My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel

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My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  Panic was rising in me as I got up and moved to my door. I threw it open and looked in the living room. No Brandi. No Anthony.

  I moved down to his room and his door was open. I breathed a sigh of relief at that. I peered in, both afraid of what I might see and with a strange feeling of anticipation at the same time. And I felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment when I looked in and saw that his sheets were messed up, but he definitely wasn’t in there. Brandi definitely wasn’t in there.

  I turned around and put my hands on my hips, racking my brain. Where the hell could they be?

  The only other place was the basement, but there was just laundry down there. Plus I would’ve heard them moving around down there. If they’d been fucking I definitely would’ve heard that. The floorboards were almost as thin as the walls in this house.

  I heard the front door bang open and I walked out there again expecting to see maybe one or the other, but when I walked out they were both walking in laughing and smiling. Anthony was wearing just a pair of gym shorts and running shoes, and Brandi was in a pair of tight shorts that hugged her ass and a sports bra that hugged her tits in a very distracting way. It was what she usually wore when she went to the gym, but seeing her looking like that standing right next to Anthony suddenly made that outfit feel more sexually charged than usual.

  “Where were you two?” I asked.

  I tried to keep some of the accusation out of my voice, but I’m sure some of it came through. I felt bad for asking it almost as soon as I did, especially for how it sounded, but I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit suspicious of what was going on here. Brandi didn’t like running, let alone getting up early in the morning to go for a run, but judging by the sweat running down her body, fuck she looked so amazing glistening with sweat running down her body like that, it looked like she’d decided that maybe a morning run was a good exercise option after all.

  “We decided to go for a little early morning workout,” Brandi said.

  “You’re a machine,” Anthony said with a laugh.

  “Stop being nice!” Brandi said with a giggle, and then she smacked one of his sweat slicked arms. I also noticed that her hand lingered for maybe just a moment longer than was proper.

  This interplay between them had my cock hard. Just looking at her like that slick with sweat and in a sports bra and those impossibly tight shorts would’ve normally been enough to get me going without that interaction, but that was like a cherry on top of a delicious sexy sundae as far as I was concerned.

  “You want to hop in the shower first?” Brandi asked.

  “No,” Anthony said. “Ladies first.”

  And meanwhile in my head I couldn’t help but think that it would be way hotter if they just went ahead and took a shower together. I couldn’t believe I was thinking that, but the thought was running through my head whether I wanted it or not. And I was so turned on thinking about water running down both of their bodies, thinking about my fiancée pressing her petite body against him. Thinking about her feeling that monster cock in between her legs.

  “Thanks!” Brandi said, pulling me out of my reverie. She breezed past me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. And I stood there, stunned, not quite believing the thoughts running through my head.

  The teasing continued later that night, though I wasn’t sure whether it was teasing for me or teasing for Anthony. We were sitting down to watch a movie in the living room. I would’ve much preferred watching a movie in my bedroom because watching a movie in my bedroom meant we wouldn’t really be watching the movie, if you catch my drift. I also made sure I was prepared tonight and had a whole box of condoms and other fun surprises ready to go in my nightstand.

  But Brandi must’ve had some inkling of my plans because she insisted we go out and watch the movie on the big flat panel that I had in the living room. She usually pulled that when it was a movie she really wanted to watch.

  I sighed as I walked out and put the movie in. Just a week ago we would’ve been able to have some fun out here as well. Back before I had a new roommate. Of course I did need the money that he brought in, there was no way I’d be able to afford this place on my own, but at the same time I was missing some of the freedom we had while I was between roommates. I’d gotten used to having the place all to myself.

  So it was with no small measure of surprise that I saw Brandi come out wearing a pair of the skimpiest pajamas I think I’d ever seen her wear before. Down below she was in a pair of shorts that barely deserved the name. They came up so far on her that they might as well be panties. Above she had a tank top that didn’t even come down to her belly button and it went well down into her cleavage. My eyes must’ve been popping out of my head because she walked over and reached out to close my mouth.

  “Honestly honey,” she said. “You act like you’ve never seen me in pajamas before.”

  “Never in pajamas like that!” I said.

  Of course I didn’t mind that she was dressing up like that. Not at all. I loved it when she showed off, and I loved it even more when she wore something skimpy because it was nice scenery for me. Only in this particular instance I found myself wishing once more that we could be back in my room where I could really enjoy that outfit thoroughly without worrying about Anthony walking in on us.

  Shit. Anthony. He was in the house studying tonight, and there was no doubt he was going to see her.

  Sure enough no sooner had the movie started than he walked out to see what we were watching. Only the movie was forgotten when he got a look at what Brandi was wearing. I thought about throwing a blanket over her, doing something to preserve her modesty, but then it started to happen. That same feeling I’d had the night before when I was thinking about him looking at her in the hallway, the same feeling I got when we were fucking and she was screaming at the top of her lungs no doubt where he could hear us. It was that strange feeling of enjoying another man looking at my fiancée. And boy was he looking at her with interest now!

