Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3) Page 3

by Finian Blake

  Adam noticed, “I think Alice made some progress with her issues. She seems to have warmed up to Edward more at least she is picking him up.”

  Anna was happy, “She even talked to you civilly this morning although Nadia seems a little distant toward Alice this morning. What do you think happened there?”

  Adam laughed, “Alice wanted the truth and she pulled some of her mother’s tricks on Nadia to find out what it was.”

  Anna smirked at the comment, and playfully swatted Alex. “Cassandra took some abuse, but it rolled off her back. She was not as close to Alice as Nadia is. Nadia and Alice use to go sailing with Gregory regularly. They were like sisters until Nadia was transferred to sniper school under Victor. Alice pushed Gregory hard to block Nadia’s transfer, but he could not do anything to stop it.” That sounded strange to Alex because the general seemed like a man that managed to get his way when he wanted to. “I told him to keep Nadia at the base. He said that he tried everything to keep her there, but nothing worked. Nadia went to Afghanistan. I found out later that Gregory was molesting her.”

  The fuel stop in Rochester went smoothly. Alex went to arrange for catering while the Lear was being serviced. Nadia walked with him to stretch her legs.

  “I hear that you did not want to transfer out of Gregory’s command. What happened?”

  A look of rage came over Nadia’s face, “Alice could not go sailing with us one day. I went alone with the general. After we were out away from land, he raped me. Then he transferred me to keep it secret from Anna. She would have killed him if she knew, so he sold me to Victor like a cow! Victor used me to keep him warm in the field. When he tired of me he sold me to another general at the spy school. They transferred me around to satisfy their needs!” Nadia was on the verge of a complete breakdown.

  “Is that when you left?” Nadia nodded her head.

  “I thought that you were going to do the same thing to me. Seraphina knew what was happening. She was watching me for Anna. When the arms deal came down Anna told Seraphina to claim the six of us, and get us out. We thought that you would be like the generals. I am not going to whore anymore!” Alex took her into the lounge to buy her a drink.

  “Go fix your make up nobody here has ever asked you to whore. I don’t want Alice to think that I beat up on you, for that stunt by the grill the other night.”

  “I am sorry about that. Alice made me do it.”

  “There was no harm done. She needed to know the truth,” Alex shrugged,

  Nadia was still upset, “I told her the truth about the Generals too. She insisted on hearing everything and I told her about everything, including all of their whoring. Gregory was a bastard and he should not have died that quickly. I was planning to kill him when the opportunity presented itself. I hope that he and the other bastards rot in hell.”

  “How is Susan treating you?” Nadia smiled at the thought of Susan and Lynn.

  “She treats us like gold. Nina and Filipa have married well and moved on. Their husbands are obscenely rich and they have found the great life. Irina and Lilia are mining the rich bastards for information. They are modeling for Sarah while they are going to Design School, and in their spare time they model for Arlene and Beth. She insists that they work both sides of the camera. Lynn has found several good investments for us and is investing the money. Frank gives us a percentage of each job so Angela and I are quite well off. Life at the Amazon Inn is good.”

  “The Amazon Inn,” Nadia looked surprised at Alex’s question.

  “Susan said that you named it. She told me that you would explain it.” Alex recalled his last conversation with Susan when he laughingly referred to the Inn as, the ‘Amazon Inn’ because the women were in charge.

  “The Amazons lived in a land that was ruled by women,” Alex shrugged. “They would use their men, and dispose of them when they served their purpose. It was a joke between Lynn, Susan and me.”

  “I would like that,” Nadia reflected.

  Alex laughed at the comment, “You already live there.” Nadia thought of Susan, Lynn, Suki, Angela and Sarah.

  “I guess you are right. I do live in Amazonia.” Nadia seemed to brighten at that thought. “Have you been used up?’

  “I hope not, I need to do a few things for my sons.”

