Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3) Page 18

by Finian Blake

  “Put a few drops in Alex’s next drink when he finishes his tale. We can get his information, and I will kill him for you.” Laurita stroked the nylon on her leg. “I would like to choke him with this or bleed him out.” Alex came out of the toilet. Laurita kissed Anna deeply and whispered in her ear.

  “Do we have a deal?” Anna bit her lip and nodded her head. Alex sat down between them and they put their feet in his lap again. Anna prodded between his legs with her heels and Laurita did the same.

  “You have a story to finish.”

  “I went back to Chloe’s place and carefully worded a note to Mooney. Mooney was always cryptic with his messages, so I settled for a short note. LOWER WACKER DRIVE ENTRANCE OF THE WRIGLEY BUILDING 13:00 SHARP, LOOK FOR TWO MEN. BRING THE FORD. Mooney was sharp. He would understand the message. Rich would give him the rest of the plan when he showed up. He went upstairs and asked Chloe for the wheeled grocery basket that she used for her walk to the store. He drove to five different stores and bought out their entire stock of the Sun Times. Next he drove over to the bar and picked up John’s fourteen-year-old son Steven. John turned the bar over to his wife and went along driving to Mooney’s neighborhood. Rich gave Steven the instructions. He was to knock on each door and deliver a complimentary paper at each house. A special paper was to go to Mooney’s home. Steven got out of the car and started working his way down the block. He knocked on each door and asked the owners to subscribe to the Sun Times. When he rang the bell at Mooney’s house, Steven tried to hand Mooney the paper.

  “I would like to give you a complimentary paper and ask you to subscribe to the Sun Times.”

  Mooney was not in the mood to be bothered, “Beat it kid.”

  Steven worked up his courage, “Mooney take the paper.” The old man took a second look at the fourteen-year-old. “Page twenty-six is interesting.”

  Mooney opened the paper and saw an envelope in side. “Thanks kid, I will give it some thought.” Steven walked to his cart moving to the next house.

  The two agents in the car watched the kid work his way down the block. Ken and Mike were in the front seat. Ken wanted to make peace with Mike so he asked him to join the stake out. Mike was still itching flea bites from his stay in the cell. Three weeks in a Mexican jail had been the death of his humor. He had Montezuma’s revenge and had to crap every hour or less. They shaved his entire body for delousing and losing twenty-five pounds he looked like he had been a concentration camp survivor.

  “The next time you pull the raid, I will fly home and you can stay.”

  “We tried to get you back, but the Mexicans said that they didn’t have you. The Director took a large bite out of my ass over that one.”

  “Yea, well the Mexican fleas took a million bites out of my ass in jail. I was told never to return to Mexico again and I plan on taking that advice.”

  “What if there is an assignment down there?”

  “You can go. The Minister was not happy about me shooting two citizens.” Mike watched a young boy work his way down the block. He stopped at every house and handed the person that answered the door a paper. “What do we have here?”

  “It’s a paperboy.”

  “Do you think we should check him out?”

  “Mike, it’s a fourteen-year-old kid. Do you think he is a hit man?”

  “Fuck you. I am trying to do my job.” Mike got a strange look in his eye and started to leave the car.

  “Mike, are you really going to shake that kid down.”

  “Hell no, I have to shit. I have not had a solid dump in a few weeks. If I had to I could shit through a straw.” Mike scrambled to the car behind the stake out car and burned rubber down the street. Ken made up his mind to let Mike have the stakeout location in the alley garage. He could put a Port-a-Potty in the garage, and Mike could still help. Mike wanted to get anything he could on Mooney because the whole issue suddenly became deeply personal and those three weeks in jail had to pay off.

  Ken watched the boy walk back to the two-wheel cart, and go to the next house. Nothing blew up so the kid was not a hit man. He kept walking door to door all the way down the block. Rich picked him up on the corner. “Thanks”, Rich handed Steven two hundred bucks and gave eight hundred to John.