  His eyes moved up and down her body and I saw her sit up a little more straight, I saw her press her tits out. I looked over and saw her nipples pointing out. Apparently she hadn’t bothered with a bra. Then again why would she wear a bra if she was in pajamas?

  And rather than saying something, rather than trying to stop this, I found myself silently encouraging her to show off. Silently encouraging her to display her treasures to my new roommate who I barely knew, but it was getting me so fucking turned on thinking about him watching my fiancée.

  The only problem with the situation was that it was making me want to take her back to my room so we could explore our newly discovered love of fucking. But that wasn’t going to happen as long as the movie was on.

  Anthony was only out there for a moment, but it was a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity as I saw the two of them looking one another up and down. Of course it was so quick, so brief, that I also wondered if it wasn’t my imagination. This new obsession was taking hold of me, and the more rational part of my mind was wondering if I was actually seeing things, if I was actually seeing my up until now faithful fiancée flirting with another man, or if I was just seeing that because that’s what I wanted to see. Maybe I was just projecting my obsession into the real world.

  Of course there was no denying what I saw the next morning. I’d gotten up before Brandi for a change. Apparently getting up early to run was something that only happened on Saturdays. I also noticed Anthony didn’t get up on Sunday to work out either. I wondered if he’d told her that. I’d have to start paying attention to their workout schedule.

  Damn it. I hated that I was obsessing over this. And yet at the same time I couldn’t deny how turned on obsessing over it made me.

  That obsession started right back up when Brandi woke up and stumbled, bleary-eyed, into the kitchen. She usually had cereal for breakfast and I had a good view of her getting everything ready from where I was sitting on the couch in the living room. And what a view. She was still
wearing those impossibly tight pajamas from the nightie before, only she wasn’t wearing any panties underneath them in addition to not having a bra on up above. I knew that because I’d removed them right before we had one hell of a fucking session where I was picturing Anthony coming over to the couch and ripping her pajamas off while I sat and watched, completely helpless to do anything about it.

  Damn did she look hot this morning. Of course she looked hot all the time, but that outfit just did something. The way it molded to her petite frame, the way she moved so lithely through the kitchen.

  A moment later Anthony came out of his room. I was pretty sure he’d been up for a while, and my eyes narrowed. I wondered if it was a mere coincidence that he happened to be getting up at the same time that the Brandi emerged from my room or if he’d been waiting for her to show up on the scene before he got his own breakfast.

  He moved into the kitchen and came up behind Brandi as she was leaning into the refrigerator. I continued eating my cereal and trying to look like I was concentrating on the television, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. My entire attention was focused on the two of them in the kitchen. Particularly on the way he came up behind her as she was leaning into the fridge with her ass sticking out and no doubt wiggling back and forth in a hypnotic little dance she did every time she was looking through the fridge.

  I didn’t have a great view of the refrigerator, but I could only imagine from the way they were standing that he had to have his cock pretty close to her ass. He was close enough that they’d be able to feel the heat radiating off of one another’s bodies. I shivered as I thought of that, and I briefly considered trying to get up and get a closer look, but I worried that would shatter the spell. That would interrupt them.

  Strangely enough that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Can I help you?” Brandi asked.

  “I’m just getting some milk,” he said.

  They were speaking quietly, and I heard her giggle. That giggle made me glance over again. I was wondering what the hell was going on, and it frustrated me that I couldn’t sit up to try and get a better view of whatever fun was happening without alerting them to my interest and ruining that better view of whatever fun was happening.

  My breathing was picking up, I could feel my blood pumping, and my cock was definitely raging as I listened to them. As I stole glances over there.

  Surely this couldn’t be my imagination. Surely this couldn’t be me trying to take my fantasy and force it into the real world. There was no doubt they were getting more up close and personal than was strictly kosher for an engaged girl, and it made me wonder how up close and personal they might’ve gotten yesterday when they were out of the house going on their little morning run.

  Then it was over. Brandi was walking into the living room with her bowl of cereal and Anthony did the same, moving over to a chair. I was still watching the TV, but more than anything I was concentrating on the two of them. On the way they seemed to be stealing glances at one another as we sat in silence and watched TV.

  I was so damn worked up that I knew I was going to be pulling Brandi back to the room for a little fun afterwards. Especially since we were getting close to the week, and there was no guarantee I’d see her at all until next Friday.

  “So did you ever think about having that house party?” Brandi asked.

  I blinked and looked at her. “House party?”

  “You know, the one to welcome Anthony to the house?”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought about it,” I said.

  I honestly hadn’t thought about it since she brought it up on Friday night. This whole weekend had been such a whirlwind of new experiences. Fucking Brandi for the first time, going crazy watching the two of them maybe or maybe not getting up close and personal with one another. A house party had been the last thing on my mind.

  “A house party?” Anthony asked.

  “We were thinking it would be a nice way to welcome you,” Brandi said.

  Well she was thinking it, not me. It seemed like Brandi was already giving him one hell of a welcome to the house if I wasn’t imagining things. Still, I was never one to pass up a flimsy excuse for having a party.

