Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 79

by Thomas J. MacDonald

I have Savign's plan loaded in my data pad. I have authorized it, subject to George's approval. I also have her report on the current status of training and the projections for completion of her entire program.

  The Valhalla is actually positioned two and a half light years from the Examiner; a flight of seven hours at thirty percent; so, Nguyen, Helena and I will take my Admiral's Craft. That way I will still have all my assets at hand for work. We leave at midnight tonight; so, we will arrive on time for the meeting.


  "Can you put a bottle of a decent Beaujolais on my night table with two glasses and turn down the bed, please?' Though in the form of a question, it is really an order to Dave Angstrom who is still in charge of my personal staff. 'We'll be in the lounge until after the jump." I add.

  "Aye, sir!" He snaps out the response.

  "How're you doing, babe?" I quietly ask Helena; who is now showing a little and gets a bit tired if pushed too far.

  "I'm A-OK, Admiral." She responds with a giggle and a mock salute.

  Our vessel jumps precisely on time. Ten minutes into the flight, we rise and head for our quarters. After two glasses of wine each, we kiss and hug goodnight. There will be no fun tonight. We have to rise in five and a half hours and be in dress uniforms for the meeting, at eight hundred.


  "Admirals Brubacher reporting, sir!" We are both at attention in George's doorway with my COS.

  "Come in and relax. Don't stand on ceremony. We're alone for' - George looks at his data pad - 'probably another ten minutes. You're a bit early." He says as he motions us in. Moe is sitting across the desk from him. "Do either of you want a coffee and a sweet roll or anything else?" He asks.

  "No thanks, George," I respond and Helena echoes. The three of us acknowledge Moe. We each grab a seat on the left couch of the three in the conversation pit. He pulls an armchair closer to the table.

  "How are you both?" He asks. I turn to Helena.

  "Oh, I'm doing fine with the baby. He's still not interfering with my work. Hopefully, he won't be late; and, I'll be back at the helm by E-day." She says.

  "Don't push it. There will always be other E-Days. You have people who are competent and will follow your plan. Just make sure you're both healthy and ready; before, you return. We don't need to lose you for longer; because you think you're invulnerable.' George finishes and turns towards me. "And you? How are you doing Kurt?" He asks.

  "I am more apprehensive about the baby than I am about the coming battles. I am much like you. I am in my element when we are conducting tactical missions.' I respond. 'Having babies is much scarier!' I add as I swipe imaginary perspiration from my brow, in feigned panic. 'How're Marie and Atina?" I ask.

  "Fun - as always. You want to give me your plans, now?" George asks with a smile; as if, a happy memory flashed in his mind.

  "Sure.' I tap my data pad. 'There's a report and projections from Savign. Her tactical plan is there, too. You will also find my full plan with status reports and projections. I've approved it; along with Helena's and Urquhart's plans; subject to your authorization, of course." I finish as his system enunciates the reception of it.

  George swipes the screen; skimming the nearly one hundred pages in about ten minutes. Many years of experience and his innate abilities allow him to find the most pertinent information, quickly. "How're you doing Roh?" He glances over the pad to my COS.

  "I'm outstanding, Admiral. And, most happy I made the decision to work with Kurt; when, he took the Inspector General Branch. We have come a long way since those days." She observes.

  "Yes, we have, for sure.' He turns to me. 'I'll take another look, later; but, it looks satisfactory. It's approved, as is; subject to last minute changes for conditions. Savign is doing a great job. My CAGs all say she is a stickler for getting the training and rehearsals right. You sure picked the right person for that position." He finishes as he taps on his device; returning an approval to me; and, forwarding the document to Moe. We hear Moe's system chime.

  I send the approved one on to Roh. She taps out final approvals, in my name, to my subs; immediately, upon receipt.

  "Yes, she is adept; as is Brigadier Shellots. Your people just can't see his work!" We all laugh as there is a knock on the doorframe.

  "Your Theatre Commanders reporting, as ordered, sir!" Tom Stevens yelps for himself, José Coquinas and Palakiko.

  "Come in. Grab a refreshment; then, let's sit and go over the whole thing." He says with a smile; as he rises and moves a whiteboard into place. The three Admirals and their Chiefs of Staff all enter the space. It easily holds the eleven of us.

  "Can you send me your submissions; as you get yourselves situated?" He calls out to them. Each taps on their data pads. Admiral Bryant's Annunciator beeps three times.

  As George flips through the plans, the other Admirals grab a coffee and sit; each making small talk with Helena and me.

  Palakiko drops a bomb. "You heard about Tom, here, didn't you?" She says as Stevens' face turns various shades of hot pink and scarlet.

  "No, what's up?" Helena is always keen for gossip.

  "Do you want to tell them; or, should I?" Pal's tone is almost accusatory.

  "No, you can tell them. You'd think the damn world was ending; or, I was dying of something - quick." He mockingly spits with disgust.

  "Tom here has a gal." Pal is nearly squealing.

  "Who?" Helena nearly yells the question.