  “This is for his college fund.” John was surprised at the amount of money for such a small favor.

  “You said that this was a favor. I didn’t want any money.”

  “John, it was in the budget, and Steven is a good kid. I need to see my bride have a good one. Rich drove back to Chloe’s after dropping John and Steven off at the bar.

  Pat was not too happy. “We have a lot to do and you keep disappearing.”

  “I had to work. It may not seem like it, but I do have a job.” Pat knew that he was not a regular nine to five guy, but she still did not know what Rich did.

  “Alright you win, but I want the whole day tomorrow.”

  “In that case, I have one more errand to run to night. You can come along if you want. I will take you out to dinner.” Rich found a small box, and loaded it with sixty thousand from the stash. He showered and dressed. Rich called Wanda and they agreed to meet at a restaurant. He was early decided to wait at the table.

  “I didn’t know that you were bringing a date.” Wanda was surprised to see him with a girlfriend. She took the matter calmly.

  Rich thought quickly. “Mary, I would like you to meet my fiancée, Pat.”

  “Pat, I am sorry to interrupt your evening. Rich has something that I just had to have tonight. I think that I will pass on dinner and leave you two alone. Sometimes I get so involved with my little world that I forget that other people live in it too”

  “Mary, you don’t have to go.” Pat was looking for some indication of what Rich did.

  “You two need your time together.” Wanda scooped up the box and left.

  “Well, that was my last errand until Tuesday. Sunday is yours to plan.”

  “What was in the box?”

  “I am a courier. I deliver things.”

  “Was that drugs?”

  “No, it was cash,” Pat was floored.

  “The whole thing was cash?”


  The morning was taken up with church. Chloe spent a while talking to the Pastor on the church steps.

  “Pastor I have a confession to make.”

  “We can go inside.”

  “No, we can do it here,” Chloe looked at her daughter. “Pat is not really pregnant. I lied to get a better time.”

  “I am glad that you were lying,” The Pastor smiled. I always thought that Pat was a good girl. You are forgiven. How about you Pat? Do you forgive your mother?”

  “Of course I do. I love her.”

  “Then things are right again. Will you be able to make your class tomorrow, at seven?”

  Pat confirmed the appointment, “We will see you then.” She walked home with her family. Chloe was glad that she told the priest of her deception because Pat was a good girl. Chloe did not want anyone to have a bad impression of her daughter. She made up a picnic basket insisting on a family picnic. Pat was worried that Rich wanted to do something more active, but Rich loved the idea. It was nice to do something normal. Cyrus and Phil would have preferred something else, but were determined to humor Chloe. This may be the last chance for a family picnic for a while. They found a parking space not too far away from the Lincoln Park Zoo. Chloe sent the kids for a walk around Lincoln Park Lagoon in her mind they were still children.

  “Rich tell me what your plans are. You travel all over the world. Where are you taking my daughter on the honeymoon?”

  “I was thinking of the LA area. There is a lot to do and I don’t think that Pat has a passport.”

  “No, she doesn’t have one. How long were you thinking of going for?”

  “Oh, a few weeks or however much time that she can take off work.”

  “Were you going to let her work?”

  “That is up
to her. We have the option. I make plenty of money, but if she wants to keep working, she can.”

  “What about you? Are you going to keep doing the same thing?” Chloe was fishing.

  “No, I was thinking of changing professions.”

  “If you do that, you should leave this area. There are too many things here that will call you back.” Rich agreed with that statement. The odds were against him if he stayed in Chicago.

  “There is an area where I could make a fresh start. It is east of LA. Antelope Valley has some good land and I was thinking of doing some farming.”

  “Where is Antelope Valley?”

  “It is just west of Ontario California. The California aqueduct runs through it so there is good water. I looked around there a few times. There seems to be land available. It is a little expensive, but this has been a profitable deal.”

  “Tell me Rich, what does it look like?” Chloe pressed.