  “Are you talking about Adam and Noah?” Alex looked surprised. Nadia continued. “Noah is Susan’s son and Adam is Lynn’s son. They are favorite sons in the land of women.” Nadia was smiling now. Alex felt that they should return to the aircraft. Susan’s perfect plan called for girls and he had to laugh at the idea of something that was not in the plan. The remainder of the flight was quiet except for Alice and Grace discussing the new clinic.

  They decided on a single story building with twenty thousand square feet of space. A court yard twenty by twenty square foot in the center of the building would give it a foot print of 25,000 square feet. This would leave 45,000 square feet for landscaping and parking on one lot. At seventy dollars a square foot for commercial earthquake construction. The building would cost 1.4 which would leave 4900,000 for furnishings. Alice was considering leasing some of the offices furnished to new doctors. Some of the really good interns were broke. She wanted to retain the x-ray clinic and lab for herself planning on just hiring a staff.

  The center lot would be a landscaped parking lot for tax purposes plus Alex wanted to keep his promise to park cars on that lot. The other lot could wait until Alice would have time to think of what should be done with it. Alex joined in on the end of the discussion.

  “You could go with a few common waiting rooms and have about four or five suites that could accommodate multiple doctors. Going with one building and a parking lot would give you some flexibility later. If need be you could go to a multiple story on the other side, but then a two story building would give you forty thousand square feet for three and a half million. You would be looking at eight, five thousand square foot suites for roughly three and a half million. With large suites you could accommodate multiple doctors that want to share office space and that would stabilize your occupancy.” Grace never appreciated Alex’s depth of experience until now.

  The Lear Jet cleared customs, and taxied over to the private terminal in Manchester parking next to the Caribou. Ralph and Roger were getting ready to make a run to Oman for Frank who was the head of security at the Inn. The baggage was transferred over and the Caribou took off for the short flight to the Inn. Susan met the plane with several golf carts. She went straight for Edward. Lynn was sitting on the cart with Noah and Adam. When they put the children together they looked like triplets. Anna joined Susan and Lynn. They passed the boys back and forth so much that Alex had to look closely to pick Edward out. Susan and Lynn went right to their request.

  “Anna, Lynn and I would like to borrow Alex. We want to go for girls. The doctor says that this is the perfect time to try.” A wicked smile came over Anna’s face.

  “I would like to try again too. Let us talk to the father of Amazonia, and give him the news.” Susan gave Anna a surprised stare at the Amazonia comment.

  “Sarah is shooting a commercial with Irina and Lilia. They help her up in the studio, and work for Beth and Arlene sewing to earn extra money while they attend design school.” She turned her attention to Alex. “Suki and Frank are using your house. They just got back from the middle-east. They will move out in a few hours.” Alex shook his head no.

  “We are only back here for a week or so. We will be happy with any open cottage.”

  “Then we will put you in the guest cottage next to your old home.” The cottage was already prepared. Susan knew that Alex would refuse the house. “Nadia and Angela living are above the garage in Frank’s old apartment. Frank wanted to keep skilled people in the high point. Irina and Lilia are using Suki’s old cottage. The training center is up and running. We put a lovely flower garden behind it with the stones in the center.” Francesca and her husband Frank went to the Founder’s cottage. Jeff and
Cassandra went to the Visual cottage and Susan put Grace in her personal guest cottage after hearing about Grace’s preferences, Susan and Lynn would entertain her personally. Alice was offered a cottage, but elected to stay with Nadia. There were still many recent revelations to catch up on.

  Once Susan put Edward down, Anna and Alex went off to the guest cottage. They went to the ‘Stone Garden’ immediately. Alex and Anna loaded Edward in the pram taking him with them. There was a large lavender bush planted behind Terri’s stone, next to Plumeria it was her favorite scent. Her favorite feather was incased in a plastic tube, tucked securely into a notch carved in the stone. There were some random weeds over Gregory’s grave with a brown patch in the grass in front of the stone being evident. There seemed to be an unpleasant smell when they moved within a few feet. Anna looked at the patch while Sarah explained, “Nadia comes here when it is quiet and pisses on Gregory’s marker. She told me what he did. I don’t blame her, but I asked her not to do it anyway. He was a bastard to her, but he was your husband.” Anna stopped at the marker for Hope Turner crying silently. Hope would have been Liz’s daughter if Anna had not killed her. Hope was an unintended consequence of Anna’s actions when she killed Liz. She was glad of the marker because it reminded her to consider her actions more carefully. They went back to the guest cottage to get some rest knowing that Edward would be in good hands with Susan and Lynn. They made love quietly, fading off to sleep afterward.

