The Girl Who Cried War

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The Girl Who Cried War Page 4

by Heather Hildenbrand

  I’m gonna kill Lynch!

  “Met the mother-in-law, huh,” Lynch says as we rejoin the group. “Guess the only thing that’s left is to make it Instagram official.”

  I laugh. “The last time I asked Kash to appear on my Instagram, he threw me over his shoulder, tossed me out of a bar, and told me to stay away. I don’t think I can risk that kind of reaction this time.”

  “The only place I’ve ever wanted to toss you is in my bed. You know that, Pepper,” Kash whispers in my ear. My face burns, and I clear my throat as Kash chuckles.

  “There you are,” Talia says exasperatedly as she marches over to join us. “I thought ‘introduce her to someone’ was code for sex until I saw him standing here all alone,” she says, waving at Kaitlyn across the room.

  “See,” I hiss, and Kash chuckles.

  “Funny. Romy thought the same thing, but I was actually introducing her to my mother,” Kash says with a wicked grin.

  “How come you don’t ever introduce me to anyone?” Talia asks Lynch.

  “You want to meet my mama, Trouble? I’d introduce you to my pa, too, but he’s out on the farm. My ma, however, is right over there,” Lynch growls. “I’ll introduce you right now.”

  “What?” Talia stutters. “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  “Too late, woman,” Lynch says, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Out of the way people. I’m introducing my mama to Trouble.”

  The crowd parts, laughing at the spectacle Lynch is making. At the commotion, Girlfriend wakes up from her bacon-induced coma and barks, running after them. I scoop her up and nuzzle her against my neck before she gets caught up in the crossfire of the crazy going on.

  “Ma, come meet Trouble!” Lynch shouts as he makes his way to where Levi and the woman I’m assuming is Bev are helping lead Lina from the sunroom.

  Bev’s hair is the same shade of sandy blonde as Lynch, but that’s where the similarities end. Where Lynch is a mountain, tall and buff, his mother is his opposite, petite and fluffy. Her pale blue eyes hold his same kindness, but they’re lined with wrinkles like she’s spent far too many years laughing at his antics.

  I can’t even imagine what it would be like to raise a Lynch.

  Lynch deposits Talia in front of his mother, spinning her around and resting his elbows on her shoulders as he cups his face. “Ma, this is Trouble. Someday she’s gonna make an honest man outta me.”

  Bev shakes her head at her son. “Do you need help, honey?” she asks Talia. “Blink twice if he’s holding you here against your will.”

  Talia barks out a laugh, and Lynch lays a hand on his chest like she’s wounded him. “Really, Ma? That cuts deep.”

  “Well, honey, I have to love you. You’re my son. It’s the law. I just want to make sure this young lady has the option to run if she wants.”

  I choke back a laugh as Talia searches for a response.

  Slowly, conversations start back up around the room, giving Lynch, Talia, and Bev some privacy. My eyes land on Kaitlyn once again, and I wave, motioning for her to join us. Girlfriend wiggles, and the moment I put her down, she takes off for the bacon Justice is dangling at her from across the room.

  “How are you?” I ask, giving Kaitlyn a hug over a sleeping Hunter who’s cradled in her arms. “Ugh, he’s so cute. I can’t stand it. Can I hold him?”

  She smiles, handing him over to me. His tiny bald head peeks through the blankets, his arm shooting up so he can suck on his thumb. I startle at the sight of the tattoo on his chubby little wrist. Most of the girls have chosen to cover their tattoos, but not Kaitlyn. She must sense my question because she answers before I can even ask.

  “I’m grateful for you rescuing us and everything you’ve done to help us be comfortable. This baby shower is amazing...but I don’t want anyone to forget why we’re here,” she says, her voice like ice. “I would never give up Hunter, and if I had to do it all over again to keep him, I would. But I don’t want anyone to ever doubt that this wasn’t my choice. I may be making the best of the hand I was dealt, but that doesn’t mean that Brody and the rest of his werebros don’t deserve to answer for what they did.”

