Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2)

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Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2) Page 8

by Donna Fletcher

  Cree turned to Torr with a fury in his eyes that had Torr drawing his shoulders back and clenching his fists. “Dawn is my woman and you’ll keep your distance.”

  “We can stand here and argue or we can go find her,” Torr said.

  “Unless you wish to die, stay away from her,” Cree said and then turned to Sloan. “Gather the men.”

  “We’ll help you,” Kirk offered.

  “It’s not necessary,” Cree snapped.

  “Perhaps but it is what friends do for each other.”

  Kirk was extending his hand in friendship and Cree would be a fool not to accept it so he said, “You’re help would be appreciated.”

  “Wise move,” Sloan whispered when Cree turned to him.

  “I hope I don’t regret it.” Cree didn’t know why he said that, perhaps it was because he wanted to beat the hell out of Torr for even speaking to Dawn as foolish as that was. And he wondered if it would eventually come down to that since Torr had not acknowledged his warning about staying away from Dawn.

  It wasn’t long before the men were gathered and Cree issued orders for the entire village to be searched. If she wasn’t found they would move beyond to the woods, though as soon as he stepped outside the keep and into the snowstorm he knew this would not be an easy task.


  Dawn knew the woods well, especially the path to Old Mary’s cottage. Her mother and she had visited the old woman often and so the trail was instinctive to her. Then there were the markers her mother had pointed out to her so that if she wandered off in play she could find her way back, so when she spotted the large gnarled tree through the falling snow she knew she wasn’t far from the cottage.

  What she hadn’t realized or prepared for was the fact that the cottage hadn’t been tended to since Old Mary moved out of it and to the village. She stood blinking away the falling snow that tickled her eyes and stared at the gaping hole where the door should be. The shutters were gone from the lone window and there was a large hole in the thatched roof.

  This meant that she had no choice but to return to the village and with night not far off she would need to hurry. She made her way around the cottage and was barely a few feet down the path when she noticed movement in the snow. It was low to the ground and could be an animal burrowed in a hole against the cold or...

  She didn’t have time to weigh her actions, she hurried over to where she had seen the movement and dropped down beside the mound brushing the snow off to reveal Old Mary curled in a ball. She shook the woman awake, her eyes fluttering open and then she helped her to sit up and wrapped the blanket around her.

  The old woman trembled and hugged the blanket around her. “I knew you would come for me. You have the kindest and most unselfish heart, just like your mother.”

  It pleased Dawn to know she was like her mother but there was not time to dwell or waste, they had to get moving. Dawn helped Old Mary to stand and after adjusting the blanket around the woman, she slipped off her fur-lined cloak and placed that on top of the blanket. Old Mary tried to protest, but Dawn showed her that she had another cloak on and though not fur-lined, it would do.

  Dawn wrapped an arm around the woman and held her close as she led them on the path back to the village. It didn’t take long for Dawn to realize that Old Mary was already exhausted from her ordeal and she feared that she would not be able to make it far. If she could get her close to the edge of the woods that boarded the village, she could then go for help.

  After a few more feet, Dawn slipped her shoulder under Old Mary’s arm and practically carried the woman along. She kept a steady pace and as the old woman grew weaker Dawn took more of the woman’s weight on her.

  Dawn felt hot and cold all at the same time and her arms and legs hurt, though she barely felt her feet and she knew that was not good. She had to keep going, no matter what she could not stop, if she did she might not get moving again.

  Old Mary’s body suddenly went completely limp and Dawn wrapped her arm tightly around the woman’s waist while continuing to support her with her shoulder and lifted her slightly so that her feet lightly dragged along in the snow. Her own limbs screamed from the added burden and the cold but she was determined to get them both back to the village and into the safety and warmth of Old Mary’s cottage. And so she pushed on against the raging wind and snow.


  “Dawn’s not in the village,” Sloan said.

