Pride and Consequence

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Pride and Consequence Page 8

by Altonya Washington

  “Cecil, do you still rent out those old buildings?” Zakira asked, stirring her marshmallow filled cocoa.

  “I sure do. In fact, I just bought an old warehouse in New York.”

  Zakira’s brows rose. “Sounds good.”

  Cecil’s face fell. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what to do with it.”

  Malik’s rich deep laughter sounded. “Not you?”

  “Hmph. I think he wasted his money,” Melinda chimed.

  Everyone laughed. Cecil leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful expression on his round, honey-complexioned face. “I think I’ve just solved my own problem,” he announced.

  Melinda toyed with a lock of hair from her sleek, Chinese bob. “What now?” she sighed.

  “Malik, have you ever considered branching out with your restaurants?” Cecil asked.

  A frustrated look appeared on Malik’s face, but before he could respond, the food arrived. Everyone had huge appetites, and the spread on the table proved it. There were heaping bowls of shrimp fettuccine in a rich, creamy sauce, fluffy sourdough rolls, delicious green salads and white wine to complete the meal.

  “I mean, you’ve been in the business for what now? Three, four years? I think a Badu’s in New York would be a big success,” Cecil predicted as he dug into his meal.

  “Oh, here he goes,” Melinda drawled, rolling her eyes toward the windows. “I truly believe if somebody cut Cec, he’d bleed numbers. Baby, can’t you give the business talk a rest for a while?”

  “Hell, Melinda, we don’t know when we’ll get the chance to hook up with these two again,” Cecil argued.

  Zakira could see that Malik seemed to be growing aggravated by the discussion. “Cecil, if y’all are going to be in Virginia a while, why don’t you drop into Richmond? Why not for Christmas Eve? We can have dinner together and discuss it then. Maybe you can bring along photos of this great warehouse of yours.”

  “It’s a plan,” Cecil decided, a broad grin brightening his handsome round face. “Zakira, Malik, when you see the place, you’re gonna fall in love with it. I don’t think you’ll have any doubts about expansion then.”

  Zakira’s warm brown eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched Malik sprinkle a mound of Parmesan cheese to his fettuccine. It appeared that he wasn’t as interested in the venture as she hoped. But she was becoming more interested in Cecil’s proposal with each passing minute.

  “Tree? There’s an Edwina Harris on the line for you. Are you available or should I—”

  “Put her through, Carrie.” Tree told his assistant, shrugging out of his olive-green suit coat as he waited for the connection. “Eddie?”

  “Hi, Tree. I hope I didn’t catch you on your way home?”

  Tree’s deep dimples creased his cheeks. “Well, actually you did, but since ‘home’ is right down the hall, don’t worry about it.”

  Eddie tried to laugh but only managed a shaky sigh. “Tree…”

  The sound of her voice made him pause. Suddenly, he realized why she’d called. “Are you canceling out on me?”

  Eddie closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, I just—”

  “Hey, hey don’t worry about it. Maybe another time? Call me?” he urged.

  “I will,” Eddie promised, thankful that he had made it so easy. “Goodbye, Tree.”

  The tone of finality to her words, brought a frown to Tree’s face. “Good night Eddie.”

  “So, what did you think?”

  Malik frowned and threw his jacket to the bed. “About what?” he asked, turning to look at Zakira.

  “Cecil’s proposal. You hardly said two words after he mentioned it.”

  A humorless smirk crossed Malik’s mouth. “You seemed to have enough questions for us both. Wasn’t a need for me to say anything.”

  Zakira ignored Malik’s sarcasm and removed her jacket. “So, are you interested?”

  “How the hell can you ask me that, Zaki?”

  Zakira frowned. “I thought it would do you good to put your mind on something else,” she reasoned.

  Suddenly the pain that had been nagging Malik during lunch hit him hard. He pressed his hands against his temples and leaned against the dresser. Zakira rushed toward him, but Malik extended his hand, stopping her. Before his wife had roped them into plans for Christmas, he’d toyed with the idea of staying at the inn through the holiday. Now that was the last thing he wanted.

