things?”

  “Ugh. Yes. And Melissa doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she likes going on scouting expeditions with him.”

  “Remember how much you hated it when he’d go off on one of his hunts? He used to come back with some of the weirdest-looking insects and would try to scare you with them.”

  Samantha chuckled. “He doesn’t do that anymore. At least not to me.”

  “What about Patrick? I need to catch up with him. But he never seems to be in Chicago.”

  “Yes. He and Angela are constantly traveling. I’m not sure where he’s headed next, but they might go back to Nepal where they met.”

  “Gosh. That was a scary story. He told me afterwards he’d been there when the earthquake struck. That had to be pretty hairy.”

  “If it had been me, yes. For Patrick, not so much. I think he and Angela took it all in stride, until she got sick, that is. That was scary for him.”

  “What about Douglas? I heard he finally convinced your dad to retire?”

  “…and he’s happy running things his way. He and Toni have changed many things in the company. My dad is not so happy about that, but Mom keeps him busy in her charity.”

  Grant had to grin. Sam’s father Ken wasn’t one to give up his power easily and it had been a surprise to the entire construction industry when he’d stepped down and handed over full control of the company to his son Douglas.

  “Toni’s brother Russell lives in Chicago as well, and my mom has taken him on as her seventh son.”

dn’t his mother oppose that?” Grant asked.

  “Their parents died when Toni and Russell were eighteen and nineteen years old.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Yes, I guess we’re lucky to still have our parents around.” He saw her shiver and wanted to hug her close, but resisted. We have to talk first.

  Sam continued, “Evan is off in Colorado with Charlene, basking in his second consecutive win at the Winter Sports gala.”

  “Little Evan. It’s unbelievable that he’s now the most successful alpine skier in the world.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “What about Ryan and Trevor?”

  “Things are pretty much the same. Well, except that they have found their true loves. Ryan is gaining recognition for his statues, and Trevor is still working his magic in the courts.”

  “Any weddings in their futures?” he asked.

  “I would assume so. Yes.” Having gone through all of her siblings, she set her napkin on her plate and looked at him. “Now you’re all caught up.”

  Before she could ask about his siblings, Grant reached across the table and took her hand in his own. “Yes.” He searched her eyes for a moment and then said, “About what happened earlier…”

  Samantha felt herself blush and turned away. “I am sorry about that…”

  “Don’t be sorry, it was a wonderful kiss.”

  Her cheeks heated up even more. How could he say that? “Don’t make fun of me, okay? This is embarrassing enough.”

  He gently forced her head back to look at him. “Do I look like I’m making fun of you? I am not. I have wanted to kiss you for a long time.”

  Me too. Me too. She wanted to kiss him so badly, goosebumps broke out on her skin and tingles rushed up and down her spine. Her imagination kicked in as she imagined where a next kiss might lead. Crumpled sheets sliding off the end of his king-sized bed.


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