  Sarah called them at nine AM. They showered together with Edward and dressed for the day. Anna and Alex claimed Alice and went down to Beth and Arlene’s shop.

  When Alice arrived there, Beth started to remove Alice’s clothes. Alice insisted on Alex and Edward leaving. She would not be naked in front of Alex, or her brother even if he was one-year-old. Alex took Edward to Susan’s office. Noah was in a playpen and Alex placed Edward with him. The two boys seemed to understand that they were brothers. While Susan played with the boys Alex picked up the phone and talked to Arlene.

  “Alice is starting her career as a doctor. I would like her to have a complete professional and a personal wardrobe. Stop when you get to ten thousand Pounds. It will be your choice on color and material for the clothes that I purchase. When Grace comes down I will cover ten thousand pounds for her. My last request is for Nadia and Angela. I would like them treated as if they were my daughters.”

  “How much would you like to cover for them?”

  “I will go to ten thousand Pounds each.” Alex thought of another request. “Whenever you have time, make something for Noah and Adam. Lynn will handle the billing.”

  “What are the limits?”

  “There will be no limit for Adam or Noah and there is of course no limit for Anna. Please tell Anna to order what she likes.” Susan looked up to Alex from her paper work.

  “That is a lot of work for Beth and Arlene. They should be busy for a few months.”

  “I hope so. The way that I figure, it is less than a hundredth of what Lynn has earned for me in the last two years.” Susan wanted Lynn to come in anyway

  “Let me call Lynn in so we will check the actual figures.”

  Lynn brought Adam with her to the office followed by the ever present Shultz the German Shepard just a few feet behind her. Lynn placed Adam in the play pen. The children settled into playing almost instantly. Schultz took a guard position next to the play pen. He sniffed at Edward immediately accepting him. Lynn had Alex’s folder with her in case he asked any specific questions knowing that he would never question her.

  “With Francesca’s tips we have managed to double your holdings in the last two years. You are at 36 million Pounds, give or take a few thousand pounds. I have charged you the agreed upon usual commissions, and paid the taxes. Over the last two years, I have converted all of your money to a legal status, so without making any withdrawals, you are in excellent shape.”

  “I just purchased one hundred thousand Pounds worth of clothing from Beth and Arlene plus whatever they make for Noah, Adam and Edward.” Lynn took the opening.

  “Susan and I have been talking about trying for girls and we would like to keep the children as siblings. The doctor said that this was a perfect time to try.” Lynn opened his shirt and started working his nipples. Susan started nibbling on his ear lobes. The three of them ended up making love on the floor in a pile of clothing. Susan and Lynn did not bother dressing.

  “Leave Edward here, we will watch him for you. I believe Alice is finished with her fitting.” Alex was happy to postpone any discussion about ‘Mercury’. That discussion could wait until he finished catching up with old friends.

  Anna was doing her review with Arlene when Alex walked in. Alice blushed for her mother, but Anna jumped off the platform naked to hug Alex.

  “You said unlimited?”

  Alex confirmed his wishes, “I said that there would be no limit.” Arlene placed her hand over Anna’s shoulder. Alice was completely embarrassed by her mother’s lack of modesty. Anna returned to the platform spreading her legs and holding her arms away from her sides so that Arlene could finish her work.

  “Alice is much too sensitive,” Anna said laughingly to Alex. “She was embarrassed for me. For what you did I would screw you in front of Arlene.”

  Alice squawked in embarrassment, “If you need some privacy, I will leave.” Arlene decided to throw in her comments.

