Explosion of Love (The Armstrongs Book 6)

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Explosion of Love (The Armstrongs Book 6) Page 10

by Gray, Jessica

  “So, can I count on you to be my date at the wedding?”

  “Have they set a date yet?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Well, it won’t matter. I’ll be there with you.”

  “And he’s going to be happy for us.”

  Samantha sent him a pained looked. “Am I ever going to live without my brothers meddling in my life? Especially in my love life?”

  Grant pulled her into his arms with a nod. “You will. Because from now on I’m the only one meddling with your love life, and they have to meddle with me first.”

  The taxi arrived at the airport and she kissed him with everything she had. “Take care, handsome.”

  “You too. I’ll call you when I’m home.”

  Samantha waved as he entered the airport, and he turned one last time, feeling sad for leaving her, but hopeful for the future when they would once again be together.

  Chapter 23

  Samantha arrived a few minutes early for the shoot the next day. She entered the building and was about to exit the elevator when she stopped in her tracks. Craig was there. What does he want? Is he looking for me?

  Craig was the talent scout who’d discovered Samantha when she first came to New York City. He’d gotten her the right jobs and soon her career had taken off. Now that she could look at things with another perspective, she realized one of the reasons he’d chased her so diligently in those first few months had been his way of trying to control her success.

  The more successful she’d become, the more their relationship had suffered. Instead of being proud of her, he was jealous. Many times over the last three-plus years, he’d sabotaged her career. And he’d done it without remorse. After one of their breakups, she’d found Madison and made her her new agent. Thank god. I trust Madison. And her plan will help me to get out of this mess.

  She stepped off the elevator, attempting to head towards her photo shoot without drawing his attention, but he was standing in the middle of the foyer, looking straight at her.

  The grin on his face ignited her temper and she wanted nothing more than to rush him and knock the smile from his face! But you’re practicing control. Remember?

  She took a calming breath, and told herself, I can do anything I want to… see for yourself! Samantha took several deep breaths and didn’t move one inch, as he approached her. Let him come to you. He’s out of control, not you. You can do this.

  “What are you doing here?” Craig asked with a sneer, looking her up and down as if she was lacking in some way.

  “Working. I want you to know that I didn’t appreciate your betrayal.” She barely held it together, but continued breathing. Calm and collected. Don’t show him your wrath. He’ll laugh at you. He likes to make you mad. Don’t give him that satisfaction.

  Craig smirked at her. “It was for the best, babe, and you know it.”

  Samantha took another deep breath, clenching her fists to maintain control. “Don’t ‘babe’ me. We’re done. For good. And no, it wasn’t for the best. Not for my best. ” Her voice hitched.

  “I had to protect you from yourself. You weren’t ready for a high profile account like Silueta.” He spoke to her as if she was a simpleton and he was the only one who could help her understand the situation.

  Slime bag, of course I was ready. “Craig, stay away from me. You were trying to keep me down. Tell me, what was in it for you?”

  Craig squirmed for a moment, but his cocky attitude came right back. “What kind of question is that?”

  Samantha took one more look at him and then walked away, shaking her head. She kept walking until she reached her destination – proud of the way she’d handled herself with Craig.

  She’d never been important to him. He’d been using her like a piece of jewelry to help bolster his own career and his ego. But when she’d started to outshine him, he’d needed to knock her down. He’d even resorted to outright treachery to do so.

  Her face flushed with shame for not having seen through him earlier. Her family and friends had warned her more than once, but she’d chosen to ignore them.

  When she entered the room, she pushed all thoughts of Craig and her life with him to the side. That was all in the past, and before lay a much brighter future with Grant. She smiled at everyone in the room. “Good morning.”

  Today was the start of a new era for Samantha Armstrong.

  Chapter 24

  Samantha had a very busy week, but was finally able to free up some time the week after Grant came to New York. She flew to Chicago for ten days, and for the weekends they drove to Sandy Beach.

  Grant had done more work on the house, and now Samantha put her magic touch on the interior.

  They had been debating the right way to tell their families they were now together, and not just best friends.

  “Why don’t we have a big housewarming party?” Grant suggested.

  “I love that idea. We’ll gather everyone and show them your house.”

  Grant wrapped her into his strong arms. “Our house. It’s as much your house as it is mine.”

  Samantha called her siblings and parents, and Grant took care of informing his side of the equation, and by the end of the day everyone knew about the housewarming party.

  On the day of the party, Grant’s parents Bridget and Mitch were the first ones to show up. Mitch had retired ten years ago from his corporate job and now owned a windsurfing and sailing school in Sandy Beach. According to him, that was the best decision he’d made in his entire life.

  As a housewarming gift, they brought a small sailing dinghy. Mitch said, “Every house on the lake needs to have a dinghy.”

  Grant had to swallow a few times, before he could thank his father. Samantha watched them hug and could see the love and pride shine in Mitch’s eyes.

  During the course of the day, the house filled with the Armstrong and Paxton family members. Everyone had been able to attend, even on such short notice. One by one, all of her brothers and their wives and girlfriends showed up.