  “You know, I thought a long weekend would give us time to relax and enjoy each other.” Malik quietly stated, massaging the fading pain in his temples. “All we do is fight, so I think we should leave tomorrow.”

  “That sounds good to me.” Zakira agreed.

  Malik headed toward the bathroom but stopped in the doorway and looked at her. “I’m sorry, Zakira. I know you’re trying to help. But I can’t be thinkin’ about venturing into a new level with my business when I won’t be around to see it through.”

  The way he closed the conversation broke her heart.

  Chapter 5

  Zakira didn’t see Edwina’s car out front when she stopped by on Christmas eve. But she took a chance that her stepsister might be home anyway.

  The moment Eddie opened the door and saw Zakira out front, she stepped forward and enveloped her in a tight hug.

  Eddie nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  Zakira wiped her cheeks and sighed. “So am I.”

  “Come on in here,” Eddie whispered, pulling Zakira inside the house. She hated the stressed look on her stepsister’s face, but knew it could not be helped. “So, how’s Malik?” she asked as they got comfortable in the kitchen.

  “Malik’s Malik,” Zakira replied wearily.

  Eddie pulled two mugs from the cupboard and prepared to make tea. “Is it hard talking to him?”

  “Very,” Zakira confirmed. “You know, even though I suspected something was wrong, I never thought it would be something like this.”

  “Oh, honey, how could you have guessed this?”

  Zakira shook her head. “I don’t mean the sickness. I had a feeling it was something health-related, not cancer, but…I’m talking about my husband’s plan to leave his life before this cancer…kills him.”

  Eddie handed Zakira a mug of hot tea with lemon and set hers to the table. “Leave?”

  “He wants to go away and die. Can you believe that?”

  “No. I don’t get it.”

  Zakira pushed away her mug. “He’s gonna check into some treatment center and spend his…last days there.”

  “Well, Z, maybe he’s trying to spare everyone having to see him sick. Malik is one of those strong silent tough brothas, you know? He doesn’t want to look weak in front of others.”

  “Edwina, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but Malik isn’t being considerate. He’s being stubborn, cold and thoughtless,” Zakira declared.

  Silence settled over the kitchen.

  “I didn’t mean to bring you down,” Zakira finally said.

  Eddie frowned. “What are you talking about? I love you and Malik.”

  Zakira propped her face in her palms. “When you answered the door, you looked like you were glowing.” she noted.

  “Please,” Eddie sighed as she shrugged off the comment. Knowing where the conversation was headed, she didn’t try to dissuade Zakira from talking about Trekel Grisani.

  “So he came to see you in person, huh?” Zakira slyly questioned.

  “How’d you know?” Edwina asked before she could stop herself.

  Zakira’s expression was full of delight. “I didn’t, but thanks for telling me.”

  “You set all this up, didn’t you?”

  Zakira closed her eyes and nodded. “I wasn’t sure if he’d come to see you or not. So? How are things going?”

  Eddie propped one hand on her hip. “Don’t you think that question is a bit presumptuous?”

  Zakira considered the question for a moment. “I don’t think so, Eddie. If there’s one thing that man has a weakness for, it’s a bea
utiful woman. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you out yet.”

  “Uh, he has,” Eddie uneasily revealed.

  Zakira sat up straight in her chair and watched Eddie expectantly.

  “He came over to apologize for upsetting me when he told me about Malik. We talked a little, and the next thing I know, he’s asking me out.”

  Zakira spread her hands. “And?”

  Eddie stood from the table and rubbed her hands across her sagging blue jeans. “I said yes, but later I changed my mind.”

  “You what?”

  “Z, please don’t start,” Eddie sighed.

  “I just don’t get why you’d turn him down.”

  Edwina dumped the rest of her tea down the drain. “Listen, Z, I’m not going to get into something with Tree. I have enough problems with black men. I can’t handle the pressure of dating a white one.”

  Zakira waved her hand in the air, but did not respond.

