Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3) Page 34

by Finian Blake

  Alice shivered, because she knew that they would never let her go. She had been the bait for a trap nothing more. She decided to risk testing Petra.

  “I knew you from our visits to Afghanistan. Why did you come here?”

  Petra saw no harm in answering, “Victor provided papers to get us here. The papers got us in the country. There were no Social Security cards and they could not stand much inspection, so we live here.” Alice decided to risk her anger.

  “Do you have an apartment upstairs?”

  “No, that is my apartment.” Petra pointed through the doorway.

  “You came to America and live in a basement never to see the sun. You are more of a prisoner than I am.” Petra yanked Alice’s hair painfully bringing Alice’s face an inch away from hers.

  “I am the prisoner that can end your life.” Alice decided to risk a little more.

  “My parents bought my papers and I have all that is required. They even transferred my education so that I could become a doctor. It can be done right.” Petra was shaking Alice by her hair. “Seraphina knows how to do this. Do you think that Victor will have her do that for you?” Petra stopped shaking Alice’s head. She knew that Alice was right. “How much has he paid you?” Petra looked down at the table. “You are doing this vile work for free! At least you were paid in Afghanistan.” Petra tipped Alice’s chair over backwards and started to storm off once again. “I can pay you and get your papers. Nobody has to know what you did here.” Petra put the heel of her shoe on Alice’s throat.

  “You are trying to tempt me,” she raged storming off. Victor and Valentina were still cheap. The other captives had no resources to tempt their captors, but Alice did. Petra stormed back in the room and put her foot on Alice’s throat again.

  “And Ivan…?”

  “Yes, Ivan too…”

  “How much…?”

  “Two hundred thousand each…” Petra removed her foot and stormed out of the room. She knew that Victor would probably be watching the monitors, but he was too cheap to wire in sound. She thought her little pretense of stepping on Alice’s throat would play on the monitor.

  Victor and Valentina were watching the monitor.

  “That bitch’s temper will screw up our deal with Anna. She could have damaged Alice. Even if we decide not to keep our word to Anna we will need Alice unmarked for auction. She is still a virgin and we can get good money out of her if she is unblemished. Petra has been keeping Tina for her personal use. I think that we need to auction Tina off tonight and Petra needs to move into the inventory. I don’t believe that she is reliable any more, but she will be good for a snuff. We can bleed her out. Have Ludmilla work something out for the party. I would like Petra to be surprised. We will include her in the auction.” Victor thought for a moment.

  “Ivan has been getting close to Petra. We need to get him out of the way while we set this up. Have him drive Margarita to pick up Anna and friends. He won’t know anything until we are down stairs with Petra in play if he objects we will give him to Lady Pain for a snuff as a gift. We need to completely restructure.”

  “Alright, Petra goes into inventory, and you are right we need to surprise Ivan with this one.” Valentina was beginning to wonder what Victor would do when he tired of her wondering if she should get to that point first.

  Anna, Nina and Sarah prepared for the evening. They slipped Beretta thirty-two caliber pistols in the hidden holster of the purse and a Makarov nine millimeter in behind that. Without the silencer both pistols would fit. With the sound proofed room the silencers were not necessary as a matter of fact some noise would be to her advantage. The Berettas were only a few ounces heavier than the silencers. They would be a good backup in case they found the Makarov pistols. The three CO2 charged darts fit in the purse flap. Nadia carried a straight razor in her boot and all of the women combed small vials of knock out drops in their hair hiding them in their clothing too. Anna had three sets of handcuffs in her purse. She would hand cuff Sarah and Nadia before they were picked up by Margarita since they could not afford any surprises.

  Frank loaded Suki, Angela, Tom and Brent in the van. They would hit the first building about an hour before hitting team Victor leaving them little room for error. Anna drove to the Grant Park garage. At the appointed time she slipped the handcuffs on Nadia and Sarah as a white delivery van with no side windows pulled up behind them. Margarita was in the back. Nadia noted that Ivan was driving. He got out of the van.

