Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2)

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Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2) Page 14

by Donna Fletcher

He kissed her quick and laughed. “I love that you’re always willing and ready to make love.” He tugged her closer. “You are mine, always remember that.”

  She nodded, tapped his chest, and then her chest.

  “Are you telling me that I am yours and that I should always remember that?”

  She gave him one firm nod before kissing him.

  They lingered enjoying each other for a moment and then Cree stepped away with a growl and mumbled an oath as he headed to the door. He stopped, his hand on the latch, and turned his head to Dawn. “Lila knows all your secrets?”

  She scrunched her brow wondering why he would ask her such a thing.

  “I want you to feel as safe confiding in me as you do to Lila.”

  She patted her chest and nodded, letting him know that she did.

  “That doesn’t answer my question. “Does Lila know all your secrets?”

  Dawn gripped the sides of her skirt to prevent her hands from going protectively to her stomach where the babe nestled safely inside. She answered truthfully and shook her head.

  “But you do harbor a secret or why else would you clench your skirt so tightly?”

  She did not confirm or deny his question; she stood staring at him, her hands still gripping the sides of her skirt.

  “Later,” Cree said with a nod, “you will tell me this secret that makes you clench your hands in worry.”

  Dawn collapsed in a chair as soon as the door closed and wondered how she would keep her secret.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cree walked through the village with Sloan on their way to Old Mary’s. He also wanted to make certain that the guards had been posted strategically. He was pleased to see that they had been and that they were also unnoticeable. No one would be the wiser that more sentinels than usual were about.

  “So far the tracker has had no luck,” Sloan said. “Whoever it was covered their tracks well, but he hasn’t given up yet; Henry is determined.”

  “He usually is.” Cree scowled at Torr headed his way.

  “He’s a determined one too,” Sloan said with a nod in Torr’s direction.

  “An observant one too. His glance drifts as he walks and his pace slows when he notices something out of the ordinary. His eyes and senses are sharp. He’s a skilled, seasoned, and cunning warrior.”

  “You admire him,” Sloan said.

  “He may be an annoying thorn in my side that I want to pluck out and be rid of, but he is also the type of warrior you would rather have beside you in battle rather than across from you.”

  Cree stopped a few feet from Torr making him close the distance between them.

  “You post extra guards and make them inconspicuous, leaving father and I in the dark. Not a place a warrior wants to be,” Torr said and crossed his arms over his wide chest.

  “And tell me, Torr, how you and your father would react if I arrived at your home and suddenly things went awry. Would you be so welcoming and trusting?”

  Torr smiled. “I see your point, though I give you my solemn word that we mean harm to none here.”

  “While I believe that, I also must protect what is mine and until the situation is made clear, I will take precautions.”

  “As would I,” Torr admitted, “though please know that I would defend Dawn with my life.”

  “I have no doubt of it and I greatly appreciate it.”

  “Then you will grant me permission to visit with her now?” Torr asked maintaining his smile.

  “No,” Cree said bluntly. “She has had a trying day and rests, perhaps tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow then,” Torr said as if confirming it and walked off before Cree could respond.

  “He is similar to you in many ways,” Sloan said watching Torr walk off.

  “I don’t need another thorn in my other side.” Cree continued walking.

  Sloan laughed following alongside. “It’s thorn I am now? Well at least that’s better than some things you have called me.”

  They turned up the path to Old Mary’s door and knocked before entering. The old woman was filling three tankards with ale as they walked in.

  “I’ve been expecting you, sit, and join me,” she said, pointing to the fare on the table. “Dorrie brought me fresh bread and some fine cheese.”

  Sloan didn’t hesitate knowing Turbett had made it.

  Cree looked around.

  “Bree claimed she needed a walk; she was upset after returning from the keep,” she said, as if knowing his thoughts.

  Cree sat. “And what do you think of that?”

  “I think that many who have arrived here in Dowell recently are not what they seem to be. And you would be wise not to trust any newcomers.”

  “They can’t be all be bad,” Sloan said.

  “But they all, in their own way, play a part in it,” Old Mary said with a nod.

  “A part in what?” Sloan asked.

  Old Mary pressed her lips together and laid a gnarled finger against them, looked around, and then moved her hand away and whispered, “In the secret.”

  Sloan shivered and reached for his tankard.

  Old Mary grinned. “You do know that the woman you will fall in love with, your future wife, is now here.”

  Sloan choked, the ale spewing out of his mouth.

  Cree laughed. “And do you know who she is?”

  Old Mary’s smile disappeared in a flash and it was with a distinct voice neither man recognized that she said, “She is the one who will grant your wish.”

  A chill ran through Cree, though he did not shiver. He remained stoic. Sloan, however, openly shivered again.

  Cree knew enough of Old Mary that the woman would say only so much and no amount of prodding or threats would budge her, though Sloan certainly tried.

  “At least tell me something about this future wife of mine.”

  “She is sweet and loving.”

  Sloan grinned at Cree. “That says it all.”

  “She will give you sons and daughters.”

