The Rancher's Nanny

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The Rancher's Nanny Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Most of my day I’m thinking about this sweet cunt,” he said. “It’s all I can think about. You’ve got such a pretty one.” He opened the lips of her pussy, running his fingers across her hair, then between her slit, teasing her, moving down and watching her take him. Her cunt opened up, accepting one, then two fingers. He groaned at the pretty sight. Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he ran his tongue around her clit before sucking the swollen bud into his mouth. The barn filled with the echoes of her pleasure, and he smiled, stroking, tasting, loving everything that she was.

  Only when he couldn’t stand it anymore did he slide his tongue down and tease her entrance. Gripping her thighs, he held her open and began to torment her pussy, running the tip around her entrance then slowly pushing inside. She shook in his grip, and the sounds of her moans when he fucked his tongue into her cunt were the most amazing he could ever remember hearing. She gave herself to him, his name constantly spilling from her lips.

  He held onto her ass, parting the flesh as he ravished her pussy. Using his teeth on her clit creating a blurred line between pain and pleasure. More of her arousal leaked out, and he coated his fingers, getting them slicked up.

  Drawing them from her cunt, he moved them between the crease of her ass.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice breathless, and he liked the sound.

  He found her anus and began to slick it up with her own cream. Running his fingers across her tight little asshole, he felt her tense up, and then slowly relax.

  Caleb didn’t push inside her. He took his time, drawing her arousal from her, driving her crazy as he refused to give her the orgasm that he knew she wanted more than anything. He wasn’t ready to give her exactly what she wanted yet.

  “You know, in most of those books that you like reading, I saw that you love a lot of anal play.” He pushed against that tight ring of muscles, and she gasped.

  “They’re just stories.”

  “Then tell me why your pussy is now drenched. You were wet when I was teasing you, but now that I’m touching your sweet asshole, you’re fucking hornier than ever before.”

  She gasped, and he didn’t hold back. Pushing his finger between those tight cheeks, the top entered her.


  Pressing a kiss to her stomach, he soothed her worries. He had no intention of hurting her, not ever. This was all about their own pleasure.

  Taking his time, he licked her pussy and worked his finger inside her tight asshole. He couldn’t wait to get his cock deep within her, but that would have to wait. Her pussy was calling to him, and he only wanted to get her excited, to get her curious.

  Pumping his finger into her ass, he brought her to the peak of orgasm, but didn’t let her over the edge. When she was close to coming, he stopped licking her, giving her time to get under control, and keeping his finger deep in her ass.

  “This isn’t fair,” she said, whimpering.

  He smiled. “My dick is still in my jeans, babe. Believe me, I’m going to be fucking you soon.” He didn’t trust himself not to come just at the sight of her losing control.

  Maddie gave all of herself. She never did anything by half, and he fucking loved it. Just like he loved her, and he couldn’t deny it.

  She gave him trust without asking for anything in return. After being used to a lot of women’s selfish behavior, especially that in his ex-wife, he was shocked by Maddie’s openness. He truly believed she’d been given to him as a gift, and he was going to treasure her.

  “Please,” she said. “I can’t take much more.”

  Running his tongue around her clit, he glided it down to tease over her entrance, tasting her. She was so wet.

  He began to work his finger in and out of her ass.

  She wriggled against him, or at least, as much as she could with her hands bound above her head.

  Caleb knew not to push too far, so he began to lick and suck at her pretty cunt, tasting her, relishing each moan. He didn’t stop, and he felt her arousal building once again as her ass tightened around his finger.

  He teased her with the prospect of not having her orgasm, keeping her there, and when he could no longer stand to wait, he hurtled her over the edge.

  She came hard, screaming his name, clutching the finger inside her ass, and shaking. The orgasm was one of the strongest he’d ever felt her have. Throughout it all, he didn’t stop licking her cunt, or finger-fucking her ass. His cock would be there soon, and when it was, she would know exactly who claimed her. There wouldn’t be a single doubt in his mind or in hers.