  “I will pat them down.” Margarita was pleased at the look of distain on the three women’s faces deciding to let Ivan have his fun. She was happy to see their outrage. He took his time running his hands slowly over their bodies and under their skirts. He hefted their purses looking inside finding the silenced 38 that was inside of Anna’s purse. He ran his fingers through their hair and looked inside their mouths.

  “It looks like they are clean.” He helped the women in the back of the van with Margarita and drove off. Anna was surprised that he only found the obvious gun. Ivan was much better than that. She had seen him do more complicated pat downs in Afghanistan. He drove out of the parking garage down Michigan Avenue and took a turn on to Lower Michigan circling the downtown area taking random turns checking his mirrors as he went. Ivan would drive around randomly for an hour as instructed by Victor before heading to the building.

  Frank started to move in on the first building. He dropped Angela and Suki off down the alley and waited. Peter was standing guard in the garage at the back of the six flat when he heard two shrill voices arguing. The garage door was open and he saw two girls fighting over a bicycle. They were rolling on the ground pulling each other’s hair trying to get away with it.

  Peter called up to Tanya. “Look out your window. You have to see this.” Tanya picked up her binoculars and looked down from their third floor apartment. Two young girls were fighting over a bike. One girl pushed the other to the ground tearing her tights. The oriental girl pulled the other by one of the pig tails on her head. They were both dressed in school uniforms that were green blazers and pleated plaid skirts. Both girls were kicking at each other with their patent leather flat shoes. They fell down rubbing dirt all over their white tights and clothes. Both girls had torn their blazers and skinned their knees.

  “Get them Peter. I want them up here.”

  “How do I do that?” Tanya waved Dennis to the window. He picked up a pair of binoculars and gazed on the scene.

  Dennis said, “They are fighting over a bicycle. Grab the bike and they will follow you in the garage. Just close the door when they follow you.” Tanya looked at Dennis. “Those young ladies should not be fighting. They need stern correction perhaps a bare bottom spanking.”

  Tanya jumped in, “No they need something that they will remember for the remainder of their short life.” Dennis and Tanya watched as Peter walked out of the garage taking hold of the bike. Both girls held on as Peter dragged the bicycle into the garage with the girls fiercely holding on to the bike as he closed the rollup door. One girl fell but held on to the bike. Both of the girls disappeared in the garage and Peter picked up the phone.

  “I have them both. I will prepare them for you.”

  “Take your time and hold them down there. We need time to prepare the game room.” Tanya ran to the closet and Dennis looked for his leather chaps and vest.

  When Peter turned from the phone he saw one of the girls holding a nine millimeter Makarov pistol with a silencer, and the oriental girl was holding a roll of tape.

  “Just relax and I will not have to shoot you,” the girl with the gun said in Russian. He started to move toward the girls. Angela fired a round into the work bench. There was just a dull thump as the pistol went off. “The next shot will be in your balls. Open the door now!” As soon as the door opened, Frank pulled the van in the garage and Peter closed the door again. He stepped out of the van wearing a full Russian military uniform. Frank started to unload equipment while the girls secured Peter with t
he tape. Frank and Suki remained silent while Angela issued the instructions. Peter looked at Frank’s boots. They were Russian military issue laced military style, and he was carrying a silenced AK 74. When Frank broke out the leg iron and handcuff combination they were the Russian version that Peter was familiar with since he was a jailer before he left Russia.

  “You are Spetsnaz?” Frank just pressed the pistol to his head without talking. Suki removed his jacket and cap handing them to Frank. Frank started to prepare Angela and Suki for the next step. They slipped their back packs off rubbing dirt on their faces and over their white blouses. Frank ran a pair of hand cuffs through the top loop of the back packs and cuffed their hands behind their backs. Next he pulled the hem of their skirts up under their arm pits exposing their tights.