  Sloan’s brow shot up.

  “And one son will wed Cree’s only daughter.”

  Cree looked to the old woman.

  “You will be blessed with many sons.”

  He had to ask. “What of Dawn?”

  Old Mary shrugged. “She is not here so I cannot say.”

  “If I command you?” Cree said irritated.

  “I cannot tell what is not in front of me.” She yawned. “You must forgive me I grow tired and must rest.”

  Cree was beginning to realize that when the old woman didn’t want to say anymore she used fatigue as an excuse to get rid of her visitors. But there was not much he could do, for he knew she would not utter another word.

  He and Sloan bid her good day and left, both men remaining silent as they walked.

  Sloan stopped abruptly. “It can’t be that simple; it never is. What are we missing?”

  “I don’t know, but keep a vigilant eye on everyone that has recently arrived.”


  Dawn had no appetite, though the food Flanna had left looked appealing, she had no desire to eat. She had hoped Flanna would have more news, but the only thing she had to tell her was that the keep was abuzz with how Dawn had marched in and took command of the devil.

  That was not good. Add to that Cree wanting to know any secrets she kept and her stomach soured even more. She sighed silently, and then a thought struck her. If he found her asleep, he surely wouldn’t bother her, though he might tease her awake for them to make love, but at least he would not wake her to talk.

  It was too early to seek sleep now. The Great Hall would be having the evening meal and with guests present, Cree would not leave until the meal was done. She would give herself a quick wash and then bury herself beneath the warm blankets and go to sleep.

  She was pleased with her plan and the guard at her door gave her several buckets of snow that she filled in the pot that hung over the flames. She then quickly washed herself with the heated water,
keeping close to the hearth to stay warm.

  When she ran the cloth over her stomach, she stopped and gave thought to the babe nestled inside her. She would do anything to protect her child. Her mother had felt the same from what Old Mary had told her, and her mum had made the ultimate sacrifice to do just that... she gave her daughter away to protect her.

  It was difficult for Dawn to think of anyone other than the woman who raised her, as her mum. Her mum had been so good, loving, and patient with her and had taught her so very much. And yet she was curious about the woman who had given her birth and loved her enough to have sent her away.

  A chill ran through her and she hurried to finish and slip on the soft wool shift she had draped over the chair near the fireplace. Its warmth chased away her chill and not wanting to lose the comforting pleasure, she rushed into the other room and crawled beneath the covers. This time she sighed with contentment and snuggled her face into Cree’s pillow inhaling his enticing scent.

  Damn, but she missed him. She wished that he was there with her, his arms wrapped around her, holding her close, his fingers exploring her naked flesh, his lips tickling her ear with sinful whispers of what he intended to do to her. How he would make her come over and over. And how he loved the way she moved against him, as if she couldn’t get enough of him, always wanting more and more.

  She turned flopping on her back exasperated. If he was here right now, she would climb on top of him, ease herself down on him since when enlarged he was quite a size, a size that brought her endless pleasure. Then she would ride him until she...

  What was she thinking? She abruptly stopped from touching herself having realized what she was about to do. She didn’t need to feel herself to know that she was wet and throbbing for Cree to fill her. Whatever was the matter with her thinking such sinful thoughts? She should be ashamed of herself, but she wasn’t.

  She loved how Cree made her feel, loved the way her body surrendered to his every touch, loved when he slipped inside her and took her hard and fast or slow and easy. Then there were the times that he had her begging for mercy, tapping his arm harder and harder until he finally drove into her with such hard thrusts that she burst in two quick climaxes.

  Lord forgive her, she loved making love with the devil.

  She squirmed in bed suddenly feeling heated, her skin breaking out in a light sweat and it was then she realized that her hand had betrayed her and had drifted between her legs and she was touching herself. And it felt good.

  She kicked the covers off, discarded her night shift, and slipped her hand once again between her legs, though stopped when her palm grazed her tight little nub and sent a shiver through her. Dear lord, that felt good, though it didn’t compare with how it felt when Cree touched her there and the thought sent the nub throbbing mercilessly. She ached to feel more but should she dare? Was it allowed? But then who would stop her? Who would know? She would ease her ache and drift off into a peaceful sleep and forget her burdensome day.

  She spread her legs and began to explore.


  Cree had enough of everyone. There was only one person he wanted to be with right now and that was Dawn. He bid everyone good night and left the keep, his strides swift and determined. He had been thinking about her for most of the night and while he wanted to talk with her, he wanted to make love more.

  He intended for them to do just that... make love. Talking would wait until tomorrow. He wanted her, needed her, and damn well ached for her. He had grown hard thinking about her until he couldn’t stand it anymore. He would not last long. It would be a quick joining at first, perhaps they wouldn’t even make it to the bed chamber. He would bend her over the table and...

  Damn, he was ready to burst just thinking about making love to her, though taking her that fast was more like rutting. Damn, if the thought didn’t grow him even harder.

  When Cree arrived at the cottage, he dismissed the guard. There was no need for one at night. He kept the door latched tight and his sword close by. And the added guards throughout the village would keep a watchful eye from a distance.

