Dying to Remember (The Station #2)

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Dying to Remember (The Station #2) Page 5

by Trish Marie Dawson

  "Yes, but…but I didn't force him to do anything. I just did my job. I tried to guide him and Abby the right way. I mean, that's what we all do, right?" Panic flows freely from my voice at the implication that I could have intentionally forced my will on either of my Assignments.

  Rush's steel-blue eyes travel coolly up and down my body, drinking me in with his next statement, "Ahh, but you did. Do you not remember?" With a wave of his hand, he seems eager to change the direction of the conversation. "That is not my concern right now. Your voice is meant to be heard. All of you are meant to be heard. I'm here simply as the keeper of balance. And I do not come back to this place often. Let's just say it has been a long while since my last visit. What fascinates me is how you did it. This young man…Sloan, is his name?" I nod in response and he smiles approvingly, "Yes, Sloan. See, your match with him is unique. Your connection with him is more than what it should have been. It is still there. I can feel it."

  I chew on the inside of my cheek, afraid to agree with him. For a moment, the light around Rush pulses brilliantly, making the blue of his eyes flash bright enough to blind. I have to glance away and when I do, I see Niles looking nervously at me. With a little shrug of the shoulders, I know he's just as clueless as I am.

  "What I do know, is that you can hear what others cannot, and they respond to you in a rather unique way. What I don't know, but very much want to, is if you, Piper Willow, can see what others cannot?" He stops finally, and watches my expression change from shock to confusion.

  "I can honestly say I have no idea what you are talking about." And it's true. Completely.

  Rush shifts slightly, lowering a leg back onto the floor so that he can rest his arm on his bent knee. He's lounging. I'm having the most bizarre conversation with what appears to be an alien, in all definition of the word, and the guy is simply lounging.

  "I believe that is not true," he says while lowering his leg and pushing off the ground. Even though he stands a good five feet away, he practically towers over me.

  "What do you mean?" The words stammer out of my mouth. I've returned to verbal inadequacies.

  He slowly crosses the gap between us, swinging his perfectly toned arms casually at his sides, and with each inch that he comes closer the fear in me rises. By the time he reaches me I have scrambled up to my feet.

  "There is no reason to panic, I am not here to hurt you," his smile seems reassuring, but the looming presence of his body proves otherwise. For the first time I take in the appearance of his white clothing carefully. The shirt and pants seem made out of a cotton-like material, draping comfortably on his form. Though loose, they seem to fit his height and width perfectly. But the outfit is so clean and wrinkle-free I wonder if it is something he has recently put on just for this meeting.

  "Clothing is not needed, outside of this place," he says softly.

  "Could you stop doing that? I've already had someone in my head, and honestly, it didn't work out so great for me," I say as I take a tiny step away from him.

  I'm shocked that his response is laughter and my feet move further backwards. "Clear your mind and use your words so that I have no need to travel through your thoughts," he says.

  Throwing my hands on my hips, I say, "Use my words? Do not talk to me like I'm a child!"

  For the first time, I believe I've surprised him. "I did not mean to upset you. But were you not just recently a child, in your own societal definition?"

  Anger courses through me, vibrating every fiber of my being. Taking a full step toward him, I jab my finger into his chest and push him back slightly. Ignoring the zap of energy that sparks from his upper body into my hand, I lash out at him with all the verbal insults I can muster. When I'm finished, I'm panting. And even more upset, because he's grinning at me.

  "You still have not answered my question," he says with a cock of his head and a crooked smile.

  "What the hell do you want to know?" I practically scream at him.

  "What is it that you see?" He watches me carefully, hoping for an answer that I'm sure I can't give him.

  "What I see is you and Niles, and this room." I don't even attempt to hide my irritation with him at all.

  "But what do you see beyond?" he presses.

  "I don't know what you're talking about!" I'm going to lose it. This must be what going mad feels like.

