Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4)

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Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4) Page 8

by Suzanne Hart

  She sighed and shook her head.

  “I don’t understand what you mean,” she said and I clenched my jaw in anger. I was angry with myself.

  “Being around you like this, you kissing me, us sharing a bed…I’m not going to be able to control myself. I wish I was a better man than that, but the truth is that I want you. And we can’t be together. You were right, doing this to you makes me no better than Gordon. That is the last thing I want,” I explained.

  Tessa took a few moments to reply.

  “What about what I want?” She asked.

  I turned to her then. My gaze traveled to her breasts, the way her blouse fell tightly around her narrow waist, the curves of her legs under the skirt.

  “What do you want, Tessa?” I asked.

  She gulped. Her green eyes were blazing.

  “I want Gordon to suffer like I did. When I saw the look in his eyes and how jealous and angry he was about us, it gave me a high. I enjoyed watching him like that. I hadn’t realized how good it would make me feel. But it does,” she replied.

  I couldn’t do anything but stare at her.

  “He’s a liar. He’s still lying to me! And I want to teach him a lesson. I want him to think twice before he does this to someone else. I want him to admit that hurting people like this has consequences,” she continued.

  I clenched my fists on my sides.

  “So, you want to keep doing this?” I asked.

  Tessa tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear and nodded.

  “Yes, I want to keep doing this. I want him to regret his actions. Don’t you want that too?” She said.

  I tucked my hands into the pockets of my pants.

  “Yes, I thought I did, maybe I don’t anymore. I don’t know what I want,” I replied.

  I watched as Tessa licked her lips, then she smiled gently at me.

  “Well, we can’t change it now. He’s seen us, we’ve told him,” she remarked. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was. I wanted to admit how I was having thoughts of running away with her. Tessa, Alfie, and me. Somewhere far. Where I wouldn’t have to think about Gordon.

  “You still love your brother, don’t you?” She asked abruptly, interrupting my thoughts.

  I didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t want to acknowledge my weakness.

  “All I ever wanted to do was give him a good life, for him to feel like the world was his oyster. And he’s hated me for it this whole time,” I said.

  Tessa’s brows crossed and I scoffed.

  “Yeah, that is pretty much what he just told me. He’s resented me all these years. He thinks I’ve treated him like shit. That I’ve been high and mighty with him. Now I can see that sleeping with Celine, is some kind of payback. He wanted to stick it to me,” I told Tessa.

  She gulped, then slowly came around to me. The closer she got, the stiffer my body got too. She placed a hand on my shoulder, and I wanted to pull her into my arms.

  “Someday he will see it, Clark. That your heart was in the right place. All you have to do is wait and watch. Gordon is never going to find true happiness−not after what he’s done to you and me,” she said.

  There was a light smile on Tessa’s face now. I wanted to believe her, but I had no faith in the Universe anymore. Not after my relationship with Celine. Not after the way my son had to suffer because of an absentee mother.

  Tessa drew her hand away from my shoulder, and her cheeks were flushed. She’d embarrassed herself by her familiarity.

  “I should get back to work,” she told me and I nodded.

  She walked to my door and I called out to her.

  “Will I see you at home later?” I asked and she looked over her shoulder to smile at me.

  “Of course, where else will I be?” She replied.

  Then she was gone and I sank down in my chair and loosened my tie. Suddenly, I was feeling claustrophobic and suffocated in my office.

  I tried to think clearly. To recall everything that happened since Gordon had walked into my office. But all I could really think about was that kiss. I had never experienced anything sexier than Tessa walking up to me, her butt swinging in that tight skirt; her face leaning towards mine and her lips covering my mouth.

  I could still taste her. My cock was tenting my pants as I thought about it. For some time, I couldn’t even recall my brother’s face, or what he had said to me. All I could remember was Tessa and how she’d felt in my arms.

  Pretending to be in a relationship with her was the happiest I’d felt in a long time.



  I had no idea why I was feeling this good.

  After the incident in Clark’s office, I returned to my desk and tried to get some work done.

  Surprisingly, I was immensely productive even though I was distracted. I couldn’t stop smiling. I wasn’t lying, it had indeed made me feel good to see Gordon’s face when he saw me kissing Clark.

  But this good feeling was more than just that. More than just making Gordon feel jealous.

  It had something to do with Clark.

  Kissing him like that, having his arm around me, him exclaiming that I was his girlfriend—they were all a taste of what it would feel like to actually be in a relationship with Clark.

  And that feeling was exhilarating.

  I couldn’t wait to return to the penthouse. To experience a little more of what it would feel like to live with him.

  I could see he was struggling to come to terms with his own decision, but I knew he felt it too. We had a connection. The kind I never had with Gordon. It was more than just lust.

  After I finished up at work, I collected my things and got ready to leave. I’d driven myself to the office that morning and I was going to drive myself back to the penthouse. Since nobody in the office knew about us, we couldn’t arrive there together.

  As I took the elevator down to the carpark, I still had that smile on my face. I was itching to get back to my new home.