  If she thought for a second that he had any interest in Emily, she was fucking mistaken. Any man that picked Emily over her was a fucking idiot. Chad’s loss was his gain. There was no way he could have ever imagined having her as his nanny or anything if she’d been with Chad.

  He hated the thought of her being with anyone else but him. She belonged to him, just as he did to her.

  Pulling his finger from her ass, he pressed a kiss to her clit and moved toward the bucket of water he’d placed there. Washing his hands, he stood up and fixed the button of his jeans, opening it up, and sliding the denim across his rock-hard cock.

  When he wrapped his fingers around the length, the tip was already wet with his pre-cum. He worked his cream around the tip of his dick, and down, and he groaned. Even the touch of his own hand was more pleasure than he could bear.

  He let his cock go, and stepped in front of Maddie once more. He didn’t know why she tried to hide her body from him. She was so fucking sexy. He got it that some men loved slender women with protruding bones, but he wasn’t one of those men. He loved a woman with curves. Her rounded ass and stomach were a turn-on to him, as were her sexy cunt and full tits.

  She was, to him, the perfect woman.

  Gripping her ass, he lifted her up, and she didn’t fight him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him room to reach for his cock, and to run it between her slit. She was so wet.

  Pressing the tip of his cock against her, inch by glorious inch, he began to fill her, sliding his cock inside her until he was seated to the hilt within her.

  Tiny ripples of her cunt squeezed him, and he simply held still, basking in the aftershocks of her orgasm.

  When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he removed the blindfold from her eyes.

  Pulling out of her cunt, he began to rock inside her.

  She pressed her lips against his, and he fucked her as he took her kiss. The angle wasn’t there, so reaching up, he unbound her hands, and let her go. Moving her toward the table he’d placed in the barn, he lifted her up, and placed her down on top of it. He’d been preparing the barn for nearly a week.

  Spreading her legs open, he held the lips of her pussy apart, and placing his shaft on her slit, he bumped across her clit a couple of times before going to her cunt, and fucking inside her in one hard thrust.

  They both cried out together. He relished the sounds as he pounded her pussy. He’d secured the table to the floor so he didn’t have to worry about it pushing across the room.

  She stayed in place as he took her hard.

  Lifting her up, with his cock still inside her, he pulled her head down for a kiss. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  She was so fucking perfect, and all his. He didn’t want to let her go, and he had no intention of ever letting her get away.

  Pulling out of her, he spun her around, pressing her across the table so he could take her from behind. Again, he fucked her, only this time, he didn’t stop.

  The pleasure was so intense that it went to the next level. He held her hips tightly, plowing into her cunt. Watching her open up, taking him, was the best thing he’d ever seen, and with that image before him, he came, filling her cunt as he did so.

  The pleasure finally ebbed away, and with it the last of Caleb’s fight. Maddie was his woman. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  He couldn’t.

  He pulled out of her, and watched as his c
ream spilled from the lips of her pussy.

  Picking her up, he placed her on the table, stepping between her legs. He cupped her face, tilting her head back, and saw the pretty smile on her lips, which only made him smile, too.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “That I should clean the floor more often.” She ran her hands up his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck. “That was amazing.”

  “There’s a lot more of that to come.”

  He took possession of her mouth, and he knew he was a fallen man. There was no other woman more perfect for him. Maddie was it.

  Now, he just had to find a way for her to see that.

  Chapter Ten

  “I hate shopping,” Paige said, climbing out of the car.

  Maddie laughed, holding out her hand for the little girl to take, which she did, quite easily. “You love shopping. Besides, your dad’s birthday is Sunday. We’ve got to bake him a cake today without him seeing it.”

  The mention of baking made the little girl smile, and it completely stole her heart. “Chocolate is his favorite, and he loves strawberries. Do you think we can get him lots of them?”