  At that moment Cree felt completely helpless and it infuriated him. He stood outside Lila’s cottage having just finished speaking with her and trying to calm her down once she found out that Dawn was missing. Paul had immediately donned a cloak and went out to join the search as did many other village men when they learned of the news.

  “Do you think someone could have abducted her?” Sloan asked.

  “Why would someone do that?” Torr asked joining them, his father at his side.

  “I haven’t the time to explain,” Cree said, “but there have been attempts on Dawn’s life.”

  “Why?” Kirk asked anxiously.

  “We haven’t been able to determine that yet,” Cree said. “But I don’t believe that is what happened here. Old Mary is a good friend of Dawn’s and she would worry over the old woman.”

  “She would brave a snowstorm to help a friend in need, even if it meant risking your wrath,” Torr said as if he understood Dawn’s kind nature. “So where else might she search for her friend?”

  Cree didn’t get a chance to respond, shouts from behind the cottage drew their attention. And not one of them hesitated, they all ran. Cree spotted Dawn through the swirling snow, Old Mary weighed on her and Paul was about to take hold of the old woman. Cree was at her side and scooped her up in his arms after Paul freed her of Old Mary.

  “See to recalling the men and the old woman’s care,” Cree shouted to Sloan and tucked Dawn tightly against him. He could feel her body shiver and he hurried to her cottage.

  Cree latched the door behind him and went directly to the other room. He sat her on the bed for a moment with strict orders not to move. He then added extra logs to the dwindling fire so that the small room would blaze with heat.

  He returned to Dawn, took her by the shoulders, brought her to her feet, and slipped her cloak off tossing it on the chest at the foot of the bed. He ran his hands up and down her arms, alarmed at how cold she felt. And when he spotted her hands wrapped in rags he nearly roared with rage.

  He meet her eyes ready to admonish her for being so foolish and the words died on his lips. Her face was pale and her eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and she looked as if she was ready to collapse. He chided himself for even thinking of scolding her and gently sat her on the bed. Then he carefully unwrapped the strips of cloth that were meant to keep her hands warm, though had failed. He took one hand gently in his and as he began to unwrap the cloth, she shivered.

  Mumbling several oaths, he once again scooped her up and carried her over to the hearth. He went down holding her and then he braced her between his legs so that she could rest her back against his chest. He then proceeded to gently unwind the cloth on one hand. As he did he noticed that her boots were wet and he worried that her feet had suffered badly in the snowstorm.

  He pressed his cheek next to hers as he massaged warmth into her hand. “Can you feel your feet?”

  Her finger pressed his massaging hand twice.

  He swore several times hoping that her feet had not suffered badly in the snowstorm. He concentrated on rubbing her hands warm and let the fire chase her shivers. Then he would stripe her and see to the rest of her.

  Cree wanted to ask her why she had done such a foolish thing but he didn’t think she had the strength to gesture. Besides he already knew the answer. Old Mary’s life was in danger and Dawn could not sit by and see her friend die. She had a generous heart and a caring soul and he wished to the heavens that he could make her his wife.

  She shivered against him and he quickly snatched her up in his arms an
d carried her to the bed to stand next to it. He wanted to warm her as quickly as possible and the one way to do that was... he hastily shed his clothes. Then he rid her of her garments and as if she realized his intentions she draped her arms around his neck and rested her head to his naked chest. He ran his hand down along her body savoring every familiar line and curve that excited him each time he touched her. Her skin was still chilled but it had lost that icy coldness, except for her feet. But by the time he got done with her, he expected them to be greatly improved.

  She pressed against him though not with her usual eagerness and he slipped his hand between her legs and wasn’t surprised to find her moist with desire. He hadn’t doubted that it wasn’t passion she lacked but rather strength. And the thought that even though she was exhausted, she wanted him, had his blood simmering all the more and his already engorged member thickening.

  With a swift scoop he picked her up and deposited her in bed and then he straddled her.