  Hearing her words ignites a fire in me, burning away the guilt I’ve felt these last few days for maiming Derek so harshly. It’s the stark reminder I need that Brody and his werebros are truly evil and don’t deserve sympathy.

  “You’re so brave, honey,” Anna says.

  Kash growls low in his throat. “Brody will pay for what he’s done. Make no mistake about that.”

  “Good.” Kaitlyn nods. “Did you guys find out anything new today?” she asks hesitantly.

  “Not really,” I sigh, swaying side to side as I rock Hunter. “More like we just confirmed Brody is the one responsible for more than we realized and that he’s been planning this a lot longer than we originally thought.”

  “With the help of some witch,” Kash mutters under his breath.

  “Oh, yeah. She’s a real piece of work,” Kaitlyn says, taking Hunter from my arms as he starts to fuss.

  Kash’s eyes snap to her. “You know the witch Brody is working with?” he asks.

  Kaitlyn bites her lip, nervous under Kash’s glare, and I elbow him.

  “Sorry about that,” I tell her with an encouraging smile that seems to help her relax.

  “I mean, I don’t know her, but I’ve had the displeasure of seeing her up close a few times. I was held the longest, so I was there each time she came to give one of the girls a new tattoo,” she says, motioning around the room to the other girls. “I even managed to make her bleed once. The day they did this to Hunter.” She trails her fingers over the tattoo that covers his tiny wrist.

  “How?” I ask, impressed.

  “I punched her,” Kaitlyn says, shrugging. “They made me go with Hunter when she put the mark on him. I tried to stop her.” Tears stream delicately down her cheeks, and she wipes them away furiously. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sound of him crying.”

  Kash has gone still behind me, and I reach a hand back to squeeze his.

  “Did Brody ever tell you her name?” I ask, bracing myself for what I’m sure will be a no. I sag as she shakes her head.

  “No–” she starts, then stops. “Wait. I think I remember Eric calling her Regina once?”

  Eric. The asshole werebro who got her pregnant in the first place.

  My pulse thunders at the horror of all she’s been through but also the name she just gave us. I know that name from somewhere. My brain itches as I try to remember where I heard it.

  Slowly, the memory surfaces.

  I’ll need to ask Regina to be sure. Brody’s voice floats through my mind, and I gasp.

  “I know that name!”

  “What do you mean, Pepper?” Kash asks, spinning me around so he can see my eyes.

  “When Brody kidnapped me, he was...questioning me...about the compound, and I accidentally told him something about the wards protecting your land.” My gaze falls to the floor. “I’m so sorry Kash. I didn’t mean to, and I forgot all about it.”

  “Pepper, breathe,” Kash says, rubbing the tops of my arms. “What did you tell him?”

  “He was so mad because I wouldn’t tell him anything about you, and I needed my phone so I could get a message out to you guys. He kept asking me how I got into the compound, and I told him we just drove in. He didn’t believe me at first, but Derek asked if it was possible to ward only against other wolves. Brody said he’d have to check with Regina.” I crumple. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tell them anything, I swear.”

  “Shh,” Kash says, pulling me into his chest. “You didn’t tell him anything important, Pepper. We’ll just have Birdie adjust the wards to keep out anyone not part of the Somerville pack. It will be fine.”

  I glance up at him through wet lashes. “Are you sure I didn’t put us in more danger?”

  “I’m sure,” he says, tucking me into his side before turning his attention
back to Kaitlyn.

  “Can you tell me anything else about this Regina?” he asks. What does she look like? Did you ever hear how they contact her? Anything at all?”

  Kaitlyn thinks for a minute. “I never heard anything about her, but I can tell you what she looks like. It’s kinda hard to forget the evil bitch.”

  “Anything you can tell us would be helpful,” Kash says.

  “Well, she’s thin with long black hair, dark eyes, and she’s covered in tattoos. I mean, covered. Not on her face but everywhere else.”

  My mouth drops open.

  “What’s the matter, Romy?” Anna asks.

  Kash glances down at me and frowns. “Do you know her?”

