The Hacker Who Becomes a Mafia-Consultant in the Caribbean After a Diamond Coup in Bangkok

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The Hacker Who Becomes a Mafia-Consultant in the Caribbean After a Diamond Coup in Bangkok Page 23

by Stieve Adams

comes Randolph by the way. "

  Therefore, I did not need to go into further defense. But for some reason I blasphemed something badly on the Englishman. It was a surprising feeling that arose.

  "Good evening my friend from the highlands. Hope that the stay here has been pleasant. "

  "I think we are guarded," says Valerie. "It's a modern motorboat that sits in the river and pretends to fish. But they do not seem to get any fish but are always in sight. They may be waiting for something."

  "Are they Mexican or Siamese?"

  "At least they are not from America. They are absolutely Asians. I do not see any difference in these yellows. Thank you, I know black. Then I can talk about the lineage straight away. "

  "Come in and eat," cries Jens. "I found some leftovers in the fridge."

  Remnants and residues. Jens served a delicious dish from some small game with lobster sauce and currant jelly. He is a cook, it is noticeable.

  "Does not your wife have access to the kitchen," I ask.

  "No, she manages house and garden, provides craftsmen and manages the economy. I cook food and travel with tourists. Can not feel better. A perfect marriage. "

  Josephine, Jane's wife from Sumatra, was a beautifully beautiful creation. Under the eastern brittle surface there seemed to be a lot of energy. Her gingerbread eyes had a hypnotic impact on the environment.

  We discussed the watchful motorboat and agreed that we should plan some kind of defense if any elderly people would like to talk with us. If they found out that Jens was here, there was some risk of kidnapping, we judged.

  Thus, we decided on certain watches in order not to be surprised at night. Josephine, Jane's wife, showed us the house. In the wind there were windows with views for all the weather, including the small harbor. The darkness had fallen quickly and there were some bright spots in the village, electricity was not found here. Jens had gasoline for lamps and refrigerators.

  Just after midnight, I was woken up by Valerie. It was time to take our guard. Because the wind was large, we decided to be two on each guard pass to better look at two directions at the same time.

  "Look here," Valerie whispered.

  I stood behind her to see what was interested in her. There were some indefinite shadows and we felt how the tension rose.

  She smelled feminine myth and did not have much clothes on her. She pushed her soft back to me and it made my maneuver hardnight instantly. She touched the round tail slowly and rhythmically and I slowly slowed down. With one hand she slowly approached the gullet and slowly pulled down the zipper. After a certain trembling in the underpants, the residing inhabitants sprinkled out of captivity.

  "Well then," muttered Valerie.

  I had every effort not to upset me loudly. I did not want to disturb either the inhabitants of the house or the shadows outdoors.

  I raised the dress on Valerie and smacked the round soft ham.

  "You have no panties," I muttered.

  "No bra either."

  As I approached the woods between Valery's thighs, I felt the damp heat. When my fingers were looking in, it was not only moist but noisy.

  "Oh, sorry, it was very wet there ..." she whispers.

  She lifts one foot on a chair, making it easier to fumble in the bush cake. Her little bud is not that small anymore and reacts as if it were an electric shock every time I poked it.

  "You're not really wise," she complains. Valerie's favorite replica.

  She takes a nice roof about my pulsating stake and lets it slide in wherever it wants to be. I really feel how it is sucked into the wet cave as she reluctantly leans forward. I let my hands slide underneath the dress and take a tight hold of the round breasts with the small, stiff nipples.

  We moan and frustrate very attenuously because we will nevertheless remember that we should be quiet.

  "Now they are coming," says Valerie.

  "I feel it", I stumble back.

  "Idiot, the shadows are creeping. The enemies are here. We must alarm the others. Fast!"

  Talk about timing. But unlicked I quickly put the slimming limb into my pants and rush down to wake the others.

  Then it rings on the door! The noise is an angry buzz from the battery-powered doorbell. Jens then really installed all the sophistication of civilization here beyond all glory and honesty. Many thoughts shine through my shocked brain before the ringtone tones into silence.

  It is good that the residents of the house wake up quickly and efficiently.

  "I'm opening," Jens sucks.

  "Never in life", is my quick answer. "If it's the scum, it's you they're looking for!"

  "Yes, yes," agrees Jens.