  “For the size of that order I would screw Alex in front of you.” Both women laughed heartily as Alex moved closer to the door.

  “I am going to meet Frank and Suki at the pub. Susan and Lynn have Edward. He is too young for the pub. Could you claim him on your way over?” Anna waved him off. Alex met Grace on the way out to the pub. “Anna is just finishing up. She was hoping that you would get here before she left. You need some guidance to get through the first fitting.” Grace gave Alex a funny look and went in the shop.”

  When Alex walked in the pub Suki, Alice, Angela and Nadia were sitting at a back table. Frank was standing at the bar having a pint, so Alex ordered a pint and took a leaning position next to Frank.

  “How are things going?”

  “We landed another big contract with an oil sheik in Oman. We are going to fly down in the Caribou with some weapons that Tom tuned up. It won’t be a ‘hot’ run. MI secured an export license for this load, so we are completely legal. Suki is going with me to do the electronics and I am bringing the “Old Men’ to Oman with the exception of Martin. Nadia and Angela will do the driving and security. They have both fit in perfectly. Sarah’s photo skills are priceless and she has proved to be skilled help for translating. The Amazons will take over security while we are gone. Nadia is a determined bodyguard and Angela is equally as fierce. Suki, Angela and Nadia have been training hard with us and they love to practice with the Dragunov rifles. Nadia is a hell of a sniper. She works with Tom in the gun shop all of the time. She is proving to be more than a fair hand running the milling equipment. I would hate to get on the wrong side of her. Nadia damaged Brent in training class just messing around. She is good with the physical work.”

  “MI has been cooperating with our contracts. They would rather see our influence than have the Sheiks go with the CIA and the ‘Yanks’. We have our export licenses and the SAS has been allowing some instructors to work with us as civilians. The boys just leave their identity tags at home and come with us on an approved extended leave, so our reserves are in long supply.”

  “How do the female guests like women doing their security?”

  “They love it especially when Nadia shows up. She is as strong as any man plus she is expert with close combat and small arms. The Russians used her as a sniper in Afghanistan. The Taliban hated her because she was a woman, and she hated them for what they did to women. She did one kill from a kilometer away with a Dragunov. The ‘Old Men’ honestly respect her. Nothing draws attention like a giant Amazon chauffer driving a Bentley Mulsanne. We sent her to driving school plus we added a few of our own touches
. Nadia is officially licensed as a bodyguard and even MI uses her periodically when something big is in the wind or they need a linguist. Did you know that she is fluent in five languages?”

  Anna walked into the pub with Grace who was still red faced from her fitting with Arlene.

  Grace was sputtering, “That was the most personal fitting that I have ever been through.”

  Alex laughed at the comment, “Wait until you get to know her. Arlene is more reserved with complete strangers.” Anna put her arms around Alex.

  “Susan told me that you already started working on Noah and Adam’s sister.” Anna was smiling, “We never discussed it.” She poked Alex firmly in the ribs as he started to answer.

  “You knew that I could not refuse that request.”

  Anna pushed, “What about my request?” Alex kissed her passionately.

  “Your requests are my first priorities,” Alex nodded toward Alice. “Do you think she will be happy about another sibling?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Alice makes her decisions. We will make ours.” Anna lifted her glass toward the table with Alice and the other ladies, in a toast. Only Alice did not lift her glass. “She can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.” Anna said with a frown. The phone behind the bar rang.

  “I am not here,” Alex joked. The bartender handed the phone to him. It was Susan and she was sounding a little excited.

  “‘Mercury’ called and asked for ‘Hermes’. He says that he knows you are here. Somebody named Laurita will call back in fifteen minutes.” The name, made Alex stand bolt upright.”

  “I will be right there.” He grabbed Anna by the hand dragging her out behind him. Anna had never seen him react like this.

  “What is it?”

  “This is the call that I am never supposed to get. Juan wants me to deliver a message.”

  “You promised me that you would stop gun running. You were done with that!”


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