  The elevator doors opened, and before I had even taken one step out, a pair of hands grabbed me by my shoulders and yanked me out.

  I gasped and Gordon covered my mouth with his hand and pushed me roughly against the concrete wall. I felt the back of my head thud against it. He had me pinned to the wall, his hand still covering my mouth.

  “I swear to God, Tessa, don’t you fucking scream,” he growled.

  I nodded my head and slowly, he moved his hand away from my mouth.

  “Talk,” he snapped. His hands were still on my shoulders. I could feel his fingers digging into me.

  “What do you want, Gordon?” I snapped and he narrowed his eyes at me.

  “How much is he paying you?” He asked. I could see the thick vein that had popped up in the center of his forehead. He was raging mad. I’d never seen Gordon as angry as this.

  “He’s not paying me anything. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just let me go!” I struggled to get free from him, but he pushed me back against the wall again.

  “You’re going nowhere till you’ve explained yourself to me, Tessa!” He growled.

  From the pressure he was putting on my body, the thought suddenly crossed my mind that I was all alone here. And Gordon wasn’t thinking straight. He was capable of violence.

  “What do you want me to explain, Gordon?” I cried and he leaned in closer to me. He was searching my eyes. I could see the madness in him.

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you sleeping with him?” He growled.

  “Because I want to. Because I like him! This has nothing to do with you, Gordon!” I shrieked and he brought his face even closer.

  “Let me change your mind on that, beautiful. Do you remember how I made you feel? How you melted like butter in my arms? One night with me and you won’t remember his face,” Gordon continued. His voice had grown deeper and huskier. As he pressed himself to me, I could feel his cock throbbing between his legs.

  Suddenly, I felt very afraid. It was insane!
/>   Just a few weeks ago, I would have been so happy to see Gordon again. I would have wanted him to touch me. I was waiting to be reunited with him.

  And now just his touch sent chills up and down my spine. He was forcing himself on me. I didn’t want him. I wanted Clark!

  “Gordon, please, just let me go. This isn’t right!” I tried, while he leaned his head to the side so he could breathe hotly on to my neck.

  “You know you want me, Tessa, my beautiful. Just give in. Forget about him. He means nothing to you,” he murmured. I had goosebumps on my skin, and not because I was turned on. But because I was afraid. What was Gordon capable of doing? To what extent was he willing to go to stick it to his brother?

  “Gordon, please, no!” I squealed when he kissed my neck, sucking coldly on my skin.

  “Step away from her, Brother, or I’m going to have to kick you till all your precious teeth fall out.”

  We both heard Clark’s voice at the same time. Gordon’s hands dropped from me and he stepped away. I looked into Clark’s eyes and he held a hand out to me. Breathless and still feeling dazed, I rushed to him. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close to himself.

  “You do realize, Gordon, that we are well within our rights to call the police right now,” Clark said. There was menace in his voice. I could hear it, and it made my blood run cold. He was serious.

  “I was just trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend. Well, my ex-girlfriend,” Gordon said. I turned to glare at him and he shrugged.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you, Tessa. I didn’t mean to,” he said.

  “Stay away from her, do you hear me? The next time, I won’t warn you before I knock you out,” Clark hissed.

  “Fuck this shit,” Gordon waved a hand in the air. Still mumbling under his breath, he walked away from us. Clark and I watched him go, till he finally turned to me.

  “Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded. “C’mon, I’m going to take you home.”



  I drove Tessa back to the penthouse; there was no way I was going to let her drive alone. I could sense she was still quite shaken up after what Gordon tried doing to her. She remained silent for most of the drive back.

  At home, Alfie was waiting for us. He grabbed all of Tessa’s attention, and she spent some time playing with him. She and Penny then arranged dinner and we all sat around the table and ate. Tessa insisted that Penny ate with us too.

  Now with so many there with him at dinner, especially his favorite—Tessa; Alfie wasn’t throwing a fuss anymore. He talked while he ate, and I thought it was commendable that Tessa managed to give him her full attention. Even though she was still undoubtedly in shock.

  Eventually, it was time for dessert. While Penny started clearing the table, Alfie, Tessa, and I sat eating our pudding. I thought it was time I broke the news to my son before it got late.

  “Alfie, I need to tell you something,” I said, interrupting the conversation he was having with Tessa.

  Alfie turned to me but I could sense he wasn't too attentive.

  “Your mother is here, in Chicago, and she’s going to want to see you,” I told him.

  Alfie’s brows crossed.

  “Mummy’s here?” He asked, his voice high-pitched with surprise.

  “Yes, and so is Uncle Gordon,” I added.

  “Uncle Gordon is here too? Yay! Did they come here together?” Alfie asked. I could sense Tessa looking at me closely.

  “Maybe they did. It doesn’t matter. They’ll want to spend some time with you and I thought you should know that,” I said to him.

  “But why are they here together? They aren’t friends, are they?” He asked.

  I glanced at Tessa. I could see the color had drained from her face.

  “Yes, Alfie, they are friends, actually,” I told him.