  He entered and seeing the room empty, he feared her asleep. He walked over to the table and saw that the food had not been touched. Did she not feel well? Then he spotted the bucket and cloths and smiled. She had washed. She was ready and waiting for him. He slipped out of his garments as he walked to the other room and entered stark naked.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cree stopped, startled by what he saw. He shook his head briefly wondering if it was a mirage and he wasn’t truly seeing what he was seeing. Then when he realized the sight before him was real, his eyes grew ever wider and he grew even harder.

  Dawn’s naked body moved in a sensual rhythm as she pleasured herself. Her body bowed now and then as she responded to her own teasing touch. Her eyes were closed, how mouth open and damn if he couldn’t imagine hearing her silent sensuous moans. He had never seen anything more beautiful or anything more inviting.

  Her eyes suddenly sprang open and turned wide when she caught sight of him. Her flushed cheeks deepened in color. She was embarrassed for him to find her this way and yet he was enthralled with how he had found her and wanted her to know that.

  Before he could take a step, she surprised him even further... she smiled and held her hand out to him.

  She was inviting him to join her and damn if he didn’t feel like he’d come right there and then. He hurried to the bed stretching out alongside her and she took his hand and slipped it between her legs so that he could join her in the pleasure.

  He slipped his finger, along with hers, inside her and moaned. Then he turned to nibble along her ear and whisper, “You are the most beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, loving, generous woman I have ever met and I’ll kill anyone who dares to take you from me.”

  Dawn’s smile grew, his words touching her heart and tingling her already heightened senses. And then there was the way he had looked at her from the doorway, so hungry with want and all her embarrassment had faded away and all she wanted was him inside her.

  They were both so wound with passion that it didn’t take long for Cree to growl in her ear, “I cannot wait.”

  She agreed with repeated taps to his arm and he hurried over and into her with a forceful thrust that had her tossing her head back and lifting her hips to meet his welcoming and potent rhythm.

  It didn’t take long for them to climax and what climaxes they were. Dawn’s silent screams echoed in her head like never before and she tapped his arm repeatedly and so hard that she feared she’d leave him bruised. Cree let out a roar that had her smiling since she was sure it reverberated throughout the village. And it pleased her to know that she had been the cause for his outcry of pleasure.

  When finally the last ripples of release faded, Cree fell off her to lie beside her spent and unable to do anything but wait for his labored breathing to subside. Though their hands did find each other’s and locked tightly together, as if by holding on they could never be separated.

  There was so much he wanted to say to Dawn, so much for them to discuss but for the moment he simply wanted to lie beside her and linger in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

  Dawn couldn’t stop from smiling. She felt different, though she didn’t know why. Perhaps it was because she hadn’t waited for someone to tell her what to do or if what she chose to do was right. She had made her own decision, had taken charge and in a sense it had made her feel free, for the first time in her life. And she very much liked the feeling.

  It also gave her the courage to know that when the time came to tell Cree of the babe that no matter what happened she would do well; she would make sure of it. Not that she wanted to lose Cree; she wanted him in her life forever and besides it was because of him that she was able to gain a bit of independence. Without realizing it he had given her two precious gifts... a child and freedom.

  She turned ready to talk and found Cree sound asleep. She laid there staring at him. It was almost sinfu
l at how handsome he was. How one man should have such find features surely had to be a miracle?

  You are the most beautiful...

  Cree thought her beautiful and he had meant it, she had heard the sincerity in his voice. And oddly enough at that moment she had felt beautiful and never, ever in her life had she thought herself beautiful. Cree had given her the courage to feel that way about herself, another gift she was grateful for.

  She did not know what would happen between them, but she did know that she would never stop loving this man. She pulled the soft wool blanket over them and cuddled against him. Even in his sleep he sought her out, his muscled arm wrapping gently around her and tucking her close.

  Dawn fell asleep more content than she had in a long time.

  A pounding at the front door woke them both the next morning and had Cree mumbling several oaths as he slipped into his leggings before he yanked open the door.

  Sloan grinned. “Sorry to disturb, but a messenger arrived and there seems to be a problem with getting Gerwan and his party here, and I think it is advisable that you see to this one yourself.”

  Cree agreed reluctantly. “I’ll be right there.”

  He returned to Dawn who had donned her shift and was adding wood to the dwindling fire. Cree eased her aside and tended the fire until it blazed heating the small room. He then scooped her up and carried her back to bed, tucking her beneath the warm covers.

  “I must go, though reluctantly. I would much prefer to climb in bed beside you and spend the morning making love, but duty calls.”

  She gestured that she would see him later.

  He leaned down and kissed her briefly before whispering, “You can count on it.” He turned to leave, and then stopped, his hand going out and running down the side of her face, along her neck, continuing over her breast, her stomach, and slipping beneath her shift to stop between her legs. “I love the way you greeted me yesterday and hear me well, for it is the truth when I tell you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  He leaned down and kissed her again, as his fingers slipped inside her.


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