  As he studies my face with his crystalline eyes, I feel a blush creep into my cheeks. It seems today I can't keep my blood from flushing my skin, no matter who I'm talking to.

  "Of course you don't. But you will," he reaches out to push a loose strand of blonde hair off my face and the jolt of his touch sends a shiver from my head to my toes, "There is no person here at the Station that can see beyond. But I can. And soon I believe you will too."

  "I don't understand what you want. Really, I don't." I've told you everything I know.

  Seemingly satisfied with my answer, Rush bends down close to me so that only an inch of space separates our faces. This close, his eyes look like water. Not a fleck of color other than clear, ice-blue. I've never seen eyes like his before. It's almost like they were painted with a brush. With each word he speaks, his breath softly hits my cheek, "Oh, Piper Willow. You have much to learn. And that is why I am here. To teach you."


  "What is it that you think you need to teach me?" I back away from Rush once again, this time looking to Niles for some help. Knowing my thoughts aren't private at the moment, I concentrate on my voice and let it echo clearly through my mind. You're freaking me out. Totally.

  Niles moves toward us while Rush balks at me. He seems suddenly surprised and a bit confused. I try desperately to keep my head clear so that he doesn't hear me rejoicing at his sudden and obvious discomfort.

  "How about we take a break with this conversation? Maybe take a walk, get some fresh air?" Niles asks our visitor.

  I try desperately not to scowl at him. I know he is trying to help, but really? The air is the same here as it is 'outside'. And the only difference in the scenery is one water fountain and an overwhelming sense of dazzling ambiance. But I jump on it anyway. I need a break from 'The Keeper'.

  "Sounds great." I turn on the soles of my feet, walking quickly to the door. Just as I'm reaching out for the knob a hand touches my shoulder, making me gasp from the electrical current.

  "Before you go, I must ask you one thing," Rush says quietly behind me. His hand still rests on my shoulder and I feel him coursing through me. I'm not sure if I like the feeling or not.

  "What?" I hiss through my clenched teeth.

  "Why do I frighten you?"

  "You're joking, right?"

  "I do not joke, Piper Willow. At least, not here." Despite my annoyance with him, I search his eyes and see nothing but interest staring back at me.

  "Well, Rush, perhaps you should work on your bedside manner."

  I shrug his hand off my shoulder, breaking the connection between us and hurry through the door way out into the empty hall before he has another chance to stop me. I don't turn around to look back until I'm on the other side of the fountain with at least one hundred aimless people wandering between me and that…that…what is he? He's not a man. Obviously.


  I sit down on the ground with my back resting on the cool brick base of the fountain. Hoping no one I know finds me. I'm still shaking from my conversation with Rush. Now I really kick myself for not being a better Science student or missing out on Philosophy in college. Not that it matters. Not really. Nothing here - nothing at the Station would make sense to anyone still alive.

  "Crap," I say again.

  With my knees tucked up high and my chin resting on top of them, I'm staring straight ahead of me, and jump a little when the Station gate opens. A woman in a long and flowy pink nightgown passes through the gage with a clipboard in one hand. She has a look on her face I recognize; a forced smile that attempts to say 'Everything will be just fine,' but fails miserably. She just told someone th
ey were dead. There is no way to do that with a real smile.

  The thirty-something woman that falls in behind her is Hispanic with long and dark hair pulled back into a braid so that you can see the round shape of her face. She looks numb and dazed, not really taking in the people around her. She simply stares at the back of the Intake Specialist while the two of them move slowly toward the Admission's Department. Just another New Arrival.

  After looking at the faces of the people that are milling in and out of the buildings within my view, I wonder if as many of them leave as often as new people arrive at the Station. The whole set-up here flows without flaw. I wish I knew how it worked. How this whole place works. It dawns on me then that there is an individual here I could ask, and probably get the answers I seek.