  After twenty minutes the call came down to the garage. “Send them up. Linda and Roxanne will meet them at the kitchen door. Fix them so that they can’t run.” Tanya and Dennis looked down at the back door of the garage. One girl stood in the door way and turned around. Her back pack was cuffed to her hands and would bump the back of her legs as she walked. A pair of hands appeared from behind her and pulled her tights down to her knees. Tanya could detect no sign of body hair, so they must be young. “Look Denis pink ruffled panties how cute.” The first girl started walking to the kitchen door. The second was fixed the same way as she stood in the door way. They both wore their hair in pig tails and walked with difficulty with tears streaking the dirt on their faces. The combination of the backpack and the tights only allowed them to make short choppy steps. They were both wearing ruffled pink cotton panties under their tights and each girl had a piece of tape over her mouth.

  Tanya stroked Denis between his legs. “We will take the whole night with these two. Call Victor and tell him that we developed other plans. I will not be rushed. They both tore their tights. We will need to teach them a lesson that they will never forget as long as they live. We must be very strict with these two.” Tanya went to the closet and retrieved a pair of Rhinestone sandals. “Mistress Pain had several pairs of these made. They have little barbs set between the stones. This is the perfect time to try them out.” She lightly raked the toe of one shoe across Dennis’s chest causing him to wince in pain. She wiped the few drops of blood from his chest and put her finger to his lips. “They will give us enough blood to make ‘Bloody Marys’.”

  Dennis grabbed his leather jock strap, “I have a big lesson for them.” Tanya took a pair of hand cuffs from the shelf and cuffed his hands behind his back. She wanted him blind with lust when she turned him loose on their prey.

  “We can’t have you going too fast. I want to savor these two. I will make them do everything for you.”

  It was difficult for Angela and Suki to climb the stairs with the back packs and tights fixed as they were. Linda and Roxanne were threatening them as they slowly climbed the stairs. They were wearing thin bright red silk blouses, black spandex miniskirts, and bright red high heels. Frank rubbed a little onion juice in both the girls’ eyes so that tears were streaming down both of their cheeks.

  “Stupid sows, can’t you move faster.” Linda pushed Suki up the stairs slapping her bottom hard as she went, and Roxanne did the same for Angela. “If you don’t hurry I will beat your ass until it is the same color as my shoes.” When they reached the apartment, Tanya threw open the door. Suki and Angela stood with their heads down as tears mixed with the dirt staining their white blouses. Tanya had her hair pulled back in a tight bun and wore a black wool suit with an open jacket. She had on a transparent white blouse and bright red lingerie under the blouse. Tanya was going for the stern school teacher look. She wore her bright red lip stick and heavy makeup. The only thing that ruined the look was her Rhinestone sandals. “You girls should be ashamed of yourselves. You have ruined your clothes! Just look at your tights.” Tanya directed her attention to Roxanne. “Take them to the play room and have them kneel until we show up. Make them uncomfortable, but don’t touch their clothing. I want to correct them personally.” Tanya wanted to let them stew and let the anticipation build. “Remove the tape. Dennis wants to hear them beg.” Tanya wanted them out of their minds with fear.

  Linda and Roxanne walked them down to the game room having the girls kneel. They opened a cabinet on the wall and started to select various sex toys for Tanya to use. Suki and Angela knelt with their backpacks on their ankles. Both women flexed their wrists causing the hand cuffs to fall away slipping their hands in their backpacks pulling out the silenced Makarov pistols.

  Angela spoke in Russian. “You two bitches turn around.”

  After twenty minutes Tanya led the hand cuffed Dennis down the hall. “They are wearing bright pink panties with white bows. We may go well into the morning with those two. I am going to make Linda and Roxanne watch while they wait for their turn. Did you see the red on their cute little asses? They had fun with them on the way up.” Tanya threw open the door to see Suki and Angela kneeling in the center of the room, with their hands behind them. Linda and Roxanne were not to be seen. “Fighting in public, you girls need a lesson. You have mud all over you. I am going to teach you both a lesson that you will never forget as long as you live.” Both girls pulled their pistols at the same time.