  “I admit Tree is very sweet, and Lord knows he’s fine, but I just can’t. And this is my decision, remember?”

  Zakira sat the cup aside and braced herself against the counter. “I know it’s your decision. I just wish my problems with Malik were so simple.”

  Cursing silently, Edwina rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. She walked over to Zakira and pulled her close. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Oh, Eddie,” Zakira sobbed. “I’ve really got to get myself together…especially now.”

  “Why?” Eddie asked, pulling away.

  Zakira shook her head. “Malik doesn’t want anyone at the restaurant to know about the cancer, so he wants me to participate more in the business. That means, I’ll have to spend half the day pretending things are normal.”

  “Well, at least you won’t have to pretend when you’re at home since everything’s out in the open,” Eddie noted, her tone hopeful.

  The look in Zakira’s brown eyes was full of doubt.

  Edwina had afternoon appointments and was about to leave for the office a few hours after her visit with Zakira. As she headed downstairs, the phone rang.

  “Edwina Harris.”

  “Hey, Eddie, it’s Malik.”

  Edwina sat on the arm of the sofa and her eyes grew wide. “Malik?” she whispered.

  “Yeah. From the sound of your voice, I take it you know?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her hand going to her neck as she felt a sob rising.

  “Not as sorry as I am,” Malik teased.

  Eddie managed a weak laugh. “So, how are you feeling?”

  “Some days good. Some days, like crap. But, you know…”

  “Yeah…” Eddie sighed, smiling at the brave tone in his deep voice.

  “Listen, I didn’t call to get you down. I’m trying to find my wife. Have you seen her?”

  “She was here, but that was a couple of hours ago. Why? Do you need anything?”

  “No, nothing like that. We’re supposed to meet about the business. I’ll still be involved with the restaurant of course but Zaki’s gonna start going in more. And there are things she needs to know.”

  “Listen, Malik,” Eddie began, realizing how defensive he sounded, “I know how strong you are, everybody does.”


  “Meaning, don’t try to put on airs for anyone. All you’ll do is wear yourself out.”

  “Thanks, doctor.”

  “I’m serious, Malik.”

  “So am I.”

  “Take care of yourself.”

  “I will. Thanks, Eddie.”

  Malik hung up the phone and thought about Eddie’s words. She was right. He had been putting up a front for everyone, especially himself. Each day, he felt worse. His doctor had prescribed a medication to soothe the raging headaches. Unfortunately, they hadn’t done much good. He knew the time was fast approaching for him to leave.

  The phone buzzed, interrupting his somber thoughts. “Yeah, Chanel?”

  “Malik, Tree’s out here to see you.”

  “Show him in,” Malik instructed, reclining in his chair.

  The tense expression on Tree’s face when he entered the office matched Malik’s mood exactly. He knew Tree didn’t approve of what he was doing, but he needed his friend’s help. There was nowhere else he could turn.

  “What’s up, man?” Tree sighed, taking a seat in front of the desk.

  “I guess I should be asking you that,” Malik noted, raising his brows slightly.

  Tree propped his elbow on the chair’s padded armrest. “Everything you asked me to take care of has been handled. I even made the arrangements for your stay at that…treatment center.” He glared across the room at Malik. “I still can’t believe you’re gonna go through with this crap.”


  “What, man? What?” Tree snapped, standing out of the chair. “This is crazy. You should be here with your family, not runnin’ off to some damn center!”

  Malik stood as well. “I already told you to forget it, so…”

  Zakira was on her way to meet with Malik when she heard the deep voices booming through the door. She wasted no time walking into the office. “What are y’all doin’?” she called over the roar. The two men quieted instantly.

  “Difference of opinion,” Malik replied dryly.

  Zakira wasn’t convinced. “Well, I could hear you all the way outside,” she told them, closing the door. “What could possibly be going on to make you fight like this on Christmas Eve?”

  Malik became interested in papers on his desk, while Tree walked over to Zakira. “Sorry we disturbed you girl, I gotta get out of here,” he whispered, kissing her before he left.