  “Yeah, maybe next weekend,” I said.

  Only I wasn’t thinking about a house party. I was thinking about a party with Brandi and Anthony in attendance. I was thinking about the two of them maybe having a little too much to drink, and what might happen if things progressed naturally from there.

  And I felt guilty even as I had those thoughts. This was my fiancée. She’d never been anything but faithful to me. And now I was thinking of throwing her to the wolves.

  Okay, so glancing at Anthony maybe he wasn’t exactly the wolves. He was a pretty nice guy. But you know what I mean. I was thinking of sacrificing my fiancée and her innocence on the altar of this fantasy that had started raging inside me ever since the first time I saw them hug. And even though I felt guilty about it, I also couldn’t deny that it was such a turn on thinking about it. I couldn’t deny that I desperately wanted to see more than just the teasing they’d maybe been indulging in.

  There was no way I was imagining all of this. There was no way I was just projecting my fantasy onto their interactions. There had to be something there, and that thought terrified me and turned me on in equal measure.

  “Sounds like fun,” Anthony said. Only he was looking Brandi up and down. That left no doubt in my mind as to exactly what kind of fun he was thinking of. I looked over to Brandi and she was blushing and looking away. She hadn’t missed that look either.

  Interesting. Very interesting. I knew one thing. I definitely couldn’t wait until that house party. I couldn’t wait to see what might happen even as I hated myself for so desperately wanting to see what might happen.

  9: House Party

  I don’t know if it was her schedule or if it was by design, but I was going absolutely crazy over the next week. It turned into one of those weeks when I didn’t get to see Brandi hardly at all. The only time we got together was for lunch a couple of times through the week, and we couldn’t have any of the fun I was hoping for at a lunch meeting.

  Through it all she kept talking about the party. How she couldn’t wait for it to start. How she was inviting several of her friends over.

  And so I found the thing being planned around me without doing much of anything other than throwing open the door and letting the first people in that Friday night. Brandi was standing next to me and she was positively bouncing. I had to admit I was excited too, though for completely different reasons than the excitement she was feeling. Maybe.

  I thought back to the way they’d been flirting with one another last week and considered that maybe she was excited for some of the same reasons I was.

  A guy could dream.

  Pretty soon the whole house was full of people. My friends, Brandi’s friends, and Anthony’s friends all mixing together.

  There was a controlled chaos to these house parties. I had music going in the basement and that’s where most of the drinks were along with a makeshift dance floor. And when I say a makeshift dance floor I really mean it was an open concrete area where people could dance since there was no other furniture down there aside from the washer and dryer.

  Having music in the basement also meant it was a lot less likely that the sound would carry and annoy the neighbors. We hadn’t had a noise complaint at one of my house parties yet.

  Brandi hung with me at the front door for a little while, but I could tell she was getting bored.

  “Why don’t you go downstairs and have some fun with your friends? Dance a little bit.”

  I knew how much she loved dancing. Sometimes we went out to the clubs just so she could have fun since it wasn’t really my thing. Sometimes she went out to the clubs with her friends and no me to save me the awkwardness of standing and awkwardly shuffling. I was always more than happy to go dancing with her, but I had a horrible case of two left feet. Most o
f the time when I went out dancing with her I usually ended up standing there while she used me as the equivalent of a human stripper pole. Which was just fine by me since any time she was grinding up against me like that was a good time.

  She looked up at me and smiled. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” I said. “Go and have your fun!”

  Brandi leaned up and kissed me and then she was gone. I turned and watched the view as she made her way back to the entrance to the basement. God how much I loved watching her walk away. Sometimes when we were walking together on campus I’d fall behind her just a little bit so I could watch her ass working in whatever she was wearing. It didn’t matter what she wore, she always looked absolutely amazing. And so I paused my host duties at the door for a moment and enjoyed the view.

  Then I was distracted by another group of friends showing up. I smiled and played the good host. That went on for another half hour before it seemed like everybody who was going to get here was here and I could finally let loose and have a little bit of fun myself.

  And I knew exactly where I was going to go for that little bit of fun. Remember what I said about Brandi treating me like a stripper pole? Well that went for wherever there was dancing. Whether we were out at a club on campus or we were down in the basement where I had my makeshift dance floor. I smiled as I made my way down the stairs, looking forward to being a human stripper pole for a little while.

  Chances are something would happen, someone would interrupt me and I’d go play the host. Maybe clean up a mess, interrupt a fight, but I figured I could get at least a few minutes alone with my fiancée before I got more than a few minutes alone with my fiancée later tonight, if you catch my drift.

  My cock was throbbing as I made my way to the back of the house and down the stairs into the basement. Back in the days when Brandi was still a stickler for the whole waiting for marriage thing being with her on the dance floor was one of my favorite things in the world precisely because she would always rub and grind against me in ways she never would’ve done in the bedroom. It was some of the most intense sexual contact that we had, and I loved it.


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