  “You are to do nothing,” he ordered and dropped down over her, his hands on either side of her head as he brought his mouth close to hers, “but enjoy and get warm.”

  Dawn managed a smile and her body shivered, though she wasn’t quite sure if it was from feeling chilled or the anticipation of what Cree intended to do to her.

  He kissed her ever so gently almost as if he was afraid she’d break, and then he straightened up and his hands reached out and began to caress her starting along her neck and working his way down over her shoulders. His hands were warm, his touch full of strength. He took his time, his hands moving down along one arm, digging his fingers into her flesh and then caressing it, until she felt the chill fade and warmth spread throw her limb. He gave the same attention to her other arm and then he focused on her chest.

  As soon as his large hands took hold of her breasts and kneaded them, she couldn’t stop herself from lifting her body just so, so that the thick, hard length of him rested perfectly between her legs teasing her senseless.

  He bent over her, his mouth capturing one nipple at a time and suckling it like a man who couldn’t get enough.

  He raised his head for a moment to say, “Damn, but you taste good.”

  He moved off her then and she frowned with disappointment but then his hands went to work on her legs and she sighed inwardly with pleasure. Her limbs had burned with the pain of trying to trudge through the snow with her extra burden. She closed her eyes and relished the way his strong fingers dug into her legs forcing the pain away. When he took hold of her foot she startled. But he paid her reaction no heed. He held her foot firmly, his thumbs pressing hard along the soles. And she thought she’d die from the pleasure.

  She was shocked when he turned her over, straddled her again and went to work on her back.

  He leaned down and whispered, “I’m going to have you more than once tonight and I’m going to make you come over and over and over. And you, my love, will be helpless to do anything about it.” He bit playfully at her ear and chuckled.

  He was right; she was helpless right now, much too tired to defend herself, and she didn’t want to. He could have his way with her and she would enjoy every moment of it, for it certainly had its benefits.

  He kneaded her buttocks and followed that with kisses and light bites that sent gooseflesh running over her. But when he slipped two fingers in and out of her, she thought she’d come in an instant, and only minutes later, she did.

  Cree knew as soon as she moved into the throes of a climax, her body bucked and tightened and when he thought she was almost finished, he turned her over, spread her legs and slipping his hands under each of her legs, he pulled her up against him so that he could slip easily into her.

  He wanted to come then and there, but he wasn’t done warming her or making her climax.

  Dawn felt the heat down to the tips of her toes and he certainly had kept his word about making her come, but if he thought she was helpless... he was wrong.

  She reached down as he drove into her and ran her fingers faintly across his sizeable sac and then cupped it in her hand and squeezed ever so slightly sending him over the edge.

  “Damn it, woman,” he groaned and she tightened around him as he exploded in a blinding climax that seemed to go on forever.

  When Cree’s senses finally returned he rolled off her and she was the one to pull the covers over them and cuddle against him. His arm wrapped around her and held her close demonstrating what his labored breathing won’t allow him to say, but what she deserved to hear... how very much he loved her?

  Chapter Ten

  Cree had guests to tend to but he didn’t want to leave Dawn. She slept comfortably against him as she always did and he felt at peace with her there beside him. And the thought that he loved her filled him with joy and fear. He had no idea how this plain, voiceless woman had worked her way into his heart, but she had, and now his heart belonged to her and always would.

  He was angry that she had gone off on her own to find Old Mary and he would let her know that she was never to do such a foolish thing again, though he doubted that would stop her. Dawn had courage that could not be contained. She was, in a way, like a warrior ready to take up arms and defend, only her weapon was her courage and he admired her for it.

  She stirred and cuddled closer, as if she couldn’t get close enough and he hugged her tighter, slipping his leg over hers and tucking it between his legs. His groin stirred against her warm skin, though couldn’t do much more since he had come so hard only a short time ago.