  Malik could feel Zakira’s brown eyes glaring at him. “What?”

  “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

  Malik shrugged. “Difference of opinion, like I said.”

  Zakira shook her head, knowing she wouldn’t get more of an answer.

  For a moment, Malik’s eyes narrowed as he watched her take off the heavy gray overcoat. Beneath it, she wore a clinging forest-green dress with a thigh-high hemline. The stretchy material molded to her small frame enticingly. Matching square-toed platforms completed the ensemble. Malik shook his head and tried to ignore how much his wife always aroused him.

  Zakira turned and watched him strangely. “Malik? Are we meeting or what?”

  “Yeah, yeah, we’re meeting,” he said, grabbing a folder off the windowsill.

  “Cecil and Melinda called just before I left the house,” Zakira mentioned as she strolled across the office.

  Malik was busy gathering folders from his desk. “Oh yeah?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Zakira murmured, clasping her hands as she watched him closely. “They were confirming dinner tonight. I was surprised to get your call about this meeting—I thought maybe you’d close a little earlier. Give your staff some extra time with their families…”

  Scanning the contents of the folder, Malik offered a quick shrug. “I still have a business to run, Zaki.”

  “I know,” she sighed, smoothing both hands across the comforting softness of the dress. “I was thinking about inviting Tree along, too. In light of everything that seems to be going on, it might be nice to get together for a relaxing evening, and I think he’d like Cecil and Melinda.”

  Malik finally looked up from the paperwork. His gorgeous charcoal-gray eyes raked Zakira’s petite form with devastating intensity. “You’re right,” he finally replied, trying to dismiss the roguish thoughts ravaging his mind. “Shall we?” he gestured toward the other side of the room.

  They took a seat on the suede sofa in the far corner of the office. Malik opened the folder that contained a list of suppliers and other information. The order of business that day was to familiarize Zakira with the people who helped keep Badu’s running.

  “Damn, I can’t believe you deal with so many different people,” Zakira exclaimed, surprised to see how many businesses were involved.

  “Yeah, there’s a lot,” Ma
lik replied, trying to keep his mind and his eyes on his work.

  Zakira seemed genuinely interested, like a kid at a zoo. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she tried to absorb all the new information being thrown at her. For Malik, on the other hand, with Zakira seated so close, it was virtually impossible to remain businesslike. She kicked off her shoes as she often did when preparing to settle in with reading material and got more comfortable on the sofa next to him. Her shapely, toned legs were close enough to touch.

  Malik’s long lashes closed as he gave an almost inaudible groan. Unfortunately, his wife seemed oblivious to his torment.

  “So, do you have different suppliers for each item, or do some handle a variety of your needs?” Zakira asked.

  Malik shifted and frowned at the list of names. “Um, it’s a little of both,” he informed her, putting check marks by a few of the listings. “A lot of these guys will try to pull anything if you’re not firm.”

  Zakira sat on her knees and innocently rested against Malik’s arm as she peered into the folder. “Are there any in particular I should watch out for?”

  Malik shook his head and commanded his mind—and body—to focus on business. He managed to do an admirable job, highlighting a few names and giving Zakira some tips on handling the more difficult associates. He handed her the folder and, unable to resist another moment, began to fiddle with her hair. His gaze caressed every inch of her face.

  “So everything in this folder should bring me up to speed with the functions of the restaurant?” She began thumbing through it.

  “Mmm-hmm.” He sighed, leaning back on the sofa and watching her stand up. “That’s just a list of suppliers and distributors, but those are the people I deal with most.”

  “Great,” Zakira said, shutting the folder. “So is it okay if I take this home with me?”

  “Yeah,” Malik said, shrugging slightly.

  Zakira tilted her head slightly. “You okay?” she asked, unaware how enticing she appeared to her husband.

  Malik shut his eyes briefly. “Fine,” he said with a smile.

  Zakira returned the smile. “So what’s next?” she asked, slapping her hands to her sides.


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