  “There are low mountains on both sides and for being in a desert it is fairly green. I could go through there on our honeymoon.”

  “Rich, I was raised on a farm. Our family lost it when the Turks confiscated our land.”

  “When we finish our honeymoon you can join us to have a look around.”

  “Do you have any pictures?”

  “Yes, I have some in my room. When we get home I will show them to you.” Rich knew that Chicago would be too hot for him after this. It was time to go underground. Pat and the boys returned. Chloe looked up at Pat.

  “Your new husband was making me home sick. He was telling me about a place in California that sounds exactly like the place where I grew up. I told him that I have to see it. I am so sick of the city. Pat did not like the sound of this. They enjoyed their picnic, and drove home.

  The second that they walked through the door Chloe pushed Rich to get his pictures out. He finally produced them handing them to Chloe.

  “That looks exactly like where I grew up. I have to see it in person.”

  “We will be in LA for a week. Why don’t you come out there before we head home?”

  Pat smelled a setup. “What a coincidence?” She shook her finger at her mother. “I smell a trap.”

  “Pat, you know that I am forever homesick.” Chloe gave her a sheepish smile. “I just want to have a look.”

  “Alright come out, after our honeymoon.” Pat loved her mother, but there were boundaries. It was Pat’s time to leave the nest, not bring it with her. She had been a good daughter all of these years. Rich took everyone out to dinner and Chloe escorted Rich to his room.

  “After all of these years, I want her to cross the finish line a good girl.”

  “Good night, Momma sweet dreams.” Chloe held on to one of the pictures as she went to sleep. It looked just like the home that she left when Cloe was six. She saw the Turk that shot her father seeing his face disappear when she pulled the trigger of her father’s shotgun as she closed her eyes. Chloe went to sleep with a smile on her face. She awoke with the picture stuck to her face. Rich may not be one of the good guys, but he was good for them. Chloe was sure of one thing. Rich would die to protect them. Seven more days, and her daughter would be married. Chloe could go to work on the boys after that and with their new jobs finding a suitable mate would be easy.

  Monday went quickly. Rich went in the stash running his figures and counting out the money. He went through two hundred ten thousand dollars. He went through things until both sides of the ledger balanced. Rich knew that Mooney would ask for an accounting. They never discussed his fee. Wednesday he would be finished and would settle things with Mooney. The day went quickly. Rich kept his appointment with the Pastor. The priest wanted a solid commitment to raise the children in the church. He asked Rich to sign a paper saying that he would adhere to his promise. This did not please Rich at all, since he always kept his word, but to move things along Rich signed wondering why the people who preached love and trust possessed the least amount. The pastor gave his blessing to the union, after the paper was signed both Rich and Pat returned home celebrating with the family.

  “Pat, I have a few things to do before the wedding. I will not be available for the next few days.”

  “We have so much to do. I would like your help.”

  “I need to finish some business before the wedding and I would hate to interrupt our honeymoon to finish this deal.”

  He could see that Pat was not happy, “All right finish your business, but there will be no work on our honeymoon.”

  Rich raised his right hand, “I swear that nothing will interfere with our honeymoon. I will be gone for the next few days.”

  Rich was up early, and went upstairs for coffee. Chloe was putting the dishes in the sink from the boy’s breakfast. They grabbed their coats and hurried out the door. Chloe poured his coffee and placed the picture he had given her earlier next to the cup.

  “This is really out there?” She stroked the back of Rich’s head.

  “Yes, I took the picture myself. It was off of highway 138 not far from Palm Dale.”

  “I would like to see this place. Were you serious about me meeting you out in California after your honeymoon?”

  “I will buy you a ticket this afternoon. We will meet you in Ontario one week from Sunday.” Chloe kissed him on top of the head, as she filled his cup on the table. She picked the picture up and slipped it in her bra next to her heart. Chloe was a country girl at heart, and the city held no attraction for her. Pat was up and came to breakfast in her robe, but the thin material did nothing to hide her curves. Rich found himself wishing that it were Sunday night. He kissed Pat tenderly.