  We decide that it is best for Josephine to talk to the caller at the door. She asks who it is and gets a quick answer to the local language.

  She quickly releases an uncle who comes from the village. He speaks very fast and Josephine is obviously informed about the situation.

  A number of Thai people have gathered and are apparently about to surround the house. Our plans for our continued business were still somewhat unclear. I would have thought of returning to Singapore and starting from the next stage. But the first problem is to get wholly from this village.

  Valerie stood as a lookout and reported hostile movements around the house.

  "Can we run out of the way?" Was my first question.

  "Too late, there seem to be people around the house."

  "We're gonna arm us", was my suggestion.

  Josephine and the father-in-law from the village were still in a proper exchange of views that resulted in a discussion of Dutch with Jens. Frustrating not to understand the languages ​​when the situation is critical.

  Sir Randolph was sitting in the best armchair while throwing his monocle. Clearly, he had nothing to fear from the fools.

  "In such a house is there a secret outcome?" Sir Randolph asks suddenly.

  "That is what we are currently discussing," says Josephine. "The question is whether we will try to accommodate everyone or if someone will stay. How many people can you take in the boat losing Randolph? "Beautiful Josephine seems to have taken control of the operation.

  "No problem, a dozen passengers can I transport without any major complications."

  We quickly take our refuge to the cellar. Here it is moist and cool. Roots from the trees outside have penetrated here and there grow moss and mold both here and there. The entrance to the secret exit is in the furthest and is well camouflaged behind some sort of plant.

  With big effort and a pair of brackets we can at least get the door to a long narrow tunnel. It will lead us to the coast, it is said.

  Josephine takes the lead after some protests from me and Sir Randolph. She merges and talks that it is she who knows this outcome.

  "Did you know about this tunnel," I ask Jens.

  No, his strength was not secret walks.

  After 50 meters we did not get anymore. Roots and plants had penetrated the tunnel and Josephine began using the knife to move on.

  "Here is a need," I judged. "Do you have any such, Jens?"

  Well, in the basement there were some tools. I crawled back in time because it was me who was in the aftermath. When I got to the basement I heard a lot of upset voices upstairs. They seemed to be on their way down, so I had to pick up a pair of fasteners.

  I tried to camouflage the entrance to the cave and thus earn time. The old cave was low, sometimes the earth was hard as stone, sometimes it was mostly glaring as it was stuck everywhere. On the body, in the hair and not least on the feet that were like clay lumps.

  I'm coming to Josephine and the others. My two saws are sent forward in the lead, and Josephine and Jens are furthest in the desperation. I think I hear voices behind us so I'm worried about them to hurry up.

  It only takes a few minutes and we can crawl.

  "Look here," says Valerie, crawling right in front of me, "soon the tunnel hurts."

  It gives me an idea. I take one of the rooted roots
that I brought and processed the tunnel roof. Meanwhile, the others continue. Now I'm sure others follow us in the tunnel. Voice is heard and a flashlight glitters. With new powers, I continue to work, large larch lumps loosen from ceilings and walls. Now I even see the perpetrators.

  I work stubbornly further but prepare to fight to let the others go free.

  "Ham!" Calls Valerie before me. "Hurry up!"

  She is heading back to see what happened. Suddenly the ceiling rises and I am half buried under clay and soil. I am stuck.

  "Come here and go," I hear.


  Valerie helps pull. She takes hold of her arms and I try to bump my legs and dig me with my hands to get lost. Above us loose clay lumps and water sip in. It looks as if the entire tunnel is being erected. With a heavy jerk I'm loosened and several meters of the roof float in.

  With a distress we are able to crawl further, but the tunnel has ripped and our pursuers can not follow us through the tunnel anyway. Now, at least, they know where we are heading so there is a risk that they will alert others who can figure out where the tunnel mining is.

  Josephine has arrived at the end of the tunnel which ends in a bush cake on the river sledge. We drop the footstep on the slope and roll down the water at the beach.

  "Lovely times", sir Randolph exclaims, "almost like in the war."

  "You have not been in any war?"

  "No, of course. But since my first biggles book I've wanted to be a true adventure."

  "Well, wish fulfilled. What are you going to do now?"

  "Simply my friend from the highlands. I swim away and pick up my boat. In the meanwhile you push here in the water."

  "OK, drive hard", we agree.

  Of the well-dressed gentleman we met in

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