  When I jump up, I turn to run back to the Staff building but collide right into his chest before moving two feet. The force of stumbling into him, combined with his static aura sends me flying backwards and had Rush not reached out to steady me, I would have fallen flat on my butt. He let's go of me the moment I regain my balance, as if he knows his touch on my skin is not wanted.

  Well, of course you know.

  With a tilt of his head, he turns away from me and smiles wryly. I notice that outside he does not glow as he did indoors. To anyone passing by, he must simply appear to be another one of us; another Volunteer or Staff member. There is a shine to his gaze though; a glossy sort of film that covers his eyes that anyone else might miss. I don't. And I try desperately not to stare at his eyes or the chiseled shape of his face while he speaks.

  "I told you I want to teach you. I did not expect to frighten you. If my approach was…shall we say, inappropriate, I do apologize," he pauses to gauge my reaction which is stunned silence, before he continues with a nod, "It's just that…your hormone levels suggested you might respond better if I was to engage in a more direct approach. I realize now, that might be due to recent events and…because of someone else."

  We stare at each other for at least a full minute before I laugh hard enough to draw the attention of everyone within fifty feet of us. His reaction is one I've yet to see; a shy smile plays at the corner of his lips and he briefly casts his ethereal eyes down to the ground.

  I attempt to stifle a laugh behind my hand. "Are you telling me…that was your version of flirting?" Rush's eyes sparkle slightly as he gives me a curt nod and a snicker escapes around my fingers before I have a chance to lower my hand.

  "It seems you aren't the only one in need of a little teaching around here," he says. "Perhaps we should just start over?" He sticks his hand out between us and I glance down at his long and slender fingers. "Hi, my name is Andurush and I'm very pleased to meet you, Piper."


  I'm no longer suspended from Volunteering. Niles informs me of this after he finds me hiding out in the Ones building. Rush wandered off after our talk at the fountain and thankfully it was in the opposite direction. I have no idea where he went and I tell myself I don't care. Working seems to be distracting me a little, enough at least to pretend I never met Rush. Since returning back to my job, I've assisted two children down the last Station hallway they will walk. One, an eleven year old girl who refused to speak to me, and the second a nine year old boy who wouldn't stop talking.

  When Niles shows up again, I'm tired and weary and not at all interested in another meeting of the minds. So it's a nice surprise when he tells me I can go back to being a Volunteer, but there is a catch.

  "Experiment? Did they actually use that word?"

  "Yes, they did. I found it surprising myself but in fairness it wasn't really our decision," Niles says.

  "Ah, I see. It's his doing. Rush?"

  Niles looks and sounds just as flustered as I feel. "I know it might not make sense but if you think about it, there is a bit of sensibility to what he suggests. How else will we know?"

  "How about trusting me to do my job, as I've been trained?"

  "It's not about the training, you know that Piper."

  "But they…he…wants to use me as a guinea pig, you said so yourself! I'm an experiment now, nothing more." I cross my arms over my chest indignantly.

  "Piper, aren't you even the least bit curious to see why things are different for you than, say, Kerry-Anne or Mallory, or the rest of us here?"

  Niles has a point, but I'm too stubborn to admit it out-loud. Instead, I grumble my way back into the Ones' playroom and hug each child goodbye with my most confidant smile. With groups of them running around the room chasing one another, it takes a lot longer than expected. Laney hugs me as well and tells me to come back whenever I want. I'm not sure she'll miss me, other than for my interest in being 'It' during endless games of tag, and my ability to hold the tears when I see each child off to what lies beyond. She's friendly, but you need a hard exterior to work with the children. I understand that now. Their comings and goings take a lot out of you emotionally.

  After we are back inside the Consignment Department, Niles waits for me to sign up for my next case. It seems like it's been forever since I was on assignment. And my last with Abby was such a success. Until I destroyed her Assignment Card. Even though I still feel badly about it, there's nothing that can be done. It's gone and I can't undo what happened. But I do wish I had not shattered it into a million pieces. To be fair, that wasn't entirely my fault and it was amazing I didn't fall to the ground shattering myself into a million pieces, after seeing Sloan in the Station.