  Angela spoke in Russian, “On your knees it is time for your lesson.” Angela sprung up and moved around behind them. She let her voice lose the little girl act and assume its natural tone. “Tanya you don’t remember me after that long cruise to Pakistan?” Tanya’s face flared with surprise as Angela poked her with the needle.

  “Angela…,” was all she could say as she fell to the floor. Suki took a full back swing with the syringe as she jabbed the needle deep into Dennis’s ass with his howl of pain pleasing her. Suki picked up the radio from her backpack.

  “Frank we have four down you are clear to enter. Angela is going to the third floor front room for the sniper.” Suki walked to the door of the front apartment and knocked. Except for the back pack she was fixed the same way as when she came up the stairs. When the man answered the door she smiled.

  “Tanya has a surprise for you in the playroom. Follow me to heaven.” The dumbfounded man followed her pink panties down the hall, until he felt a sharp jab with a needle from Suki who was hiding just outside the door. Angela cuffed him quickly.

  Frank was up the stairs with two bags with in minutes throwing a bag to the girls and starting to warm up the four infrared detection units. Suki and Angela changed into fatigues and combat boots. When they were thru, Angela slipped a hat on to hide her hair pulling her hair up underneath it. She hurried to the front window to take the snipers place ignoring the snipers rifle having brought a silenced Dragunov rifle with her. Suki raced down stairs to the basement, with an infrared detection unit. She swept methodically moving into the dormitory. There were two girls chained to their beds. Suki checked the rest of the room quickly before tending to the women. She ran out to the van grabbing two bright green sweat suits and had the girls put them on. The girls would need clothing for their trip to Wanda’s place and the bright green stood out so that identifying them would not be difficult. Everything rolled along quickly Frank and Brent went to work sweeping the house using the infrared units finding no one else. They wanted to free up two people in case the other team needed help. She put the Russian cuffs and leg irons on the five people upstairs and taped their mouths. After sweeping the building they went to work setting the charges. The building was rigged and ready to blow within thirty minutes. Troy’s plans took the guess work out of where to place the explosives. Brent helped Frank run a hose from the van up to the third floor. He would wait until the last minute to start the pump. Both buildings had to go at the same time and they did not want to take a chance on a random accident. Once things were set they started to interrogate the five people that they had subdued.

  It was time for Petra to wake Connie and Lori. She brought a couple of revealing dresses made of a thin material with a silver metall
ic look to it. The dresses had plunging neck lines and side slits up to the hips. They were provocative without being lewd. She looked in the bedroom at the two sleeping women. They were curled up, in each other’s arms. She backed out of the bedroom closed the door knocking loudly.

  After the third knock Connie answered, “We are up what time is it?”

  “Its five o’clock time to get ready for the party.” Connie and Lori arranged their robes and admitted Petra.

  “Valentina told me to pick something out for you that wasn’t too racy. I thought this might work.” Petra held the dresses out for inspection.

  “They are gorgeous.” Lori fingered the metallic material. “They seem very heavy for such thin material.”

  “That’s because they are metallic. I picked something floor length. We can handle the whore look with heavy makeup and accessories and I will help you with your hair and makeup. Ludmilla said that she would bring in something to eat while you two are preparing.” The girls bathed and Petra helped them do their nails and hair. She had both of them, try on their dresses to be sure they fit. Except for the color the dresses were identical. The deep plunge exposed their bras and the slit up the side went to the hip. Petra suggested that they go braless. They tried that and the plunge exposed too much breast. Petra produced some gold chains to hold the plunge together with Lori and Constance finally agreeing to the combination. When Ludmilla knocked on the door with their dinner, the girls slipped back into their robes to eat, and Petra left to get dressed. Her costume was a thin dark blue blouse and short skirt that barely covered the essentials. Petra buckled on a patent leather belt that had six handcuff pooches on it. She wore dark blue hose and high heeled boots with thin metal stiletto heels. Valentina called Petra to the office before she could knock on the apartment door.

  “I need Ludmilla in here as soon as possible. We have an extra guest of honor and she will need to make adjustments.”


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