My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel

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My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  He arched an eyebrow. “Okay so words are coming out of your mouth but you might as well be speaking a foreign language for all the sense they make.”

  “One other thing,” I said. “My fiancée Brandi stays over some nights during the week and a lot during the weekend. Would that be a problem for you?”


  “Yup. Just got engaged last night actually.”

  His face broke into an even bigger smile and he reached across the table to slap me on the shoulder. “Congrats man! And no, I don’t have any problem with that. I don’t get too loud, you don’t get too loud, we’re all okay.”

  “Fair enough. I think that’s everything,” I said. “Just one more question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “When can you move in?”

  He grinned. I couldn’t help but smile back. I had a feeling this was going to be, well if not the beginning of a beautiful friendship then at the very least the beginning of an awesome roommate relationship. And as my recent roommate search experience could attest to, finding an awesome roommate definitely wasn’t a guarantee.

  Anthony reached across the table and we shook hands. “Awesome. Glad to be on board!”

  3: Temptation Denied

  “So am I ever going to meet this mysterious roommate of yours?” Brandi asked.

  I chuckled. “Well if you’d stop by the house when he was there…”

  “You’re sure this guy is actually a guy? This isn’t some hot young thing you’ve moved into your house and now you’re trying to hide her from me?”

  “Hot young thing? Like what? A freshman?”

  “You know what I mean doofus,” she said.

  It really was just a matter of bad timing. Brandi had weeks when she was so busy with class that she barely had time to grab a bite to eat, let alone time to stop by my house or spend the night. Those weeks drove me absolutely nuts, and it meant I was relegated to jerking off for that week like one of the peasants who didn’t have a significant other, but I was used to it at this point.

  I tried to be understanding. Her program was more rigorous than mine, and that meant there were times when I just wasn’t going to see my girlfriend. Fiancée. I was still getting used to that change, even in my head.

  “If you stop by tonight he should be around,” I said.

  “He’d be around on thirsty Thursday?”

  “He doesn’t seem like the go out and get blackout drunk type of person honestly,” I said. “Sure he’s only been there for a week, so who knows? We haven’t actually had a weekend together as roommates.”

  “That’s so cute! Your first full weekend together as roomies!”

  “Shut up.”

  “What? This is a big move in your life!”

  “Are you stopping by tonight or are you too busy with homework? You could swing by, meet Anthony, and then we could go out to a house party or something.”

  “You’re not having a party to welcome your new roommate to your house?”

  I thought about that. That was actually a pretty good idea. I’m surprised I hadn’t thought of it first.

  “You know I really should have a party for him, though it’s too late to plan anything for this weekend,” I said.

  “See, that’s why you have a fiancée to think of all these good ideas! And I’ll think about going out after. It depends on how much work I still have to do. I have at least two papers I have to write this weekend.”

  I smiled. Despite all of her dismissive talk about thirsty Thursday she was usually the first person out blowing off some steam if she didn’t have class work. She was a firm believer in working hard and then partying hard. And she deserved it with the insane schedule she kept.

  “I’ll see you tonight at the house then.”

  We hugged and she kissed me. I closed my eyes as I felt her body pressing against mine. These weeks when she was so busy with school that we didn’t have any time together really did drive me insane, the more so when I actually got some physical contact with her in public where I couldn’t do anything about it. Like right now where I was popping a boner in the middle of a small food court on campus and thinking that I’d like nothing more than to rip my fiancée’s clothes off and take her right here on the cheap plastic table where we were eating.

  Okay, so maybe I wouldn’t take her on that cheap plastic table. She’d probably give me some line about waiting for marriage and then give me a hand job instead, but you get the point.

  Brandi must’ve felt my cock brushing against her stomach because she looked up at me and there was a mischievous smile on her face and a devilish twinkle in her eye. “Oh my. Maybe we should skip going out to house parties this weekend and just stay in and have some fun? It feels like somebody’s been missing me!”

  I sighed and pulled her back into a hug. That sounded a hell of a lot better than any house party I could think of!

  A little later I opened up the door and Brandi was standing there looking like a walking wet dream. She must’ve walked over from her dorm. It was a short enough walk, though sometimes she asked me to come pick her up if it was dark out since I could actually have a car living slightly off campus and all.

  The way her blue eyes locked with mine promised things. I felt my cock stirring just looking her up and down. She was in a tiny tank top and a pair of shorts that looked like they were either gym shorts or pajama shorts, but either way they clung to the dangerous curves of her body and made her look absolutely fucking amazing.

  Like I said, my fiancée was a walking wet dream.

  “Hey there stud,” she said.

  “Hey there yourself beautiful,” I replied.

  “So I seem to recall somebody was in the mood for some fun tonight,” she said. “Is your roommate out?”