  "Here you go," says a short, thin man with stiff and wiry hair.

  My next case is being sorted now. Feelings of apprehension twist around in my gut but I smile confidently at the nervous looking staff member and say my goodbyes with a nod and a wave. The glass pendant cools the palm of my hand while I stare down at the necklace. Carefully, I drape it around my neck and meet a smiling Niles by the volunteer board.

  Names flash across the wall; hundreds, thousands…more than I could count even if I stood there indefinitely, because the names shift and change as volunteers arrive and depart the Station. Niles is talking to another Intake Specialist as I dawdle at the board, completely lost in my thoughts when a familiar name flashes in front of me: SLOAN NASH, AWAITING ASSIGNMENT. What…already?!

  I spin around to look for him and spot him walking across the room, a worried expression on his handsome face. When he sees me, his features change and he greets me with a dazzling smile.


  "Sloan, hey. I just saw your name come up on the board."

  "Really? That was fast," he says as he leans closer to the board, searching for his name. I point it out to him, interestingly displayed just a few names over from mine.

  "This will be your first, then?" I ask.

  "Yeah. I won't lie, I'm nervous as hell."

  I bump his arm playfully with my elbow and say with a little laugh, "Ahh, come on. You'll do great."

  "Let's hope so."

  He smiles down at me and I realize we are standing only inches from each other, our arms almost touching, with my hand dangling just centimeters from his own. Resisting the urge to reach out and touch him, I run my hand through my hair instead, tossing it over my shoulder. After I do, I realize he's watching me carefully, studying my movements, staring at my hair as it falls back against my neck.

  I lick my lips, not to be seductive, but because my mouth is suddenly as dry as the Sahara desert and when I do, Sloan bites down on his lower lip before looking from my mouth to my eyes.

  "Piper, I…" he starts, but is interrupted by Niles and his friendly introduction.

  "Mr. Nash, what a pleasure," he says, leaning around me to shake Sloan's hand.

  "Hello, again. Mr. Abbott, right?"

  "Yes, but you can call me Niles, son."

  "Nice to see you again, Mr. uh, I mean, Niles."

  "I see you have your first case," Niles says with a hint of surprise in his voice.

  "Yeah, I guess Piper and I will be going out around the same time."

nbsp; I shift on my feet nervously as I look between the men as they talk. One is the equivalent of my after-life father figure and the other is the man of my dreams. Or at least, he was from my dreams but now he's here. Actually standing in front of me and I have no idea what to do about it.

  "Since you just signed up for your first case, I imagine Carlson should be around here someplace, yes?" Niles asks.

  "Oh, he was. But he said he had paperwork and he'd be back to show me the Depot room," Sloan answers Niles, but as he does, he looks down at me.

  An idea occurs to me and I jump on it before Niles has a chance to mess up my plan. "Why don't I show you? I mean, if you know where it is ahead of time, maybe it will help?"

  Niles smiles at me knowingly and I swear he's barely able to contain a wink before we part ways and he shuffles off to another part of the Consignment Department. I'm left standing in my pajamas next to the hottest guy in the room. Now what?

  "Shall we?" I gesture for him to follow me into the main hall and guide him down to the Depot room door. Right before we reach it, Sloan stops and places a heavy hand on my shoulder.

  After I turn around slowly, I find him directly behind me. "Just…can I have a second?" he asks.

  "Sure, take all the time you need," I answer, "I remember how nervous I was my first time. In fact, it felt pretty much the same way as it does now," I laugh.

  "No, no, that's not…I meant, can I have a second with you…alone?"

  Oh. Take all the seconds you want. My mouth has forgotten how to work again, so I simply nod my head and watch him as he watches me.

  "Piper, there's something I want to ask you," he starts, but a group of loud women come bursting out of a nearby room, forcing us to move apart as the ladies walk between us.


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