  “Like you and Tessa?” He asked, looking from my face to hers.

  “Why don’t we read a story and get you ready for bed?” She interrupted our conversation. Alfie was excited at the prospect of that and I watched as the two of them went into his room.

  I felt exhausted.

  I loosened my tie and removed my cufflinks. Eventually, I went over to Alfie’s room and I saw Tessa sitting on a chair by his bed. She was reading from a book, while Alfie was already asleep. She looked up when she heard me come in. I smiled and she smiled back, gently shutting the book on her lap.

  “You are a natural with him,” I said and she stood up.

  “That’s because he’s a wonderful child,” she replied and I nodded.

  “Yeah, he’s too good and I don’t deserve him, after what I’ve put him through,” I said.

  Tessa turned off the light in Alfie’s room and followed me out to the living room again.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I asked and she nodded her head.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just got a shock. I didn’t know Gordon was capable of that kind of behavior. He’d been quite easy going and casual before. And today he was just so intense! I wasn’t expecting it,” she replied.

  I watched her closely. She had no idea how I was feeling.

  Seeing them together, the way Gordon was pressing himself to her, his mouth on her neck—it made my blood rage. I had never felt so angry before. Seeing him in bed with Celine hadn’t even come close to how I felt when I saw him with Tessa.

  She wasn’t mine. I had no claim on her, and yet, I felt jealous. I wanted her to be mine, even though I knew it wasn’t possible.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know my brother was capable of these things either. I guess I just never knew him,” I said.

  Tessa looked away from me, her eyes were shining with emotion.

  “I feel so stupid,” she said and I moved towards her.

  “Don’t…” I argued and she shook her head.

  “I fell for this guy, this stranger. Just because he was hot, because he sweet-talked me into believing every word he said. Because he had a sexy accent. I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been. Argh! Idiot!”

  Tessa was gritting her teeth and mumbling to herself. I reached for her shoulders and she looked up at me.

  “I have no idea what he would have done if you hadn’t appeared there,” she said. I wanted to do more than just hold her shoulders, but I couldn’t. I knew Tessa was in a rough sentimental mood. I didn’t want to put her through more.

  “I’m never going to let that happen to you, Tessa. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m going to protect you from my brother,” I said.

  Tessa was staring into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Clark. Maybe you were right, maybe we should have canceled this arrangement. I don’t want any of us getting hurt. Especially, not Alfie,” she said.

  I drew my hands away from her. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle myself if I kept touching her.

  “Yes, my son has to be my first priority. I should have thought of how this was going to affect him before I got in touch with you,” I said.

  Tessa gulped and then looked away from me.

  “It’s done now. I guess I should just lie low and stay away from Gordon and Celine. Once they’re gone, things can return to normal again,” she added.

  I watched her for a few moments, while she kept her face firmly turned from me.

  “I think I want to go to sleep early tonight,” she said and I nodded.

  “Yes, sure, of course.”

  “Good night, Clark,” she said, smiling at me. Before I could say anything, she added, “Please don’t sleep on the couch tonight.”



  I needed some time away from Clark so I could think. He didn’t follow me to the bedroom, even though I’d told him he shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch tonight.

  My life had changed so drastically in the past few days.

  Just some days ago, I worked at an ad agency where I couldn’t see a future for myself. I wasn’t enjoying my work and I was living in a small apartment, by myself
, and trying to get over a broken heart and forget about a man I thought I would never see again.

  Now, I was working at one of the premier ad agencies in the world. Just in a few days, I had learned so much and I was looking forward to where my career was going to take me. Not only that, but I wasn’t living in my apartment any longer.

  I was in a luxurious bedroom with a walk-in closet and a beautiful king-sized bed in the middle of the room. The bathroom where I was going to shower right now had a marble bathtub and all the luxuries I could have ever imagined.

  I was feeling confused about my emotions. What did I want? It was like when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. Who was this staring back at me?

  I wanted to get rid of that feeling. I thought I could still smell Gordon’s breath on me, feel the wetness of his mouth on my neck. A chill ran up my spine again when I thought about him. What would he have done if Clark hadn’t shown up?

  I dreaded to think of it.

  When Clark said that he was going to protect me from his brother, I believed him. Before this, I hadn’t realized I was even in need of protection. I thought I could handle myself, that I didn’t need a man protecting me. But I’d felt genuinely scared with Gordon.

  I thought I loved him once. I thought I knew him. And now it was becoming increasingly clear every day that I had no idea who he was. He was capable of anything.

  I stripped off my clothes, grabbed a fresh soft towel from the cupboard and stepped into the bathroom.

  In the shower cubicle, I allowed the searing hot water to slide over me. It fogged up all the glasses and mirrors in the bathroom. I finally felt relaxed.

  I shampooed my hair and scrubbed my body, trying to get rid of every remaining trace of Gordon. All I wanted to remain with me, was the feeling of Clark.

  When I thought of him, I slid my hand down my body, down over my belly till I could feel the sticky warmth of my pussy in my hands. I took in a sharp breath when I realized I was wet.


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