  “I think we can have a look. Lots of strawberries. Lots of chocolate.” They grabbed the trolley, and Paige took the lead, holding onto the trolley as they entered the store. Maddie had a special dinner in mind, and with Mike, Martha, and their kids coming along with Granny, she wanted everything to be perfect. “What do you feed a rancher?” she asked.

  “Daddy likes steak. He loves it,” Paige said.

  She grabbed some vegetables, as they were always needed, before heading toward the meat counter. Paige once again took the lead, and pointed out Caleb’s favorite cut, which, of course, was tenderloin. Picking up two huge tenderloins, Maddie placed them in the basket and made her way toward the baking aisle. They already had a great deal of supplies at home, but with all the baking that Paige had been demanding they do for school, and for the few ranchers still working, she was low on a few basics.

  Paige was so cute to watch as she selected chocolate chips in many different varieties, along with different decorations and some flavorings.

  Maddie picked up a few birthday candles, and then they were off to pay. She was just heading to the checkout when her sister stepped in front of her.

  In the past few weeks she’d not given Emily any real thought. Caleb had eased her thoughts, and her insecurities had slowly begun to fall. Seeing her sister again though, she tensed up.

  “If it’s not the little homewrecker,” Emily said.

  “What do you want?” she asked. She didn’t have time for this, and the last thing she wanted was for Emily’s nasty words to touch Paige. She was used to the bile spilling from her sister, but not to an innocent girl.

  Emily folded her arms. “I just want to know what you think you’re doing.”

  “I’m shopping, and now I’m heading home.”

  “Home?” Emily snorted. “You don’t have a home. If you remember, I have the home you always wanted, with Chad.”

  Maddie tilted her head to the side and looked at her sister. “I never wanted that home, Emily. That’s all Chad’s, so believe me, I’m not missing out on anything.”

  Her sister grabbed the edge of the cart. “I don’t care what anyone says. You’re a fat, useless piece of shit, and all you’re ever good for is taking care of motherless brats. Ivory couldn’t stand living out on that ranch with Caleb. The only thing she had good to say about him was that he was good in the sack. He’s just using you until he can get a good thing. Maybe I should take a visit out to see him, and show him what a real woman could give him.”

  All of her life she’d been the butt of Emily’s jokes. She’d taken all the shit this woman had to dish out, and she’d accepted it, believing that she in some way deserved it. Staring at her spiteful sister, the disgust in her eyes, and hearing what she said, Maddie snapped.

  “He wouldn’t want your skinny, skanky ass, especially as he wouldn’t know what he’d catch seeing as you sleep with anything. Now, get out of my way.” She shoved the cart, only using some of her strength, but with the shove she gave, it was a warning. Never had she stood up to her sister. “Paige, sweetie, go ahead and get in the checkout line.” She waited for Paige to be out of sight. Grabbing her sister, she pinned her against the fridge. It was the first time she’d ever laid a hand on Emily. Her anger simmered beneath the surface. “You ever talk to Paige like that, even if you’re not talking to her, we will see who’d win in a little fight today when I’m not taking your punches. Do you understand?”

  Emily looked afraid.

  “Your days of treating me like shit are over. You’re not my sister, and you can tell Mom and Dad I want nothing to do with them. You’re all done for me. Chad’s welcome to you.” She released Emily, spinning on her heel and forcing a smile to her lips. She accepted Paige, who ran into her arms. Once they had paid, she placed their groceries in the car and they left the parking lot.

  Even as her hands shook a little, she was happy she’d done what she did.

  When she got home, there was no sign of Caleb. Instead of lingering on what Emily said, she got to work on making his cake. She put an apron on Paige, and they both got really messy.

  “Was that your sister?” Paige asked. “The nasty lady at the store?”

  “Yeah. That was Emily. She’s not very nice, is she?” Maddie said as they prepared the frosting. The cake was already out of the oven and cooling. A really dark, deep chocolate cake. It smelled amazing.

  “No. She said nasty things. Are sisters all like that?” Paige asked.