  “I have to go. I will see you in a few days. Rich went back to the apartment grabbing the few things that he would need for the next few days. He did not want to return until the job was finished. He climbed in the Nova and drove off. He parked the Nova down the street from a CTA train station taking a train downtown and caught a cab to the Palmer House. It was eight thirty when he called the suite. Laurita answered the phone.

  “I have to talk to Juan.” There was an icy silence and no response. Juan picked up the receiver.

  “This is Juan.”

  “This is Rich. I have a priest coming to your room at ten. Have lunch with Laurita at eleven, and we will leave here at twelve to meet Mooney. Rich hung up the phone and walked off to kill some time. He wanted to give Juan as much quality time with his daughter as possible and if he were anywhere in sight it would ruin their time together. Rich showed up at the suite at twelve knocking sharply on the door, and Laurita answered.

  “What do you want?” Laurita said with a pained voice.

  “Daughter let him in the room!” Laurita swung the door open and admitted him with a pout.

  “Juan, are you sure that you will do this?” Juan showed irritation.

  “Laurita has been asking me not to do this all morning long. She was even rude to the priest. I want to end this soon.” He stood up slowly. It was obvious that he was in great pain.

  “I hate to rush you but we need to go.” Laurita ran to hug Juan. He groaned audibly. Rich stepped out of the room to give them privacy for their final goodbye. Juan stepped out of the room closing the door. Rich could hear crying on the other side of the door as they walked down the hall. Both men were silent until they reached the elevator.

  “Laurita is my favorite. This has been very hard on us both. I can no longer endure the pain, or the anticipation. We must get this done.” They exited the building and caught a cab.

  “I need the Lower Wacker drive entrance of the Wrigley Building.”

  “That would be the Lower Michigan Avenue entrance.” ‘Hermes’ had a moment of panic. He had told Mooney the Lower Wacker entrance. He looked at his watch, it was twelve ten. The cab let them out at the Wrigley Building at twelve twenty.

  “Enjoy your cruise.” ‘Hermes’ had forgotten that this was the point that the cruise boats left from. He paid him, and the cab drove off. ‘Hermes’ and Juan sweated
out the last ten minutes hoping that Rich’s error would not carry through. At twelve thirty exactly Mooney pulled up in the Ford. Rich helped Juan in the back seat, and climbed in the front seat. Mooney did not look happy.

  “You left me stewing for three weeks. What happened?”

  “I couldn’t take a chance on contacting you. That Snark you called wanted every detail. He even got to one of my contacts. I think Snark is playing you.”

  “He called me twice asking if he could do anything. He is my government contact and lets me know what they need. He works at the Assessor’s Office. It is a good cover and he can get any information he needs. You really pissed him off. He could not get anything on you.”

  “Well, he sure asked all of the wrong questions. I ended up putting his boy’s in the hospital. Have all of your operations with him been according to plan?”

  Mooney observed, “Come to think of it they have all been screwed up.”

  “Well, he got to the guy that is planting your information. He will know that you are not dead, and about your new identity.”

  “Security is your problem. You will have to do something.” Rich was a messenger not a hit man. He knew what Mooney meant when he said do something. There was no choice in this instance. “How are you going to finish this?” Mooney gave Rich a stone faced glare.

  Rich responded quickly, “You need to do the job in the house. I made arrangements to pick you up at six AM sharp. Wednesday is a street sweeping day. I will pull up and block the view of the car watching the house. You slip out and get in the car behind the sweeper.”

  “It sounds, too complicated. I will get out of the house. You can meet me down at the east end of the alley at six.” Rich opened his briefcase, and slid a silenced twenty-two along with extra ammunition across the seat. Mooney put a newspaper over the gun. Rich got out and Mooney drove off, burning rubber as he left.


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