  "It's someone you both know well. In fact, Kurt hired her; and, you approved it when you were Phoenix Fleet Commander." She teases. There is a long silence.

  "You don't mean Anita Enzulio; do you?" Helena is squealing, now.

  "When?" I ask as I peer into Stevens' eyes.

  "I will ask her any day, now. I just have to screw up the courage." He swallows as he responds.

  "You face battles situations daily; but, you're afraid to ask a simple question?" I ask.

  "I'm just waiting for the right time," Stevens replies.

  "You know; before I asked Helena, I was delaying, and someone said to me; 'There is never a right time for anything. There is just a time. You throw a dart at a calendar to pick a date; and, you do it on that day' and that advice still fits the bill." I counsel.

  "Who said that?" Stevens asks in a tone that suggests he is pondering its implications.

  "King Edward told me that, on the eve of my promotion to Inspector General. He is most incisive." I add in a thoughtful tone.

  "I will consider it." Stevens counters.

  "Okay, I've read your plans. I made two changes to yours José. Otherwise, there all approved. So, let's review the overall approach. Once, I have it all in place, I will send you the appropriate orders.' Admiral Bryant says, half an hour later. 'Of course, I've only skimmed them - mostly the objectives and Fleet deployments. I'll give them a deeper examination; but, they look okay."

  George spends the next two hours drawing out the battle plan on the whiteboard; stopping to discuss it at various points. By the time we are finished, we have a great overall strategic blueprint and terrific subordinate tactical schemes.

  "Okay then, I think; we have a plan we can work with." George observes.

  "Excuse me, Admiral; but, I think we're still missing one thing." I inject.

  "What's that Kurt?" Bryant inquires quizzically; as if, racking his brain for the errant piece.

  "Sir, we concentrated on what we see as the main battle site. We have not considered the entire one hundred five light-year boundary. We need to know how things are changing at other points on the border, in detail. We could be planning a major battle for here; while the enemy is planning to attack in a pincer, from either end of the front." I explain.

  "Good point. I read Draco and Bootes Fleet reports daily; but, things could be happening outside of their field of visibility. What do you suggest?" Georg
e inquires.

  "Off the cuff, I think, we should ask Theatre Two to reinforce the line with additional forces; and, use covert vessels to monitor deeper inside CauDo space, for the next seven months. This enemy seems able to muster significant numbers of reserves; so, there could be a buildup elsewhere that; we haven't discovered; or, won't detect." I offer.

  "I agree. But, I think we'd better include the C&C, the SOD, and the King in this. Though cloaked, we'll have covert vessels in CauDo space, over a much wider area, than originally planned. One slip and the CauDo and the Inscrutables will suspect we're up to something.' George explains and looks to each subordinate as he adds; 'Anyway, I'll tend to it. It falls within the overall strategy; so, I'll incorporate it into the plan and advise the appropriate authorities. Anything else?" He asks in a tone suggesting he is looking to end the now three-hour long session. Heads nod negatively in response.

  We all sit, drinking coffee and talking, for another quarter-hour. Helena's pregnancy and Tom's paramour absorb the majority of the discourse. Then, we all beg leave; and, go.





  From:F. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To: Office of C&C Rigil Campus; HRM Edward Delnikov CIC; Sec. Of Def.

  C.C.Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB, All Fifth Mobile Commands

  Re:Current Border Situation

  Date:August 11, 2261


  We have completed development of a plan regarding the resolution of the above matter. I have forwarded the full plan, by VSP, for your examination and at least one countersigning C&C authorization.

  You will note a variation from our original discussions; in that, we must have some intelligence at both extreme ends of the border region being threatened. This will require moving two small covert forces into questionable sectors; as outlined in the blueprint.

  Since I felt this would require the approval of both the SOC and CIC, I forwarded a copy to them. Your speedy reply would be appreciated.

  Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant

  George knew it would take three and a half days for the message to get to its destination. VSP stands for Virtual Secure Protocol; and, is a system even more secure than our conventional encryption method. The transmission is broken into small packets enclosed in an encryption protocol. The receiving system has to be able to receive those, first; before, the message itself can go through the two-stage decryption process. The C&C would need up to two days to review it and confer with the CIC. Another three and a half days would be consumed returning a reply to him. At best, he would see it in a week. At worst, it could be ten days. In the meantime, they would go on with regional actions as if it was approved.

  Chapter 17 All Systems Are Go!

  Thursday, August 22, 2261

  "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." Jonas Salk

  We are all quite satisfied with our progress. IGB has been working on arching two forces into a battle site from above and below and landing in the formations we outlined in the plans. Coquinas has attached four of his fleets to ours; though, we are still leaving our two most untested ones, from Theatre Eleven and Theatre Thirteen, as our reserve. This is one aspect of the battle plan that could change with varying needs. For now, his command is situated with the rest of his Fleets back of the front lines, as a reserve for Theatre Nine; maintaining precise distances and orientations as they practice their wedge maneuvers.