  Maddie handed Paige the bowl to continue working the butter and icing sugar together. “No, they’re not all like that. Some sisters are great.” She’d been unlucky to have one who actually wanted a baby sister. “Emily has never liked me, but you don’t worry about what she said, okay? It’s nothing about you. You’re perfect.”

  They finished decorating the cake, and once it was in the fridge, she found Paige staring at her. She was worried that she’d scared the little girl with her anger at Emily. “What’s wrong, honey?” she asked.

  “I want a brother or a sister. Do you think you and Daddy could get me one? I asked Nathan at school and he said mommies and daddies have to get them, and you never know what you’re going to get. You’re like my mommy, and I love you, Maddie. I wish I could call you Mommy.” Paige threw herself into her arms, and Maddie’s eyes filled with tears. That had to be one of the nicest things that anyone had ever said to her.

  “I love you, too,” Maddie said.

  “Will you think about it?” Paige asked.

  “Yes,” she said, not knowing what else to say. “Why don’t you go and get cleaned up?”

  Paige nodded and left the room.

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, Maddie pressed her hands against her face and felt totally alone.

  She gasped as arms surrounded her, and she saw Caleb staring down at her. “Did you hear?”

  “About what Paige wanted? Yes, I heard.”

  “She also met Emily today, and I’m so sorry that she heard some things she really shouldn’t have been allowed to hear.” The tears she’d tried to keep at bay spilled down her cheeks. “I stood up to her today.”

  “To Emily?”

  “Yes. She called Paige a motherless something, and then tried to make out that she’d make a play for you. That you needed a real woman, and I lost it. I had Paige wait in the checkout line.” She told him what happened between her and Emily, and she was trying not to freak out as she told him everything. “Do you hate me? Do you want me to leave?”

  The thought of leaving made her sick. She didn’t want to leave Paige or Caleb.

  He placed a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back, so she had no choice but to look at him.

  “I don’t want Emily. You’re the only woman I want, Maddie.”

  “I know. I know. I’m more worried about what this means to Pai

  “She wants a baby sister or brother.” He chuckled at that. “I’m wondering how far you’d be willing to go to give our girl exactly what she wants.”

  Maddie gasped, but didn’t have time to say anything more as his lips were on hers, silencing any protest.


  For his birthday Caleb had an amazing meal, a beautiful cake, spent time with his family, and had his woman by his side. It was the perfect birthday. What made it even more so was at the end of the evening he had one more gift to unwrap.

  Once Paige was in bed, he’d asked Maddie to go to his room and follow the directions he’d left for her there.

  He’d had a special delivery of lingerie, and he wanted not only to see it on her body, but also to remove it.

  After his birthday, Thanksgiving was around the corner, and this time, they all joined Mike and Martha for the event.

  Maddie hadn’t said anything to him about his suggestion of them having a baby, and he’d not brought it up.

  Of course, his mother now knew they were in a relationship as she’d come home early and found them both in a compromising position. Maddie had offered to leave, but he wasn’t going to accept that.

  His mother was really happy about that as well. She loved that he’d found someone, and especially someone she approved of.

  At the beginning of December, they were running low on supplies, so he and Mike trekked into town.

  “So, Mom is really excited, and is constantly talking about her new daughter-in-law,” Mike said.

  “Yeah, she really does love Maddie.” As did he.

  Last weekend, he finally got her to concede and move all of her belongings into his bedroom. Having her in his arms every single night was a dream come true for him. She was perfection, as far as he was concerned.

  He’d spend a few minutes each night watching her fall asleep. If she wasn’t already in his arms by then, once she was asleep, he pulled her close, and he could finally find peace.

  “What’s not to love? She likes you, which is a plus. Paige adores her, and we all know she wants to call Maddie Mom.”

  “I know.” He’d not asked Maddie about that yet. Ivory had given up all parental rights during the divorce. His lawyer had a contract drafted up, which stated Ivory’s displeasure at not only having kids, but also agreeing that she had no claim whatsoever to Paige, and that she would never try to fight for her.


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