  Even Toni’s brother, Russell, a very successful plastic surgeon who lived in Chicago, joined them.

  Grants oldest brother Ethan flew in from London, where he worked in the financial district. His second brother Chase, a successful kitesurfer, had been on the other side of Lake Michigan, taking part in a contest.

  Allison and Terrence still lived in Sandy Beach, and Terrence’s twin sister Reese had driven in from Ashton, where she worked as a professional organizer.

  Samantha stood in the doorway, watching everyone talk and laugh together. Grant joined her a few minutes later, coming up behind her and wrapping an arm around her waist. “Ready to make our big announcement?”

  She nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

  Grant kissed her nose and then led her out to the center of their family and friends. “We’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. As some of you have already guessed, there was a reason for this party.” He looked over at Samantha and then back to their guests. “Samantha and I wanted everyone to know that we are now a couple.”

  Everyone applauded and came up to congratulate them.

  “Great job guys. Now the Armstrongs and Paxtons really are family.”

  “Took you guys long enough.”

  The comments continued to whirl around them and Samantha’s head whirled with them. Everyone is happy about us coming together.

  Grant cleared his throat and then announced, “There is one other reason for bringing everyone together tonight. Today is my little sister’s birthday.”

  Allison blushed when everyone turned to look at her, clapping and cheering.

  “Come up here, sis.” He gave her the gift they’d bought in New York and she ripped it open like a little girl. When she saw what was inside, her eyes got big as saucers and she started screaming.

  “Awesome. That’s awesome.” She looked at Samantha and asked, “That was your idea, right?”

  Samantha nodded and was swallowed up in Alis
on’s hug. “Thank you so much. It’s awesome.”

  Allison worked her way around the gathering, kissing and hugging everyone. Her siblings, her parents, Sam’s parents, Sam’s brothers and their women, even Russell couldn’t escape her happy dance.

  She was so excited and couldn’t quit talking about what an awesome gift the pants and sandals were and how much she loved the fact that her brother Grant had finally hooked up with Samantha. After making her round, she came back to Grant and Sam and asked, “Gosh, I have to go try them on. Samantha, can I borrow…”

  Samantha waved her off. “Go.”

  Everyone laughed as Allison ran into the house and then exited a few minutes later in the new pants and shoes. In her excitement, she made another pass around the crowd, hugging everyone who didn’t escape fast enough.

  As the party wore on, Samantha noticed that Allison was strikingly often at Russell’s side, and judging by the way he stared at her, he enjoyed the attention she gave him.

  Samantha elbowed Grant and pointed towards the two. “Look at Allison. Seems like she found someone she likes.”

  Grant’s face was comical in his shock. “You don’t really mean that do you? She’s much too young for a boyfriend.”

  “She turned twenty-three today, “ Samantha said.

  “Yes, but she can have a boyfriend when she’s thirty or forty…”

  Samantha laughed as she wondered if her brothers had felt the same way. Just at that moment, Patrick appeared at their side with Angela in tow. “It looks like your little sister has grown up too.”

  Grant growled at him, “On which side are you, man?”

  Samantha left them to continue their banter, and headed towards the buffet with Angela.

  The evening wore on, and everyone said their goodbyes. Bridget had arranged sleeping accommodations for all out-of-town guests.

  Before she left as well, she took Samantha aside and told her, “Sam. I just wanted to say you’re most welcome in our family. I wasn’t sure you’d be the right woman for my Grant, because, you know, you have that temper of yours. But today I saw how happy he is with you at his side. You have my blessing.”

  “Thanks, Bridget. I love Grant and I’ll take good care of him.”

  When there was no one left, Grant pulled Samantha outside and over to where he’d set up a bench to look out over the lake.

  He was carrying a package with him, and handed it to her. “Open it.”

  Samantha took the box and opened it. It contained a pair of starfish sandals like Allison’s but in a bright orange color. She threw herself into his arms. “How did you know? When did you get these?”

  Grant smiled at her. “That’s my secret. Put them on.”

  She slid her heels off and put the sandals on, admiring the way they looked on her feet. “Thank you. I love them.” She kissed him. “I love you.”

  He kissed her, impassioned for a minute, and then pulled her to her feet. “Let’s take a walk.”

  They walked along the beach, hand in hand, and she couldn’t get over the changes that had occurred in both of their lives. He had so much love in his heart for her, a love she had mistaken for friendship for much too long.

  But now, here she was, by his side, the one place she wanted to be forever. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they headed back to the house. Her best friend was now also her lover. Her soulmate.

  ***The End ***

  This was the last book in the Armstrong series. If you haven’t read all of them, you can find the complete reading order here.

  During this book I fell in love with Grant and his siblings. I just couldn’t let them go and now every one will get their own book in the next series LOVE IN SANDY BEACH.

  First one to fall in love is Grant’s youngest sister Allison, who has a wild affair with Russell, Toni’s brother. In her book MOMENTOUS KISSES, you’ll meet all of the Paxton siblings again, and some of the Armstrong siblings as well.