  Theatre Ten works at forming the pincer arms five light-years apart and arcing forward and into the center. All warships are launching Raptors as fast as possible in formations that widen their corridor of coverage in their sector. In the meantime, Savign feels her forces understand the methods to be employed and is now concentrating on repetitive practice; so, it all becomes second nature.


  Aboard the Valhalla, Bryant is reading a memo he received - for the second time.


  Encrypted and Classified (top secret)


  From:Office of C&C Rigil; Edward 1 CIC; Secretary of Defense

  To:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Re: Your memo and plans submitted August 11, 2261

  Date:August 17, 2261


  We were stunned at the size of your submission; and, took a little extra time to fully comprehend it. The eight-hundred-page tender certainly takes everything into account. Regardless of the size, we have reached a consensus and approved it, as is; including the section you specifically referenced in your e-mail.

  However, the discussions of regions of operations, enemy forces and enemy tactics has burned an image into our minds that we had not envisioned before. In that light, we will all be visiting you to see this battle zone and no-man's-land, for ourselves. This is undoubtedly the biggest confrontation the Orion Empire has ever experienced; requiring the most extensive response. We feel that viewing it will help us understand it more completely.

  Please expect Flt. Admiral Stephenson and COS, Flt. Admiral Tonaka and COS, Admiral Nichols and COS, The Secretary of Defense and his Deputy and the six-member Defense Committee to accompany me to your position. We would appreciate a meeting with all your direct subordinates, immediately upon arrival; and, expect to spend five days with you before returning to Rigil. Most attendees will be accompanied by their significant other. We will arrive aboard the FSS Finland, August 26, 2261, at or about nineteen hundred hours.

  Admiral Nichols has kindly offered the Hercules Fleet as secure transportation; in light of the numbers of senior officials making the excursion.

  Your Friend,

  Edward Delnikov CIC

  George took the time to look over the returned submission for minor edits and alterations. There were no changes except the addition of approval boxes and appropriate codes and signatures on all necessary chapters and sections. So, he recorded it in his command log; and then turned to composing several memos. The one to King Edward would have to be beamed directly at the Finland. It would be easy to determine its course; but, would take some work to find its position within the vortex.


  Encrypted and Classified (top secret)

  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Edward I CIC; C&C, SOC - aboard the FSS Finland

  Re: Your response - my memo and plans submitted August 11, 2261

  Date:August 21, 2261

  Your Majesty,

  Thank you for your reply. We are moving forward with the training, practice and reconnaissance portions of our mission that were in doubt.

  We look forward to seeing all of you. It will be a real pleasure!

  Your Friend,

  Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant


  Encrypted and Classified (top secret)


  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Commander IGB; D.C. IGB; All Fifth Mobile RAC Commands; R. Adm. Savign

  Commander SOCC

  Re: Mission Plans

  Date:August 21, 2261


  Our plans have been approved in their entirety, as is. Please continue with all aspects you have been working on. Thank you for all the hard work on this effort.

  We will be visited by King Edward I; accompanied by my two C&C partners, Admiral Nichols, their Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Committee of the Orion Assembly on August 26, 2261. Please board the Valhalla, in full dress uniform, by no later than, seventeen hundred, that day. You are all expected to join the official receiving line; and, to attend a meeting with our guests, immediately after their arrival at eighteen hundred.

  Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Encrypted and Classified (top secret)


  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Commander IGB; D.C. IGB; R. Adm. Savign SOCC Commander

  Re: Mission Plans - Reconnaissance

  Date:August 21, 2261


  Our plans have been approved in their entirety, as is. You are now permitted to release covert vessels to remain under cloak and monitor a region behind enemy force, in CauDo space to verify or determine the position of the enemy home world.

  We will be visited by King Edward I and a party including the C&C. You and your Deputy Commander are to be aboard the Valhalla, in full dress uniform, by seventeen hundred hours, August 26, 2261. You will be required to join the greeting and receiving line; followed by a meeting we will conduct for the benefit of our guests.

  Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant


  Encrypted and Classified (top secret)


  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Commander Draco Fleet; Commander Bootes Fleet

  Re: Additional Reconnaissance

  Date:August 21, 2261


  An action approved by the C&C, SOD, Quadrant Two Command and CIC is pending and relates to your current duties; but, requires some additional participation.

  Please detach two covert vessels from each of your fleets and move them directly forward, under cloak to positions two light years outside Orion Federation Borders, in CauDo territory. Have them deploy covert long-range sensors within a half light-year radius of their vessels and continuously patrol a region from the line's end for five light-years towards its center. They are to monitor the Inscrutables' deployments for changes in position and strength behind the existing visible lines; until further notice. You are required to report twice daily on the status of enemy forces in your region.

  Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant


  For the next few days, all the practice drills continued as usual. Positioning was the most important thing, first. We designated an area in open space, roughly the projected size of the intended battle zone, as our mock target. Half the forces, at a time, would practice jumping into their desired corridor, on any given day. The other half would do the same the next day. That way, we were sure we always maintained enough coverage and reserve to deter the Inscrutables from making a sudden attack.


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