  I grinned and that was all the answer she needed. She tossed her backpack down to the floor on my front porch and jumped on me. Wrapped her legs around me down below and her arms around me up above. The rock hard buds of her nipples pressed against my own chest through my thin T-shirt and with a gasp I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  I grinned through the kiss that landed on my lips. She tasted sweeter than the most delicious candy, more intoxicating than the strongest booze I’d ever had. She was my drug, my addiction. I felt lightheaded as I stumbled back keeping a grip on her. A grip that I enjoyed all the more because I’d chosen her ass to balance her as she assaulted my mouth. As we had an impromptu make out session right there on the front porch.

  I’m sure any of the neighbors who happened to be watching would be getting one hell of a show. They’d probably gotten more of a show than just us making out before. I had a couch on the front porch that we’d gotten a little frisky on before.

  Only not today. Anthony was out of the house, and what a pain in the ass it was that I had to consider a roommate being in the house once more even if it was nice to have someone to help with paying the bills, and I planned on taking full advantage of having the place all to ourselves. I wasn’t sure what his plans for the evening were, but I hoped to God he’d stay the hell away from the house for a little while.

  The pressure had been building in me all week and I was ready to blow just from feeling the delicious warmth of her pussy pressing against my cock. Rubbing up and down against my rock hard rod that was straining for that most delicious treasure of hers that I’d never actually been able to experience before.

  Brandi pulled away from the kiss and grinned at me. “Certainly feels like somebody has missed me!”

  “You have no fucking idea!” I replied.

  She looked down, down to that spot where our bodies were coming together. Down to the spot where I was imagining what it would feel like to finally sink my cock inside the delicious folds of her pussy, where I was feeling even more frustrated than usual because I knew it wasn’t going to happen and I was so tense from a week of no action.

  “Why don’t we go back to your bedroom and take care of that?” Brandi asked.
  She didn’t have to tell me twice. She squealed in delight as I whirled her around, not even bothering to pick up her backpack. I could grab that later. I kicked the door shut and Brandi reached behind me to fumble with it for a moment. I heard the lock click and I was carrying her back to the room where I tossed her down on my bed and she landed with a squeak of the cheap springs because as a poor college student I had to get the cheapest possible.

  She looked like a goddess lying back on my bed. She pulled one leg up so I could just see the hint of a pair of bright green sparkly panties peeking out from in between her legs. Now that I could get a good look at her in the light of my room I could clearly see her nipples pressing out as her tits heaved. Her tank top was molded to her body just as firmly as her shorts were and she looked fucking incredible. Her hair splayed out onto my pillow never ceased to drive me wild, particularly because seeing her like that usually meant we were about to have one hell of a good time.

  I launched myself onto the bed and she squealed, though that quickly turned to a delighted gasp as she once again wrapped her legs around me and I pressed my cock up against her. I knew it was futile, I knew I wasn’t actually going to get anywhere, but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t help but grind myself against her and imagine how amazing this was going to feel on our wedding night when I eventually got the chance to go all the way with this gorgeous temptress. When I finally had a chance to enjoy her in every way possible, in every way I’d been imagining since we started dating.

  A week really was far too long to wait. I felt a tingle that was spread across my entire body rather than being a localized just to my cock like usual. I was a man possessed as my mouth descended on her. As my tongue pressed into her mouth and I enjoyed the exquisite taste of my fiancée. She was the most enticing taste in the world as far as I was concerned. She was the richest delicacy known to man. And she was all mine.

  One of her hands moved around to my head and pulled me against her. I continued grinding my cock against her down below as our mouths pressed together and our tongues dueled with one another in a familiar and oh so delicious battle that both of us always won.

  My eyes widened when I felt her hand moving down and then it was brushing along the length of my cock. I smiled to myself. She must’ve been worked up as well. Usually she didn’t go straight for my cock like that. Sometimes I even had to do a little bit of convincing to get her to grab it.

  Not that she was reluctant to touch my cock. No, she absolutely loved it. The problem was that she had some of that residual religious guilt about anything related to sex, and sometimes that applied to hand jobs and blow jobs as well. Not usually, but sometimes.

  Only this time she was going straight for it and practically jerking me through my shorts. Well if she was going to do that then I was going to do a little bit of exploring myself! I rolled to the side slightly both to give her better access and so I could get better access as well. My fingers moved down to those green panties and I pushed them aside. I ran a finger along her slit and started to press inside her.

  I waited for her to say something, but there was no response other than a gasp as I started moving my finger inside that tempting wetness. Her body was a temple and it always excited me when she was willing to let me worship her without any hassle. My finger kept moving in, further and further, and as I pressed my finger inside her I imagined what it would feel like if that was my cock being surrounded by that warmth. I briefly thought about going to the old argument that a cock wasn’t much different than a finger pressing inside her, but decided against it.

  Things were already going so damn well. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. Especially when she was so excited!

  She wasn’t the only one excited. I felt like I was on the verge of blowing my load against her hand and she hadn’t even wrapped it around my cock or started jerking in earnest yet!