  Coming soon….. CLICK HERE to get an email reminder as soon as it's released.

  Or preorder the book right here: Momentous Kisses (Allison and Russell)

  Thank you for taking the time to read Travel, Live, Love. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend.

  Thank you,

  Please enjoy a preview of the story of Dean and Melissa

  I Love You Twice

  The Armstrongs, Book Zero

  Falling for Him, Book Seven

  Jessica Gray

  Preview I Love You Twice

  Mellie’s head was buzzing. With trembling hands she tied the apron around her waist and listened carefully to Denise, her co-worker and a veteran waitress at the Lake Perry diner.

  “Greet the customer, hand them the menus, take their drink order, and only then ask if they’re ready to order. If they are not, give them a few more minutes before you return.”

  Today was her first day working as a waitress at the diner. The summer season was just getting started, and she hoped to make enough money to pay for college classes in the fall. She’d turned 21 a few weeks ago and was ready to take on the world. In keeping with her new grown up persona, she’d decided to use from now on her given name – Melissa. It sounded much more mature than Mellie!

  A young family entered the diner and Denise nodded her head towards them, showing it was time to put theory into practice. Melissa gave her a hesitant smile and nodded her head. I can do this!

  She grabbed two regular menus, and two kid menus, complete with two cups of crayons. Approaching their booth, she smiled broadly and introduced herself, “Hi, folks. My name is Melissa and I’m going to be your server this morning.”

  “Good morning, Melissa. You’re new here, aren’t you?” asked the father in the group.

  “I am,” she admitted, “but don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you all.” She handed around the menus and gave the kids the crayons, “Do you two like to color?”

  The two little blonde heads nodded, eager to use the crayons. Melissa smiled and whispered to them, “Don’t tell anybody, but I like to color too.” She winked at the kids and then took out her pad and pen. “Now, what I can get everyone to drink?”

  After returning with their drink orders, she wrote down their food order, handed it off at the kitchen window and turned to see Denise watching her. “How’d I do?”

  “Melissa, you’re a natural.”

  Melissa beamed at her and felt herself stand a little taller. It was amazing what a few words of praise could do for a person’s confidence!

  “Order’s up!” came the call from the kitchen.

  Melissa turned and then paused for a moment, unsure of the next step. She had four plates to deliver to a table halfway across the diner, and only two hands. Denise smiled as she accurately interpreted her hesitation.

  “Hey, don’t panic. Before long you’ll be handling one of the large trays like a pro, but for now, let me help. You take two, and I’ll follow behind you with the other two.”

  “Really?” Melissa asked in relief. “Thanks, Denise.” The two women grabbed the warm plates and within a few minutes they were both back behind the counter and Melissa enjoyed her first success.

  The bell above the door jangled again. Our second guest this day! A handsome man entered the diner. He headed straight for the counter and sat down. Denise turned to Melissa, telling her, “Dean Armstrong. You can have him. He gives good tips. But, he’s weird. He’ll probably try to talk to you about some gross bugs.”

  “Bugs?” Melissa asked, not sure if she should thank Denise or not. She turned to look at the customer in question, but he had his head buried in the menu and all she could see was the top of his head.

  “Yeah. He’s a regular.”

  “Okay, thanks. I can use a few good tips,” Melissa told her, grabbing her pad and pen and heading in the mystery man’s direction.

  “Hello. I’m Melissa. Can I get you some coffee?” she aske
d, hoping to draw him away from the menu and get a good look at a man who liked to talk about insects. When he lowered the menu and looked up, Melissa forgot everything except for how gorgeous he was. He had broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Not bulging biceps, but lean and well-defined arms. Just the way she liked it. His dark, short hair showed a few unruly strands hanging into his forehead. Her fingers itched to bury themselves in his hair and feel the softness. But the most intense impression on her made his steel-blue eyes. Eyes that looked at her in a way she’d never experienced before.

  Her knees trembled, her heart raced, and then the fear set in. He’s perfect! But I don’t want or need a relationship! Men are way too much trouble! Melissa mentally chided herself for being swayed by a man’s looks. But you have to admit, he is absolutely gorgeous!

  Remember Happy? Your daughter? Melissa quickly reminded herself what had happened the last time she’d allowed a good looking guy to turn her head. She’d ended up alone and pregnant. Her daughter Happy would turn three soon, and since her biological father had taken off; Melissa hadn’t had a serious relationship or any relationship at all. It was better this way.

  The few guys she’d been interested in had disappeared the minute they found out she had a toddler waiting for her at home. Faster than she could blink! No, I don’t need a relationship. Happy and I are doing just fine by ourselves. Besides when would I have time for a boyfriend?

  Melissa had just finished high school and wanted to go to college. A college degree was the only way she would ever be able to provide for Happy without living paycheck to paycheck. That’s why she’d taken this job. To earn enough money this summer to pay for college when it started up in the fall. And between school, work, and taking care of Happy, there was absolutely no time left for a boyfriend. None at all!

  (End of Sneak Peak)

  To continue reading, pick up the book of Dean and Melissa :



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