  I nod. “I think so. She sounds like the girl I saw Brody talking to at Hallowed Grounds a couple of months ago. I asked him about her because he and Anna had just started dating. He just brushed it off, so I let it go. I remember thinking there was no way she was his type, so I didn’t say anything.”

  Lynch and Talia rejoin us, the smiles dropping off their faces as they take in the state of our group.

  “What’s going on?” Lynch asks, immediately on alert.

  “It looks like we’re going on a coffee run,” Kash grinds out. “Turns out, witches love coffee.”

  Chapter 4

  Walking through the doors to Hallowed Grounds feels like a homecoming. I inhale the scent of coffee beans and scones and smile appreciatively. Talia and Lynch lead the way to the counter, but I fall back, scanning the employees for a familiar face.

  “Pepper, you okay?” Kash asks, coming up behind me.

  I spot James behind the counter then turn to Kash.

  “I’m good, but . . . can you wait for me at the table?” His brows knit and I add, “This will only work if you’re not standing over me.”


  He follows the direction of my glance and frowns at James currently frothing foam.

  When he looks back at me, his expression is amused.

  “Work your magic, Pepper,” he says then drops a quick kiss on my nose before sauntering off.

  “You have no idea,” I mutter and then join Talia and Lynch at the counter.

  “Kash isn’t going to stay for the show?” Talia asks, arching a brow.

  “This is not a show,” I say, scowling.

  She smirks. “Of course not. A show requires someone charging for admission.”

  “That’ll be ten fifty,” the cashier says.

  Talia winks at me then hands over her money. “I stand corrected.”

  “Is that the barista who has a crush on you?” Lynch stage-whispers.

  The cashier raises a brow but says nothing, and I can feel my face heating.

  “Would both of you kindly just shut the hell up?” I hiss.

  Talia laughs. “Come on, Double-O-Seven,” she says, shoving Lynch, and together they move away from the counter.

  I step up and place my order before sliding to the far end of the counter to wait.

  By the time my order’s up, I’ve nearly chewed all of the skin off my lip.

  The first time I tried this was way easier. Then again, the first time, I had no idea the guy I was stalking would end up in the corner booth, watching me flirt with James-the-too-nice-barista who has a penchant for handing out customer information illegally.

  It’s different with an audience, and my nerves know it.

  No wonder Talia roared like a dinosaur.

  “Tall Zombie for . . . Romy.” James looks up and smiles as he hands over my order. “Hey! It’s been a while. I was starting to worry you left us for one of those horrible chain stores.”

  I laugh awkwardly. “No, I’ve just been crazy busy. How are you?”

  “Can’t complain. You?”

  “Me neither.” I mean, I could, but I don’t.

  “You look fantastic,” he says. “Love what you’ve done with your hair.”

  By “done” I can only assume he means brushed. For once.

  “Thanks,” I say, “Hey, listen. Quick question for you.”

  He throws up his hands. “Oh no, if this is about that customer you asked about before, forget it. I shouldn’t have told you as much as I did.”

  “Of course not, it’s just that– I could use your help tracking down another friend.”

  I bat my lashes, and James falters.

  “Romy,” he groans, but I can see he’s going to cave. “Listen, if you get me fired, you have to put me up on your couch,” he jokes.

  “Deal.” I give him my best flirty smile, but it almost slips as I feel the full weight of Kash’s stare from across the room. I don’t even have to look at him to know he’s glaring at me right now, but he did say to work my magic.

  I keep my eyes and smile trained on James and decide not to tell him that my couch is currently Kash’s couch. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

  “So, who’s the lucky friend this time?” James asks. “Is he someone I know?”

  “She, actually.”

  “Romy,” he teases. “I had no idea.”

  He leans in, propping an elbow on the counter, and I take a step closer to the bar, playing right into James’ misconceptions. Hey, I may not bat for that particular team, but I can appreciate the female form as much as the next guy. Or girl. Especially if it gets me that witch’s address.

  “What’s her name?” he asks.