  Things were going so well that my mind started to wander to the fun I wanted to have but had been denied so far. Did I dare hope? Was there a chance this could be the night? This could be the moment when she finally decided she didn’t want to wait for marriage? Had she decided that an engagement ring on her finger was enough after all? I felt lightheaded as I contemplated that prospect. Lightheaded up until the moment I felt her hand move out and wrap around my wrist. The wrist attached to the finger that was buried inside her pussy.

  I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her, a question obvious in my eyes. And I saw a sad look that immediately deflated me. That look meant fun time was over. Or at least this was as far as we were going to go with the fun time.

  I wanted to cry out in frustration but I didn’t. I knew from experience that was the last thing I should do. I was so close though. Her eyes were lidded and she was breathing heavily. I could feel her pussy grasping at my finger, her slick wetness surrounding me betraying the way her body obviously felt in the moment. I marveled that she had that much self-control, because if this was me, if I was as turned on as she obviously was, then I’d be over the edge.

  Hell, I was already almost over the edge!

  “God that feels so good Craig,” she said. “But if you keep going…”

  Hearing that from her made me feel lightheaded. It made me feel almost overwhelmed. It also made me want to scream out in frustration. I was right. She was close to the edge. She was tempted. All I had to do was reach out and take her, and yet I wasn’t going to. I wasn’t going to go against her wishes, no matter how fucking hot she looked in the moment. No matter how much I knew she was ready to give in to a little temptation.

  So instead I leaned down and kissed her again. I kept moving my fingers in and out of her body. I kept swirling them around and hitting all the right spots. I was rewarded by her gasping and sighing. And her hips started churning. She loosened her grip on my wrist. Once more I found myself wondering if maybe I was having some success. Maybe I was wearing her down. I knew she wanted this, wanted it so bad, and all she had to do was break through her own barriers. Barriers that had been put there by years of crazy religious conditioning.

  Through it all she continued stroking my cock and the only thing that kept me from blowing my load was the distraction of her pussy on my fingers, was the distraction of wondering if this was the night she was finally going to give into temptation. She’d been so close before, so very close, but I usually only found out about those moments of temptation well after the fact when I couldn’t take advantage of it. Only I’d learned to recognize the signs, and they were all there. I was praying that I was coming close to a green light.

  I wanted to scream when I heard the front door bang open. No! Damn it! Of all the times for my new roommate to come home this was the worst!

  Brandi stopped kissing me. She pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Who’s that?”

  “I’m guessing that’s Anthony,” I said. I didn’t bother to keep the frustration out of my voice.

  Her face lit up. “Really? Let’s go meet the new guy!”

  I looked down at her. At the scene before me. We were lying together on my bed, her hand was still wrapped around my cock, my fingers were buried in her pussy, and her shirt had ridden up almost to her tits. I could see the bottom swell of her incredible breasts and all I wanted to do was pull her shirt up and lick and suck on them like I was a starving man.

  Only I could see the look on her face. I knew what that look meant. She’d been well and thoroughly distracted and there wasn’t a chance I was going to undistract her now. Not until she got to meet my new roommate.

  I groaned. “Fine, let’s go meet my roommate. And then we can get back to having some fun.”

  She smiled and patted my cheek. “Of course we can.”

  4: Meeting the Roommate

  I took a moment to make sure everything was back in place. Brandi didn’t take quite as long. I got one look at her as she was making her way out of my room and I held out a hand to stop her, but it was already too late by the time I called out to her. No
t that it probably would’ve stopped her from going out there dressed like that anyways.

  It was weird. She was still in those impossibly tight clothes, her shorts that molded to her ass and barely came down over her ass cheeks, that shirt that clearly showed her nipples straining out. And yet suddenly I found myself intrigued by the idea of her going out there and meeting my roommate dressed like that. If I’m perfectly honest I found myself more than intrigued by the idea of him getting a good look at her. I wondered what he would think, a hot petite white girl running out and greeting him.

  So with a mixture of trepidation and something that I’m going to call arousal even though it was different from any arousal I’d ever felt before in my life I walked out into the main living room and saw Brandi looking Anthony up and down. And suddenly I wasn’t just thinking about him looking at my fiancée. No, I was thinking about the way she was standing there looking at him.

  I wanted to say that the reason she was standing there with her chest heaving, with her nipples straining out, with her breath coming in quick gasps, was from a combination of what we’d just been up to and her running out into the living room, but I knew that was probably bullshit. She was in shape and a jog was hardly going to wind her like that. Sure she might still be turned on from what we’d just been doing, but at the same time there was no denying the way her eyes were moving up and down Anthony’s body.

  He was in a tight fitting white T-shirt that was a stark contrast to his brown skin. He had sweat running all over his body and it was obvious he’d just been out for a run or he’d just gotten back from the gym. He was like a chocolate god standing there in the center of our living room and even I blinked as I looked at him. I’m not saying I was turned on by the guy, just that I could see from looking at him where a girl might be impressed. Looking at my fiancée I could see that she was definitely impressed.

  And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.


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