  He had never climaxed so hard and long in his life and he damn well looked forward to doing it again with Dawn. He could easily spend the rest of the evening here with her in bed but that wasn’t possible. His guests were probably already wondering where he was, though they no doubt knew what he was up to and that bothered him. He didn’t want anyone thinking any less of Dawn. But how did he stop that when he himself had made her his mistress?

  Damn if things hadn’t gotten complicated.

  He reluctantly climbed out of bed tucking the blanket around Dawn, pleased that her body was now nice and warm and she was ensconced safely in bed. He hoped she would remain asleep until he returned. Then she would be well rested and they could make love again and again.

  He smiled at the thought, leaned down, and lightly kissed her cheek and whispered, “Until later, my love.”

  It took him only a short time to dress, though longer to walk the short distance to the keep, the snow still falling furiously. He entered the keep stomping to remove the snow from his boots and swinging off his cloak and walked into the Great Hall to see Kirk and his son Torr deep in conversation. Their warriors were congregated at one table; eating, drinking, and talking. Some of Cree’s warriors were spread out across several tables and while they appeared engaged in much the same as the McClusky warriors he knew they kept a watchful eye on their guests.

  Cree didn’t expect trouble from the McClusky’s but he had taught his men to be prepared for the unexpected so that they would never be caught unaware, and the advice had saved them many a time.

  As Cree approached the dais Kirk turned away from his son and asked, “Is the voiceless one all right?”

  “Dawn is fine,” Cree said. He sat and filled a tankard with ale.

  “How odd that the woman has no voice at all,” Kirk said refilling his own tankard. “She makes not even the smallest sound?”

  Cree wondered over the man’s curiosity. What should it matter to him? Why was he interested in Dawn?

  “No sound,” Cree confirmed.

  “Though she does communicate well enough for one who cannot speak,” Torr said.

  It sounded as if Torr praised Dawn and Cree grew annoyed. Didn’t the fool recall that he had warned him that Dawn was his woman? Would he need to plant his fist in Torr’s face to make him realize he was to stay away from her?

  “Torr told me that though a woman interpreted for Dawn, he had had no trouble understanding her gestures,” Kirk said.r />
  “Dawn communicates better than most would expect,” Cree said with pride that was not lost to the two men.

  Their attentions were diverted when Sloan entered the hall with Bree tucked close to his side. He saw her to an empty table and sent Cree a nod as he filled a tankard with hot cider.

  Cree was about to call for fresh drink and food for the McCluskys when Flanna appeared with several servants. They got busy replacing the food on the table with fresh dishes and full pitchers of ale replaced the empty ones.

  He stood. “I’ll be a moment. Enjoy the food and drink.”

  “We are grateful for your generosity,” Kirk said and Cree noticed that as soon as he left the dais father and son were once again deep in whispered conversation.

  “How is Old Mary?” Cree asked as he approached the table.

  “She does well,” Sloan assured him. “Elsa says she is no worse off for her ordeal and simply needs rest.”

  Cree turned to the Bree who kept her head lowered out of respect or fear he wasn’t certain. “What were you doing outside the keep, Bree?”

  Bree’s head shot up and anger burned in Cree’s gut. The bruise she had suffered had turned worse and the spot where the welt had been was now darkening.

  “Please, my lord, I have no choice but to obey my mistress or suffer the consequences.”

  Sloan slipped onto the bench beside her and took her hand. “I’ve told you that Cree is a fair man and not the monster you think he is, no matter what your mistress has told you.”

  Cree was surprised by how gently Sloan spoke to the young lass and how he kept her hand clasped in his, as if he offered her protection against the infamous Cree. Sloan appeared genuinely concerned about her and Cree had to hold back a grin. Could the carefree Sloan actually be attracted to the meek lass?

  “Lucerne sent you to fetch the healer?” Cree asked.

  Bree shook her head. “To bring back a potion for her headache.”

  “Tell your lord the rest,” Sloan said continuing to hold her hand.


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