  “Regina,” I tell him. “Dark hair. Dark eyes. Covered in tattoos.”

  James’ smile widens. “You go for the bad girls, huh? Why am I not surprised?”

  I shrug like I can’t be bothered to divulge all my secrets.

  “So you know her?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah. I know exactly who you mean.”

  My heart thuds hard against my ribs as the energy Kash shoots my direction begins to make my skin tingle.

  This is not going to end well.

  Not for me and maybe not for James.

  “She didn’t happen to pay with a credit card slip, did she?” I ask, hoping like hell James hurries this up before Kash comes over and breaks his frothing hand.

  “No, she always pays in cash,” he says, and my shoulders sag a little at another dead end.

  “’re in luck.” He writes something on a napkin and slides it toward me. “She rented a house from a friend of mine recently. This is the address, but once again, you didn’t hear it from me.”

  I take the napkin and slide it into my pocket. “Got it. Thanks, James. This helps. A lot.”

  “Sure, I’m happy to do favors for my favorite Zombie drinker.” He winks, and I shake my head, on the verge of coming clean that the only favor I’ll ever be allowed to ask of him again is for extra foam, but a hand lands on my waist, spinning me around before I can say another word.

  “Pepper,” Kash says, his eyes narrowed on mine.

  “Kash.” I’m breathless from the sudden movement and can already feel my face flushing at the awareness that James is still standing directly behind me, watching me get manhandled.

  “Did you get lost, love?” Kash growls.

  “Not at all.” I try to step away from him, but his grip around my waist is firm.

  Between that and the territorial way he’s eyeing me, I decide to stay put.

  “Actually, James was just helping me out with our friend,” I say, hoping the reminder will make Kash rein in some of his alpha energy.

  “Is that right?” Kash murmurs.

  He glares at James whose eyes widen. Guess not.

  “You’re Kash. The guy . . . Listen, whatever Romy told you, we don’t give out our customers’ personal information. It was a coincidence. She found your receipt on the floor.”

  Kash’s eyes narrow again but for another reason this time.


  I’m so busted.

  Kash looks at me sharply. “We’re going to talk about this later,” he says, and I shoot James a traitorous look. From the corner of my eye, I see Talia and Lynch near the windo
w, doubled over in laughter.

  At a complete loss as to how to salvage the situation, I do the only thing I can think of.

  “Rawr,” I say in my best impression of Talia. “Triceratops.”

  A clatter sounds from the corner of the room, and I look over in time to see Talia begin furiously mopping up spilled coffee, tears streaming down her cheeks as she laughs at my expense.

  James looks utterly confused by everything that’s happening and mumbles something about making another drink before wandering off.

  Kash takes one look at me and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the door. “You. Me. Outside. Now.”

  Behind me, I can hear Talia explaining to the other customers, “It’s okay. His love language is Caveman.”

  Kash leads us around the side of the building and doesn’t stop until we’re completely removed from the street traffic or any other human that could possibly notice us. He backs me against the wall, his stance predatory.

  My belly flips.

  “Kash,” I warn.

  “Pepper, you are going to promise me right here and right now that there will be no more flirting. I don’t care what kind of information we need or what Brody’s done. Do you understand me?”

  He places a hand on either side of me, boxing me in.

  “Say you understand.”

  “Kash, breathe,” I say instead.

  He sucks in a long breath then exhales roughly. Leaning forward until we’re almost nose to nose, he repeats, “Say you understand, Pepper. Or I think I’ll lose my mind.”

  His tone is slightly pleading, and something about that–the way he’s asking me, not just demanding–makes him impossible to refuse.

  “I understand,” I say, caught up in the way his gaze pierces right through me.

  My skin heats.

  My belly flips.

  I press my hand to his cheek, very aware of how much I want him. And how much he wants me.

  Before I can stop him, he crushes his mouth to mine. His kisses are desperate, stealing my breath, so I don’t bother to point out that we’re outside or that someone could walk up at any moment. Instead, I let him pull me closer, enjoying the way his stubble rakes across my cheek as he deepens our kiss.


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